Sunday, August 4, 2024


     Our recent mention of the Wallace boys, Bill and Mike, prompted a note from Vern Modeland, BHS-50, regarding their dad, Henry "Hank" Wallace, who had a long work history in law enforcement, including time as the Boone County Sheriff.

     Vern wrote, "His (Hank's) mention took me a minute, but late night shenanigans by some of the guys of the class of '50 flashed back to mind when, in that kinder and gentler time, real Peace Officers such as Hank, could make a surprise appearance in the park or on a front porch, in a crisp Peace Officers uniform, and deliver a few words to a rowdy us who might have had one too many, or, otherwise, broke or bent some statute that was somewhere in some law book. All was done without need for screeching front page headlines, time in a cell, or court appearances supporting how bad "young people" "all" behaved. I'm so glad for having Boone Iowa as my base for becoming the person I am."


     Some news from the Boone County History Center made it into my email the other day.

     Here are some details.

     Something that has taken some time and lots of work, much volunteer work, is finally coming to fruition. The second floor of the museum will be opening on August 29, 2024. An invitation to the Open House will be coming soon.

     One main problem is that there will be more movement to the second floor and that elevator situation is still pending. It is a very old elevator and parts are almost impossible to obtain. Replacement would be wonderful but, of course, costly. Financial help is needed. Some will be available via receipt of $5,000 from the Boone County Board of Supervisors in October. That money will be designated for an elevator fund.

     There are discussions about possible cost saving changes to Trail Tales. Costs of postage and printing continue to rise. Many members appreciate the printed versions but there is ongoing talk about having an email version. Opinions are being solicited.

     There is a plan in effect to reach out to smaller county towns.....Fraser, Moingona, Mackey, Jordan etc. for information to include in the Fareway room as part of the Boone County merchants exhibit. 

     Current membership stands at 190 and the renewal date for memberships is December 31, 2024.


     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. Leave a message. To email your stories/memories/comments/death notices.....

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