Wednesday, August 22, 2018


     My class, BHS-53, has concluded another reunion and we're being optimistic. It was unanimous that we plan another reunion for 2020, two years ahead. Some classes "close down" any reunion talk after 65 years. We didn't do that, we just bypassed the more usual five-year advance and accepted a more reasonable, shortened plan.
     We were just short of 30 participants both Friday and Saturday nights and everybody seemed to be genuine in their positive appraisal of the events. That was a big plus because we had some participants who came quite some distance, Roma Achenbach from the Washington D.C. area, Don Taylor and wife from Colorado, Gary Weston from Las Vegas, Rosemary Humm and husband from Connecticut, Sharon Richmond Stark from Texas and both Marlyn Wiemer and Myron Stolte of the Minneapolis area.
     Roma was accompanied by one of her daughters, a Florida resident. Roma said, "I just wanted her to experience some of my past experiences growing up in Boone." We're happy to report the daughter seemed genuinely thrilled for the opportunity......"loved it."
     By association, Roma is as close to a national celebrity as anyone in our class. For 36 years, Jim Lehrer was one of the nation's outstanding news anchors. He guided the popular PBS News Hour, which was available late afternoons our time. He also was the moderator for a presidential debate in 2012. Roma has been one of Lehrer's top aides for most of those years. In fact, even in his retirement from the News Hour, Lehrer still relies on Roma's assistance. "I'm able to work a couple days a week at my choosing and even though I haven't really seen him in, perhaps, five years, when I come to work, he has lots of chores lined up that he wants me to take care of. And we do communicate by phone or email."
     The late Gwen Ifill, another highly thought of News Hour regular, was a close friend of Roma's.
     While here, Roma wanted to revive as many memories as possible. She told how she went to 718 1/2 Story street and "looked up at the familiar, steep, dark, stairway leading to the second floor," which was home base for the Betty Mae Harris School of Dance. "Such memories," she said.
     Any of us being in this area in the 40's, 50's etc. are familiar with Betty Mae Harris, whether we "put on the Ritz" or not. She was definitely a Boone icon, never to be forgotten by her clan and others. She only taught dance in Perry for 40 years and Boone for 42 years..
     She appeared in silent movies, was one of the original Zeigfeld Follies girls and a professional singer who sang at the Chicago World's Fair prior to beginning her teaching career.
     You may recall Betty Mae had what I would describe as a "perfect" husband for her. Lloyd Wells was a staid, mustachioed insurance man who also was a talented musician. Betty Mae was always extra resplendent in appearance. Together, the two were simply "Hollywood."
    Oh my! That was the late Dick Enberg's well known and famous "call" during his Hall of Fame sports announcing career.
    Oh my! The memories were flowing as the Kornerman followed the wonderful run of the Grandview Little League team as they captured the imagination of all of Iowa during the LL tournament series. Monday, it came to an end when the metro east siders suffered their second World Series loss in the double elimination tourney in Williamsport, PA..
     I'm sure I wasn't the only Booneite experiencing vivid recall. In 1962, the Kornerman was the manager and Mel Murken my assistant as a group of 13, 14, 15 year old sluggers represented Boone and Iowa in the eight-team Babe Ruth World Series in Bridgeton, NJ.
     It started with a district championship at Memorial Park, followed by a state championship at Hampton and a regional title in Wellington, KS. That tourney brought seven or eight state champions together to battle for world series qualification and one of the memories that stand out.......the local bank in Wellington showed 113 degrees when we pulled. Then, we were housed in  some kind of barracks that were pretty well shut up for the summer. Was it hot and humid......oh my.
     I remember Charley Lind had an important home run in the state title game and there were several heroes in the regional contest headed by Jack Mustapha who carried a heavy pitching load. St. Joe, MO. was the victim in the championship game.
     That was it. After a grind of several "must win" games in a short period of time,  followed by a long bus trip to New Jersey, the Boone teenagers had run out of gas. We lost both games in the World Series.
     Its still a thrill to think about and it was wonderful to see some of those '62 ruthers at my recent event. Many others, from all over the U.S., were heard from. Every one of those squadmembers went on to exceptional athletic careers and became productive citizens. Makes this old guy proud to think I was a small part of their "younger days."
     Here were those squadmembers: Jack Mustapha, Ted Hora, Marty Rinehart, Jim Hitsman, Mike Culver, Les Hohanshelt, John Hendricks, Jerry Hamil, Charley Lind, Jim Smelcer, R.D. Boschulte, Steve Crandall, Mike Harris, Sandy Mahood and Don Riker.
     For your calendar: Loren Frazier, BHS-58, informs that the classes of  58' will be having their 60 year reunion in October. On the 2nd, the Eckstein's, George and Becky, will host a reception at their home. A dinner will be held at the Tic Toc on the 3rd, and on the 4th, there will be a banquet at the new Boulders Inn and Suites.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Thomas Winger Sr., 38, Boone. Construction worker. Survived by five children including Thomas Winger Jr. of Ames and Katrina, Keaton and Brody Winger all of Boone. His mother and step-father also survive as do three brothers including Obidiah and Joshua Myers of Boone. Six step-siblings survive and also an uncle, Donald Weber, of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments.....


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