Wednesday, July 3, 2019


     Anybody out there have access to a picture of the old Jimmy Archer Field?
     Janice Dutton Rardin, BHS-68, wrote, "my brothers are Bob Dutton, BHS-60; Marv (Tom) Dutton, BHS-62, and Jim Dutton, BHS-65. My cousins are Tom Peterson, BHS-67; Roger Dutton, BHS-63; and Don Dutton, BHS-60. They all played Babe Ruth baseball at Jimmy Archer Field. My uncle George Dutton, BHS-38, was an umpire there. I asked Tom Peterson if he has any pictures of Jimmy Archer Field and he said he didn't but to contact you to see if you did. I would appreciate it if you don't have any such picture, you could let me know who does."
     The Kornerman says, "off hand, I have no answer. I have seen a Little League booklet all about the history of youth baseball in Boone and it, possibly, could contain such a picture."
     ATTENTION: In the archives, just this very minute, 7/3/2019, 5:25 a.m., I, the Kornerman, found that booklet. It is the Boone National Little League Fact Book and Dedicatory Program from May 21, 1977. It appears that this was when a move was made from Jimmy Archer Field to the new Creasman complex. In the booklet is a picture of the old Jimmy Archer Field and a picture of the new Creasman area. However, I must say, that both pictures show nothing much more than the ground area. The older picture does show the banner that hung high at the entrance and read, "Jimmy Archer Field."
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Loren Tungesvik, 64, rural Radcliffe. Passed away via a mowing accident. R-Story HS-73. Was a member of the Iowa Army National Guard for over 40 years. Was discharged in 2014. Also, was a grain farmer. Married Cheryl Huffman in 1975 and she passed away in 1993. The couple had two children, Kia and Jerad. Jerad died in 2019. In 1995, Loren married Mary Jo Fitzgerald. Wife Mary Jo and daughter Kia are survivors as are a sister and two brothers, including Carroll Tungesvik of Boone.........Carrol Campbell, 86, Boone. Army vet. Was an employee of Story County as a heavy equipment operator. Married Phyliss Trickle in 1951. One son, Steven, survives.........Florence "Flo" Hopkins, 85, Boone. Married Lyle Hopkins in 1959. She worked at Merit Baking and as a caregiver at the Boone County Home, River Valley Residential services and Genesis. She retired in 2010. Survivors include a step-daughter, Marilyn Heidebrink, of Madrid, a brother-in-law and a sister-in-law.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......

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