Wednesday, April 1, 2020


     Vern Modeland, BHS-50, spoke out from the Ozarks this week. Vern wrote, "how many KWBG on-air staffers went to work on-air at WHO radio in its hey-days? Well there was me, Bob Graham and Wayne Hillman Olson that I know of. Wayne and I were a team night-side at KWBG in the early 50's. Wayne had a required engineer's license and I didn't. We worked together at KWBG to solve that problem. Wayne went on to be a popular all-night DJ on WHO radio which followed Dwayne Ellett's stint."
     The Kornerman replies, "oh my, what memories. I note that Vern didn't mention Ev Hickman, BHS-54, and nobody has ever told or shown me that Ev ever worked at KWBG before moving on to WHO. Larry Adams, BHS-65, doesn't mention Ev in his study of BHS alumni. Larry Kelley, BHS-64, is about to complete his KWBG research. Maybe he has an answer."
     Vern's got me started now on more memories of WHO. Before television, WHO radio was the big honcho when it came to news coverage. I think everyone in range watched the WHO 10 p.m. news. That was the biggie......the one newcast that seemed to capture both all the news of the day and most of the potential audience. In that regard, the 10 p.m. newscasters were kind of like "rock kings." More respected than most "rock kings" but totally respected by their listeners.
     H.R. Gross, who was member of the U.S. Congress at one time, I believe, was one of those who, at some time, anchored that 10 p.m. WHO news. Then there was also Boone's Jack Shelley,
M.L. Nelson and Bob Henry. Those are ones I seem to remember.
     I loved this memory......thinking of that very popular 10 p.m. news and the announcers.
     During this stressful time we had a little levity in the last edition. I thought it was appropriate. Let's have some more.
     (1) We thought we'd have flying cars by 2020. But no, we are teaching people how to wash their hands.
     (2) Day two without sports. Found a lady sitting on my couch. Apparently its my wife. She seems nice.
     (3) This virus must be wrecking India. I haven't had a phone call in three days about my extended car warranty.
     (4) Our cleaning lady just called to tell us she's working from home and will be sending us instructions on what to do.
     (5) That moment when you're worried about the elderly, you suddenly realize you are the elderly.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Robert Bob Petty, 91, Pilot Mound. Perry HS-47. Married Marjorie Briggs in 1951 and they started farm life near Boxholm. Survivors include a son, Daryl, of Pilot Mound, three daughters and a son-in-law.........Harold (Buck) Huffman, 87, Boone. BHS-51. Survivors include his wife, Dorothy, and a daughter...........Ray Schoenrock, 85, Ames. Worked for the DOT for 41 years prior to retirement in 1998. Fast pitch softball fans will remember Ray as a one-armed fast pitch softball pitcher in this area for 44 years. He had lost an arm in an auto accident at the age of 18. Wife Beverly, four sons and a daughter survive.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......

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