Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Too Many Easter Goodies Slow Down Korner Viewers

     It appears, as indicated by our lack of action, our Korner viewers inhaled too much ham and too many Easter eggs over the holiday weekend. Things have slowed to a snail's pace.
      Laurie Maurer Erbe wrote, "when I was a kid, my dad always went to "Chris, the barber." I think his name was Chris Eckhoff and his shop was across the street from the Trinity Lutheran Church."
     Oh yes, the Kornerman remembers that.
     Regarding the KWBG memories, John Kueck wrote, "I did not listen to KWBG when I was in Boone. I was tuned to the Des Moines rock and roll stations. One of my best friends was Ricky Barry. I was constantly at the Barry home and knew their family very well, including brothers Bob and Gary. Brother Bob worked at KWBG as an announcer. D.J. Bob was very intelligent and very serious in my view. One day, Ricky and I visited his brother at the station while Bob was broadcasting. This was my first time hearing Bob speak on the air. I was very surprised at his voice since it was a completely different sound. It also had the upbeat hip hop character of the rock and roll DJ's. I would never have recognized his voice "on air" if I had not witnessed it directly. I guess that's what you call a "radio voice." By the way, it sounded great. Mo, you deserve all the praise that you get for bringing us all the Boone happenings and memories. Thank you."
     The Kornerman remembers the Barry family well and wonders where those boys are. I remember they were good athletes and super students as well. I remember at least one was a BHS football quarterback.
     Ann Onymous was picking at me this week. She wrote, "If you are going to spread rumors from the "rumor mill" you could at least get the name of the company right. It is Caffrey Wholesale Inc.!!!" The Kornerman had written, "Caffrey Cigar Company."
     In my own defense, the Kornerman indicates that in the local phone book, there is a Caffrey Cigar Company listed. In addition, the signage on the front of their building reads, "Caffrey Cigar Company." To be politically correct, let me add that there are actually two listings in the phone each direction and on that sign in the front of the building......"Caffrey Cigar Company" is in big letters on top while underneath, in smaller letters, it reads, "Caffrey Wholesale Inc."
     Boone area deaths: Norman Peter, 92, Boone. Worked on the family farm, was a World War II vet, farmed near Ogden and then served as an engineer/custodian at the Boone City Hall prior to retirement in 1983. A brother, Hubert Peter, is a Boone survivor...............Dixie Currier, 95, rural Ogden. OHS-35. Was an Ogden school secretary from 1958-75 and a secretary at Ogden Manor from 1975-80. Boone area survivors include her husband, Raymond, and a daughter Connie Rudy of rural Ogden.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments.......

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