Memories of delivering newspapers in Boone.
John Kueck, BHS-61, wrote, "I was a Boone News Republican paper boy, delivering at a peak of about 120 papers. I don't remember more than a couple residents in my neighborhood that did not subscribe. That supports the 6500 figure, factoring in rural and out of town subscriptions."
Loren Frazier, BHS-58, wrote, "I had two BNR routes during my time working for R.P. Brown, the Circulation Director. My first route started at 7th and Runyan and covered the homes between 8th and 6th streets east of the start point on out to Cedar Street. As I recall, there were about 85 customers on that route. I am trying to come up with some houses that didn't take the paper and I am sure there weren't more than two or three. And, those homeowners may have purchased the paper at their place of work and brought it home."
Loren added, "my second route was Tama Street, from 8th through Aldrich. It was approximately 110 customers if my memory is correct. Again, most every household on that route took the paper. And, the paper was delivered six days a week, come rain or shine. And, even on school "snow days." I might add that I even delivered it on those days that I was too sick to go to school."
"But, back to your recent story. Yes, I agree that most every home in Boone received the BNR daily, and, I recall that there was also a downtown route and I imagine every business took the paper too. Some, like Ed's News Stand, took more than one paper, for resale. I am curious as to how many of our readers, like you and Richard Longworth, were employed by the BNR, however briefly. My stint was fourth grade through ninth grade, my longest job tenure until after the Navy and ISU."
Time is drawing closer for the classes of 1965 and Pufferbilly Days, August 6-8.
The classes of '65 will meet Friday, August 6, at the Pufferbilly Entertainment Center, Ninth and Keeler, at 6 p.m.. Saturday, August 7, they will follow up with a gathering at Cedar Pointe Golf and Country Club from 6 to 10 p.m.. There will be hors d'oeuves and a cash bar available. They would like to know in advance of your plans.....text Lynn P. at 515-230-9371.
BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Junior Thrasher, 88, Ames. A brother, Everett Thrasher, of Boone survives.........Michael Swanson, 81, Urbandale. Grew up in Madrid. MHS-57. Was a National Guardsman. Had paper routes and worked at Perrier's grocery in Madrid before working at Armstrong Tire. Retired in 1994. Married Diane in 1964 and the couple raised four kids in Ankeny...........Alice Oshel Swanson, 94, Boone. Worked as a CNA at the Eastern Star Home prior to retirement in 1988. Was active in the Boone Chapter of TOPS. Raised seven children, four girls and three boys. Survivors include daughters, Julie Dannen of Boone and Jean Brooks of Ogden, as well as a sister and sister-in-law.........Ernie Jordan, 82, Boone. Born in Ames. Huxley HS-57. Married Gladys (Gaye) Stewart in 1960. Farmed the family farm and worked at a print shop in Nevada. Raced at the Boone Speedway. Survivors include his wife, Gladys, of Boone, a daughter, son and sister.........Rovena Marie Pearson Roberts, 90, Madrid. Attended Boone schools. Married Edwin Roberts in 1949. The couple lived in the Madrid area and Rovena worked at the Woodward State Hospital and Madrid Home for over 20 years. Survivors include a son, Mark Roberts, of Madrid, a daughter, Carolyn Warren, of Boone, a brother, Marvin (Butch) Pearson of Boone, and three Boone sisters, Rozella Wilcox, Marilyn Ryan and Roseanna Kraft.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. Leave a message. To email your stories/memories/comments/death
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