Saturday, March 2, 2019


     Despite the less than ideal weather and various other conflicts, a nice crowd attended the Boone County Historical Society meeting Tuesday.
     Progress was made.
     The temporary Board of Directors can rest easier now. Their great contribution, as a group, has ended. A brand new, permanent 14-member Board of Directors was elected to race the BCHS back to a more normal existence.
     The new member officers are: President - Michael Waterbury. Vice-President - Shirley Walrod, Secretary - Sandra Devin and Treasurer - Judy Russell. The other board members are Larry Adams, Linda Blakely, Curt Condon, Joe Devin, Karl Jungbluth, Janet Krengel, John Stephenson, Bill Lusher, Scott Smith and Paula Vaughn.
     The last previous regular meeting, held in January, was recessed after the board, that was serving at that time, resigned enmasse. Volunteers stepped forward to temporarily provide aid until this new board was elected.
     It can't be emphasized enough......the wonderful, voluntary service the temporary board provided. Without those five individuals stepping forward.......?
     The group  raised enough money to pay some insurance and utility bills and re-established memberships that had been terminated by the previous permanent board. They also organized the Tuesday meeting for the board reorganization.
     At the Tuesday meeting, a first giant step to regain those lost memberships and collect new ones was taken. Much progress was made.
     Mark Campbell, BHS-67, recently posed the question, "whatever happened to Fred Lark, a KWBG alum?"
     When the Kornerman had no recent answer, Carolyn Ades Durham, BHS-58, provided some help. Carolyn said, "Fred owns a radio station in Lewiston, MT.. We were friends and went out there to see Fred and family several years ago and, in fact, we moved out some 70 miles east of Lewiston for a time. He has two daughters that work for him at station KXLO. When he was at KWBG in the late 50's, he had a "Country Boy Farm Show.""
     The Kornerman remembers working with Fred but I've only seen him one time in recent years. An Iowa State alum, he has served on a committee of some kind at Iowa State for a number of years and I saw Fred one time when he came back here for a meeting of that committee at ISU. I know he was a pilot and had his own plane but, as I indicated before, the thing about Fred that most impressed me was his singing talent. I know he made a few records and I was very impressed with his rendition of the "St Louis Blues."
     The Kornerman was a KWBG employee way back from 1953-55 and again from 1957-70 and I'm so pleased to hear that the station has been nominated for a prestigious National Association of Broadcaster's award.
     Since 1987, the NAB Crystal Radio Awards have recognized radio stations for their outstanding annual commitment to community service.
     This year, KWBG is one of 50 finalists for that award, 10 of which will be crowned on April 9 at Las Vegas in the midst of the annual NAB convention.
     Hopefully, our own KWBG, which has been a member of the Boone community since 1950, will be one of the "top ten in the nation."
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Larry Howard, 71, Boone. BHS-66. Navy vet. Worked for C&W Insurance, Heinrich Envelope and Ag Leader. Served many years as a Little League umpire. Survivors include a daughter, Michelle, three sons, Jesse, Bryon and Joshua, and nine siblings, Don, Ken, Rita, Lois, Dixie, Linda, Marilyn, Sherri and Connie.......Diane Sellers Myers, 64, Urbandale. Born in Boone to Jim and Marge Sellers. BHS-72. Married Gary Myers in 1972. They lived in Woodward, moved to Knoxville in 1975 and Urbandale in 2014. Diane was a teacher's associate and worked in the ER department at the Knoxville hospital. Boone survivor is her mother, Marge. Her husband, Gary, a son and two daughters also survive.........Dale Lund, 90, Polk City. Born in Boxholm.........Dorthy Pfrimmer Hubbard, 84, Urbandale. The family moved to Boone from Lucas County. She married Oris Hubbard in Boone in 1953. The couple moved to Van Meter in 1958. Homemaker and house cleaner. Three sons survive..........May Axtell, 83, Madrid. Served as a church secretary while living in Woodward. A daughter and grandchild, Linda Tingwald and Garrett Tingwald, both of Woodward, are among the survivors........LaVonne Coulter, 90............Betty Cory, 89, Boone. Jefferson HS-47. Married Darrel Cory in 1948 and the couple moved to Boone in 1952. Betty served the Franklin Elementary school for 19 years. Three sons, Marty, Barry and Randy survive, as do a sister and brother.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 936 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......

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