Wednesday, October 14, 2020


     Here are a few highlights from the latest Boone County Historical Society board meeting.

     Some upcoming proposals include making a history scrapbook which would show how our citizens have been surviving the pandemic; having a kid's club twice a month with area "kid's" being urged to download pages of activities regarding Boone County history. Also, there has been discussion about doing "something special" to celebrate a 30th anniversary on October 27. To participate in any of these proposed activities,

     In an effort to make sure wording and intent are clear in the bylaws revision, the board has accepted help from an attorney with the Iowa Nonprofit Resource Center at the State University of Iowa.

     Financial grants are still being sought and it was reported that one $1,000 grant from Fidelity Grant has been received.

     A 30th anniversary cookbook has been discussed and information regarding possible publication, including cost concerns, will be sought.

     Work is being done on a possible new website design.


     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Geneva Stoneburner, 98, Boone. Born in Lytton. Lytton HS-40. Married Edward Stoneburner in 1945. Left Lytton in 1951 and moved to Boone. Served for 15 years as a CNA at the Eastern Star Home. Three daughters survive, Jeanette Tonsfeldt, Carol Wilson and Sandi Bishop.........Christine Lynn Marsh, 67, McAlester, OK. Born in Boone. Waverly-Shell Rock HS-71. Was an RN at the McAlester Hospital for 26 years. Among the survivors is a sister, Cathy (Brett) Shaw of Boone.........Eileen Portwood Johnson, 66, Boone. Her family moved to Boone in 1964. She attended BSH and then BHS before her senior year was spent in Virginia. She then returned to Boone. Was a bartender for 20 years and a dental lab technician for 35 years, both in Des Moines. Married Timothy Johnson in 2000 and they moved to Boone in 2001. They established EJ Cleaning and Painting and operated it for 10 years and Eileen operated the Beaver Tap in Beaver for three years. Survivors include her husband's adult children, a son and a daughter, Lisa Porter, of Boone. Four brothers, a sister and sister-in-law also survive........Leland Sellers, 85, Cherokee. Born in Boone, the son of Carl and Lola Sellers. Marshalltown HS-53. After a military career, joined the Iowa State Patrol in 1959 and served until retirement in 2001. His wife, three sons and three daughters survive........Paul Hansen, 94, Elk Horn. The family operated the Elk Horn Record and Review for 70 years. A Navy vet, he also was the town clerk for 40 years and a school board member. Survivors include a daughter, Linda Ballantyne, of Boone.........Mark Krengel, 67, Atlantic. Spent his life in the retail clothing business, including from 1976 in Atlantic. Survivors include his wife, mother, a son, a sister and two brothers including John Krengel of Boone........James Miller, 83, Boone. Born in Boone. BHS-56. Earned a degree from DMACC and was a National Guard vet. Married Sharon Woodvine in 1958. The family moved from Perry to Boone and James joined his dad in the Miller Door and Window company, a 50-year family business. Survivors include his wife, Sharon, of Boone and three sons, including two from Boone, Curtis and Christopher..........Kevin Theodore K.T. Christians, 65, Boone. Married Gina Christians in 1984 and the couple settled in Boone. K.T. was a 43 year railroad veteran until his retirement in 2017. Survivors include his mother-in-law, Patricia Miller, of Boone and several brothers and sisters-in-law.


     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. Leave a message. To email your stories/memories/comments....

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