Tuesday, June 25, 2024


     Nothing major here......just bringing together some bits and pieces of recent incoming correspondence.

     Regarding our recent mention of American Legion baseball, John Kueck, BHS-61, responded, "I was a good friend of Rick Barry, BHS-62. I assume his older brother, Gary, BHS-55, played Legion ball. I remember hearing a story of the team going to Philadelphia (?) to watch a major league game or tourney (?). Percy Barry, Rick and Gary's dad, was a chaperone on the trip. Two or three of them slept in a hotel room with open windows because it was so hot outside. Percy, however, woke up to see an individual crawl through the window in a robbery effort. Thankfully, Percy interrupted that effort and nothing was lost."

     Vern Modeland, BHS-50, noted a recent mention of baseball and Brigadier General Walter Anderson. Vern wrote, "thanks for recalling the baseball memories. I was never quick enough to play that game. I lived the earliest decade of my life living across from Walt Anderson's house on Aldrich street at the intersection it made with what-ever-street that was beside the house, now long gone, where I lived, two blocks east of Story Street. Back of the Anderson's property was the Milwaukee railroad spur from Madrid and the golf course. That's also long gone. Thanks for the memories."

     Surprise....Surprise. Had a nice phone (remember those?) visit with a friend from years ago the other day. Dick Canady called from San Francisco and we had a great visit with lots of Boone "names" tossed around.

     As far as I know, Dick, after BHS-52, earned a law degree from the State University of Iowa and went to the San Francisco area to practice law. He's still there and he told me, "I still have my office and a secretary but I don't get involved in any major cases anymore."

     He keeps in contact with Max Moore, BHS-46, in California and wondered if I knew that Max's brother, Larry Moore, BHS-52, had passed away. I was aware of that. Dick said that Larry Lyons, BHS-52, in Arizona, was a special friend of his, he had talked to Paul Harder, BHS-52, in Colorado, recently and in a short trip to Boone some time back, he was happy to see Bill Curran, BHS-54, and Stan Moffitt, BHS-52. Another BHS friend was Tom Canfield, BHS-53, and I told him that I see Tom regularly due to our once a month class meeting. Dick's two sisters, Bev, BHS-49, and Phyliss, BHS-54, have both passed away.

     I, the Kornerman, had not talked to Dick Canady since our high school days and I think we both enjoyed "catching up." Dick said he is still a bit involved in the University of Iowa and comes to Iowa City for a meeting about once a year. Oh yes, he's heard of Caitlin Clark. Who hasn't?

     I'm reminded I also had a good phone visit with former '53 classmate and best high school friend, Gary Grosnickle, recently. We hadn't talked in some time. Gary and his wife, Delores McNaughton Grosnickle, BHS-52, have lived in Bella Vista, Arkansas for a number of years. Their health is "pretty good," though Gros has been forced to give up his favorite pastime, golf, due to certain health issues. 

    I'm also reminded of a Gaither music classic......"Old friends, after all of these years just old friends, through the laughter and tears, old friends what a find, what treasure".....and yes, a tear......maybe even a couple suddenly appear.

    Hey, old guy.....there's no crying in baseball..........or the Korner?


     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. Leave a message. To email your stories/memories/comments/death notices.....https://kelleyskorner1@blogspot.som.

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