Saturday, May 28, 2016

Back to Naming the BHS Gym

       First, we have comments from the East Coast and the West Coast. 
       One of the Korner's "top of the line" supporters, Rick Houser, BHS-63, wrote from Fairfax, VA., "even though Kate Shelley is famous and a deserving person, what effect did she have on the outcome of the students and their careers? Sure, we have a number of individuals who have done quite well after graduation. The question is, "how did they manage to do so much.?" In my opinion, it was because of our system, our teachers, mentors and civic leaders. Maybe this sounds crazy but I think "Welcome to the System," home of the Toreadors and Toreadorettes. This is a way of honoring all that have contributed, to all that have walked and graced the halls of our city and school."
     Max Moore, BHS-46, spoke out from sunny California, "after reading about Hap Moran on the internet, I don't think there is another candidate even close. Maybe Bucky O'Connor Arena might appeal to some or maybe 1932 state champion coach Bud Fisher would be in the mix. Kate Shelley is a candidate, but connection problems to the gymnasium are not there. Keep up the good work Mo, you are providing much interest and connections for all alumni of good old Toreador land."
     Dorothy Barrow Clifton, BHS-48, from right here in good old Boonetown, has some thoughts. She wrote, "Kate Shelley was a hero but, to me, that doesn't warrant the gym being named after her. I also  think the Toreadors should be left Toreadors. What is this Dors business anyway? As long as I'm on my "high horse," I am disgusted every time I drive by the high school. It is a beautiful building but when I see all the different patches of colored brick, in a lot of different areas, I wonder why they aren't all the same color? I know we're lucky to have such a nice building but I always hated that they took out the park (Blair Park) and the fountain there. I guess all these complaints just show my age and pettiness. We're lucky with what we have but sometimes change is not the best solution. Thanks to you, you have given us Boone folks so many good memories from Mrs Fox's popcorn stand and theatres and businesses plus many student activities and accolades through the years. You have been so faithful going through records and treating us to so much of the past that we have forgotten. It has been most enjoyable and I'm not the only one that looks forward to your Korner."
A Few Brief News and Notes: (1) Boy, the old Kornerman hadn't heard "Toreadorettes" for many years. Sounded pretty darn good. Much better than Dors. (2) Needless to say (but Dorothy didn't), Dorothy Clifton's late husband, Bob (Pinky) Clifton, has to be mentioned when you're talking about any possible candidates for naming the gym after. He was one of the best basketballers this community has ever had. (3) Ron Sorber, BHS-60, has an interesting candidate to mention. How about Dr. Jack Murphy? In case you've forgotten, he was the prime "mover," the "pusher," the mastermind behind obtaining that current BHS/swim pool/music area addition that we've been so proud of for so many years. He was a tireless worker on the project and pushed all the right buttons (or voters) to get that project accomplished. The Kornerman was proud to be his publicity man for the effort. (4) Linda Boyd Bravard, BHS-61, and her husband, Jerry Bravard, sent an interesting email this week. They apparently had a family bet regarding the recent state coed track and field meet. While in attendance, they noted comments by the meet announcer and one of them insisted that was the old Kornerman "back at  work" while the other said, "No," he's probably napping back home." Just kidding on that last half/sentence. Anyway, I had to straighten them out.........No, I it was not me announcing at the state meet and yes, maybe I was napping at that time. I'm sorry that one of my good friends had to lose the bet. (5) Saw Shirley Lett for a minute this week. She's been visiting from the Villages in Florida. Shirley was very musicially active during her time in Boone. She still has relatives here and in other Iowa communities and we asked if she ever planned to return "home" permanently. She said many family members have urged a return but she isn't "quite ready." But, she didn't rule a return to Boone out. (6) And that reminds know how the Kornerman is always pushing for out-of-staters to "return home" to (Boone.....or at least Iowa) where you belong. Many, many folks are......according to the U.S. Census Bureau. The third fastest growing city in the entire U.S.A. is Ankeny, Iowa, which has shown a population increase of 6.5 percent from July, 2014 (53,299) to July, 2015 (56,764). Number one is Georgetown, TX at a 7.8 percent increase and number two is New Braunfels, TX. at 6.6 percent. You out-of-staters, follow the, back home. Its where you belong.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Alice Brice Bechtel Lowe, 78, Ames. Formerly of Boone. BSH-55. Worked in the banking industry from 1955-93 when she retired. Boone area survivors include a daughter, Jana Bechtel Taylor, of Ames, a sister, Patricia Brice, of Des Moines and brothers, Ed Brice of Boone, Bob Brice of Des Moines and two others............Coleen Hansen, 86, Tampa, FL. Formerly of Boone.........Pete Lester, 57, Ames. Formerly of Perry. Perry HS-77. Worked for United Parcel Service. Boone area survivor is his wife, Holly, of Ames..........Mary Riker, 61, Litchfield, MN. Formerly of Boone. Moved to Boone in 1980 and worked at Iowa State in kitchen management. In 1992, moved to Pine River, MN. Boone area survivor is a daughter,Theresa Angle, of Boone...............
Ron Driskill, 69, Madrid. Viet Nam vet. Worked at Des Moines Flying Service. Was named Cor Pac Service Administrator of the Midwest Region. Worked at Elliott Beechcraft in Omaha and as an inspector for the Federal Aviation Administration. Boone area survivors include his wife, Carla, and a daughter, Dana Heldenbrand, both of Madrid.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......

Wednesday, May 25, 2016


     Let's begin with some happy, happy, happy news.
     The Kornerman, who has been watching these things for a lonnnnnnnnng time, remembers numerous standout BHS high school track and field events. The Toreadors have had some terrific state meet individual performances through the years by.......Jay Mallas, Ken Mallas, Clyde Hovick, Charlie Hancock, Virgil Byerly, Kalen Hester, Tami Colby just to name a few. However, BHS has never had enough team strength for a state team championship. However,  I do remember our 1953 team was in the "top five" teamwise. As an important addendum, let me add that, in those days, the 50's, all teams competed against each other, regardless of school size. These days there are four separate classes of competition. Boone High is in class 3-A and competes only against other 3-A schools.
     What a year this has been for our BHS boys and girls track squads. Both have finished in the top five teamwise in 3-A.......buoyed by some great individual performances, including a rewrite of some BHS school records.
     The boys earned four state titles. Eli Hicks won both the 100 and 200 meters and was on a victorious  4 x 100 relay team while Lantz Reed captured the 110-meter hurdle title. Diana Slight led the girls squad as she won the 400 meter run and long jump. Reed is a sophomore and Slight a junior. They will be back next year.
     Many congratulations to these Toreador squads.
     The "men of '64" had their annual get-together the first two days of this week in the Omaha area, hosted by Mike Nyman. Scheduled to line up for some golf and accompanying good times were Mike Culver, Dick Musser, Toby Anderson, Mike Loehrer, Steve Roeder, Jude Rolfes, John Hendricks, Pat Ahlstrom, Sandy Mahood, Tim Ferry and I'm sure there were others.
     Speaking of classmates getting together, my class of 1953 had our monthly meeting this week and plans are underway for a reunion this fall. Members residing in Ames said the scuttlebutt in our suburb is that a Menard's will likely be dropping anchor there sometime in the future. Let's see, yes, there is an unoccupied area where K-Mart once stood?
     This is SPECIAL. Marty Dannatt, BHS-68, informs that the third annual Monte Anderson, BHS-69, Memorial Golf Outing will take place at Cedar Point this Friday. Make plans fast. Monte was a cancer victim some three years ago and this event has been held to raise money for certain causes he participated in. As part of the event, there will also be a gathering at Toby K's from 5 to 9 p.m. and Larry Kelley's band will be playing. No admission charge but money will be raised for Shriner's Children's Hospitals. A year ago, $2,100 was raised for the Boone County Freedom Flight. Christine McMahon Sutton, BHS-69, emailed, "I'm not a golfer but Kelly and I are planning to attend the event at Toby K's." It should be fun and for a good cause."
     We're still receiving responses to the BHS gymnasium discussion. Max Moore, BHS-46, and Dorothy Barrow Clifton, BHS-48, have their opinions that we will share in the near future.
     Its time for Boone Municipal Band performances again. In fact, the initial concert is tonight. AND, this summer, the band will celebrate its 100th anniversary. That's 100 years. Wow!
     Nice to see Paula Trulin, BHS-57, the other day. Yes, she follows our Korner happenings. Let's see, we remember sister Karen, BHS-58, and brothers, Larry, BHS-60, and Steve, BHS-62. Had a short but nice visit with Paula who is a longtime Ames resident.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Dale Larson, 84, Boone. BHS-50. Worked for the railroad, 1955-92. Boone area survivors include step-daughter, Vicki Rosine, and sister, Joann Boyd, both of Boone........
Harold Hagaman Jr., 69, Boone. BHS-65. Worked at Redeker's, Percival's, Boone YMCA and drove railroad workers via Cimarron. Boone area survivors include his sister, Anitalee Eschliman, niece, Mystique Maines, and aunt, Virginia Wilson, all of Boone.........Dr. Wayne Rouse, 80, Boone. Was a family physician in Boone for 39 years prior to retirement in 2001. Boone area survivors include his wife, Joyce, daughter, Diana Byriel, and sister, Elaine Anderson, all of Boone...........Marjorie Smalley, 78, Beaver. The family moved to Beaver in 1962. Marjorie was Director of Boone County Head Start, Activities Director at Ogden Manor, worked at Walmart and was a pastor at Beaver churches. No Boone area survivors.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa  50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........    

Saturday, May 21, 2016

More Responses

     On this matter of giving the Boone High School gymnasium a name, if you have read the most recent editions of the Korner you know the Kornerman's general concern about the proposal, you know that classmate Dick Longworth, BHS-53, thinks it would be appropriate to link Kate Shelley to the gym and you know that Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, thinks Francis Dale (Hap) Moran, BHS-20, should be given consideration for this prestigious honor.
     This was a great idea brought forth by, no less than, some BHS students who should be commended for their interest. One of the Kornerman's early concerns was that this might be rushed to a conclusion while the pros and cons should be given very thorough discussion before a final decision.
     The Kornerman contacted Dr. Brad Manard, the Boone Community School District Superintendent, with this concern and he, Dr. Manard, assured that the Board of Directors would not take such an item lightly and, among other things, would take lots of input from members of the community before making a decision.
     Dr. Manard emailed, "I know we are receiving much feedback regarding this from a variety of sources. The Board has not taken any action regarding this, but instead, heard the student presentation and asked me to seek feedback from the community. We are learning that there are many different perspectives and opinions when it comes to a permanent naming of a facility. I am confident the Board will consider all of the input and utilize this in making a determination of a next step, if any."
     Note those last two words. As the Kornerman noted, perhaps no decision is the best decision in this case. It would seem very difficult for anything close to even a simple majority of interested patrons to agree to honoring a single name for the gymnasium.
     Gary Knox had an idea. He wrote, "I don't expect to have a vote in the matter of naming the BHS gym......United Community graduate after all. But, I do have an opinion. Name it Toreador Country and let it go at that. Boone has been the home of great athletes, a heroine, great businessmen and women, a loved president's wife, great doctors, and many famous graduates. The list is endless, impossible to satisfy the have too many good choices. Leave it alone. Just my humble opinion, plus the name Kate Shelley gym won't exactly strike fear into Toreador opponents."
     That renowned traveler Mark Tompkins, BHS-60, wrote, "while traveling the Normandy beaches to re-look at D-Day and Bastogne, Belgium,to review the Battle of the Bulge, I've been able to monitor the Korner for Boone updates. Seems that just about any class or small range of them could come up with a favorite son or daughter to be honored with his or her name on something. Picking one does a disservice to all the rest, doesn't it? I often vote for "none of the above.""
     Vern Modeland had these comments, "the first thing I wondered about those who would come up with such dynamite ideas in these days of 'Pad-ing and 'Cel-ing; was that among them, who knows the history and heart-songs of Kate Shelley and knows that she'd be humbled rather than embarrassed by their groovy labeling. Then, I'd wonder if they'd know why to care. Or that their research into the history of their home places and times is accurate and defines a family, not a bad fad. But, hey, as Chuck Brainard, BHS-50, will be quick to remind me, I'm an old"
     More of this in the near future.........I'm sure.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Dorothy Trotter, 89, Boone. Boone area survivor is a son, James Trotter, of Dayton........Mildred Smith, 97, Boone. BHS-36. A homemaker and then worked as a secretary at United Community school. No Boone area survivors..........Thomas Franksain, 56, Boone. Ballard H.S..Worked in the deli department at Walmart. Boone area survivor is his wife, Christine, of Boone......Dale Larson, 84, Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Naming of BHS Gymnasium Draws Interest

     The Kornerman's last edition mention of the proposal to name the Boone High School gymnasium after Kate Shelley and my personal opinion on that subject has drawn some interest.
     Sounds like classmate Dick Longworth, BHS-53, thinks the Shelley idea is "right on." He wrote, "Many thanks for raising this issue. Sounds like the kids behind the proposal have a better grasp of history than we did at that age. I know there's already a street, high bridge, park and museum named after Kate Shelley, but then she was both a first-class heroine and a local legend. This is more than we can say for some of the other folks whose names are immortalized on various buildings and street signs around town. Who was Page? I went to his school and I don't know. How many people on Story Street can tell you who Mr. Story was? For that matter, Nathanial Boone was mostly a 19th century tourist who passed through town with his dragoons (and I've never been sure what a dragoon is) and didn't even spend the night, but left his name behind. If we're going to name things after people, they should have something to do with the town.The names of Goeppinger, McHose and Herman live on, and properly so. Kate Shelley deserves to be so honored, and the gym is the right place, because her name will be remembered by every boy and girl who shoots hoops there. That it would be named after a woman is even better. We've got a major street named after Mamie Eisenhower, which isn't bad, but, otherwise, everything else seems to be named for dead guys."
     The Kornerman had also questioned the current use of the term "Dors" instead of Toreadors to which Longworth replied, "better we should go back to Toreadors, like Kate Shelley, which has some historical meaning."
     Briefly, what the Kornerman said in the last edition was that, "although I admire Kate Shelley as much as anyone, to me, a high school gymnasium "Kate Shelley Fieldhouse," for some reason, is not a good "fit.""
     The question then arises.......if not named after Kate, who? Perhaps it would be better to just let things stand rather than comparing/arguing this person's accomplishments with that person's. Or, instead, how about coming up with a generic name for the gymnasium area.........Toreador Den or some unique moniker much better than that. 
     Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, offered a "name" prospect, Francis Dale (Hap) Moran. Mike wrote, "I had mentioned to you about two years ago, arguably, the most famous athlete to ever come out of Boone. Yet, I doubt 5% of the people in our town have heard of him. He surely had an impact across the nation."
     Mike provided, via wikipedia, some "ammunition." It seems, although Hap Moran eventually made his name in football, he was better known in high school for basketball. He led the 1920 Toreador basketball team to the state championship as well as participation in the National Interscholastic Tournament in Chicago. He was named both a high school all-stater and an All-American.
     In football, after collegiate play he merely excelled for two National Football League teams, the Chicago Cardinals and the New York Giants.........setting several records. One of his marks, a team record 91-yard run for the Giants, stood for 75 years prior to it being broken in 2005.
     Then too, BHS had a state championship basketball team in 1932 that played in that Chicago tournament and featured some great individual players. Pinky Clifton and Roger Dutton were two of the best Toreador basketball players the Kornerman has seen in 70 years of watching. Should one of them be considered?
     In conclusion, the Kornerman's feeling about the subject is simply this.........slow down, take some time, don't rush it. Its something that warrants serious discussion far beyond this initial proposal. And, in the long run, sometimes, no decision is the best decision.
     Boone Connected Deaths: John C. Sherer, 73, Mesa, AZ. Born in Boone...........LaVerne Wailes, 94, Boone. Worked for the Boone Community School district in the Food Service Department. Boone area survivors include sons, Larry and Rick, both of Boone..........Lloyd Gregory, 84, Kerrville, TX. Retired from the United State Air Force, then served as an employee of the United State Postal Service in Boone for 23 years. Survivors include his wife, Trudy, and a daughter.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.........


Saturday, May 14, 2016

Those 60's

     Last edition, the Kornerman had mentioned some communication with John Hinz, BHS-64. John had indicated he and wife, Linda, were going to be in Boone Friday (yesterday) to, for the first time in awhile,  test the Cedar Pointe Country Club course and, of course, meet up with some classmates.
     They also planned to visit with Linda's sister and her husband, Lyla Swain Maynard, BHS-54, and Tom Maynard, BHS-57, in addition to seeing the Beach Boys in concert in Des Moines Sunday night.
     John wrote, "I love it when I can see Boone friends. I still remember listening to your KWBG basketball broadcasts when I was in junior high and you were so excited about Roger Dutton, BHS-64, "playing on the rim" of the basket.........and, even before that, when Johnny Malcom, BHS-61, was, "bringing the ball down the court" for the Toreadors. Exciting days for a young Boone kid."
     John had lined up a few classmates for a get-together at the bakery and graciously invited the Kornerman to attend........and I did.
     It was great to do some reminisicing. The Kornerman, BHS-53, a few years older, had to minister that I had been invited to lend a little more experience and maturity to this "younger crowd."
     Anyway, it was great fun. Patty Jensen was there and that produced a great memory for this guy. Back in1960, the Kornerman was manager of the Babe Ruth All-Star team and each such team was to select a Babe Ruth Queen and Patty was selected by our guys. That team won the district and earned a berth in the state tournament in Sioux City. Each of the teams in the state meet had also chosen a queen and of all those queens, one was selected to be the queen of the tournament and Patty again won top honors. It was great to see her Friday and she's just as pretty today as she was those many years ago.
     P.S. Our team lost in the state championship game but we were pretty proud of our second place finish.
     For several years now there has been Dors' talk. For some strange reason, instead of talking about or writing about BHS athletic teams or school activities in general, rather than highlighting the Toreadors, its the Dors'. The Kornerman isn't real fond of this and many other older alums have also expressed disinterest. As far as I'm concerned its always been Toreadors and always will be.
     Now, there's another "new" idea concerning "our" school that this oldtimer can complain about. It seems a class of BHS students has appeared before the school board with the idea of naming the BHS gymasium, "Kate Shelley Fieldhouse." A group of student supporters of Toreador athletic teams who use that gym, have called themselves, the "Kate Shelley Kracies" and want to expand on that. The school board is taking the idea "under advisement" to hear what members of the community think before any actual action would take place.
     Nobody admires the heroics of Kate Shelley more than the Kornerman but I have to say, in my opinion, it would be a bad idea to approve this proposal. I simply don't think its a good idea to name the gymnasium after Kate or anyone else for that matter. Regardless of who it was named after, a certain segment would not approve. "No, it should be named after......? No, that wouldn't be right it should be.....?
     Maybe someone can come up with a catchy, generic term for the playing surface......Toreador Dungeon or ???? Even then, I suppose some of kind of non-name proposal would be criticized by some. And, of course, maybe the Kornerman is just getting to be an old grump and doesn't live in the real world anymore. Why should we care?  What's your feeling?
     Boone Connected Deaths: Howard Pollard, 99, Arlington Heights, IL. Born in Boone. His parents were William and Effie (nee Stotts) Pollard. Spent 44 years with United Airlines. He was an uncle of Bob Lindmark and Karen Anderson...........Mary Mullins Moomey, 100, Fair Oaks, CA. Formerly of Boone, 1943-1965. Son Gary Mullins survives but no Boone area survivors..........F. Duane Klute, 86, Ames. Formerly of Boone. Was a Boone police officer and worked in construction in Boone and many other locations. His wife, Evelyn, of Ames survives, as do six of his eight children but none in the Boone area........Alexander Sharer, 26, Boone. BHS-2007. Served in the Iowa Army National Guard. Was a machinist. Boone area survivors include his parents, Ted and Gina Sharer, and sister, Laura Novak, all of Boone.........Mary Corson, 88, Fort Dodge. Formerly of Boone. Attended school in Luther. Napier HS grad. Moved to Boone in 1973. Was desk clerk at a motel, homemaker, worked at Donnelly's and a canning factory both in Ames. Boone area survivors include a son, Bill, daughter, Patricia Corson, sister, Faye Grems, and sister in law, Marian Rogers all of Boone........Doyle Swan, 63, Boone. Lived most of his life in Boone, except for a few years in Nevada. Worked with Franklin Construction and Central State Roofing. Boone area survivors include son, Jason, and daughter, Jennifer Taylor both of Boone.........Janice Neese, 72, Boone. Formerly of Boxholm. BHS-61. Lived in Boxholm from 1969-2010. Worked for Boone County, for Casey's and then at ISU prior to retirement. Boone area survivors include her daughter, Robyn Reece, brothers, Richard and Robert Ahrens, and sister, Joyce Myers, all of Boone........Bill Alley, 73, Texas. Formerly of Boone. Moved to Boone in 1974 to join the DMACC faculty. Boone area survivor is his wife, Judy, of Boone......Ruth Byers Carlstrom, 95, Urbandale. Formerly of Boone..........Marlow Scott Cowan, 97, Des Moines. For 16 years directed the Des Moines YMCA Camp near Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa. 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Some Things

     Exaggerator came close. Was finishing strong and earned runnerup honors in the derby. Last time, you recall, the Kornerman had picked that horse in the derby, even realizing Nyquist was the heavy favorite. I don't like to favor favorites. I also mentioned Mohaymen as a long shot and I believe that horse finished a good fourth. Our Iowa horse, Brody's Cause, was seventh.
     Love the event. Couldn't help but notice how much my heart was palpitating at the start. Good thing it only lasts for a couple minutes.
     This won't be "new" news for you locals but our viewers spread across the country may find this interesting. Anybody out there remember Waukee, the little "burg" close to Des Moines?
     The Kornerman heard the news this week, a second Waukee high school will soon be under construction. Here are some facts that I found almost astounding. In 2000, that school had an enrollment of 2,409 students.Today, there are 9,253. Of course, the cities population has grown from 5,126 in 2000 to 17,705 today. A total of 550 students will graduate this year and all the classes below have more than 800 students each.
     That entire metro area seems to be "bursting at the seams."
     John Hinz, BHS-64, wrote from the Twin Cities, "I got caught up with the KK tonight, so now I feel sharp enough to face the work week. I read with interest the question about former BHS athletes posted by Mike Sundall. I'm not sure if there was a "best one ever" and you are wise not to speculate. There have been many great ones who all did well with their talents and hard work. I would love for you, the Kornerman, to name some of the Boone greats. If you do, don't forget to include all sports. People like Bob Fisher, BHS-46, and Dick Canady, BHS-52, in golf are two great ones. We really did have some great athletes in Boone, didn't we?"
     So, John says,"I'd be wise not to speculate" but then he challenges the Kornerman to "dive in" with thoughts about this subject. The main reason not to do so, of course, is the fact it would be so easy to forget someone or two or three.
     However, in some future edition, I may just give the subject a whirl and our great viewers can fill in the names that I miss.
     P.S. Seeing Bob Fisher's name.........I knew I couldn't pass up this reminder. In 1946, I was 11 years old and was exposed to my very first Boone High Toreador athletic event. It was a basketball game at the "old" gym and one of the BHS players was yes,.........Bob Fisher. Somewhere near that same time, I recall seeing Stan Redeker playing b-ball for Boone Junior College. True? I think so.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Max Kersey, 90, Grand Junction. Boone area survivor is a brother, Darrell Kersey of Ogden.........Rose Ann Smith, 82, Boone. BHS-52. Worked at the Boone YMCA, Walmart and did sewing alterations. Boone area survivors include her stepmother, Lucille Sterner, brother, Rich Bennett, sister, Joanie Coleman, all of Boone and brother, Morgan Sterner, of Ogden.....
Arnie Springis, 77, Boone. Owned a pet shop in Des Moines. Worked for Hawkeye Seed Company and then, with wife, Gina, has operated Lowe-Berry Garden and Floral in Boone. Boone area survivors include his wife, Gina, daughters, Melanija Musfeldt and Stefanija Hudson of Boone and Viktorija Elsberry of Ames..........Janice Neese, 72, Boone. Formerly of Boxholm..........Fred Osborn, 83, Stratford. Farmed and worked for Stratford Implement. In 1974, opened Osborn Tractor Repair business in Stratford...........Ira York, 62, Boone. BHS-72. In Californian he was a guardsman,  a painter and did volunteer work at nursing homes. He returned to Boone in 1990 and worked at Advanced Coupon Technology as well as doing yard work. Boone area survivors include his daughter, Kimberly York, brothers Tom and Tim York, sister, Susan Rounds, girlfriend, Roberta White, and special friend, Jerry Wirtz, all of Boone...........Doyle Swan, 63, Boone.........Alex Sharar, 26, Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support......


Saturday, May 7, 2016

Derby Day

     Funny hats, mint juleps and fast horses will be featured today at the annual Kentucky Derby. The Kornerman doesn't like to follow the crowd and bet the favorite, Nyquist.  No, I'm predicting a win for Exaggerator and my long shots are Mohaymen and Mojesto. With that said, I'd really like to see the Iowa horse, Brady's Cause, make a good showing.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Alfred Jensen, 101, Boone. Worked his way through the ranks up to assuming the presidency of Hallett Construction. Later, became CEO of Quinn's Manufacturing. A son and daughter survive..........Rose Ann Smith, 82, Boone..........Kimberly Michell, 50, Ames. She was the daughter of James and Beverly Beckett Turner and grew up on a farm near Ames. Gilbert HS-grad. Was a cosmetologist. Her husband, sister and father survive. Her mother is deceased............
Roy Foster, 83, Ocala, FL. Born on a farm near Boone. Luther HS-grad. Worked at Quinn's and then moved to Florida in 1977. Boone area survivors include a sister, Janette Westberg, and nieces, Cathy  Hague, Mary Conrad and Jenny Foley.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......     

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

They Made It

     In the last edition, the Kornerman was lamenting the fact that maybe? those three amigos, Steve Shaler, Barry Wills and Tim Croxen, of the BHS classes of 1958-59 had, for the first time, missed their many years annual Drake Relays reunion.
     In the past, the Kornerman had always been pre-reminded of that get-together but this year........silence. Makes one wonder if there is an illness or some other kind of problem.
     We're happy to report, there was a reunion of the three right in the midst of some nasty weather. Steve wrote, "yes, we made it to the relays. My visit was a bit shorter so not much time in Boone, just a drive through. The most memorable part of the weekend was the weather, bad, but it could have  been worse. Best part of the sessions for me was seeing all the Boone High girls and boys perform. Quite a large number qualified for the various results and with some good results. I think both teams will do very well in the upcoming class 3A State meet later this month."
     The Kornerman is reminded of that old "saw" which comes up every year..........when there's a winter storm,"well, it must be girls tournament time" and "well, its Drake Relays time, that means bad weather."
     In case you haven't heard, there have been numerous historical studies of these events and their accompanying weather and those mentioned, "old saws," are really a bunch of baloney. The facts don't back up the rhetoric. Its been shown that there are far more desirable days at both events than bad ones.
     The Kornerman ran into T.J. Leonard at the post office yesterday and we had a nice visit. He's a member of the Boone area Doran clan and we're happy to report that that group has some good Korner viewers. T.J. said he peruses the Korner quite often and was excited to see our recent mention of Jim Doran and his (Jim's) football feats. He indicated copies were made of that Korner and distributed to many members of the family scattered throughout. Nice to hear.
     Boone Area Deaths: Wilbur "Shorty" Heslop, 85, Madrid. Lived in Boone before moving to the Madrid Home...........Twila Westberg, 91, Ogden. Born in Boone. OHS-grad. Worked at Collegiate Manufacturing in Ames and operated a home daycare. Boone area survivor is her son, Keith Westberg, of Ogden........Rose Hopkins, 74, Boone. Boone area survivor is her husband, Larry Hopkins. Four sisters and three brothers also survive.........Keith Hadaway, 47, Ames. Was a carpenter. Boone area survivor is a nephew, Dustin Lynch, of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. We don't answer unless we can identify who is calling. To email stories/memories/comments/support.......