Wednesday, September 5, 2018


     Remember the reunion poem we sent your way in the Korner recently? The Kornerman thought it was hilarious and I had a heck of a time verbally "getting it out" at our recent class reunion. A classmate suggested that the funniest part of the entire episode was "how it effected the guy reading it (me).
     Anyway, Rae Ann Clark has responded and probably makes some very accurate points........that age has something to do with the way it was accepted..........or not.
     She wrote, "since you were bemoaning the fact that you got no response to your was O.K..Definitely understandable by those that have hit retirement age (mk says " ouch"!). But, I did not fall out of my chair laughing. I could see my grandmother laughing about it though! So, I think it is something that is funnier with an older generation. Now, I did enjoy the info about Betty Mae Harris! Both my older sister and I had the opportunity to take dance for a couple of years from her. That was probably around 1955 to 1958? I was only three or four years old but I do remember the steps leading up to the studio and, I think forever ingrained in my memory, are the words "heel, toe, heel, toe, tap, tap, tap!" And, I remember being on the stage for a recital and all the people sitting out there. When you had that in your blog about Betty Mae, I spoke to my older sister in Illinois and read that part to her. (She does not have internet). She agreed with all of it and talked about Betty Mae being very particular about the grass skirts for the hawaiian or polynesian dances. She wanted authentic ones or as close as possible. My sister recalls them being very uncomfortable. It was interesting to read that Betty Mae was a Ziegfield girl and in silent movies. I also recall on the black and white glossy programs for the recitals that there was usually a photo of her and her husband. Definitely looked like a Hollywood couple!"
     Jim Jewett, BHS-68, was an outstanding Toreador athlete. The Kornerman especially recalls his football exploits. Anyway, he was in town a few weeks ago at the same time as Mo Kelley Day and he attended that event. I'm sure he didn't make the long trip from California just for that.
     His classmate and good friend, Bruce Moorman, called the Kornerman the other day wondering if the 1968 football team was having some type of gathering here in the near future.
     He said Jim had mentioned that he thought something like that was being planned and he would like to return to his hometown again to attend it.
     So, the question is........are there any such plans being made? The Kornerman has no knowledge of that but if anyone in our vast audience does......please let Bruce or Jim or me know about it.
     Jim indicated he would be interested in returning for such an outing but would like to know in advance for securing the best airline deal possible.
     Speaking of reunions, this is that time. The Kornerman knows of just a couple coming up. The class of 1983 will meet September 28-29 and the class of 1958 will meet October 2-3.
     The last I've heard on Pete Kostelnick's latest adventure is that as of August 30, which is day 31 on his trek from Alaska to Florida, he covered some miles from Buckinghorse River, British Columbia to Pink Mountain, British Columbia. His total mileage so far is 1,658.5 miles.
     This, of course, is a 5,300 mile plus self-supporting run from the Kenai Peninsula of Alaska to Key West, FL..
     What's this self-supporting thing? Along the way, he's pushing a stroller full of his supplies and is not relying on any "outside" assistance.
     It was good to see Ron Hopkins, BSH-59, in recent days. He's a great supporter and weekly viewer of the Korner.
     Ron, a resident of the state of Washington, joined our coffee group a couple times over the weekend and got "caught up" on some of the local news. Then, too, of course, there was lots of time spent reliving the good old 50's days.
     Larry Adams, BHS-65, informed the Korner of the death of Ila VonHoldt, 97, Spirit Lake. Ila Maxine Walker VonHoldt was born in Boone in of seven children of John and Ada Holbrook Walker. Both John and Ada were also born in Boone, John in 1885 and Ada in 1899. The family moved from Boone to the Lake Park area in 1928.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Bob Pepper, 92, Boone. He married Wanda Carroll in 1949, was a military veteran and was a railroad worker from 1952-1988 when he retired. A huge Chicago Cubs fan, he is survived by two sons and two daughters, including Jean Mallicoat of Ogden.........Judy Mac Donald, 74, Ogden.........Vendola Petra, 97, a resident of Boone's Eastern Star Home.....Pamela Rouse, 65, Adair. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Mychal Ridenour, of Madrid........Roger Leuthold, 79, Urbandale. He was born in Boone in 1938. His parents were Lloyd and Edith Leuthold.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments.......

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