Saturday, May 14, 2016

Those 60's

     Last edition, the Kornerman had mentioned some communication with John Hinz, BHS-64. John had indicated he and wife, Linda, were going to be in Boone Friday (yesterday) to, for the first time in awhile,  test the Cedar Pointe Country Club course and, of course, meet up with some classmates.
     They also planned to visit with Linda's sister and her husband, Lyla Swain Maynard, BHS-54, and Tom Maynard, BHS-57, in addition to seeing the Beach Boys in concert in Des Moines Sunday night.
     John wrote, "I love it when I can see Boone friends. I still remember listening to your KWBG basketball broadcasts when I was in junior high and you were so excited about Roger Dutton, BHS-64, "playing on the rim" of the basket.........and, even before that, when Johnny Malcom, BHS-61, was, "bringing the ball down the court" for the Toreadors. Exciting days for a young Boone kid."
     John had lined up a few classmates for a get-together at the bakery and graciously invited the Kornerman to attend........and I did.
     It was great to do some reminisicing. The Kornerman, BHS-53, a few years older, had to minister that I had been invited to lend a little more experience and maturity to this "younger crowd."
     Anyway, it was great fun. Patty Jensen was there and that produced a great memory for this guy. Back in1960, the Kornerman was manager of the Babe Ruth All-Star team and each such team was to select a Babe Ruth Queen and Patty was selected by our guys. That team won the district and earned a berth in the state tournament in Sioux City. Each of the teams in the state meet had also chosen a queen and of all those queens, one was selected to be the queen of the tournament and Patty again won top honors. It was great to see her Friday and she's just as pretty today as she was those many years ago.
     P.S. Our team lost in the state championship game but we were pretty proud of our second place finish.
     For several years now there has been Dors' talk. For some strange reason, instead of talking about or writing about BHS athletic teams or school activities in general, rather than highlighting the Toreadors, its the Dors'. The Kornerman isn't real fond of this and many other older alums have also expressed disinterest. As far as I'm concerned its always been Toreadors and always will be.
     Now, there's another "new" idea concerning "our" school that this oldtimer can complain about. It seems a class of BHS students has appeared before the school board with the idea of naming the BHS gymasium, "Kate Shelley Fieldhouse." A group of student supporters of Toreador athletic teams who use that gym, have called themselves, the "Kate Shelley Kracies" and want to expand on that. The school board is taking the idea "under advisement" to hear what members of the community think before any actual action would take place.
     Nobody admires the heroics of Kate Shelley more than the Kornerman but I have to say, in my opinion, it would be a bad idea to approve this proposal. I simply don't think its a good idea to name the gymnasium after Kate or anyone else for that matter. Regardless of who it was named after, a certain segment would not approve. "No, it should be named after......? No, that wouldn't be right it should be.....?
     Maybe someone can come up with a catchy, generic term for the playing surface......Toreador Dungeon or ???? Even then, I suppose some of kind of non-name proposal would be criticized by some. And, of course, maybe the Kornerman is just getting to be an old grump and doesn't live in the real world anymore. Why should we care?  What's your feeling?
     Boone Connected Deaths: Howard Pollard, 99, Arlington Heights, IL. Born in Boone. His parents were William and Effie (nee Stotts) Pollard. Spent 44 years with United Airlines. He was an uncle of Bob Lindmark and Karen Anderson...........Mary Mullins Moomey, 100, Fair Oaks, CA. Formerly of Boone, 1943-1965. Son Gary Mullins survives but no Boone area survivors..........F. Duane Klute, 86, Ames. Formerly of Boone. Was a Boone police officer and worked in construction in Boone and many other locations. His wife, Evelyn, of Ames survives, as do six of his eight children but none in the Boone area........Alexander Sharer, 26, Boone. BHS-2007. Served in the Iowa Army National Guard. Was a machinist. Boone area survivors include his parents, Ted and Gina Sharer, and sister, Laura Novak, all of Boone.........Mary Corson, 88, Fort Dodge. Formerly of Boone. Attended school in Luther. Napier HS grad. Moved to Boone in 1973. Was desk clerk at a motel, homemaker, worked at Donnelly's and a canning factory both in Ames. Boone area survivors include a son, Bill, daughter, Patricia Corson, sister, Faye Grems, and sister in law, Marian Rogers all of Boone........Doyle Swan, 63, Boone. Lived most of his life in Boone, except for a few years in Nevada. Worked with Franklin Construction and Central State Roofing. Boone area survivors include son, Jason, and daughter, Jennifer Taylor both of Boone.........Janice Neese, 72, Boone. Formerly of Boxholm. BHS-61. Lived in Boxholm from 1969-2010. Worked for Boone County, for Casey's and then at ISU prior to retirement. Boone area survivors include her daughter, Robyn Reece, brothers, Richard and Robert Ahrens, and sister, Joyce Myers, all of Boone........Bill Alley, 73, Texas. Formerly of Boone. Moved to Boone in 1974 to join the DMACC faculty. Boone area survivor is his wife, Judy, of Boone......Ruth Byers Carlstrom, 95, Urbandale. Formerly of Boone..........Marlow Scott Cowan, 97, Des Moines. For 16 years directed the Des Moines YMCA Camp near Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa. 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......


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