Saturday, March 21, 2020


     As imagined, it did come AND now its gone. The Kornerman's birthday that is. We all hope this coronavirus thing disappears as quickly as the cards and cake.
     With all that's going on in our world right now, it was so inspiring to hear good wishes from so many of you. I hadn't heard from Steve Hilts, BHS-62, for quite some time and he was one of the first presenters. He added a note to the greeting, "thanks for keeping us tied to wonderful Boone, Iowa." That short note, in itself, means a lot to the oldtimer. I mean we all need a little boost on occasion to realize that what we're doing does have some meaning to some people.
     I don't dare try to start listing all those I've heard from but thank you, thank you, thank you for the many greetings and well wishes. Good old John Smith even made a personal visit to my door.
     I'm at a point where I don't like to advertise my age anymore. I will give you this clue and you can decide whether the answer is worth persuing. I won't be seeing 84 again. Now, go figure.
     It was pointed out to me that I made a mistake. We don't like that but those things happen.
     In Mike Bennett's obituary, we mentioned he was an important part of the Toreadors 1963 state tournament basketball team.
     We discovered there are two Mike Bennett's......Michael V. BHS-64, and Michael Lee, BHS-65.
     It was the Mike, BHS-65, who just passed away but it was the other Mike, BHS-64, that was on that successful Boone basketball team.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Betty Stribling, 85, Ogden. Earned a degree from Northeast Missouri State in 1956. That same year, she married John Stribling. Betty taught in the Boone schools for 27 years. Survivors include her husband, a son, three daughters and a brother.........Beverly Powers, 84, Boone. Had been a resident of Westhaven in Boone since 2019. She was an RN and worked for Boone County Public Health, the Woodward State Hospital, Greene County Hospital and was Director of Nursing for several long term care facilities in Iowa. Three sons survive.........Joan
Thompson, 97, Boone..........Donald Tripp, 90, Longville, MN.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments.....  

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