Wednesday, January 3, 2018

The Korner's Baaaaaaack

     Let's start the new year with a thought provoker.
     In the 40's, 50's and into the early 60's, Boone was the winter "home" for a carnival company. Can you tell us the name of the company, who owned it, and exactly where was this "winter quarters" located?
     We've got the new year underway........and we have a couple items to close out the old year.
     (1) Thanks to Bonnie and Curtis Dale Cox for their holiday greeting and (2) Vern Modeland, BHS-50, just had to reply to this quip in the last edition, "we were born naked, wet and hungry, then things got worse." His reply was, "in my year of professional (about $1 an hour) photography, as well as writing, I had many hours in operating rooms and their later variants. I couldn't help but recall the occasion of working on a story about gestational diabetes. I was allowed, with parental and all sorts of other approvals, to photograph the baby's arrival. For your information, they can come unwrinkled."
     Viewers may recall the Kornerman admitting his lack of knowledge about facebook. Karen Anderson had sent some information about a "lost Boone" facebook page and I, the Kornerman, didn't have a clue.
     Karen has provided a knowledgeable update. She wrote, ""Lost Boone" was created by a group of people who have a connection to Boone. I also came across another Boone facebook page called, "I grew up in Boone," created by people from Boone. Typically, a person's name is entered in the box in the upper left of the facebook page, to get to the page for whoever, a group, person, organization, you are looking for."
     We had mentioned that the pages provided looked of many of the various business places from "earlier" years, some that no longer exist.
     There was one picture of this guy......Mo Kelley......representing the Boone News Republican and Roger Martin, BHS-69, made a comment, "Mo used to do box scores of Little League and Babe Ruth games. Mom cut them out and I still have them. A lot of work."
     Isn't that something? How times have changed. It's true. In those olden days, for every LL and Ruth game (as well as BHS games of course), we would compile and put in print, each player's time at bat or pitch, their runs scored and all the other game minutiae.
     That's all died out, at least at the local level, at the same time as more and more TIME-SAVING technology has been developed and installed???????  Hey, it was important to somebody......Roger still thinks it is important 45 years later. Oh well! Times change I guess.
     Here's something you local viewers.....Boone, Ogden, Madrid etc......may find interesting.
     The Iowa Department of Education has developed a report card on schools.......with ratings on such things as proficiency, college readiness, graduation rate, attendance, staff retention and other such things. So, if you want to know how your child's school is performing.........
     Then too........we've always heard that Boone is an "older" community......probably due, in part, to the various "homes mainly for the elderly that we have here.......Westhaven, the OES etc."
     There was an interesting piece in the Des Moines Register the other day titled, "An aging, childless Iowa." It stated that in the state we love there is a dwindling number of children, matched by an increasingly older population."
     The Kornerman can't give you the exact Boone figures but there was a chart that showed Iowa cities over 500 in population with the highest percentage of adults 65 and older. Number one was Elk Horn.......40 percent of its population is comprised of residents 65 or older. The list goes down 20 places and 20th is Arnolds Park.......29 percent of its population is comprised of residents 65 or older.
     Sorry, can't go any further........but the chart does, by elimination, indicates that less than 29 percent (?) of Boone's population is comprised of those 65 or older.
     A second chart shows Iowa cities over 500 in population with the lowest percentage of children under 18. Number one is Maharishi Vedic City where only 2 percent of the population is under 18. Ames is sixth with 12.4 percent under 18. Again, there are 20 listed and Boone is not on the list.
     This is quite late. Just received word of the death of Don Farley, BHS-44, who passed away December 10 and is buried in Riverside, CA.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Ida Mae Boyd, 90, Windsor Heights, formerly of Jewell. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Kristen Perkins, of Madrid...........Jo Ann Mueller, 80, Des Moines. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Lori (Bill), of Boone.......Harold Morning, 87, Madrid. Along with his wife, Beverly, they operated the Madrid Body Shop. Beverly passed away in 2013 but two daughters survive, Deborah Wibe, and Deanna Novotny, both of Madrid.........Bertha Harten, 99, Muscatine. Born in Boone County and married Alvin Harten in Boone County..........Faye Reutter, 93, Boxholm. Born in Boxholm. Boxholm HS-41. Married Daniel Reutter in 1946. Faye worked at the Boxholm Telephone Co., was Boxholm City Clerk and later was a nurses aide at the OES in Boone. Two sons, including Craig of Boxholm, survive..........Alvaro Julian Garcia Jr., 80, Burlington/Ames.............Chloe Leininger, 92, Boone. Married LaVerne in 1944 and they farmed in Boone County. In 1969, they moved to Boone and Chloe worked in real estate sales..........Evelyn Mickle Gildea, 82, West Des Moines. BHS-54. Born in Boone. Her parents were Raymond and Mae Clarke Harrington. She worked in insurance in Des Moines, moved briefly to Mississippi and then back to West Des Moines. Two daughters and a son survive. Also surviving are her sister Ada, BHS-51, and brother John Harrington, BHS-56..........Jason Keith McNace, 37, Boone. Born in Boone. His parents are Jim and Burdean McNace. He worked for Kinzler Construction of Ames. His parents survive. Other Boone area survivors are his son, Hayden, and daughter, Aspen, his fiancee Michelle Robbins-Collier, brother Jeremy and grandmother, Faye Grems all of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT.......


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