Saturday, June 30, 2018


     A dream come true........we hope.
     There's been speculation for....ever, it seems, about changes in our McDonald's. There have been rumors and even promises but, alas, not much in the way of actual results.
     The good news is that a change in ownership is occurring, effective August 1, we understand.
     So, hopefully, some of those long awaited improvements, particularly facilitywise, will be evident in the months/years to come.
     Had a very enjoyable time at a meeting of the classes of 1955 last evening at the Adobe.
     The Kornerman is a 1953 grad but John Nelson called me a month ago with a personal invitation for Jo and I to attend the '55 event.
     The pizza and popcorn were very good and the visitation even better.
     There was an excellent turnout and we had an opportunity to see lots of folks we hadn't seen in quite some time and relive some of those days past. They will continue their reunion tonight (Saturday) and we understand some 60 to 70 classmates and spouses had indicated their plan to attend.
     Some mentioned they keep track of Boone via our Korner and some indicated they were aware of Mo Kelley Day coming up July 21.
     The Kornerman keeps hearing on the radio of various Iowa Games events coming up and, sometimes, they mention that Iowa Games Spokesperson, Cory Kennedy, had provided the info.
     He's been at that job for quite a time now and I'm sure it's the Cory Kennedy who graduated from BHS in 2000.
     The Korner lost a faithful viewer the other day. Louise (Lou) McVicker Oxenford, BHS-45, passed away in California Wednesday.
     She and husband Roger showed their loyalty to Boone by coming back to our community after their working days ended in California. They were here, in retirement, several years but just recently, as some health problems developed, they felt it was best to go back to California to be closer to family members. Even then, I know it was hard for them to leave Boone and that wasn't too long ago.
     My classmate, Margaret Oxenford Kooser, BHS-53, emailed me with news of Lou's passing. She wrote, "I told Roger I would let you know. She so enjoyed your Korner and was on to read it as soon as the Korner was out. I am so glad she got to meet you at the restaurant one day. She was so happy to put the face to the writer. Thank you."
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Virgil Hudson, 88, Oskaloosa. Served as Boone High School Principal from 1968-1976. Boone area survivor is a son, Gary, of Boone. Another son, Mark, also survives........William (Billy Bob) Sherrard, 68. Truck driver. Services will be held in Boone................
Jimmie Christianson, 75, Huxley. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Rhona Krumm, of Boone. His wife, another daughter, and three sisters also survive........Delores Swanson, 88, Nevada. Was born in Fraser. Worked at the Animal Disease Lab in Ames. Her husband was  Dale  Swanson who is deceased. Three daughters and a son survive.........Pamela Jo Anderson, 67, Boone. Her parents were Bob and Bertha Firnhaber. She married Gary Anderson in 1973. Worked as a custodian at ISU. Her husband and four siblings survive, three of them are Boone residents, Cindy Templeton, Mike Firnhaber and Christy Holteen.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT......

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