Wednesday, October 31, 2018


     Looking ahead, starting in the Saturday edition, I think viewers will enjoy some mention of items that appear in a Boone Community Magazine that the Kornerman recently received from a friend.
     Lots of good Boone area historical information that I think you will find interesting.
     We received a copy of this magazine, circa 1927-28, which had a circulation of over 6,000 copies. It contains several monthly editions of the magazine.
     We can't print complete stories, which are quite lengthy, but we can post some highlights that should entertain some interest.
     Some thoughts from Vern Modeland, BHS-50. He wrote, "who can remember -- I'm sure to never forget -- the stories of fall's arrival the way it was in the 20's? My father, Lloyd, and his brothers, Fred, Lee and Raymond, used to welcome the chill, the leaden skies and the healthy ringing sound of big bells, instead of moaning horns along the C&NW right-of-way. The stories of how it used to be began to unfold too. One popular story with my family was, "when it rained steadily and the south-bound Canada Geese and other migrating birds mistook all that light reflecting from the pavement downtown for water?" "The birds could clog the intersection,"so went the story,"bringing through traffic downtown to a halt." It had to be true, it was in the paper in our town.
     After reading in the small print, the Boone Community School Board meeting minutes, of their generous contribution, I emailed congratulations to our very strong Korner supporters, John and Susan Kueck, in Minneapolis.
     The minutes indicated that approval had been given to the Kueck's to provide a new BHS scholarship to a deserving student.
     John replied to my email, "thanks - we are very blessed with the ability to pay back what was a great start that BHS and Boone, in general, through the Boone News Republican and Quinn Wire and Iron Works, experience gave me."
     Much varied material is available to the Kornerman via the internet and correspondence with numerous Korner viewers.
     Can't use all of it, of course, but sometimes a certain piece will catch "special" attention.
     The author of the following is unknown:

     I remember the corned beef of my childhood,
     and the bread we cut with a knife.
     When the children helped with the housework,
     and the men went to work, not the wife.

     The cheese never needed a fridge,
     and the bread was so crusty and hot.
     The children were seldom unhappy,
     and the wife was content with her lot.

     I remember the milk from the bottle,
     with the yummy cream on top.
     Our dinner came hot from the oven,
     and not from a freezer or shop.

     The kids were a lot more contented,
     they didn't need money for kicks.
     Just a game with their friends in the road,
     and sometimes the Saturday flicks

     I remember the shop on the corner,
     where biscuits for pennies were sold.
     Do you think I'm a bit too nostalgic?
     Or is it, I'm just getting old?

     Bathing was done in a wash tub,
     with plenty of rich foamy suds.
     But the ironing seemed never ending
     as Mum pressed everyone's 'duds.'

     I remember the slap on the backside
     and the taste of soap if I swore.
     Anorexia and diets weren't heard of
     and we hadn't much choice what we wore.

     Do you think that bruised our ego?
     or our initiative was destroyed?
     We ate what was put on the table
     and I think life was better enjoyed.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: John Munson Jr., 98, Boone. BHS-38. BJC and ISU. Navy vet. Married Charlene Smith of Ames in 1946. John was a man of many interests. He was a vocational education instructor, a grocer, a member of the Boone County Board of Supervisors for 12 years and the Boone County Sanitarian. A farmer, he operated a dairy herd and had a lifelong interest in the equine industry. Boone area survivors include his wife, Char, two daughters, Christi Winter and Julie Munson, all of Boone. Two sisters also survive.........Becky Santage Myers, 66, Boone. Born in Boone. BHS-70. Earned a nursing degree from DMACC and was an LPN at Westhaven until her retirement in 2017. She was married to Bill Spence and had two children prior to their divorce. She married Steve Myers in 1996. Boone area survivors include her husband, Steve, two kids, including Shana Mallas, and three step-children, including Natalie Hilsabeck, all three of Boone........Linda Lee Butcher, 78, Independence, MO..........Dalton Fisher, 87, Boone.........Stephen Thomas, 82, Ames/Westhaven. DM East HS and Grandview College grad. Navy reserves. Worked at ISU for 30 years. Married Marilyn Hokel in 1957. He was involved in the Boone shelter men's program for the homeless. Survivors include his wife of Ames, three sons, including Bruce Thomas of Boone, one daughter, Rhonda Keller, of rural Ames and a brother........David Weber, 82, Boone.......Florence Bloomberg, 91, Boone. Married John Bloomberg in 1949. John passed away in 1980. The couple had three children, including son Harold Bloomberg of Ogden.........Doris Merriam, 92, Ogden. Born on a farm near Boxholm. Attended Boxholm schools. Married Robert Merriam and they farmed in the Boxholm area until retirement in 1985 when they moved to Ogden. Doris moved to Westhaven in 2014. Survivors include two daughters, a son-in-law and a sister, Belva Vest, of Boone........Charles Roe, 85, Boone. Navy vet. Married Beverly Roof in 1953 and they had two children, a son, Douglas,  and a daughter, Brenda. Charles worked for Northwestern Bell for 35 years starting in Marshalltown in 1955. He was transferred to Boone in 1963. Later, he worked for Boone County Transportation for 26 years. His wife, two children and a brother survive.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments.......

Saturday, October 27, 2018


     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Charles Roe, 85, Boone.........Elia Perez Rodgers, 69,Ogden. She married Charles Rodgers in 1972 and the couple traveled during Charles U.S. Navy career. In retirement, the couple moved to Ogden. Elia worked at Ogden Manor and was an associate at Howe Elementary. Charles and two sons survive.........Ralph Junior Lansing, 84, Fort Dodge. Formerly of Perry........Pamela Peterson Creel, Huffman, TX. OHS-62. Dan Peterson of Ogden and Hazelle Nelson of Boone are her parents.........Marion Campbell Dunkelberger, 81, Des Moines. BHS-55. DMACC graduate, 1987. A son and two daughters survive. She was preceded in death by her husband, Richard Dunkelberger........Steven McNace, 54, Grimes. BHS-82.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......

Wednesday, October 24, 2018


      LATE BULLETIN: At Tuesday's District Court hearing concerning the Mamie Dowd Eisenhower home and Boone Count Historical Society, the Korner has been informed there was one major development. Apparently, the lawyers for each side came to an agreement that the home and artifacts pertaining to the home will not be for sale, at least, at the present time.
      At this time, no word has been received concerning the state audit of the Society that was called for recently by Boone Mayor John Slight.
      Richard Longworth, BHS-53, has responded to the mention in the last edition of Storm Lake newspaper icon, Art Cullen. Dick wrote, "thanks for the good piece on Art Cullen, the Pulitzer-Prize-winning editor and columnist for the Storm Lake Times, and for comparing the success of that amazing paper to the fate of our Boone News Republican, where you and I once labored in better days. I spent some time in Storm Lake when I was doing my book on the Midwest and I got to know Art, who knew his town inside out and was a terrific asset to it. Storm Lake is a meatpacking town with lots of Mexican immigrants, most of them from the same Mexican town, Santa Rita. On his own dime, Art went to Santa Rita and did long articles on the place, telling Storm Lake readers where their new neighbors came from and why they left. That's just plain good journalism."
     Dick added, "Storm Lake is smaller than Boone and much less prosperous. How can it support not one, but two twice-weekly papers, one of them a Pulitzer winner, when Boone, apparently, can't support one that even pretends to cover the town? The secret is that the Times is locally-owned by Art and his family, and so, is really committed to the community. It still gets a lot of local advertising. And mostly, it's necessary, even if it routinely steps on important local toes. You don't know what's going on in Storm Lake unless you read the Times. In return, the town supports it and as Art said in that Minneapolis Star Tribune piece you mentioned, "Unless communities support journalism, all the prizes in the world are worth what you can melt them down for." Maybe Boone isn't interested in supporting good journalism, and has got the paper - the BNR - that it deserves. I wonder if there's anybody in town with the funds and patience to start a good paper, knowing they'll probably lose both money and friends? Not easy. But necessary."
     Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, also remembers Art Cullen. He wrote, "I know Art well. He was a student at Storm Lake St. Mary's when I was there and his brother was a good basketball player for me. I've followed Art's career somewhat. Opinionated? I should say so."
     The Kornerman adds, "I've always understood that some blame for the BNR's demise does lie with a lack of support from subscribers and advertisers. HOWEVER, my main claim, in recent years, since the Schaub's sold the paper, is that no solid effort has been made to provide good enough local news coverage, the type that would entice both more subscribers and advertisers."
     Let's change course with a little humor. A look at some business signs.
     On a muffler shop "No appointment needed. We hear you coming."
     In a veterinarian's waiting room, "Be back in five minutes. Sit. Stay."
     On a Septic Tank truck, "Yesterday's Meals on Wheels."
     On a plumbers truck. "We repair what your husband fixed."
     On an electrician's truck. "Let us remove your shorts."
     Then too.......did you ever wonder......
     Why abbreviation is such a long word?
     Why is it doctor's call what they do, "practice?"
     Why is the guy who invests your money called a broker?
     Why is the time of day with the slowest traffic called a "rush hour?"
     Former Boone resident, Jacques Welin, 90, BHS-46, passed away a few months ago down south. It has now been learned that he will be buried beside his wife, Marilyn Lister Welin, at Linwood Park Cemetery in Boone this Saturday, October 27. A service will be held at Stark Welin at 2 p.m., followed by the burial.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Ardeth Nadine Chesnut, 95, Boone........David Smelcer, 68, Zearing. Formerly of Boone. A truck driver. Boone area survivors include his mother, Adeline Hilts, and four children........Donnie Green, 66, Fraser. He married Julie Wilson and they were later divorced. He worked at the turkey processing plant in Ellsworth and was a truck driver. Boone area survivors include his long time companion, Susan Drake, of Fraser, a daughter, Monica Green, and  son, Kurtis Green, both of Boone.  Also surviving are two sisters, including Tina Myers  of Boone and Susan Drake's sons, Zach and Jake Kochel, both of Boone........Bonnie Kruse Kingsbury, 89, Boone. Born in Ogden. OHS-47. She married Carroll Kingsbury in 1950 and he passed away in 1997. She was a homemaker and a long time cook at Westhaven until retirement in 2006. There were four children, including two daughters, including Rosalie Rysavy of Boone. Also surviving are two sisters, Sharon Sharp and Charlene Brice, both of Boone.........Richard Rash, 88, Des Moines. Boone area survivor is a son, Mike Rash, of Ogden.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments........


Saturday, October 20, 2018


     Here's the latest on the Boone County Historical Society fiasco.
     As you, perhaps, know, four Boone residents have filed suit in District Court asking for answers to many questions concerning the operation of the Society.
     On Tuesday, October 23, that quartet, and many others, will have their initial day "in court."
     They are asking their supporters to be there as "respectful" observers, not really knowing how long the hearing will last. Maybe an hour, perhaps the entire day.
     Those planning to attend are asked to arrive no earlier than 8:45 a.m. but are also warned that late arrivals may not be admitted.
     The Kornerman saw a familiar face on Des Moines television recently.
     Mike Wallace, BHS-77, the son of Hank and Rosie Wallace, was being interviewed as an official of the Dallas County Conservation Commission.
     I recognized him right away.......reminded me a lot of former Boone County Sheriff, Hank.
     The interview had something to do with some trails in Dallas County.
     An item sent to the Korner by Karen Anderson couldn't have been more timely. When Karen saw it in a Sunday newspaper she said, "I thought of you."
     It was a story written by Stephen Lyons and appeared in the Minneapolis/St Paul Star Tribune and was all about Art Cullen of Storm Lake, a small town newspaper owner/publisher, who is a recent Pulitzer Prize winner. He was cited in 2017 for his editorial writing in the Storm Lake Times, a twice-weekly paper with a circulation of 3,000.
     Cullen's sharp opinions often draw the ire of politicians of both parties. A Republican member of the Board of Supervisors was quoted as saying, "if Art says "do something" we'll do the opposite" and when the award to Cullen was announced, a Democratic member of the Board said, "I guess if you tell lies long enough, they become the truth in  the mind of the teller."
     Anyway, much of the story tells of Cullen's take on the demise of newspapers and general downward trajectory of many rural Midwestern cities.
     P.S. His newspaper's motto is, "Print the truth and raise hell."
     That certainly brings to mind the current status of the demise of our own Boonetown newspaper.
     The end of a REAL local newspaper is at hand.
     The Thursday only edition of the Boone News Republican is still available but, as noted in the most recent editions, any notion of REAL Boone news has disappeared. Some obituaries are still available but not much else. In fact, for quite some time, there hasn't even been a Boone-based Managing Editor.
     Those in charge have been obvious in their pushing of a Mid-Iowa newspaper. Our latest Boone edition provided front page stories of some vandalism in Ames, some future planning of the Roland-Story school board and the fact that Energy Secretary Rick Perry visited the Ames laboratory.
     Inside pages featured Nevada, Woodward and Perry news.
     If I were a bit younger, the old Kornerman would, somehow, pick up the "mantle" and in these pages or some other venue, attempt to provide some REAL Boone news.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: None to report today.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......

Wednesday, October 17, 2018


     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Brad Anderson, 50, Boone. BHS-87. Married Shannon Hilsabeck in 1990. Worked at Gates and ISU. Boone area survivors include his wife, Shannon, a daughter, Autumn Anderson, and his mother, Rhonda Trapp Karr all of Boone. Also surviving are two sisters, his mother-in-law and father-in-law, Virgil and Martha Hilsabeck, of Boone and brothers, Kurt and Matt Hilsabeck of Boone........Duane Bricker, 90, Dayton. Formerly of Boone. Dayton HS-46. Married Velma Nelson in 1956. She passed away in 2008. Was a National Guardsman. Operated a service station in Boone, also worked for Thompson Distribution, Western Auto and from 1963 to retirement in 1990 for Fareway. Two sons, including Joe Bricker of Boone, and a sister survive..........John Richard Ladurini, 83, Grimes. Survivors include a sister, Lorraine Madison, of Madrid........Kelley Kae Kusel, 56, Madrid. MHS-80. Worked for Waste Management in Des Moines, was then self-employed and worked for Ditch Witch in Huxley. Married John Kusel in Boone in 1994. Survivors include her husband, a son, her mother, Leora Sowder, twin-sister, Shelby Sowder, a brother, Bill, and a sister, Lori, and Joshua.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......

Saturday, October 13, 2018


     One of the joys of my long media life is reporting great things about good Boone connected people.
     I have a couple such items to mention today, items that will be lucky to find themselves in print in the Boone News Republican, which no longer supplies much Boone news.
     Congratulations to Joe Smith, CEO of the Boone County Hospital. At the organizations annual meeting recently, he received the Iowa Hospital Association Excellence in Leadership Award.
     That honor is given to an individual who is an Iowa hospital or health system executive who shows achievement in Iowa state and national health care affairs, in addition to showing leadership among their peers and contributions to their community in general.
     Then too, former Boone resident, Wyatt Chidester, has been honored after completing 39 years of service in the United States Navy.
     Wyatt's parents, his dad, John, and step-mom Sharon Jones Chidester, current Boone residents, attended the retirement ceremony in Florida, October 5.
     Wyatt enlisted in the service in 1979 and moved forward in a superlative career.
     After serving as an enlisted man for 12 years and achieving the rank of Chief Petty Officer, he was commissioned as a limited duty officer (LDO) ensign in October of 1991 and converted to an unrestricted line officer in 1996.
     Wyatt spent some of his early years in Boone but graduated from Spirit Lake High School, Spirit Lake, Iowa.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Marjorie McNeil, 90, Boone. BHS-46. Secretary for the Dean of Education at Iowa State University for 12 years prior to retirement in 1990. Married Ron McNeil in 1950. He passed in 2015. Boone area survivors include a sister, Maurine Morris, of Boone. A son and daughter also survive.........Anna Mae Thiel, 91, Ames. Worked for the Ames school system for 22 years. Boone area survivor is a son, Dr. Scott Thiel of Boone. Two daughters and another son also survive.......Nancy Ann Sinn, 80, Beaumont, CA. Survivors include her husband, Jerry Sinn, a son and two daughters.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments....



Wednesday, October 10, 2018


     Loren Frazier, BHS-58, gives Korner viewers a report on the recent 60th class reunion.
     Loren wrote, "I must say, our 60 year class reunion was an outstanding success. We had a bigger turnout than at the last two reunions and everyone I talked to, told me what a great time they were having. I'm sure that I speak for all those who attended when I say, "Thank You" to all those who worked to set up  the reunion. You did a great job. I don't know the exact number of attendees, but there were over 70 classmates and spouses at both the evening at the Tic Toc and the evening at Boulders Inn and Suites. I didn't make it back for the first night, at Boone Valley Brewery, but I understand there was a good crowd there also. I made a quick count of the number of classmates in the group picture the night of the dinner at Boulders. I counted 41. The total count of classmates for the reunion is slightly higher than that, as there were a few classmates that went to the first and/or second night at the Boone Valley Brewery and the Tic Toc but I didn't make it to the night at Boulders where the picture was taken. As you may recall, some of our classmates and spouses went to Branson for a 75th birthday celebration in 2015. Some of us are now talking about having an 80th birthday celebration in 2020. The destination for that party is tentatively set as Nashville, TN.. And, we are, of course, already looking forward to our class 65th year reunion in 2023 in Boone.
     Tom Peterson, BHS-67, has a "Mamie" story to relate.
     He wrote, "my Mamie story, from long ago, was when she visited Boone. I think her uncle, Joel Carlson, and I were running a Vermeer stump cutter for Jack Stanley's Tree Service, cutting out a good sized elm tree stump. The black suit, well dressed secret service guys walked over and watched the process. They asked me several questions about what I was doing and the Dutch Elm disease that was killing all the huge trees. They disappeared after a minute. Then later, Mamie came to see the work for a couple minutes. Didn't talk to her at all but she was a very well dressed lady and was wearing a hat. Back in the day eh...."
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Eugene Baker, 90, Gilbert. LeGrand HS-46. Army vet. Worked for Story County and later, the postal service for 35 years. His wife, now deceased, was Myrna Holmes Baker. Four children survive including a son, Gary Baker, of Boone.........Wanda Hannaford, 67, Osage Beach, MO.............Vernon Ullestad, 92, Story City. Radcliffe HS-44. Navy vet. Married Marjorie Lund in 1949. Operated a turkey farm and was a land developer in Story City. Five children survive including a son, Rod Ullestad, of Boone......Rudy Hockenmeier, 70, Ogden......Darwin Dean Pevestorf, 89, Ames. Scranton HS-47. Married Phyliss Nelson in rural Scranton in 1951. Army vet. Served in Korea. Farmed near Nevada until 1967. Moved to rural Stratford and farmed until retirement in 2001. In addition to farming, he was a rural mail carrier for 30 years and sold Pioneer seed for 24 years. Surviving are his wife, two daughters and a son.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments.......

Saturday, October 6, 2018


     Nancy Jo Smith Bluhm, BHS-54, from out in Pennsylvania, recalled a surprise "sighting" she had of Mamie Eisenhower.
     Nancy wrote, "I haven't written for a long time but I read all of the Kelley's Korners. I haven't lived in Boone for many years but I'm proud of our little town. I have lived in Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, Texas, West Germany and now Pennsylvania. When someone asks where I'm from, I always say Iowa where Mamie Eisenhower was born. After all, she came to Boone and we saw both Ike and Mamie more than once. When I was at Boone High, I helped in the nurses office with Mrs.Carlson, Mamie's aunt. Later, I became a nurse and worked at the Boone County Hospital. Mrs. Carlson was a patient in our hospital and suddenly one day, all these secret service men were wandering around. Then, Mamie suddenly appeared. She had come to visit her aunt, Carolyn. What a day it was. Exciting for me and everyone else."
     Larry Paulsen, BHS-61, wrote from California. "in going through some old family items I found this 1942 article from the Boone News Republican giving an account of my dad's encounter with some Ames sports fans. Both of the officers named in the article would go on to become Chief of the Boone Police Department but the subject contact does not show them in their best moment."
     The news article headline banner was, "Whitewash on Cop's Shoes."
     The story related that some Ames boosters arrived in town about 9 p.m. with the intention of painting some streets near Boone High School. The Boone police, who might have been expecting some such activity, were close by and one carload was stopped at Fourth and Crawford by officers Lawrence Paulsen and Edward "Pete" Peterson. While questioning some of the car's occupants, officer Paulsen felt something bothering his shoe. One of the visitors had calmly painted the shoe with whitewash. Needless to say, the visitors lost their paint brush and a bucket of whitewash. No charges were mentioned in the story.
     Larry concluded his remarks with, "wouldn't it be nice if the Boone/Ames rivalry was still ongoing and this intense?"
     On his latest run, former Toreador Pete Kostelnick, BHS-2005, is about aS close to "home" as he will be during his marathon jaunt from Kenai, Alaska to Key West, Florida.
     The run began on August 1 and over 5,000 miles will be covered by the time he reaches Key West.
     The last three days he's run from Morton, MN to Mankato, from Mankato to Albert Lea and from Albert Lea to Floyd, MN. That latest run covered 63.4 miles to bring his total so far to 3,571.5 miles.
     Pete's parents, Charles and Clare Kostelnick, live in Boone.
     Trey Hutcheson, heading into his senior season as a standout basketball player at Linn-Mar, Marion High School, has already indicated his college choice. He will attend Albany, a Division I school in New York.
     Trey, at 6-6, has been a three-year starter at Linn-Mar and a year ago, averaged 18.7 points and 7.3 rebounds per game. He had other collegiate offers from North Dakota, Furman and Air Force.
     Larry and Nancy Hughes and Eldon and Ann Hutcheson, all of Boone, are Trey's grandparents.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Steven Beckman, 57, Boone. Attended Iowa State after graduating from Glenwood HS. He married Paula Lynn Nickles in 1972. They had two boys, Joshua, and Caleb. Caleb is deceased. The family has lived in Boone and Steven worked 25 years for Central Iowa Building Systems out of Nevada. Wife Paula, son Joshua, his dad and two sisters survive.
     Worldwide headquarters of Kelley's Korner are located at 928 South Jackson in Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......

Wednesday, October 3, 2018


     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Steven Beckman, 57, Boone.........Shirley Meadows, 88, Boone. Born in Boone. Worked at Woolworths and was a homemaker. Was married to the late Donald Meadows for 49 years. Five sons, two brothers and two sisters-in law survive........Rebecca Peterson, 100, Boone. BHS-36. Married the late Glen Peterson in 1940. Worked at Donnelly's, the Boone County Sheriff's office, the city water department and retired in 1980. A son, Brian, of the Madrid area and a daughter survive.........Barbara Barnard Riemenschneider, 87, Boone. BHS-49. Earned a nursing degree. Married Robert Powers in 1954. They were divorced and she married Donald
Riemenschneider. Donald passed away in 2012. Boone area survivors include three daughters and a son. The son is Robert Powers, two of the daughters are Kimberly Pontius and Barbara Biersner all of Boone.........Dixie Arrasmith Wallace, 88, Ogden. Born in Boone. BHS-48. She married Donald Wallace in 1953. Dixie was a truck driver for Barr-Nunn until retirement in 1997. Husband Donald has passed but two children and a sister survive. Linda Williams of Ogden is a daughter.........Jaunita Jones McCoy, 83, Madrid. Born in Boone. MHS-53. She married Dean McCoy in 1954. She operated McCoys Cellar Ceramics for 15 years in Boone and Madrid, was a Boone County dispatcher for 15 years and was a secretary for the Boone County Community services for 12 years. Survivors include her husband, Dean, of Madrid, a son, a daughter and a daughter-in-law, Kay McCoy, of Ogden.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments.....