Thursday, February 20, 2025


     Right or wrong, I have this feeling that there's no reason to spend time "reporting" on routine items that those residing in the Boone area are already well aware of. However, once in awhile, something comes up that may just conjure up some memories or discussion that would be of interest to the vast majority of our audience, now residing away from here. Such is the case today.

     Many times I have seen a picture of a huge steel arch that spanned the Ninth and Story Street area. Built in 1915, it was a "Welcome to Boone" sign stating, "Try Boone, You'll Stay" and it did, stay, for a number of years.

     During World War II there was a national effort to gather metal for the making of warships, planes, tanks and other vehicles. The Boone Community donated that arch for its contribution to that request.

     Now, these many years later, there's a pretty serious plan in place to restore that arch. A group of individuals are on record as wanting to participate in a plan to raise the project's estimated $135,000 to $145,000 total cost.

     This week, the Boone City Council received a detailed briefing on the plan and were impressed. They approved funding a $30,000 grant to help defray the cost of the project.

     The council members were assured that the arch's materials would be purchased from Boone companies and its assembly would be performed by local professionals.

     One thing that has not been determined is the site for the arch. It sounds like the Eighth and Story location is favored. However, alternate sites considered are that original Ninth and Story location or, perhaps, Sixth and Story. 

     Retired Boone businessman George Eckstein, BHS-58, served as spokesperson for the inquiring group and answered the council's questions about the project. Readers may note that George was also one of the "originals" who promoted that "crazy idea" that, eventually, became the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad.

     It was also noted that Eckstein had a role in advocating for the city's hotel-motel tax and fund years ago and that's where the $30,000 the council is contributing will come from. Even with that minus, that fund will still have a reserve of at least $130,000 this fiscal year.


     I, the Kornerman, hadn't really thought much about it until a couple days ago when I noted it was the 18th day of the month. In the next 18th, March, this old head will join the selective 90 year old club. 

    Do I laugh or cry? I don't know. Its an experience I've never had before.


     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. Leave a message. To email your stories/memories/comments/death notices......


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