Saturday, January 13, 2018

Boone/West Boone Drug Centers

     Our next Korner quiz will involve Boone/West Boone drug stores in the 50's/60's. According to our quizmaster, there were about seven of them. Can you name them, tell us their location AND did they actually have a soda fountain?
     We heard from Chuck Brainard, BHS-50, this week regarding our recent talk about Boone, its population etc. He wrote, "about the population, it is in decline. Here's the data: In 1950, the census said that the population was 12,164 souls just in the city. Today, its around 12,600, give or take. But here is the rub. The students at DMACC, maybe 2600 or so, that live on campus or off, are included in the latest census, and have been for years. The most recent reaffirmation of the way that the census is counted was in 2010. Not so in 1950, besides which there were very few students in Boone Junior College in 1950. This probably means that the population of the city of Boone, ex DMACC students is around 10,600, down about 13% over the years. Thanks, I suspect, in a large part, by the changes in how railroads are run and maintained, not to mention the demise of the local coal mines, and, quite possibly, changes in farming techniques. As the Union Pacific crew-change point is shifted away from Boone, if it hasn't already left, the real population will, doubtless, drop further. A few years back, I estimated that for every Union Pacific job moved out of the city, the city could lose 2.7 people, one way or another. Look at what happened to Perry when the Milwaukee railroad folded up its tent all those years ago."
     Chuck said it was 64 degrees in Texas the day he wrote and the coldest temp they've received was 17......that's 17-plus.
     EDITOR'S NOTE: Oh yes, there have been changes. Boone Junior College became a part of DMACC in 1968. The Kornerman is a proud graduate of Boone Junior College, 1955, and there were 27 other grads that year.
     Regarding the city of Boone population, I, the Kornerman, personally, have no opinion at all about how the census views our population.......including DMACC students or not. I'm personally willing to just accept the population as noted in the latest census, 12,633.
     The Kornerman sees, via the internet, that our state of Iowa has again made it to the "Top Five" nationally.
     I understand that many of our Korner viewers are from "out of state." However, Iowa viewers may find this interesting.
     Number one is West Virginia, where chances of hitting a deer are one in 43 or 2.33% of drivers. Montana is second, Pennsylvania third and Iowa fourth. In Iowa, there is a one in 69 chance of hitting a deer or 1.45% of drivers will do so.
     Old age is when you still have something on the ball but are too tired to bounce it.
     Oldtimers will eventually reach a  point when they stop lying about their age but, instead, brag about it.
     The easiest way to find a lost object is to purchase a replacement.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Margaret Jean Walters, 90, Boone. Formerly of Ackley. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Vicky Van Dyke, of Boone........Helen Ewals, 76, Pilot Mound. Was married to Richard Johnson,  then Jim Craven, who was killed in an auto mishap, and then Martin Ewals in 1993. She worked at Main Stream Living Group Home in Story City for 25 years. Boone area survivors include her husband, Martin, of Pilot Mound, and son, Randy Johnson, of Ogden. One other son, a sister and brother also survive........Leanne Beachler, 65, rural Boone. Ames HS. Worked at Sears in Ames. Boone area survivors are a son, Ian, and a brother, Charles, both of Ames. A daughter, mother-in-law, sister and two other brothers also survive.......Peggy Conyers, 68, Boone. United-69. Married Michael Conyers in 1977. Worked at Hawkeye Laundry, the Colonial House and Whistle Stop, was a housekeeper and cook at the Boone County Hospital and a cook at Iowa State University. She and Michael owned and operated Family Business Ceramics. Boone area survivors include her husband, Michael, daughters, Mollie Eslinger, and Shay Conyers, and sister, Dee Erickson, all of Boone. Her mother, Bette Wilson, of Waukee and another sister, Tamara Kenworthy, of Des Moines also survive.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT.......


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