Wednesday, May 1, 2019


     The Kornerman knows that he's mentioned this many times before but........
     It gives me great joy to be a conduit for Korner readers........a channel that offers to "bring together" folks the years have "come between" without any contact. Quite often its youthful buddies who have gone their separate ways or even relatives who have "lost track."
     In our last edition, Tim Croxen's, BHS-59, name appeared and that drew a call from Bob Atherton, BHS-65, out Denver way. Bob said his family and Tim's were related but there had been no real contact for some time and,"my mother, Betty, is 98 years old, sharp as a tack, living at Eastern Star and is real interested in getting in contact with Tim. Can you provide me any info?"
     Through the years, mostly via the Korner and last year's Mo Kelley Day, I've accumulated quite a list of addresses, phone numbers of Booneites and am most happy to help answer such questions if possible.
     I called Bob back with Tim's address and phone number and it gave this old guy a good feeling that this gig of ours, hopefully, renewed a "lost" relationship.
     Its also interesting how one thing can lead to another. In our conversation, I learned that Bob had an insurance business which he sold but,"I still dabble in insurance." He also mentioned that brother, Rick, BHS-70, and his bride, no longer live in Boone.They're settled down in Spencer. Didn't know that.
     Another part of the Korner that I'm especially proud of is the death notices we provide, especially these days when we seriously lack much available local news.
     That's a sad part of our offering but seems to have increasing importance. Many of our "outside" viewers discover the passing of friends and even relatives through that effort.
     John Kueck, BHS-61, seems always ready to add info to the Korner. He wrote, "add Robert Barry, BHS-56, to your list of KWBG alums. Also, you mentioned Floyd Killian was a KWBG announcer and married to a Boone girl. That girl is Shirlee Schwein, BHS-61."
     Thanks John.
     Three questions: (1) what disease did cured ham actually have? (2) How did the man who made the first clock know what time it was? (3) Can you cry under water?
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Tim Lindahl, 53, Boone. Born in Boone. He worked with his dad, Donald, at Lindahl Salvage and in 2003, started work at Walmart. Boone area survivors include his mother, Shirley, two sisters including Sue Mortensen of Boone and three brothers, Robert Brown, Mike and Mark Lindahl, all of Boone.........Kathleen Alevantis, 70, Boone........Richard Karas, 93, Chattanooga. Navy vet. His wife, Mary Ellen Miller Karas, survives. Services were held in Ogden.............Rosemary Gibbons, 78, Madrid.........Robert Moore, 69, Madrid. ISU/Drake. Worked at John Deere in Ankeny.......Mildred Polich, 93, Madrid.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......

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