Wednesday, February 26, 2020


     The Kornerman gets the impression that folks who haven't been around Boonetown lately, except for class reunions, an occasion funeral etc, look at the downtown area and throw up their arms in despair..........dreaming about the way "things used to be."
     Sure, its different now.......we can't deny. But, to our way of thinking, a more proper description would be, "its changed," just like a million other things have changed over the years. I'm not sure "back to the future" is a good direction to travel.
     There has been......there is progress but in "added" directions and new encouragement surfaces on an almost daily basis.
     We'll start with two of the newest positives.
     A look across the road, west, from the Boone Speedway area, provides a view of Midland Power Cooperatives new administrative offices. Construction is well underway.
     New employees will be added as line crews work out of this area and due to this addition, generally better service will be provided to 45% of the facilities membership, which resides within 20 miles of Boone.
     Then too, as soon as improved weather provides, the always expanding Boone Campus of Des Moines Area Community College will begin construction of a new Wellness Center on campus.
     The new building addition will include two gyms, a weight room, a golf room and an athletic training room. Its scheduled to be operative by October.
     And, that brings to mind the fact that there's also ongoing discussion about the possibility of a new Community Wellness Center AND the Eastern Star Home has recently opened its new full service membership wellness center that features a walking track, weight machines, a therapy pool and onward. The Evangelical Free Church Home, as it has for many years, also continues to provide excellent services for elderly patrons as well.
     Can you think of any community in Iowa, this size, that provides the excellent type of care for senior citizens that is offered right here in Boone?
     South of highway 30 and just east of the Boone Speedway is another area that boasts solid growth, some old, some new.
     Highly employable CDS and Patterson Dental have been there for some time while Proliant and the Cobblestone Inn are newer residents.
     Speaking of the Boone lucky we are that this facility's "main event," the Super Nationals, landed here over 20 years ago, liked it and has stayed, September after September, bringing an entire racing family here from all over the U.S.A. for a week of fun and intense competition. Needless to say, weekly racing at the speedway is standard fare.
     We have a brand new McDonald's and several businesses........Nerem Insurance, Bacon Jewelers, Verizon, CPA David Keller........ that have not disappeared but, instead, have relocated to a more south side destination.
     And, we haven't even mentioned the new strip mall that has replaced the old Redeker's property on South Story Street. Half a dozen businesses have set up shop there and, from seeing all the traffic parked there on a daily basis, they're all doing just fine.
     The one regret I have is that I'm sure there are many more positives that I haven't mentioned so, "let fire." If you viewers have some things we've overlooked or to add, let us know and we'll glad to sing even more praises.
     Finally, one final but very impressive shot.
     For 2019, name the NATIONAL community that was chosen the number one, affordable small town where you'd actually like to live? It was Boone Iowa, selected by and based on (1) median homes list prices (2) low unemployment (3) low crime rate (4) home affordability and (5) two-year home price appreciation.
     Heck yes, we're glad to provide the entire top ten list to show you who "brought up the rear."
     Van Wert, OH was second followed by Decatur, IN, McPherson, KS, Los Alamos, NM, Austin, MN, Williston, ND, Mexico, MO, Merrill, Ws and Andrews, TX.
     We have a viewer interested in a possible class of 1965 reunion and is seeking information.
     She said she had understood one may be scheduled for August.
     Anybody have an info on this?
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Christian Thornhill, 25, Boone.........Helen Bacon, 93, Boone. Martinsdale HS-43. Worked in Des Moines until her marriage to Edmund Bacon Jr. in 1949. The couple lived in Des Moines before purchasing a jewelry store in Perry. A second store was bought in Boone in 1968 and the couple, eventually, moved to Boone.A son, Ed Bacon III and grandsons survive.........Command Sergeant Major Edward Gabbert, 78, Polk City. Services in Boone and burial in Madrid. Seven children survive........Phillip Carroll, 84, Stratford. Air Force vet. Married Roma Lee Trautman in 1954. Worked in California and Arizona before working in Iowa for the Dows grain elevator, Richey Motors in Stratford and Case Implement. A son and sister survive.........June Blomgren, 90, Boone. Luther HS-47. Married Robert Blomgren in 1950. Survivors include two sons, Michael and Richard, and a daughter, Catherine........Mary Frances Hayes Turner, 89, rural Story City. Born in Boone. BHS-50. Married Robert Turner in 1950. The couple lived on a family farm in northeast Boone County. Survivors include a son, two daughters and a daughter-in-law.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments.......


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