Saturday, August 27, 2016

The Korner? Its All Yours. We're Here to Help

     Bob and Margaret Atherton Harvey, both 1950 BHS grads, wrote this week, "greetings from Missouri. We have a little news for your obituary section. I couldn't believe the Ames/Boone BNR paper wanted $55 to put my brother's obituary in. Betty and I agreed to tell them, "no." Bob and I hope to make another trip to Boone, maybe this fall. Hope the health holds for that."
     The Kornerman says, "I guess that obituary thing is the way it is, the way its going to be. And, I've decided, at least this once, to break precedent and run a full obituary in the zero cost. Here goes."
     Don Atherton, BHS-39, (Margaret's last brother), passed away August 12 in Oxford, FL. He was 94 and a U.S. Navy World War II veteran. He was preceeded in death by three brothers, Bob, BHS-36, Tom, BHS-37, and David. Also, his parents, wife and a daughter have passed. Don is survived by three daughters, several grandchildren, a sister, Margaret Harvey of Missouri, and sister-in-law, Betty Atherton of Boone. In addition to BHS, Don graduated from the University of Miami.
     Some Boone residents who have already received their Ames/Boone BNR subscription renewals tell me that the "new," weekly edition (Thursdays) will not be offered on a 13-week basis but will have to be renewed for either 26 or 52 approximately $1 per edition or $26 for 26 weeks or $52 for 52 weeks. Personally, the Kornerman is anxious to see a sample of what we will be seeing weekly prior to committing to a long-term subscription.
     No official word that I've seen or heard but the word on the street is that Schroeder Memorial Chapel, the one located on Sixth Street, was sold as of August 1 to Adams/Soderstrum Funeral Homes of Ames. I understand Larry Schroeder, who has been in the business for right at 40 years, will continue to be involved, but under the new ownership.
Thanks Larry for your longtime service to our community.
     A busy time in Boonetown is coming. Here are the dates: Farm Progress Show, August 30-31 and September 1; Super National Races, September 5-10, and Pufferbilly Days, September 8-11.
     Those activities, along with an influx of hundreds of Bakken pipeline workers, has resulted in a huge lack of adequate housing availability.........although lots of area nooks and crannies have been, or are in the process of, being developed into camping areas to, at least, alleviate some of the overload.
     Korner viewer helping viewer............that's the way we like it.
     In the last edition, we published the question posed by a couple viewers, "anybody know the whereabouts of Jacque (Jock) Welin, BHS-46?"
     Right away, at least two Korner viewers, Loren Frazier and Karen, went to work seeking an answer and did successfully obtain an answer. Loren wrote, "I did a quick search and came up with this. The address obtained is for a large complex that is an Assisted Living and Memory Care facility labeled, "The Vantage at City View."" Karen added further details.
     Here's the address they found: Jacque E. Welin, 6301 Overton Ridge Blvd. Apt. 482. Fort Worth, TX 76132. Phone 817-346-1775. It was noted that one of Jock's daughters also lives in Fort Worth and another daughter, Karin, also lives in Texas. There is a son, Pete, in Dublin, OH, and a son Joel, in Sarasota, FL. Jock, at one time, lived in Bartlesville, OK. His wife, the former Marilyn Lister, BHS-46, passed away in March of 2004. She was the daughter of a Boone minister.
     And from Ozark Vern Modeland, BHS-50, a reply to our recent praise of the new BHS facility. Vern wrote, "when you visit the taxpayer-funded, up-to-date facilities, please ask any teachers you might meet, and their managers in their nice offices, just how much money and vital thought will go into presenting a curricula that teaches as much and as well as we......of classes gone by a half-century or out of going to that clunky old, cold brick school. Which is more important to the future of this nation and the world that nurses it? This old classer of BHS-50 would like to know."
     Boone Connected Deaths: David Christensen, 69, Ankeny. He attended DMACC in Boone before serving in the U.S. Navy. Was a star bowler. His family operated Oaks Golf Course and Town and Country Lanes north of Ames. He worked many years at Federal Home Loan Bank in Des Moines..........Deane Dresback, 87, Winterset. Boone area survivor is a son, Gary Dresback of Woodward.........Janice Wilson, 77, Slater. Boone area survivor is a son, Stuart Wilson of Boone. ........Betty Eastlund, 88, Boone. BHS-47. She was the daughter of Carl Johnson and Josephine McCord. Her late husband, Charles Jr., was a carpenter and the couple also farmed north of Boone. Betty was a telephone operator. Boone area survivors include her sons, Tom and Phillip, and her sisters-in-law, Bonnie Pestotnik and Doris Eastlund, all of Boone..........Irene Jones Reed, 90. Springfield, MO. Former Boone resident. She married John Jones, a National Guardsman, in 1949 and he passed away in 1985. She married Stanley Reed in 1988 and he passed earlier this year. Irene was a homemaker who, as an ING wife,  provided service to the Iowa National Guard in various ways and was honored for doing so..........Marilyn Johnson King. Former Boone area resident. United HS-57.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.........

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