Saturday, April 26, 2014

We're Back in Business.......A Full Load

     The old Kornerman received a very exciting email recently from Steve Shaler, BHS-59. As always, Steve and a group of friends had made plans for their annual attendance at the Drake Relays. And, to my delight, Steve said he would like to stop in Boone enroute to Des Moines and relive some memories with the Kornerman.
     It happened on Wednesday. It was great to see Steve and relive life in Boone in the 50's and 60's era,  learn about his family, plans for the Relays weekend and his regular visits with several Booneites who live in the "Land of Lakes."
     Steve has been a resident of Saint Cloud, MN for a number of years. Now retired, he worked in the financial area, is married and has two daughters. He was anxious to get together with his sisters, Sally, Mary and Emilie, while in Des Moines.
     Steve, Barry Wills and Steve Croxen have been going to the Relays for a number of years and the weekend provides for some good family time as well, highlighted by a final get-together at the Wills residence in Madrid Saturday night.
     Back home, Steve said, on occasion, he gets together with several Booneites, Chuck McGriff, Larry Ford and others, who reside in the Twin Cities area.
     It was great to see him. We had a great visit.
     Mike Howard provided some good memories this week. He wrote, "I worked at Lawson's Grocery in 1968-69. At that time, Chet Lawson was moving about on a motorized cart, Charlie Faust was his assistant and Bob Shuey was there in some leadership capacity as well. I worked with some BHS-70 guys like Paul Jacobsen, Jon Grasso, Mike Manderscheid and Jon Welin. Chet had a bit of distrust in the working sticktuitiveness of his staff and spent quite a bit of time driving around trying to catch "loafers." It became a game to try and avoid him. I remember one incident that involved the receiving of Hi C cases and stacking them in, somewhat of, a smokestack configuration that left the inside of the stack hollow. That stack would tower about 15 feet high. One day as Charlie was incessantly calling over the intercom, "sacker please," everyone responded but Grasso who could not be found. It was a big store so a couple of us went on a search and found Jon sleeping at the bottom of the stack."
     Mike added, "Then too, I remember the burgers at what we called, "Clyde's" but was really the Hamburger Inn. The burgers, I recall, were 19-cents and Clyde (Moore) cooked them in old burger grease for some of the best burgers I have ever had. I am sure my cholesterol level went up as a result but umm-umm! I think I usually had at least four of them. Next door was Dan's Tobacco Shop where you could buy lots of fishing gear or dirty magazines if you chose. Dan didn't like you hanging around just checking out the merchandise. If he thought you were in there too long, he would start to tap his cane on the floor with increasing frequency. I bought enough comic books there that after a number of years, I sold my collection for $1400. Nancy's in West Boone had great tenderloins and I devoured many of them."
     Thanks Mike......some great memories of Boone treasures.
     The Barry family was mentioned in a recent edition and the Kornerman remembered the family well but had no clue as to their existence after they left Boonetown. That brought a couple of responses.
     Mary Mower of Cedar Rapids offered that, "Bob is in Monroeville, Pa and I think Gary is in the Milwaukee area." She added, "I really enjoy reading your column and it brings back lots of memories of Boone. Thanks for all of your work."
     John Kueck added but with the caveat, "I could be wrong on some of this." "Gary was in the Air Force and became a pilot for one of the major airlines. I believe he was a BHS quarterback. Bob graduated from Iowa State in Electrical Engineering and became a Vice President for Westinghouse Nuclear Energy Systems. By coincidence, I had a large project at Control Data Corporaton to develop computer systems for that company at about that same time but I didn't know Bob was with WNES. Then too, my wife, Susan, has a cousin whose husband worked with Bob and the couple were great friends in Pittsburgh. I did communicate with Bob's wife Sandy (Southern) once several years ago. Rick became a lawyer and I believe had a high profile case in California as a U.S. Attorney. He later moved to Spencer, IA and practiced there. I think he was also a former BHS quarterback. I haven't seen any of the Barry's since I left Boone in 1966. What I have written is what I pieced together over the years from hearsay and memory so I hope I've been accurate."
     The Barry's boys dad was Percy, who was a longtime Boone County Courthouse employee but I can't remember the exact title. Then too, I can't remember (this getting old is no fun, folks) their mother's name but I remember very reddish hair and didn't she work in Duffy's Appliance???
     Boone Area Deaths: Lori Gau Van Cannon, 44. Boone. BHS-88. Obtained degrees as a lab tech, in Biotechnolgy and Animal Science. Worked in quality control at Archway in Boone and Barilla in Ames. Boone area survivors include daughters Kristina and Laurian Van Cannon, their father David, Lori's mother Linda Gau and sister Darcy Gau.............Doris Walker Lee, 83, Minnesota, formerly of Boone. BHS-grad. Worked as an LPN including at Woodward hospital. Boone survivor is her brother Ted Walker.
     Cindy Hockett, 55, Nevada, formerly of Boone. Ames High and DMACC grad. Worked at Mary Greeley hospital and Apria Health Care. Boone area survivors include her daughters Tina Banks of Ogden and Mollie Moorman of Boone..........Frances Peter, 92, Boone............Ronald Allen, 47, Waterloo. Lived for a time at Ogden Manor. Boone area survivor is a sister, Dorothy DeReus.
     Worldwide Korner Headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments........

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