Saturday, July 6, 2024


     I, the Kornerman, have always felt like our unique readers were a well knit "TEAM" that have each others back.

     I certainly can't do what we try to do every day/week etc. by myself. I bank on "Your" help.

     That's even more true today than ever. KWBG does a nice job but that's about all the "local" coverage we can count on. And, truthfully, even their death notices do not provide complete coverage.

     In the Korner, we've attempted to, as best we can, keep up-to-date on ALL death notices we can find, the loss of anyone that has any previous or current connection to Boone, plus  notices on people connected with the surrounding territory, Ogden, Madrid, Stratford, Luther etc.

      Some of the death notices we have provided, haven't and will never be found in any other local media outlet and have been sent to the Korner by members of our "team" and we sincerely thank anyone who has contributed in that way. Just recently Linda Bravard, Lester Ross, Loren Frazier via Dave Oppedahl have been providers of such information.

     So, don't hesitate to let us know if you have knowledge of deaths of former area residents that will, perhaps, never appear in any other local media outlet.

     Just email us at......... thank you.


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