Wednesday, January 31, 2018

We Threw Some Bait and Guess What?

     The Kornerman must admit. "yes, on occasion, we do dangle a thought in front of our viewers with no particular expectations of a response. You know, "no harm, no foul". BUT, once in awhile, we are surprised that the thought does, actually, produce a respectable result."  Last edition, we pulled "Ish Kabibble" out of the past for no particular reason and its produced about as good a story as the Korner has come up with in some time. We never know!!
     Bruce Anderson, BHS-79, wrote,"while I may be just a bit too young to remember that crazy cornet player with the low-cut bangs from Kay Kyser's Kollege of Musical Knowledge, that name has special meaning in our family. Here's the story: Through the years, our family has spent a lot of time swimming in Clear Lake. Any time that someone is up for swimming, my father-in-law, Stan Moffitt, BHS-52, is always the first one in the water and the last one out. And, he would always laugh and point at his grandkids, including my three daughters, when their wet hair hung down over their foreheads. He'd called them Ish Kabibble. The kids would always laugh at that name and it became pretty common for any of us who was having a bad hair day to be compared to Ish Kabibble."
     Bruce continued, "in the early 1990's, I decided that we had talked about Ish Kabibble so much that I should track him down. After a series of phone calls and dead ends, I finally was referred to a real estate office in the Los Angeles area where Merwyn Bogue had worked after his musical career as Ish Kabibble. The receptionist there listened to the story that I shared earlier and gave me his home telephone number. I told the gentleman who answered the phone that I was calling for Merwyn Bogue but when he answered, "this is Merwyn Bogue," I came clean and told him that I was really looking for Ish Kabibble. He started laughing and told me that I had reached "him" too. I told him what a fan Stan and I were and that our family used his name frequently and I eventually asked if he'd autograph a photo for Stan. Sure enough, a couple weeks later, a signed 8x10 and nice note arrived in Stan's mailbox."
     AMAZING!!  Google says that Merwyn Bogue.....aka Ish Kabibble......passed away in Joshua Tree, CA in June of 1994 at age 86.
     Kay Kyser's name in the Korner sparked a response from Vern Modeland, BHS-50, who wrote, "Kay Kyser and his orchestra, live from a lot of hotel ballrooms in the 30's and 40's. I listened! Hiding my little Airline radio under the blankets. Did you also know, radio whizzer, that one of the best of the nighttime shows from somewhere in New York or elsewhere was Steve Allen, who admits to teaching himself to ad-lib and talk about anything by picking a subject as he walked out the door on his way to his classes and keeping it up until he was Drake University."
     Vern also had a comment on our recent promotion of Iowa/Boone....."comfy old Iowa and another of the nation's many places named Boone. Y'all come down to fabulous Flippin' in the nation's Natural State, Arkansas, and let us show you around."
     The Kornerman says, "sure, I knew the famous Steve Allen was once a Drake student. Along that same line......knew about actor Nick Nolte and newsman Tom Brokaw as well. There was a story the other day about Nick Nolte's time with his family in Iowa when he was a youngster and Brokaw actually attended an Iowa Hawkeye men's basketball game just the other night. He was an SUI student at one time."
     Keith Parkinson, BHS-57, recently wrote, "I wonder how many people, now residing in Boone, watched movies in Boone's five theaters?"
     Here are the five he listed: (1) Drive-in on West Third. (2) Free show ground in West Boone on the south side of West Fourth. (3) Rialto on the east side of Story between Eighth and Ninth. (4) Boone Theatre on the west side of Story between Eighth and Ninth and (5) Princess Theatre on the west side of Story between Eighth and Ninth.
     In addition to those, the Kornerman remembers "talk" through the years of a theatre on Keeler Street between Eighth and Ninth and one of the oldest such across from the city hall on Eighth Street, south side.
     Anybody have anything to add??
     (1) Accept the fact that sometimes you're the pigeon and sometimes the statue. (2) If you lend $20 and never see that person again, it was probably worth it. (3) A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery on a detour.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Kyle Muench, 26, AZ. BHS-2011. Son of Wendy and Murray Muench. Kyle grew up in Boone and Pilot Mound. A graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, he earned a degree in English Education and was teaching in Flagstaff, AZ at the time of his death. Boone area survivors include his mother, Wendy, of Boone, his grandmother, nieces and nephews........Janna Weston Sellers, 74, Boone, formerly of Cedar Falls. BHS-61. Survivors include a son and two daughters. Her husband, Tom Sellers, BHS-61, is deceased.............Opal Goodrich, 98, West Union, formerly of the United Community and Prairie City areas. A son, Jim, and daughter, Susan Goodrich, United Comm. grads, survive..........Catherine Leonard, 89, Fort Dodge. Was married to Bert Phipps in 1946 and they were blessed with three children. Later, she married Bud Leonard  in Oregon..........Marta Phipps, 57, Boone..........Mary Ellen McFarland, 96, Boone. Lived in Minnesota until 2017 when she moved to Boone. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Susan Hooper, of Boone. A son also survives..........Robert Nelson, 93, Wisconsin. Spent most of his life in Boone prior to a move to Wisconsin in 2008. Was a civil engineer and 40 year employee of the railroad. He served many years as the Quartermaster at the Boone VFW post. His wife, Helen, is deceased. Several relatives survive, but none in this area..........Juanita Prim Trueblood, 90, Boone. Came to the Stratford area in 1941 and was a Stratford HS grad. Married Paul Prim in 1942 and they made their home in Stratford where she worked at Stratford Care Center. Paul died in 1976 and in 1977, she married William Trueblood. He passed away in 1983. Boone area survivors include a son, Nicholas, and a daughter, Barb Prim, of Boone. Also, sons, Paul, Bill and Richard Prim, all of Stratford. Two other sons also survive.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT........

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