Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Boone Connected Deaths

     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Irene Keating Westfall, 100, Guthrie Center. Services Friday in Boxholm..........Arvilla Nunley, 89, Stratford. Married in Boone in 1943. After living in several communities, moved to Stratford in 1987. Homemaker. Boone area survivors include her son, Daniel Dillon, and brother, Melvin Bechtel, both of Stratford..........Gladys Stumbo, 94, Boone. Worked at Woolworth's and Randy's Meats. Farmed with husband, Arnold, southwest of Boone. Boone area survivors include sons, Dean, Larry, Marvin and Jerry, all of Boone.........Susan Bray, 70, Boone. Born in Boone. Parents were Chester and Jeanette Harris. BHS-64. Was a loan officer at Avco Finance and Hawkeye Federal in Boone. Boone area survivor is her husband, Wayne...........Brody Smith, 57, Boone. Born in Boone. Parents were Billie and Patricia Smith. Was a salesman and small engine mechanic at Red Fox Sports and Red Fox Marine and Trailers. Was also a welder. Boone area survivors include his wife, Colleen Platter Smith, his mother, Pat, and brother, Craig, all of Boone.......Mary Beth (Ginger) Rice, 93, Fort Dodge. Burial in Boone. Lived with her husband, Clarence (Bud) Rice, in Boone for several years. The couple were part of a dance band, "Pedro Banana and his Bunch" who played at the Boone Country Club. Mary was the lead singer and Bud played the clarinet..........Ronald Olena, 78, Arizona.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT......

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