Wednesday, June 14, 2017

On the Street and Chasing News

     Last edition the Kornerman wrote about the growth of cities like Ankeny in the metro area.
     Vern Modeland, BHS-50, had this response, "Ankeny growing? It had to come. Just driving around the beltway in Des Moines is depressing to this old night-reporter. I'll bet there are streets and such I couldn't even find any more. At WHO news, circa 1950's and 60's, I used to be the "guy covering the street" on anything happening after about 2 a.m. since I went in to work at 6 a.m. with a stop at the cop house first to check the logs. Ah, them good old days. Not "show business or news release reading, but journalism as an ethical career that honed ethical writers. Remember the real Fourth Estate? Regarding your note on never spoiling honey......even 32,000 years old.......I'll bet if you did find it, it would be expensive."
     Vern concluded, "home again after a hospital stay for one thing or another and still kicking."
     The Kornerman says, "I loved that, "not show business or news release reading, but journalism as an ethical career that honed ethical writers." What in the world has happened to at least some who claim to be real journalists but fall far short of that ethical mark?
     Terry Larson, a former Ballard Bomber, responded to our mention last edition regarding the Ames leaning Boone News Republican. He wrote, "around 20 years ago when the Ames paper started a rival Boone newspaper, I wrote a letter to the editor to the Boone News when Schaubs still owned the BNR. The point of my letter was that we should be reading and supporting the Boone News and if we didn't do so, we would find the Boone news relegated to the third page of the Ames Tribune. And, if we wanted to read about the sports exploits of our children and grandchildren we should not expect the Ames paper to adequately cover Boone sports. This is about to come completely to fruition in that the Boone News is already regularly featured on the third page of the Ames Tribune and Boone sports are not at all covered in the Ames paper."
     He added, "I have always subscribed to the Ames paper, along with the Boone News, DM Register and USA Today but recently dropped the USA Today. The younger generation thinks you can get all they need from reading only parts of the whole paper shared on the internet. Most newspapers don't put all their news up on the web, let alone their money stream of advertising. Its very sad to see too many people thinking that they can get all their news from the internet, TV or the radio. Your column is great but is additional fodder rather than the main source of daily news for myself and your followers. Nothing is better than the morning coffee and newspaper. From their, research is started on many stories, mainly on the internet, at least in my case, but, newspaper first."
     The Kornerman replied that there was nothing in Terry's letter that I can disagree with. True but sad.
     In case you have forgotten, "when the Ames paper started a rival Boone newspaper," Terry was referring to the start of the Boone Today and Shopping News..........remember?
     I bet you are wondering how pound cake got its name? Its because the original recipe included a pound each of butter, eggs, sugar and flour. Sounds like something the Kornerman would be very interested in.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Helen Virginia Smith, 102, Boone. She and her husband moved to Ogden in 1952 and purchased the Ford dealership. Helen also worked for the US postal service in Ogden and Des Moines. Two daughters survive.......Lois Carlson, 93, Palmyra, PA. In 1958, she married Rev. Luke Carlson of Ogden..........Rowena Hurlbut, 100, Ames. She owned and operated several Hallmark gift stores, including the one in Boone. She retired at age 88. Two sons and a daughter survive........Howard Kyle, 86, Ames. Worked for the city of Ames for over 30 years. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Naylene Crispin, of Madrid. One son also survives.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT.......

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