Tuesday, February 25, 2025


       Dale Robert Eschliman, 96, Burlington/Klein Center, W.Burlington. Born in Nebraska. Clarks HS. University of Nebraska, Lincoln Campus. Married Doris May Wray in Kansas in 1947. Married Patricia Mumme in West Burlington in 2017. Was Assistant City Engineer in Sioux City. In 1964, founded Eschliman Engineering. Was a longtime City Engineer and Land Surveyor in Boone. Served his church in several capacities, was a Cub Scout leader, Kiwanis Club and American Society of Civil Engineers member and a mentor for the Society of Land Surveyors of Iowa. Dale also served at local and state levels for the Sons of the American Revolution. Survivors include his wife, Patricia, his son, Kirk, BHS-68, (Leah) and grandchildren. Services in Boone. 

      Roger D. Moravetz, 81, Boone/Eastern Star. Born in Ogden. OHS. Army vet. Was a meat cutter for Fareway for 8.5 years, then served the Chicago Northwestern and Union Pacific railroads for 42 years before retirement in 2010. He enjoyed watching NASCAR, drag races and Chiefs football. Belonged to the American Legion, VFW, Moose Lodge and Elks. Survivors include a son, Rory, nieces and nephews and a special friend, Cindy Watson. Services in Boone and Ogden.

     Phyliss Schultz, 86, Boone. Born in Indiana. Washington, IN HS. Manhatten College in Kansas. Married Robert Schultz in Indianapolis in 1958. Robert was a pastor so the couple moved to various Iowa communities about every two years. Phyliss earned an LPN from Northeast Community College in Calmar and worked for 30 years at the Boone County Hospital. She enjoyed crocheting, cross stitch and church ladies groups. Seven adult children survive, including Cheryl Ann Williams, Dean Schultz and Kay (William) Hammer all of Boone. Services in Boone.

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