Saturday, December 30, 2017


     Enjoy these final days of the holidays with friends and family. And, of course, the Kornerman wishes all of you a very rewarding, very happy 2018.
     After enjoying a little time off, the Korner will return, full speed ahead, on Wednesday in the new year, Wednesday, January 3.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Evelyn Gildea, 82, Boone.........Mildred Chapman, 88, Boone...........Douglas Harris, 55, Ogden.........Bonita Coleman, 56, Ames............Ida Lue Murray, 85, Boone/Dayton. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Betty Jones, of Boone.........Theresa Samuelson, 85, Boone. Married LaVerne Samuelson in 1954. They farmed in Jackson Township, east of Jordan. Suvivors include a daughter, son-in-law and sister. LaVerne is deceased.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT.....

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Let's Take a Holiday Break

     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Dick, 80, and Nora, 75, Dearborn, Boone. Husband/wife passed away within 22 hours of each other. Dick, son of Keith and Kathryn Dearborn, attended BHS and DMACC. Air Force vet. Nora, daughter of Elmer and Dorothy Germer. Dick and Nora married in 1959. Nora attended BHS and worked for Donnelly Marketing in Nevada. Boone area survivors are son, Richard Jr., and daughters, Dora and Glenda, all of Boone. Two other sons also survive..........Theresa Samuelson, 85, Boone...........Milton Jones, 73, Boone........Doris Brent, 97, Mount Pleasant. Ogden connection........David Bakley, 75, Plymouth, MI. OHS-60..........Janiet Pepper, 78, Boone. BHS-57. Was the daughter of Cloyd and Muriel Platter. She married Vern Carman in 1960 and the couple established the Boone County Flyer, which later became the Boone Shopping News. They also worked together in the establishment of the Boone Speedway. Vern passed away in 1979. Janiet married Gene Pepper in 1993. She worked at Donnelly Marketing in Nevada until that business closed in 1996. Boone area survivors include her husband, Gene, and a step-son, Dave, both of Boone. Two daughters, a son and a step-daughter also survive.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT......

Saturday, December 23, 2017


     The Kornerman is so thankful for your friendship and viewership, whether you came to us from the good old U.S.A. or even a location in another country. We sincerely hope you have a very safe and wonderful Christmas with friends and family.
     Always good to hear from Rick Houser, BHS-63,........yes another Virginian. From Fairfax, he sent a nice holiday card and wrote, "still read the blog."
     Late business news: (1) the former Legal Limits will reopen under new ownership, hopefully, by February 1. (2) Yes, as we've said earlier, the old Redeker building has been sold. Sometime soon, it will be occupied by two businesses, half and half, who have a similar relationship in other communities but will be completely new to Boone. The Kornerman doesn't feel comfortable reporting who they are at this time.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Jon Barr Applequist, 85, Ames. Moved his family to Ames in 1965 where he became an associate professor at ISU, followed by full professorship and, eventually, professor emeritus status. He retired in 2000. Boone area survivors include his wife, Nancy, of Ames and a daughter, Karen Clement, of Boone.........Janet (Jan) Pepper, 78, Boone.......Dominic Fiorino, 66, Boone.........Christene Fritcher, 90, Boone. Attended school in Ridgeport. Was married to Paul Fritcher in Boone in 1946. They lived on Paul's family farm for 71 years. Christene worked at Bourns in Ames for 25 years. Boone area survivors include her husband, Paul; son, Joe Fritcher; and daughter, Jody Fritcher; brother George Ahrens and sister Mary Conard, all of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT.......

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


     Today, we have a mixture, a collection of items as we clean up the desk a bit prior to the "main events" on the horizon.
     Tony Crandell asks, "who was the gentleman who delivered milk and ice from a horse drawn wagon in West Boone in the mid-1940's?"
     Franklin Clarke, that was his name, and Tony tells us more. "He delivered for Peerless Dairy. On alternate days, he delivered ice, as many folks in the 40's still had "ice boxes." You had a red and green sign to post in your window. Green side signified that you needed ice, red was a "no." Franklin lived on the southeast corner of West Ninth and Marion. He plowed gardens with the same horse that pulled the milk wagon. He was our West Boone naturalist as he could name all the birds and trees and he raised bees. He was also a Methodist supply (substitute) minister. Just an all-around interesting, nice guy. The neighborhood kids loved to follow after him on ice delivery day as he would chip off a chunk of ice for you on a hot summer day."
     One more thing. In the 1950's, if you called a cab and asked for the driver to take you to "Store 30", where would he take you and for what purpose?
     Tony said, "you'd be referring to the State of Iowa Liquor Store #30 which was located on the south side of Seventh Street at the alley just east of what is now the Livery."
     Hey, we don't hear from Virginia every day. However, there really are quite a few Korner viewers who reside in that state. One is John "Jack" Kelly, BHS-58, who sent a neat Peanuts holiday greeting this week all the way from Locust Grove, VA. His note read, "enjoy your blog very much. Your references to the old diamond at Memorial Park make for many fond memories. I lived close to that park and spent a lot of time there." Thanks for the greeting Jack and special thanks for your support of the Korner. Jack was a good pitcher in those "good old days."
     It was good to hear from the Oxenford's this week also. Lou and Roger just moved back to California from Boone and we miss them but I'm sure they are enjoying their new surroundings, closer to family members.
     Speaking of California, Jerry Manriquez, BSH-57, and his wife, Joanna Lacey Manriquez, BSH-56, were remembering our discussion of Boone's Washington Restaurant. Jerry wrote, "My wife, Joanna, remembers going there with her parents, Mike and Mary. She saved a momento from that restaurant."
     Jerry's email included a picture of the momento which featured, in color, a huge, U.S. flag with all the details of the restaurant........location, phone number etc. etc..
     Finally, Karen Anderson, a regular viewer, sent us info regarding a "lost" Boone facebook page.
     I'm going to "lay out" my lack of facebook knowledge here. The Kornerman doesn't know what she means by this page being "lost."
     Its very interesting. There are pictures of many Boone businesses of the 50's and 60's.......Boyd's Dairies, the Cookie Jar, the Holst Hotel, Shangri-La, the old D.Q., East End Cafe, Lincoln Restaurant, Ripley's Ice Cream store, George's Bar, the Arctic Circle, Barstad's, Whitts Drive-in and the Tip Top.
     At Whitts, a menu indicates you could have your choice of five hot dogs, five sloppy joe's OR four coneys......for a buck. French fries were 20-cents.
     How about a few funnies.....(1) we were born naked, wet, and hungry, then things got worse. (2) wouldn't it be wonderful if we could put ourselves in the dryer for 10 minutes and come out wrinkle free and three sizes smaller? (3) If you think health care is expense now, wait until you see what it costs when its free. (4) A cartiologist's diet.....if it tastes good, spit it out.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS:  James Murphy, 85, Runnells. Farmed and operated a farm and Christmas tree farm. Boone area survivor is a brother, Dr. John (Jack) Murphy of Boone..........Bert Doran, 93, Boone. Napier HS-43. As a U.S. Marine in WWII, he was permanently blinded when a mortar shell exploded near him. Boone area survivors include his son-in-law, Gary Blomgren, of Waukee and his longtime caretaker, Billie Ellis,of Boone...........Dorothy Crooks, 82, Boone. She served the Boone Community schools as an educator for 35 years. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Devon O'Tool, of Boone........Virginia Knotts, 94, Iowa City. She served several communities, including Boone, during a long career as a nurse administrator.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT......

Saturday, December 16, 2017

Boyd's and Those Boone Hair Care Companies

     The recent talk about dairies in Boone prompted a phone call from LuVerne Anderson, BHS-54, who started working for Boyd's Dairy at age 15 in 1951.
     LaVerne said, "I don't do computers so I thought I'd just call and mention a couple things. When I started at Boyd's, there were over 500 independent dairies in Iowa. By 1972, that number had dropped to just over 100. One more recent one was in the Madrid area and I had an opportunity to pay a visit there. When I went in the plant, they seemed to be using the same type equipment we used to use and, of course, I had to wear a hair net. It was an interesting visit. We used to make 150 gallons of ice cream at a time and then transport it, in 10 gallon cans, to the north side location. Working for Jim and Gene Boyd and then Jim, alone, later, was quite an experience. He (Jim) was one of the smartest individuals  I ever connected with. We'd have hotshot engineers from big companies come in with suggested ideas for product improvement, like new additives for the ice cream mix, and they would be stunned..........Jim had already figured those things out and already had them in operation. He simply couldn't be beat."
     The last quiz question was, "there were two well known hair care product companies in the 1950's that started in Boone.What were their names and location?
     (1) F.W. Fitch was known throughout the United States for his range of shampoo products during the first half of the 20th century. His dad was a doctor and when the family split up, Mrs. Fitch and her youngest children, including F.W., settled in Boone. In 1890, he became an apprentice to a Boone barber and spent the rest of his life in those environs. F.W., eventually, concocted dandruff remover, hair tonic, toilet waters, perfumes and facial creams. One of his  most famous products was Rose Oil Tonic, which was started in a barn that sat on a portion of ground currently occupied by Goeppinger Field. By 1914, annual sales for his company exceeded a quarter of a million dollars, big money in those days. In 1917, F.W. relocated his plant and offices to Des Moines. The business was sold to a St. Louis company in 1949 and Mr. Fitch died in 1951.
     (2) Trev hair care products were developed by a Boone resident who's last name was Vert. In the early 1950's, his building was across the street from the old Lincoln Armory and next door, west, of the old Salvation Army building, somewhere in the vicinity of the current Boone Hardware. Quiz master Tony Crandell, BHS-59, said, "I remember seeing the name Trev Hair Products on the window and under that was, "Vert Manufacturing Company."" He added that there still is a line of Trev hair products but it is not the same company.
     The Kornerman remembers a Vert in my Boone Junior College days, 1954-55. There was a Betty Vert, BJC-43, and a Marjorie Vert, BJC-55, listed as Boone High graduates. I have a vague memory of an auto mishap that killed two Boone people......I believe a Vert lady and a male companion (husband?). It seems to me it happened west of Ames.......when a car going over them on an overpass went out of control, dropped down and struck their vehicle from above. I recall it as a very peculiar and unfortunate mishap. Do any viewers have knowledge of this or am I "out of control again?"
     Some late notes on previous Korner entries: (1) John Hinz, BHS-64, wrote, "Jim and Evie Mikesell, were, indeed, Shangri-La Motel owners. Jim was also the brother of Lillie Swain, the mother of Ed, BHS-55; Lyla, BHS-57; Howard, BHS-58; Carol, BHS-61; Linda, BHS-67; and Helen, BHS-71; Swain. Linda Swain is John's wife and the Kornerman thanks them for the neat Christmas card they sent, along with a letter of support detailing the Hinz family comings and goings in 2017. (2) Tom Peterson, BHS-67, wrote, "my dad, Merrill L. Peterson, worked at the Boone News Republican, probably sometime before I was born. Those basketball player heights are pretty tricky, my 5-11 status turned into 6-2 by the time the program was printed. Our team was very short but ran hard for Coach Jim Ranglos. Our run and gun play/attitude gave many teams a "run for the money" at the end of games when we had worn them down. But, we still came up short most of the time. One of our antics was to run wind sprints before the game as part of our warmups. I still vividly remember Athletic Director Howard Stutzman coming into the locker room after a tough overtime loss to Ames telling us that we had, "really left it all on the court and should be proud of our effort." His statements have stayed with me forever. (3) Vern Modeland, BHS-50, wrote regarding the obituary mention that the late Ival Sinn had worked during World War II for the FBI in Washington, D.C. Vern said, "I know of a least one other FBI employee with Boone connections. Everett Hickman's brother was an agent, I believe. I recall visiting with him at Ev's wedding." Ev, BHS-54, is one of four Hickman's listed as BHS grads. There's John, BHS-35; Darrel, BHS-39: and Ray, BHS-44.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Michael Mallas, 55, Ames. BHS-80. Was a teacher/coach in two Iowa schools, East Marshall and Hubbard-Radcliffe. Wife Julie and two daughters survive. Boone area survivors are his mother, Pat Larrew Mallas, and a sister, Launie Sorem, both of Boone. One other sister and two brothers also survive.........Marie Naughton Collum, 88, LaPlata, MO. Formerly of Boone..........Rev. J. David Pepper, 86, New Hampton. Formerly of Boone.........Dean Miller, 96, Ogden. OHS-40. U.S. Coast Guard vet. Worked at Ollie Peterson Garage in Boone and at a cannery in Grimes. He and his wife, the late June Dodd Miller, moved to Arkansas but eventually came back to Ogden and farmed southeast of town. He also worked at Kruck Plumbing/Heating in Boone and established the Miller Plumbing/Heating service in Ogden. Later, he worked at the Boone Golf and Country Club, Spring Lake golf course and the Hill golf course. Boone area survivors include his daughter, Anne Thomas, of Ogden and a son, Jim Miller, of Boone.........Jack Moore, 81, Boone. Ames High grad. Was self employed. No Boone area survivors.........Robert Carter, 81, Boone. Attended Boone schools. U.S. Army vet. Worked at Percival Manufacturing and for the Boone city parks. Then worked at ISU, retiring in 1996. His wife, Thelma Crook Carter, preceded him in death. Boone area survivors include his daughter, Jeanette Thomas, and  a sister-in-law, Lois Crook, both of Boone.........Wilma Barnes Pollard, 91, Boone. BHS-44. Lived in rural Boone with her husband, the late Nelson Pollard, until they moved into Boone. Wilma served as a caretaker for her son, David, for many years after David was involved in an accident. He passed away in 2004.  Survivors include a daughter, Clavonne, and a brother, Kenneth Barnes. Ken is a Boone area survivor.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT........


Wednesday, December 13, 2017

What's Our Purpose?

     The Kornerman has often pondered, "with the Korner, what are we attempting to do? What is our real purpose?"
     With the local media situation being what it is.......there are limited opportunities for updates on Boone connected deaths and we, at least twice a week, try to fill in some of those holes, to especially keep those out-of-state viewers informed. That would seem to be a plus.
     But then, this week, we realized what our main purpose really must be.
     It began with a phone call from someone I was not familiar with and evolved into what I think is a great explanation as to what we are "attempting to do."
     Here's the story: Larry Thompson, BHS-71, was calling from Colo, IA. He said, "I grew up in Boone but left town for good in 1978-79. I do read your blog and saw the list of former Boone News Republican employees you had worked with. My dad, George Thompson, worked at the BNR in the 50's and 60's and, perhaps, you two didn't work there at the same time. George Gibson was the shop foreman and I remember Kenny Burke serving as the town Santa Claus for many years. My dad, 93 years old, and I looked over that list together and its safe to say, he experienced lots of memories of those long ago "good old days". We thank you.""
     The Kornerman says, "maybe I'm overstating a bit, I don't know. But, a simple list of familiar names provided some memories, maybe a smile or two for, or maybe even a tear from a 93-year old for a moment or more during what may be some long days. Thinking about it, it came to me that just maybe that's why we do this crazy thing twice a week. An effort to, somehow, make a difference for someone."
     P.S. Son Larry wasn't bashful. He said he's mostly sold cars during his career........with Vogler-Nieman in the early 70's, then Willey-Clemons when they came to town and finally, 38 years with Ron Willey, mostly in Nevada. He added, "I wasn't into sports or anything in school really and I never got into any serious trouble but I imagine the Boone police didn't mind the fact that I had left town."
     The mention of George Thompson and the BNR got me to thinking of another name to add to the BNR list. I remember a Rusty.......was it Johnson or Thompson.......had light, rust-colored hair? Then too, I thought of another name to add to the KWBG list......Bob Sharp, an always Boone boy, was an announcer there for a time.
     There's a comedian, Aaron Wilburn, from down south, who claims, "you can say or do anything you want to whether its true or not, nasty or not, and get away with it simply by concluding, "bless his heart, bless her heart or bless their heart." He claims, at least down south, that reprieves almost anything.
     Well, the Kornerman is hoping I will be accorded that "reprieve" for a pair of recent errors pointed out by Larry Adams, BHS-65, and John Hinz, BHS-64, and added to by John Kueck, BHS-61.
     Larry correctly said that the late David Crandell was in the BHS class of 1965, not 1962, and John Hinz didn't think Jerry Converse was a 1964 BHS grad. Correct, he was a 1961 grad.
     Bless my heart.
     Then, we do have a bit of a controversy regarding another item. In our story about the late Jerry Converse, his 6-7 height, was mentioned. Hinz and Kueck both question that.
     Hinz wrote, "in the later class of 64', we had two 6-6 guys, Steve Mathis and Jim Fecht. John Hendricks and Pat Ahlstrom were 6-3 or 6-4. Out secret "inside" weapon in basketball was Mike Bennett who was shorter, but could dunk from anywhere on the floor and once shattered a backboard in a game. The tallest Boone basketball player after our class was 6-7 Brian Larson, BHS-66, who later starred at Grandview College." Kueck added, "Jerry was tall but no taller than my friend Doug Gustafson, BHS-61, who I think was 6-5. I think I know because I was in Jerry's car pool to Iowa State for several years."
     The Kornerman answers, "I would assume the Iowa State University News Service is a viable news organization and I simply reported what they said in their news release as follows: "after graduating from BHS in the spring of 1961, Converse, attended Iowa State. By that time, he had grown quite tall, nearly 6-7, and although he had  never played sports, the ISU basketball team wanted him to join. The coach even made personal visits to the Converse household to try and recruit  him but he resisted."
     Now, let me add this, the release does say, "ISU has been able to memorialize Jerry with the help of and materials from his brother, Alan Converse, of Gilbert, AZ.
     Regarding the latest Korner quiz, Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, reported, "one of the hair care companies that started up in Boone was Trev. It was owned by a guy with the name Vert and his building was on Eighth Street across from the old YMCA."
     Tom Canfield, BHS-53, added, "Fitch Shampoo. I can still sing the jingle. Rose's Hair Restorer, conditioner or something like that."
     The question was, "there were two well-known hair care product companies in the 1950's that started up in Boone. What were their names and location?"
     The Kornerman will probably provide the complete answer in the Saturday edition.
     Congratulations to current Toreador athlete, Mason Hulse. He was recently named the class 3-A First Team All-State Quarterback. He's the first BHS quarterback to receive such an honor since Mike Harris was selected in 1966.
     The Kornerman is sorry to report the recent death of Michael Byriel, 65, of Grinnell, who passed away December 3. Services were held in Grinnell December 9.
     Michael, BHS-70, opened Michael's Italian Kitchen restaurant in 1988 and, along with his family, had operated  it for 30 years. A U.S. Navy vet, survivors include his wife, Charmaine Fraulini Byriel, BHS-70, of Grinnell as well as a daughter, Cara Kenkel, of Grinnell. Other survivors include his father, Glenn Byriel, and brothers, Brian, BHS-73, and Perry, BHS-81, all of Boone as well as a brother, Rick, BHS-76, of Urbandale. His mother, Donna Byriel, preceded him in death.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Ival Sellers Sinn, 93, Boone. BHS-42. She worked for the FBI  in Washington, D.C. during World War II. There are no Boone area survivors.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson Street, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is still 515-432-1530 and we still don't answer unless we recognize the name/number. Leave a message and we'll get back to you. To email your stories/memories/comments/



Saturday, December 9, 2017

Wrapping Up the Motel Story

     The story of the Shangri-La is pretty wrapped up with one final addition (we think). Apparently, it was a Mikesell family that LAST owned and operated the motel. They sold that property to the current occupants, the Subway store.
     Another note concerning the motel listings. Our quizmaster Tony Crandell, BHS-59, had told us there were some courts, across, south from the Eastern Star Home and he thought the owners were Phyliss and Melvin Converse. That leads to another story concerning one of the Converse sons, Jerry.
     In June of 1967, during a six-day war between Israel and some Arab nations, the USS Liberty was, caught in between, attacked by Israeli fighter bombers, then by torpedo boats in international waters, the Mediterranea sea. A total of 34 American sailors were killed and 174 injured. One of the victims was Jerry Converse.
     Jerry, BHS-61, earned an Electrical Engineering degree from Iowa State University, 1961-64.
     At Boone High School, he had loved being involved in music and had a special passion for engineering and mechanical programs. After graduation from ISU, he wanted to fly but color blindness and his height, 6-7, worked against his Air Force ambition. Instead, he signed up with the U.S. Navy which, eventually, lead to his death.
     In 2014, Jerry was one of five ISU graduates who were honored on Veterans Day during a Gold Star Hall ceremony in the ISU Memorial Union. Honored there are ISU grads who died in military service in a war zone.
     Before I forget, I'm sure some of you have enjoyed meals at the Texas Roadhouse but have especially gone ga-ga over the warm bread smothered with a special butter.
     Here's a Korner exclusive.........the recipe for that special butter.
     One stick of unsalted butter, room temperature. 1/4 cup of powdered sugar. 1/4 cup of honey. One teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Whip the room temp butter with whisk for 30 seconds. Add the remaining ingredients and beat until completely combined and very smooth. Scrape down the sides of the bowl and turn up the speed and whip for a minute or two until really light and fluffy.
     The Kornerman is sure you know what to do after that.
     Thanks to Judy Canfield.
     Think about this. I'm sure you viewers remember the "Who Wants to be a Millionaire" TV show and, if needed, the contestant could use a lifeline, a call to someone who, potentially, could help provide them some needed information.
     The question? Who would be your lifeline? The Kornerman assumes it would be someone you have great trust in...........a relative, a friend.......and one you feel may have the wherewithal to aid your case.
     In the Kornerman's case, it might be a viewer. John Kueck, BHS-61, would fill the bill. He's certainly be a constant Korner lifeline AND guess who sent the Korner our very first holiday greeting?  Yup! He wrote, "I thoroughly enjoy your blog. For some of us, it is our only connection to Boone and our era."
     A very nice picture of John and his lovely bride, Susan, was included. Some other good looking family members were pictured as well.
     Back to another quiz. Two very well known (at the time) hair care product companies actually began in Boonetown in the 50's. Can you name them and their location?
     You have to be Dick Longworth, BHS-53, to remember when the Boone News Republican phone number was 1 (one). The Kornerman certainly doesn't remember that.
     How about 325 and/or 448. This was prior to the 1960's.......and the 325 was the Boone Fire Department while the 448 was the Boone Police Department.
     Some sad news from Steve Crandell, BHS-66. Steve called the Kornerman Friday to report the passing of his brother, David, BHS-65. David, 70, had been battling cancer at his Morton, Ill. home.
He had most recently worked for Caterpillar Logistics in Morton, where he also served on the Facility EMT team. His wife, Jolene Anderson Crandell, BHS-65, the daughter of Gunnar and Helen Anderson survives. A son, Richard, also survives.   
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Wayne (Griz) Wilke, 71, CO. Formerly of Boone. BHS-64. Was a 30 year member of the Boilermaker Union 83 of Kansas City. Survivors include five sisters, Cheryl Moorman and Jan Mallas of Boone and three others.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is still 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/


Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Very Late Edition

     No, didn't sleep in. No, health remains steady.
     These "new" devices are great when working.......not so great when not.
     The simple answer for the Kornerman being very late this edition is...........both land line phones and computer were "out of commission." Back at work now (Wed/6 p.m.). However, at this late time, I'm going to "catch up" on deaths only, then get back to a more normal format Saturday.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Ann Perkovich Harris, 92, Madrid. Family moved to Madrid in 1943. Ann was a faithful farm wife and homemaker. She and her late husband, Gerald, had three  children including Ronald of Madrid..........Harold (Dune) Kost, 83, Missouri, formerly of Boone. BHS-52. His wife, Judy, survives..........Kirby Chance, 62, Des Moines, formerly of Boone. His parents were Raymond and Mary Ann Chance. BHS-73. Worked many years as an EMT and Registered Nurse. Five children, four girls and a boy, survive. Three brothers and two sisters also survive including Doug Chance of Boone.........Ivan Sinn, 93, Boone........Carolyn Cay Munn Herrald, 80, Boone. Her parents were Robert and Helen Munn. BHS-55 where she excelled as a violin player. Cay managed the family business, Riekenberg's, in the 1960's and 70's. A daughter, Ann, and step son Mark Herrald survive. Boone area survivor is a cousin, Meg Manatt, of Boone.........Larry Cox, 77, Boone. BHS-58. His parents were Woodrow and Alice Cox. Larry was a veteran of both the U.S. Navy and U.S. Air Force. Boone area survivors include his wife, Linda Bracken Cox, son, Brandon, brother, Doyle, and sister, Bev Huston, and sister-in-law, Nyla Cox, all of Boone. Three other sisters also survive, including Linda Jones of Madrid.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number (when its working) is 515-432-1530. To email (when computer is working) stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT.......

Saturday, December 2, 2017


     Remember?......."your kisses take me to Shangri-La. Each kiss is magic, that makes my little world a Shangri-La."
     Back in "our time," any of those musical groups of four had a recording of that song.......the Lettermen, the Four Freshmen, the Four Lads, the Four Coins and various others.
     The Kornerman isn't sure if the song had anything at all to do with the naming of one of Boone's motels of those days but our mention of hotels/motels from that era in our last edition has brought lots of response.
     The question posed was, "name Boone's five hotels and three motels and their locations circa the late 50's/early 60's."
     From the Texas Hill Country, Chuck Brainard, BHS-50, wrote, "the Shangri-La motel was on the east side of Story Street between Fourth and Sixth Streets. It was a small, white double row of rooms, built, owned and operated by Glenn and Polly Brooks in the beginning. Glenn was a railroad passenger conductor and they were friends of my family. People said that Glenn bore a strong resemblance to the late actor, Franchot Tone."
     Loren Frazier, BHS-58, wrote, "you were correct on the location of the Shangri-La, north of the telephone company building on the east side of Story Street. The current occupant of that area is the Subway store." Loren even sent a photo of the Shangri-La.
     John McLeod, BHS-58 added, "I recall the Shangri-La's grand opening. It was quite an event. The motel was hailed as "up-scale" and a real benefit to Boone. That Fourth and Story intersection, in those days, was the "cross-roads of the city" for years as Mamie Eisenhower then was Highway 30, the Lincoln Highway. The Shangri-La motel was in a perfect location to capture travelers. The other three corners of the intersection, as you will recall, were occupied by service stations."
     The Kornerman has just one more thought on that subject. Way back in a small corner of my 82-year old mind, I'm getting a "recall." Didn't the late Alex Mahood, the old drummer, and family own and operate the Shangri-La in its later years? Sandy, BHS-64, where are you? Is the Kornerman right, or dreaming.........again?
     If you want to review the other hotels/motels of that time, as listed by our quizmaster, check out our last (Nov.29) edition.
     The Kornerman says, "it seems to me there is a real fine line between hotels, motels and just plain "rooms for rent, 50-cents." Loren Frazier had some ideas. He wrote, "there was a motel on the south side of Fourth (Mamie) and east of Boone Street. There was also a large house on the southeast corner of Fourth and Boone Streets that rented rooms to travelers in the years before motels. A motel, name unknown to me, was built in the 50's between the back of that house and the alley. I think that motel building still remains there. There was also a large house across Fourth Street on the northeast corner of Fourth and Boone Streets that rented rooms to travelers. I'm not sure if my memory is correct on this, but I think the motel/cabins across from the Eastern Star Home also had space for travelers who could pull in small camper/trailers or simply slept in the back of station wagons. Regarding the Crary Hotel, that building became the Mondt Hotel sometime in the 50's. It also housed the Herb Jones Barber Shop, with entrances off the lobby of the hotel and also on Seventh Street. The Mondt Cafe, also a part of the building, was adjacent to the barber shop, also with an entrance on Seventh Street."
     Another item that drew some attention were questions concerning the northeast corner of that Fourth and Story intersection. For quite some time now, there has been a brick building there occupied first by Northwestern Bell and lately by Century Link. But what was situated on that corner prior to that?
     Roy and Sue Woolsoncroft of Nevada wrote, "we believe there was a nice, brick home on that corner which was eventually moved to provide the location for a new telephone company building. The house was moved to the east side of Linn Street, directly south of Mamie Eisenhower Avenue."
     John McLeod added, "it was a beautiful brick home owned by a family named McBernie, I believe. It was fascinating to me what happened to that home. From my vantage point on the southeast corner of the intersection at Bob Highland's DX station, I watched as the house was jacked up and moved east on Mamie to its current location at 322 Linn Street. The old Johnstone home had occupied the entire southeast corner lot at Linn and Mamie prior to that. The lot was divided to accomodate the McBernie home's arrival. It was quite an experience to see a house get loaded up and literally "rolled" down the street. Tree limbs and overhead wires had to be dealt with. I'm not certain of the date and year but it happened in the early 50's."
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Yvonna (Vonnie) Mondt, 92, Boone. BHS-42. Married David Mondt in 1945. Was office manager at Percival Refrigeraton for 20 years. Survived by four daughters, Constance Jean, Carol Annette, Davi Enise and Denice Yvonne.........Marie Bass, 95, Jefferson. Boone area survivors include sons, Ron, Allen and Alvin all of Boone. Three other children survive.........Norman Newcomb, 83, Boone. BHS-52. Navy vet. For 30 years was a Program Planner for the DOT in Ames. Retired in 1996. Boone area survivors include his wife, Helen Carpenter Newcomb, and three children, sons Monte and Andy and daughter, Lori, all of Boone...........Rosella Hasstedt Morgan, 83, Des Moines/Ogden. Born in Boone County. Married Lowell Morgan and they farmed north of Ogden before starting Morgan Farm Equipment. Boone area survivors include her husband, Lowell, daughter-in-law, Lorie Morgan, sister, Rosalie Johnson, and brothers-in-law, Bob Morgan and Roy Coffman. Three children also survive.........Ken Barkwill, 92, Boone. Air Force vet. Married Mary Elizabeth Frederick in 1948 and moved to Boone in 1968. Became Building and Zoning official for the city of Boone in 1974 and retired in 1987. Was very active in the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad. Boone area survivors include his wife, Mary, son, James, and daughter, Jean, all of Boone. Two other children also survive.........Philip Golding, 92, Clear Lake. Formerly of Boone. Army vet. Moved to Boone in 1963 when Phil took a job at Iowa State University. Retired in 1990. When his wife, Lola, passed away in 2009, he moved to Clear Lake. Survived by three sons and a daughter.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT......