Saturday, June 19, 2021


      It always surprises the Kornerman when certain "out of the way" items attract attention.

      In the last edition, as an afterthought, (see how it was located at the very end), I tossed out my wonderment about whether the time has come to eliminate (now UNI) from further editions.

     Every so often, especially in obituaries, an older person who has passed, once attended State Teachers College and when that occurs and is mentioned,  I usually try to explain that's the same school as the one we now refer to as UNI, the University of Northern Iowa. 

     As time passes and people get older, we have fewer and fewer such mentions. Is this explanation still needed?

     Since I timidly brought this up, here are some responses I've received.

     Martha Warrick Hilsabeck, BHS-62, wrote, "thought it was interesting that you mentioned Iowa State Teachers College. I ran into Lyn Dighton, one-time BHS teacher and wrestling coach, this morning and he was wearing an Iowa State Teachers College T-shirt. I commented that it couldn't have been from when he went there. He laughed and explained that he went to three colleges and never left the Cedar Falls campus. It was Iowa State Teachers College when he started, then the State University of Iowa and finally, the University of Northern Iowa........all within four years."

     Jerry Manriquez, BSH-57, wrote, "Iowa Teacher's College was named the State College of Iowa when I attended there in 1964 and 66. The state was trying to think of a name for the school when it became a University. We had ISU - Iowa State University and UOI - University of Iowa or UI. I remember someone suggesting that we name the school IOU - Iowa's Other University."

     I guess the Kornerman will continue to explain that Teachers College or whatever is (now UNI).

     The time has finally come. After a long and harrowing trip down a very rugged road, the Boone History Center is reopening THIS VERY DAY, SATURDAY, JUNE 19.
     The opening is scheduled for 10 a.m. and will remain open until 2 p.m..
     Attendees are invited to see the brand new Fareway exhibit, the revised Kate Shelley and Carl Fritz Henning exhibits, the new Ledges exhibit, and the Military exhibit. 
     Also new, is Kate's Shoppe, a place for local artists or artisans to display and sell their creations.
     Light refreshments will be served.
     Admission is free for Society members. Non-members, age 12 and up, will pay just $5.00. Children under 12 have free admission. 
     Beginning next week, the History Center will be open on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
     Mamie Eisenhower's Birthplace will reopen on July 1. Hours there are Tuesday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sundays, 1:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.
     Here's something else to think about attending........Movie Day at the Boone Pioneer Center, a community center at 1112 Story Street operated by a non-for-profit Senior Group.
     Beginning Tuesday, June 22, 2021, at 1 p.m., weekly free movies will be offered. A new 50 inch television, DVD Player and projector have all been donated.
     For starters, the play list will include Ma and Pa Kettle, Red Skelton, Shirley Temple movies and other "oldies."
     Microwave popcorn and pop will be for sale.
     The center is air-conditioned and very open to the public. You're invited to attend to see what they have to offer.
     REUNION UPDATE: The classes of 1965 have set their gathering. It will be held Friday, August 6, during Pufferbilly, at the Entertainment Center, Ninth and Keeler,at 6 p.m.. Saturday, the 7th, there will be a meeting at the Cedar Pointe Golf and Country Club from 6 p.m. to 10  p.m.......COST FREE.
     Hors d'oeuves will be served with a cash bar available. 
     It would help to know if you are planning to attend. Please text Lynn Pestotnik....515-230-9371.
     Then, also, the wonderful,  terrific, sensational, class of 1953 will have their 68th celebration on Saturday, September 18. 
     Meet at the Colorado Grill starting at 5 p.m. We'll order from the menu so no payment in advance is needed.
     Would like a number count for the restaurant. Please let Dorothy Long Huffman know by September 15 if you plan to attend. Her address is 1809 Boone Street......515-432-4151.
      I understand the classes of 1960, 1961 and 1970 also have coming reunions in mid-September.
      I'm told that the 1960 group will meet September 14-16 and Sandy Madden or Joe Russell would be good contacts. Sandy Crandell has info on the 1961 reunion September 17-19. Not much info but the class of 1970 will also have a September meeting. 
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS:  Betty Louise Grimm Burt, 91, Ogden. Born in Boone. OHS.
Married Robert (Bob) Burt in 1947. She worked at Archway, Bohlen and Associates and retired from the Fareway Corporate office. Four adult children survive, including John Burt of Pilot Mound and Pat Peterson of Dayton..........Patricia J. English, 61, Boone. Two daughters survive.........Geraldine (Geri) Roe, 82, Dayton. Survivors include a son and two daughters, including Amber Bergquist of Stratford..........Phyliss Kinsey, 90, Dayton. Born in Boxholm. DHS-49..........Joan Noelk, 94, Exira. Survivors include a son, Paul Noelk, of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. Leave a message. To email your stories/memories/comments.....


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