Increased activity in Boonetown is very noticeable. That's because three of the biggest events in our community each year (almost) go bang, bang, bang just over a two-week period in late August/early September. One event occurs every other year.
Just underway is the Farm Progress Show, which can draw up to 200,000 patrons in just three days. That is followed by the Super National Races which, in a week's time, will draw 100,000 or so and, finally, the annual Pufferbilly celebration. The Farm Progress Show wraps up Thursday (tommorrow), the races run from Labor Day to the 10th of September and Pufferbilly overlaps from the eighth to the 11th of September.
Let's provide a little info about the Farm Progress Show. The Kornerman thought he remembered that the original contract would end in 2020. Apparently, that has been extended. The show's official program indicates that it will continue to be held at the Boone facility every other year for the next 13 years. It was first held in Boone in 2008 and this year, marks the fifth time our community has hosted this event. In alternating years, the show is held in Decatur, IL. As long as we're on this subject, here are the future dates for the Boone show......August 28-30 in 2018, September 1-3 in 2020 and August 30, 31 and September 1 in 2022.
There is 3.68 million square feet of exhibit area over 8.5 acres. There is also 300 acres designated for field demonstrations and test drive areas, plus an additional 150 acres for visitor parking at the site east of Boone near the intersection of Highway 30 and Highway 17.
The host families include Eric and Carol Ziel, Dick and Judy Isaacson and Dick's mother, June Isaacson, Alan and Jennifer Schoff, Gene and Karyl Jones and Kim Uthe. Land owned by those folks is used for parking and the field demonstrations.
Volunteer help is required and Boone's two Kiwanis Clubs, the noon Kiwanis and Daybreakers Kiwanis, staff the information booth. In the food court, St. Paul Lutheran Pre-school, the Boone United Methodist Church and the Boone County Cattlemen's Association have offerings and there are various other beverage and ice cream stands on the grounds.
Its a big, big farm show with all the latest agriculture equipment and technology displayed for the benefit of visitors from all over the U.S., as well as many foreign nations. The area airports are all busy and housing facilities for many miles around are occupied.
Sharon Richmond Stark, BHS-53, a classmate of the Kornerman, attended our recent class reunion and we heard from her this week. She related the start of her long career, 41 years, as a lab technician. It all began here, in her hometown, at the Elinor Moore Memorial Hospital, as our hospital was known in those early years.
Sharon wrote, "when I was in lab school, they told us to keep a journal, and a funny, touching, and sad book could be written in retirement. Often, I have regretted not doing that. I remember my first day on my "real" job. I arrived all starched and white in my new uniform and very nervous about seeing the administrator who wanted to talk with me before I went to the lab. But, she was nowhere to be found and no one else was in any of the offices so I went on to the lab. The room, itself, was depressing enough, two walls of scratched and dented black counter tops, with aged instruments, refrigerators and larger equipment on the others. The large, checkerboard, black and white squared linoleum floor's worn paths were so thin that sub-flooring showed in spots. However, the worst things about that sight were the things that didn't belong there. Blankets, with mud and grass on them, were lying in a corner with a piece of bloody clothing peeking from under. A blood transfusion bottle, only partially emptied, sat on a counter along with several others that were fully used. All this, along with test tube racks with many cross match tubes, testified to the fact that a very serious accident had come in during the night. I had no idea what to do, but a sleepy eyed woman soon walked in and said that she had spent the night getting blood for a four-person accident. The emergency room couldn't hold all the victims and ambulance crews so some were brought into the lab. One person was already dead, one had been taken to Des Moines and the lady had spent the night there after getting enough blood to last the other two victims through the night. She told me my job for the day was to run all the blood counts and chemistries, then do the EKG's, and she would spend the day calling donors and drawing blood. Two hours after my scheduled day's end, I walked out of the building so terribly tired but also happy that I managed to finish my day's tasks. As I look back on that first day now, I believe the person who walked out of that building was much more mature than the one who entered that morning."
Editor's note: Sharon was unaware of the Korner until I mentioned it at the class reunion and gave her and a few others information on how to obtain the Korner. Sharon added, "I've spent the last two hours reading the Korner and remembering. I'll be a Korner follower from now on."
In the last edition, the Kornerman broke precedent to help Bob and Margaret Atherton Harvey, both BHS-50. They were"appalled" that there would be a $55 charge for them to have Margaret's brother, Don's, obituary placed in the Boone/Ames BNR.
In the Korner, we have always printed "abbreviated" obituaries........basically just the mention of the death itself and any survivors from Boone or immediate area.
This time, we relented and printed the entire obituary as sent to us by Margaret. She wrote back, "Mo, what you did was just awesome. Thanks."
Along that same line, thanks to Gary Knox, we were able to inform Korner viewers of the death of Marilyn Johnson King, United HS-57. In his note, Gary wrote, "she was a talented post forward on a good UCHS girls basketball team. My wife was 5'5" and a Luther HS post guard and she often told me how difficult Marilyn was to guard. She said she had to stay in front of her in an attempt to keep her scoring down."
Boone Connected Deaths: Merlin Paulson, 89, Boone. Formerly of Ogden...........Bonnie Johnson Pestotnik, 84, Boone. Moved to Boone in 1956. Taught at Lincoln, Franklin and Page elementary schools. Married Don Johnson in 1956. He passed away in 1996. Married Dick Pestotnik in 1999. Boone area survivors include her husband, Dick, and step-daughter Kathy Pestotnik both of Boone..........Marilyn Johnson King, 77, Ottumwa. United HS-57. She taught at Hubbard, Ballard and Seton Catholic school in Ottumwa. Survived by her husband, Dean, and her brother, Bob Johnson, of Boone..........Elaine Gano, 94, Boone. Farmed near Cherokee for 26 years and also served as a therapeudic dietician there. Moved to Boone in 1991. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Virgean Tronick of Boone........Lloyd Miller, 77. Attended BHS. Was an Iowa National Guardsman. Worked at Fareway for 38 years before retiring in 1998. Boone area survivors include his wife, Sally, a son, Chris, brothers Ray, Paul and Bernard and a sister, Rose Quigley, all of Boone.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support......
Wednesday, August 31, 2016
Saturday, August 27, 2016
The Korner? Its All Yours. We're Here to Help
Bob and Margaret Atherton Harvey, both 1950 BHS grads, wrote this week, "greetings from Missouri. We have a little news for your obituary section. I couldn't believe the Ames/Boone BNR paper wanted $55 to put my brother's obituary in. Betty and I agreed to tell them, "no." Bob and I hope to make another trip to Boone, maybe this fall. Hope the health holds for that."
The Kornerman says, "I guess that obituary thing is the way it is, the way its going to be. And, I've decided, at least this once, to break precedent and run a full obituary in the zero cost. Here goes."
Don Atherton, BHS-39, (Margaret's last brother), passed away August 12 in Oxford, FL. He was 94 and a U.S. Navy World War II veteran. He was preceeded in death by three brothers, Bob, BHS-36, Tom, BHS-37, and David. Also, his parents, wife and a daughter have passed. Don is survived by three daughters, several grandchildren, a sister, Margaret Harvey of Missouri, and sister-in-law, Betty Atherton of Boone. In addition to BHS, Don graduated from the University of Miami.
Some Boone residents who have already received their Ames/Boone BNR subscription renewals tell me that the "new," weekly edition (Thursdays) will not be offered on a 13-week basis but will have to be renewed for either 26 or 52 approximately $1 per edition or $26 for 26 weeks or $52 for 52 weeks. Personally, the Kornerman is anxious to see a sample of what we will be seeing weekly prior to committing to a long-term subscription.
No official word that I've seen or heard but the word on the street is that Schroeder Memorial Chapel, the one located on Sixth Street, was sold as of August 1 to Adams/Soderstrum Funeral Homes of Ames. I understand Larry Schroeder, who has been in the business for right at 40 years, will continue to be involved, but under the new ownership.
Thanks Larry for your longtime service to our community.
A busy time in Boonetown is coming. Here are the dates: Farm Progress Show, August 30-31 and September 1; Super National Races, September 5-10, and Pufferbilly Days, September 8-11.
Those activities, along with an influx of hundreds of Bakken pipeline workers, has resulted in a huge lack of adequate housing availability.........although lots of area nooks and crannies have been, or are in the process of, being developed into camping areas to, at least, alleviate some of the overload.
Korner viewer helping viewer............that's the way we like it.
In the last edition, we published the question posed by a couple viewers, "anybody know the whereabouts of Jacque (Jock) Welin, BHS-46?"
Right away, at least two Korner viewers, Loren Frazier and Karen, went to work seeking an answer and did successfully obtain an answer. Loren wrote, "I did a quick search and came up with this. The address obtained is for a large complex that is an Assisted Living and Memory Care facility labeled, "The Vantage at City View."" Karen added further details.
Here's the address they found: Jacque E. Welin, 6301 Overton Ridge Blvd. Apt. 482. Fort Worth, TX 76132. Phone 817-346-1775. It was noted that one of Jock's daughters also lives in Fort Worth and another daughter, Karin, also lives in Texas. There is a son, Pete, in Dublin, OH, and a son Joel, in Sarasota, FL. Jock, at one time, lived in Bartlesville, OK. His wife, the former Marilyn Lister, BHS-46, passed away in March of 2004. She was the daughter of a Boone minister.
And from Ozark Vern Modeland, BHS-50, a reply to our recent praise of the new BHS facility. Vern wrote, "when you visit the taxpayer-funded, up-to-date facilities, please ask any teachers you might meet, and their managers in their nice offices, just how much money and vital thought will go into presenting a curricula that teaches as much and as well as we......of classes gone by a half-century or out of going to that clunky old, cold brick school. Which is more important to the future of this nation and the world that nurses it? This old classer of BHS-50 would like to know."
Boone Connected Deaths: David Christensen, 69, Ankeny. He attended DMACC in Boone before serving in the U.S. Navy. Was a star bowler. His family operated Oaks Golf Course and Town and Country Lanes north of Ames. He worked many years at Federal Home Loan Bank in Des Moines..........Deane Dresback, 87, Winterset. Boone area survivor is a son, Gary Dresback of Woodward.........Janice Wilson, 77, Slater. Boone area survivor is a son, Stuart Wilson of Boone. ........Betty Eastlund, 88, Boone. BHS-47. She was the daughter of Carl Johnson and Josephine McCord. Her late husband, Charles Jr., was a carpenter and the couple also farmed north of Boone. Betty was a telephone operator. Boone area survivors include her sons, Tom and Phillip, and her sisters-in-law, Bonnie Pestotnik and Doris Eastlund, all of Boone..........Irene Jones Reed, 90. Springfield, MO. Former Boone resident. She married John Jones, a National Guardsman, in 1949 and he passed away in 1985. She married Stanley Reed in 1988 and he passed earlier this year. Irene was a homemaker who, as an ING wife, provided service to the Iowa National Guard in various ways and was honored for doing so..........Marilyn Johnson King. Former Boone area resident. United HS-57.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.........
The Kornerman says, "I guess that obituary thing is the way it is, the way its going to be. And, I've decided, at least this once, to break precedent and run a full obituary in the zero cost. Here goes."
Don Atherton, BHS-39, (Margaret's last brother), passed away August 12 in Oxford, FL. He was 94 and a U.S. Navy World War II veteran. He was preceeded in death by three brothers, Bob, BHS-36, Tom, BHS-37, and David. Also, his parents, wife and a daughter have passed. Don is survived by three daughters, several grandchildren, a sister, Margaret Harvey of Missouri, and sister-in-law, Betty Atherton of Boone. In addition to BHS, Don graduated from the University of Miami.
Some Boone residents who have already received their Ames/Boone BNR subscription renewals tell me that the "new," weekly edition (Thursdays) will not be offered on a 13-week basis but will have to be renewed for either 26 or 52 approximately $1 per edition or $26 for 26 weeks or $52 for 52 weeks. Personally, the Kornerman is anxious to see a sample of what we will be seeing weekly prior to committing to a long-term subscription.
No official word that I've seen or heard but the word on the street is that Schroeder Memorial Chapel, the one located on Sixth Street, was sold as of August 1 to Adams/Soderstrum Funeral Homes of Ames. I understand Larry Schroeder, who has been in the business for right at 40 years, will continue to be involved, but under the new ownership.
Thanks Larry for your longtime service to our community.
A busy time in Boonetown is coming. Here are the dates: Farm Progress Show, August 30-31 and September 1; Super National Races, September 5-10, and Pufferbilly Days, September 8-11.
Those activities, along with an influx of hundreds of Bakken pipeline workers, has resulted in a huge lack of adequate housing availability.........although lots of area nooks and crannies have been, or are in the process of, being developed into camping areas to, at least, alleviate some of the overload.
Korner viewer helping viewer............that's the way we like it.
In the last edition, we published the question posed by a couple viewers, "anybody know the whereabouts of Jacque (Jock) Welin, BHS-46?"
Right away, at least two Korner viewers, Loren Frazier and Karen, went to work seeking an answer and did successfully obtain an answer. Loren wrote, "I did a quick search and came up with this. The address obtained is for a large complex that is an Assisted Living and Memory Care facility labeled, "The Vantage at City View."" Karen added further details.
Here's the address they found: Jacque E. Welin, 6301 Overton Ridge Blvd. Apt. 482. Fort Worth, TX 76132. Phone 817-346-1775. It was noted that one of Jock's daughters also lives in Fort Worth and another daughter, Karin, also lives in Texas. There is a son, Pete, in Dublin, OH, and a son Joel, in Sarasota, FL. Jock, at one time, lived in Bartlesville, OK. His wife, the former Marilyn Lister, BHS-46, passed away in March of 2004. She was the daughter of a Boone minister.
And from Ozark Vern Modeland, BHS-50, a reply to our recent praise of the new BHS facility. Vern wrote, "when you visit the taxpayer-funded, up-to-date facilities, please ask any teachers you might meet, and their managers in their nice offices, just how much money and vital thought will go into presenting a curricula that teaches as much and as well as we......of classes gone by a half-century or out of going to that clunky old, cold brick school. Which is more important to the future of this nation and the world that nurses it? This old classer of BHS-50 would like to know."
Boone Connected Deaths: David Christensen, 69, Ankeny. He attended DMACC in Boone before serving in the U.S. Navy. Was a star bowler. His family operated Oaks Golf Course and Town and Country Lanes north of Ames. He worked many years at Federal Home Loan Bank in Des Moines..........Deane Dresback, 87, Winterset. Boone area survivor is a son, Gary Dresback of Woodward.........Janice Wilson, 77, Slater. Boone area survivor is a son, Stuart Wilson of Boone. ........Betty Eastlund, 88, Boone. BHS-47. She was the daughter of Carl Johnson and Josephine McCord. Her late husband, Charles Jr., was a carpenter and the couple also farmed north of Boone. Betty was a telephone operator. Boone area survivors include her sons, Tom and Phillip, and her sisters-in-law, Bonnie Pestotnik and Doris Eastlund, all of Boone..........Irene Jones Reed, 90. Springfield, MO. Former Boone resident. She married John Jones, a National Guardsman, in 1949 and he passed away in 1985. She married Stanley Reed in 1988 and he passed earlier this year. Irene was a homemaker who, as an ING wife, provided service to the Iowa National Guard in various ways and was honored for doing so..........Marilyn Johnson King. Former Boone area resident. United HS-57.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.........
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
A Chuckle and a Successful Reunion
Thanks to Boone native, Ross Hanson, BHS-74, for my chuckle of the week.
Ross, who's sister Nikki Mullins, BHS-86, and her husband, Tim, are Kelley neighbors, wrote, "I'm here in the Phoenix area now, moved here a few months ago. No more snow. Congratulations on a milestone you weren't aware took me longer to read the Korner than the BNR this week. Keep it up."
Ross moved to Arizona from Wisconsin but he and his wife have been known to spend time in the Far East where they've had business connections. He added, "we're living on the south edge of Phoenix in a gated community with access to four clubhouses and golf courses. Its very safe. The Sheriff's office is at our front gate. We're leaving here in a couple weeks for the South Pacific for some R and R for a couple months. Weather here is a bit warm, but no humidity.....about 10 percent. Ross's dad, Mel Hanson, BHS-48, lives about two minutes away from us and is doing pretty good. Take care. Love reading the Korner."
The BHS class of 1953, the Kornerman's class, had a three-year reunion over the weekend and it was very enjoyable. Out of a class of 120, we've lost 53 classmates. A dozen of us were excited to have a tour of the new BHS facility on Saturday afternoon and a reunion meal Saturday night.
I don't know why, but I missed the original open house of the new high school facility so this was my first opportunity. WOW! WOW! WOW! It is stunning.......beautiful and seems to be so efficient and forward thinking. I can't get out of my head how impressed I was. Thanks to the taxpayers of Boone, the school board and administration and any others vitally involved in the construction of this facility. You've done a tremendous service to this community and our young people.
And, those of you who have never taken the opportunity to take a visit, I urge you to do so.
We had the honor of being hosted by Principal Kris Byam and, he alone, was such an inspiration. He was so anxious, with great pride, to show us the various sections of the building with an explanation of what went on and where. It was obvious he is highly motivated and goal centered. In some ways the facility is already viewed, statewide, as a "model" to be followed and in many other ways, Principal Byam and the staff is working hard to achieve even higher standards.
Back to the reunion and some of the 40 or so in attendance. From a longer distance there was Roma Achenbach from Washington D.C., Larry Brower from Arizona, Dick Longworth from Chicago and Sharon Stark from Arkansas. Myron Stolte and Marlyn Wiemer came from the Twin Cities area, Don Taylor from Colorado and Waterloo, Des Moines, Nevada, Ames and Perry were other areas with representatives.
Everyone seemed to have a great time and it was decided to have another reunion in two years, which will be our 65th anniversary.
Get over to that Kris Byam. He is very interested to show that facility off to anyone who will tour and listen.
Our KWBG friend, Sports Director Ryan Wendt, is attempting a project........researching Ogden High football. The OHS graduate wanted us to publish the fact he is looking for former Bulldog football players from the 50's, 60's and 70's. Ryan's web site
The Kornerman has a long history of covering/following Ogden and Madrid sports, although our main focus was always Toreador events.
I did recall to Ryan that I remembered a couple of names of standout Bulldog gridders, Bob Carpenter was a small but mighty lineman and Reggie Muench was a bigger guy who also excelled. The OHS coaches I remember covering were Bob Norris (now deceased) and Tom Newell.
If any of our viewers remember OHS players from those years, Ryan would like to hear from you.
Also, recently, a couple of people have asked me if I knew anything about the whereabouts of Jacques (Jock) Welin, BHS-46. The Kornerman does know that Jock's wife, Marilyn Lister Welin, BHS-46, passed away in March of 2004. Marilyn's dad was a minister here. In the back of my mind, the Kornerman associates Jock with Oklahoma and the oil industry? Unfortunately, I don't know anything else. Anybody out there in Kornerland that can help?
Boone Connected Deaths: Fern Fincham, 97. Jordan HS-38. Born in Boone County near Napier. After farming, Fern and her husband, Waldo, did custodial work at ISU prior to retirement.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......
Ross, who's sister Nikki Mullins, BHS-86, and her husband, Tim, are Kelley neighbors, wrote, "I'm here in the Phoenix area now, moved here a few months ago. No more snow. Congratulations on a milestone you weren't aware took me longer to read the Korner than the BNR this week. Keep it up."
Ross moved to Arizona from Wisconsin but he and his wife have been known to spend time in the Far East where they've had business connections. He added, "we're living on the south edge of Phoenix in a gated community with access to four clubhouses and golf courses. Its very safe. The Sheriff's office is at our front gate. We're leaving here in a couple weeks for the South Pacific for some R and R for a couple months. Weather here is a bit warm, but no humidity.....about 10 percent. Ross's dad, Mel Hanson, BHS-48, lives about two minutes away from us and is doing pretty good. Take care. Love reading the Korner."
The BHS class of 1953, the Kornerman's class, had a three-year reunion over the weekend and it was very enjoyable. Out of a class of 120, we've lost 53 classmates. A dozen of us were excited to have a tour of the new BHS facility on Saturday afternoon and a reunion meal Saturday night.
I don't know why, but I missed the original open house of the new high school facility so this was my first opportunity. WOW! WOW! WOW! It is stunning.......beautiful and seems to be so efficient and forward thinking. I can't get out of my head how impressed I was. Thanks to the taxpayers of Boone, the school board and administration and any others vitally involved in the construction of this facility. You've done a tremendous service to this community and our young people.
And, those of you who have never taken the opportunity to take a visit, I urge you to do so.
We had the honor of being hosted by Principal Kris Byam and, he alone, was such an inspiration. He was so anxious, with great pride, to show us the various sections of the building with an explanation of what went on and where. It was obvious he is highly motivated and goal centered. In some ways the facility is already viewed, statewide, as a "model" to be followed and in many other ways, Principal Byam and the staff is working hard to achieve even higher standards.
Back to the reunion and some of the 40 or so in attendance. From a longer distance there was Roma Achenbach from Washington D.C., Larry Brower from Arizona, Dick Longworth from Chicago and Sharon Stark from Arkansas. Myron Stolte and Marlyn Wiemer came from the Twin Cities area, Don Taylor from Colorado and Waterloo, Des Moines, Nevada, Ames and Perry were other areas with representatives.
Everyone seemed to have a great time and it was decided to have another reunion in two years, which will be our 65th anniversary.
Get over to that Kris Byam. He is very interested to show that facility off to anyone who will tour and listen.
Our KWBG friend, Sports Director Ryan Wendt, is attempting a project........researching Ogden High football. The OHS graduate wanted us to publish the fact he is looking for former Bulldog football players from the 50's, 60's and 70's. Ryan's web site
The Kornerman has a long history of covering/following Ogden and Madrid sports, although our main focus was always Toreador events.
I did recall to Ryan that I remembered a couple of names of standout Bulldog gridders, Bob Carpenter was a small but mighty lineman and Reggie Muench was a bigger guy who also excelled. The OHS coaches I remember covering were Bob Norris (now deceased) and Tom Newell.
If any of our viewers remember OHS players from those years, Ryan would like to hear from you.
Also, recently, a couple of people have asked me if I knew anything about the whereabouts of Jacques (Jock) Welin, BHS-46. The Kornerman does know that Jock's wife, Marilyn Lister Welin, BHS-46, passed away in March of 2004. Marilyn's dad was a minister here. In the back of my mind, the Kornerman associates Jock with Oklahoma and the oil industry? Unfortunately, I don't know anything else. Anybody out there in Kornerland that can help?
Boone Connected Deaths: Fern Fincham, 97. Jordan HS-38. Born in Boone County near Napier. After farming, Fern and her husband, Waldo, did custodial work at ISU prior to retirement.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......
Saturday, August 20, 2016
The Plight of the Newspaper Industry
In the Korner, lots of talk recently about the Ames/Boone BNR, which has led to discussion of the current plight of the newspaper industry in general.
Its obvious that the internet and social media have quickly damaged the "old fashioned" way of obtaining news. Those not accepting and becoming part of this "new" phenomenon are finding themselves "behind," newswise, on a daily basis.
One of our great Korner supporters provided some interesting story information this week regarding circulation problems facing the state's most widely read newspaper, the Des Moines Register. The info appeared in the publication "City View," dated August of 2016.
In long paragraph form, there are many figures thrown at the reader, which makes it difficult to easily recall, comprehend and compare. So, the Kornerman's solution is to attempt to make readability easier by providing the info into more of a "pared down," form.
For the first time in close to 100 years, fewer than 100,000 Iowans are now getting the Sunday Register delivered to their doorsteps or mailboxes.
For the quarter ended March 31, paid circulation of the print edition of the Sunday Register totaled 120,032, down 10,065 from a year earlier. Delivered subsciptions from that time fell to 98,858, down from 104,711 a year earlier.
In 1951, the circulation peaked at 553,000. That, of course, was just prior to the advance of television and before the internet was even conceived.
An attempt has been made by the Register to propel digital subscriptions but that is not "filling the gap." The digital version contains all the news and most of the advertising that is in the print edition but it totaled only 2,582 views, up just 733 copies from a year earlier.
Last year, print and digital circulation of Sunday newspapers nationally fell four percent and that of weekday newspapers fell seven percent so this is not a "local" problem but a national condition.
Very interesting. We thank our good source for the information.
John Kueck, BHS-61, wrote, "thanks for providing the death notices. For those of us living out of town, it is very informative. Often, it reminds me of memories of people that I knew when living in Boone. I was a BNR paper boy for six years, cheating the system by starting before I was the required age. In addition to learning some banking skills and customer relations, the paper route afforded me a few luxuries other kids did not have. I was able to buy the most expensive ball glove offered in Boone. At 16, I was able to buy my first car from savings I had accumulated over the years.This was all from making about $7 per week for delivering about 100 newspapers. As I remember, the pay was six cents per paper per week and that increased to seven cents when the weekly subscription increased from 30 to 35 cents."
Editor's note: John had some questions about current local carriers pay and the subscription rate which will soon be subject to change I assume. I guess we've been paying $35 for 13 weeks of the three times a week edition. I have no idea what the carriers are paid. Of course, many of the newspapers, like ours, are received in the mail.
Boone Connected Deaths: Myrtle Carver, 96, Ankeny. Attended Dayton and Boxholm schools. Dayton HS-38..........Lonnie Grail, 66, Arispe. Madrid HS-68..........Carolyn (Skip) Larson, 84, Boone...........Vina Johnson Happel, 94, Boone. Born in Pilot Mound. Pilot HS-39. In Boone, worked in accounting for Sears and at Hawkeye Federal Savings Bank. Also worked at Bourns in Ames, owned a grocery store and popcorn stand in Boone. Boone area survivors include her sisters-in-law, Bonnie Pestotnik and Betty Eastlund........Richard (Skinny) Anderson, 88, Green Valley, AZ. Raised in Boone. BHS-46. Lived in Oregon for 28 years and traveled the northwest for a company. Married Dee Anderson of Stratford. Dee is a survivor.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........
Its obvious that the internet and social media have quickly damaged the "old fashioned" way of obtaining news. Those not accepting and becoming part of this "new" phenomenon are finding themselves "behind," newswise, on a daily basis.
One of our great Korner supporters provided some interesting story information this week regarding circulation problems facing the state's most widely read newspaper, the Des Moines Register. The info appeared in the publication "City View," dated August of 2016.
In long paragraph form, there are many figures thrown at the reader, which makes it difficult to easily recall, comprehend and compare. So, the Kornerman's solution is to attempt to make readability easier by providing the info into more of a "pared down," form.
For the first time in close to 100 years, fewer than 100,000 Iowans are now getting the Sunday Register delivered to their doorsteps or mailboxes.
For the quarter ended March 31, paid circulation of the print edition of the Sunday Register totaled 120,032, down 10,065 from a year earlier. Delivered subsciptions from that time fell to 98,858, down from 104,711 a year earlier.
In 1951, the circulation peaked at 553,000. That, of course, was just prior to the advance of television and before the internet was even conceived.
An attempt has been made by the Register to propel digital subscriptions but that is not "filling the gap." The digital version contains all the news and most of the advertising that is in the print edition but it totaled only 2,582 views, up just 733 copies from a year earlier.
Last year, print and digital circulation of Sunday newspapers nationally fell four percent and that of weekday newspapers fell seven percent so this is not a "local" problem but a national condition.
Very interesting. We thank our good source for the information.
John Kueck, BHS-61, wrote, "thanks for providing the death notices. For those of us living out of town, it is very informative. Often, it reminds me of memories of people that I knew when living in Boone. I was a BNR paper boy for six years, cheating the system by starting before I was the required age. In addition to learning some banking skills and customer relations, the paper route afforded me a few luxuries other kids did not have. I was able to buy the most expensive ball glove offered in Boone. At 16, I was able to buy my first car from savings I had accumulated over the years.This was all from making about $7 per week for delivering about 100 newspapers. As I remember, the pay was six cents per paper per week and that increased to seven cents when the weekly subscription increased from 30 to 35 cents."
Editor's note: John had some questions about current local carriers pay and the subscription rate which will soon be subject to change I assume. I guess we've been paying $35 for 13 weeks of the three times a week edition. I have no idea what the carriers are paid. Of course, many of the newspapers, like ours, are received in the mail.
Boone Connected Deaths: Myrtle Carver, 96, Ankeny. Attended Dayton and Boxholm schools. Dayton HS-38..........Lonnie Grail, 66, Arispe. Madrid HS-68..........Carolyn (Skip) Larson, 84, Boone...........Vina Johnson Happel, 94, Boone. Born in Pilot Mound. Pilot HS-39. In Boone, worked in accounting for Sears and at Hawkeye Federal Savings Bank. Also worked at Bourns in Ames, owned a grocery store and popcorn stand in Boone. Boone area survivors include her sisters-in-law, Bonnie Pestotnik and Betty Eastlund........Richard (Skinny) Anderson, 88, Green Valley, AZ. Raised in Boone. BHS-46. Lived in Oregon for 28 years and traveled the northwest for a company. Married Dee Anderson of Stratford. Dee is a survivor.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
A Real Success Story
Here's a great human interest story of a BOONE resident..........not the type of story you've seen very often in recent years in the Boone/Ames Republican.
Jerry Anderson retired July 5, 2016, after 21 years of service to the Woodward Academy in Woodward. Woodward Academy has grown into a nationally recognized leader in juvenile residential care. Please note, this is NOT the Woodward State Hospital.
Jerry has served that facility since it opened July 10, 1995. At that time, the academy welcomed four students and Jerry was one of the original 13 staff members. Late in that year, he was asked to assume the role of Business Manager, a position he held until 2000 when he joined the Board of Directors and was elected President. His presidency continued the next 16 years until his recent retirement, and what's been done, under his direction, in that time frame, is absolutely amazing.
To begin with, the academy now has 262 students with a portion of them looking forward to graduation ceremonies each year. On YouTube you can see some of the most recent, emotional graduation ceremonies. It is so impressive to see that these "young people" finally "get it," via Woodward Academy, and are ready to become successful citizens.
But there's more.......much more.
In a recent edition of the Knightly Knews, a picture of Jerry looms large on the cover and inside the publication is a great story, "Presidential Blueprint," which details all the various ways Jerry Anderson's finger prints have benefited the academy.
One paragraph in the story explains, "every expansion project is a direct result of Jerry's work. He was involved in the Linden Court dormitory expansion projects, and the construction of the Education Center, its Annex, and the Learning Center that is named in his honor, the Gerald D. Anderson Learning Center. He also acquired and installed the "temporary" school building, known today as the PODS. His work also helped start up each athletic program, the facilities they use, and many employment opportunities for students. Jerry's impact on Woodward Academy's campus cannot be overstated."
Jerry Anderson grew up in rural Iowa, received a bachelor's degree from Luther College and a Master's degree from the George Washington University. He first enlisted in the Naval Reserve and then later, accepted a Regular Commission in the U.S. Navy. For 27 years, he served on ships at sea, attended schools, and served on assignments ashore at the U.S. Naval Academy, in the Pentagon on the Navy Staff, and in the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. During his time at sea, he commanded two Navy ships. Retiring from active duty in 1991, he and his wife, Karen Judge Anderson, an area native, moved to Boone. They've been married 48 years and together, have five children and nine grandchildren.
Editor's notes: (1) This humble guy, Jerry Anderson, never quits "giving." As a fellow member of Augustana Lutheran Church, its not unusual at any time for the Kornerman to see him "involved" in some way or another, inside and outside the church building. Oh yes, he's also a Habitat for Humanity volunteer.
(2) There are numerous other Boone residents who have, in their own way, achieved great success in various endeavors. Many, many such stories waiting to be told.......enough to consistently fill a daily newspaper, along with the normally expected council/hospital/police segments. The Kornerman will always believe, had that been done consistently after the Schaub's relinquished local ownership, adequate circulation standards would have followed and the "real" BNR might still be "alive."
Max Moore, BHS-46, wrote, "my good friend, Boone native Skinny Anderson, passed away this week. He would be 89 in November. He will be buried in Portland, OR. We talked once a week. In fact, the day before he passed, we talked. Sad to lose my good friend."
Boone Connected Deaths: Ethel Marsden, 89, Ames. Born in Boone County and lived in Ogden, among other places, while her husband, Clem, was an educator. OHS grad.........Mary Kay Davis, 56, Ogden. Worked in dietary positions. Boone area survivors include her husband, John, daughter, Natalie Davis and son, Michael Davis, all of Ogden.........Marilyn Longhenry McKee, 72, Perry. Stratford HS grad. Was a secretary for a law firm in Denver, CO. Moved to Perry in 2013. Boone area survivors include a brother, Kenny Longhenry of Ogden and sister, Alice Westrum, of Boone.........Layton Burkhart, 80, Huxley. Born in Ogden. OHS-54. Farmed near Ogden before becoming an electrician at ISU. Boone area survivor is a sister, Nyla Good, of Boone.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......
Jerry Anderson retired July 5, 2016, after 21 years of service to the Woodward Academy in Woodward. Woodward Academy has grown into a nationally recognized leader in juvenile residential care. Please note, this is NOT the Woodward State Hospital.
Jerry has served that facility since it opened July 10, 1995. At that time, the academy welcomed four students and Jerry was one of the original 13 staff members. Late in that year, he was asked to assume the role of Business Manager, a position he held until 2000 when he joined the Board of Directors and was elected President. His presidency continued the next 16 years until his recent retirement, and what's been done, under his direction, in that time frame, is absolutely amazing.
To begin with, the academy now has 262 students with a portion of them looking forward to graduation ceremonies each year. On YouTube you can see some of the most recent, emotional graduation ceremonies. It is so impressive to see that these "young people" finally "get it," via Woodward Academy, and are ready to become successful citizens.
But there's more.......much more.
In a recent edition of the Knightly Knews, a picture of Jerry looms large on the cover and inside the publication is a great story, "Presidential Blueprint," which details all the various ways Jerry Anderson's finger prints have benefited the academy.
One paragraph in the story explains, "every expansion project is a direct result of Jerry's work. He was involved in the Linden Court dormitory expansion projects, and the construction of the Education Center, its Annex, and the Learning Center that is named in his honor, the Gerald D. Anderson Learning Center. He also acquired and installed the "temporary" school building, known today as the PODS. His work also helped start up each athletic program, the facilities they use, and many employment opportunities for students. Jerry's impact on Woodward Academy's campus cannot be overstated."
Jerry Anderson grew up in rural Iowa, received a bachelor's degree from Luther College and a Master's degree from the George Washington University. He first enlisted in the Naval Reserve and then later, accepted a Regular Commission in the U.S. Navy. For 27 years, he served on ships at sea, attended schools, and served on assignments ashore at the U.S. Naval Academy, in the Pentagon on the Navy Staff, and in the Office of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. During his time at sea, he commanded two Navy ships. Retiring from active duty in 1991, he and his wife, Karen Judge Anderson, an area native, moved to Boone. They've been married 48 years and together, have five children and nine grandchildren.
Editor's notes: (1) This humble guy, Jerry Anderson, never quits "giving." As a fellow member of Augustana Lutheran Church, its not unusual at any time for the Kornerman to see him "involved" in some way or another, inside and outside the church building. Oh yes, he's also a Habitat for Humanity volunteer.
(2) There are numerous other Boone residents who have, in their own way, achieved great success in various endeavors. Many, many such stories waiting to be told.......enough to consistently fill a daily newspaper, along with the normally expected council/hospital/police segments. The Kornerman will always believe, had that been done consistently after the Schaub's relinquished local ownership, adequate circulation standards would have followed and the "real" BNR might still be "alive."
Max Moore, BHS-46, wrote, "my good friend, Boone native Skinny Anderson, passed away this week. He would be 89 in November. He will be buried in Portland, OR. We talked once a week. In fact, the day before he passed, we talked. Sad to lose my good friend."
Boone Connected Deaths: Ethel Marsden, 89, Ames. Born in Boone County and lived in Ogden, among other places, while her husband, Clem, was an educator. OHS grad.........Mary Kay Davis, 56, Ogden. Worked in dietary positions. Boone area survivors include her husband, John, daughter, Natalie Davis and son, Michael Davis, all of Ogden.........Marilyn Longhenry McKee, 72, Perry. Stratford HS grad. Was a secretary for a law firm in Denver, CO. Moved to Perry in 2013. Boone area survivors include a brother, Kenny Longhenry of Ogden and sister, Alice Westrum, of Boone.........Layton Burkhart, 80, Huxley. Born in Ogden. OHS-54. Farmed near Ogden before becoming an electrician at ISU. Boone area survivor is a sister, Nyla Good, of Boone.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......
Saturday, August 13, 2016
Even More BNR Reaction
Should have known my BNR comments would draw a reaction from that newspapers most noted alumnus, and I'm glad they did.
Richard Longworth, BHS-53, wrote, "like you, I broke into the business on the News Republican and, like you, I'm so sorry to have seen its decline and now, its virtual disappearance as a real live, printed daily newspaper. I first picked up the newspaper reading habit as a kid via the comic page in the BNR, and the time I spent in the newsroom on Keeler Street hooked me on reporting forever. We both go back to the days of the Garveys, of fine editors like Earl Senholz and HarlanWeeks, of good people like Jim Anderson, Rollie Peterson, R.P. Brown ("Brownie" to everyone, circulation manager and photographer), of the printers in the press shop in the back, and the way the whole building would vibrate when they turned on the huge rotary press in the basement. It was locally owned then, and locally focused, and the people who worked there spent their lives in the place, instead of moving on to some other corporate cousin after a year or two. Local ownership is crucial. Absentee ownership never really cares about the town. The Garvey's did, and it made all the difference. I really think a newspaper, like the News Republican, is the soul of a community. It's the mirror when we look every day to see how we're doing. It tells us where we've been, so we understand where we are and can figure out, together, where we want to go. When a newspaper disappears, the whole town is poorer. Yeah, there's the web and digital sites and fragmented groups providing information, but it's not the same. A newspaper is a great big table where the whole town gathers every day. You can't replace that. I'm wondering how necessary all this down-sizing is. Up in Storm Lake, a town of 10,000, they've got two newspapers, one, three times a week, the other, twice a week. At least one is locally owned. They both are staying in business. If they can, why not the BNR?"
Editor's note: In case some of you didn't know, Dick Longworth was an important, award winning member of the Chicago Tribune news staff for many years, including lengthy reporting assignments from London and Moscow, among other locales.
Tom Peterson, BHS-67, wants me to expand the Kornerman's work. He wrote, "I'd think that coaches/parents/citizens of Boone and surrounding areas should be encouraged to send you sports and other local news results electronically for Korner publication. Put a front page ad in the BNR telling of your new adventure in publication."
On the other hand, Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, thinks the Kornerman does enough the way its been. He wrote, "in reading about the BNR and you "taking up the slack," it could be done by taking advertisers. But, this is a hobby for you and the work involved would put you on a deadline. I'm certain there are readers/contributors who would enjoy being a part of KK. Unfortunately, it seems like work to me and at my age, and yours, who wants to have to meet a deadline?"
Something I guess we old folks do at this time in our lives is sort things we haven't looked at for ???. The Kornerman has been going through some photos that have been in a box for who knows how long. All kinds of pictures of relatives and, unfortunately, it seems a majority of them are no longer with us.
Steve Roeder, BHS-64, of the Kansas City area, is one of my cousins and, when sorting, the Kornerman found some nice pictures of Steve, his wife, Jan, and his mother so I sent them to him. I did the same for various other relatives who are still among the living.
That provided lots of memories for Steve pertaining to some Erickson family reunions that, at one time, were quite a big event. Steve wrote, "I remember there would be many attendees at the McHose Park shelter house. Lots of food and big crocks of iced tea and lemonade. Relatives came from as far away as Seattle and Minnesota and Des Moines, of course. I remember most of the men still wore suits, ties and hats to that kind of an affair. My mom, Josephine Erickson Roeder, was the historian and would give reports about what had happened in the family in the past year and how many had attended the previous years reunion. Perhaps you can encourage some other viewers memories of family reunions when we were kids. Thanks again for the pictures and I hope you continue to keep us all informed about what is going on in Boone."
Boone Connected Deaths: Vicky McDevitt, 70, Boone. Worked in the dietary department of the Boone County Hospital for over 36 years. Boone area survivors include her husband, Keith, son Brian, and daughter, Kristin Matthews, all of Boone..........Virginia Ruth Carlson, 96, Florida. Born in Boone and spent her early life on a farm within the city limits of Boone. Attended Boone Bible College. Was married to Wayne Carlson in Boone in 1944 at the Evangelical Free Church where her father, Albin Mathson, was choir director and her mother, Edith Peterson Mathson, played the piano and organ. Eventually, Virginia was a pastor's wife, following her husband at various churches in Iowa and in 1980, to Pompano Beach, FL. No Boone area survivors..........Linda Kay Brown, 69, Ogden. Formerly of Boone. Boone area survivors include a daughter, Robin Brown, and a brother, Jim Flockhart...........Connie Younger, 77, rural Madrid. Was an educator and a carpenter in Missouri. In 1976 came to Iowa State University to serve for 21 years as Chief Flight Instructor and transportation pilot. In1990, he launched Cy Aviation and managed the Boone Municipal Airport until his retirement in 1997. He was a 35 year member of the Boone Municipal Band and also managed the Boone Big Band. Boone area survivors include his wife, Lisa, and son Keith, both of Boone.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......
Richard Longworth, BHS-53, wrote, "like you, I broke into the business on the News Republican and, like you, I'm so sorry to have seen its decline and now, its virtual disappearance as a real live, printed daily newspaper. I first picked up the newspaper reading habit as a kid via the comic page in the BNR, and the time I spent in the newsroom on Keeler Street hooked me on reporting forever. We both go back to the days of the Garveys, of fine editors like Earl Senholz and HarlanWeeks, of good people like Jim Anderson, Rollie Peterson, R.P. Brown ("Brownie" to everyone, circulation manager and photographer), of the printers in the press shop in the back, and the way the whole building would vibrate when they turned on the huge rotary press in the basement. It was locally owned then, and locally focused, and the people who worked there spent their lives in the place, instead of moving on to some other corporate cousin after a year or two. Local ownership is crucial. Absentee ownership never really cares about the town. The Garvey's did, and it made all the difference. I really think a newspaper, like the News Republican, is the soul of a community. It's the mirror when we look every day to see how we're doing. It tells us where we've been, so we understand where we are and can figure out, together, where we want to go. When a newspaper disappears, the whole town is poorer. Yeah, there's the web and digital sites and fragmented groups providing information, but it's not the same. A newspaper is a great big table where the whole town gathers every day. You can't replace that. I'm wondering how necessary all this down-sizing is. Up in Storm Lake, a town of 10,000, they've got two newspapers, one, three times a week, the other, twice a week. At least one is locally owned. They both are staying in business. If they can, why not the BNR?"
Editor's note: In case some of you didn't know, Dick Longworth was an important, award winning member of the Chicago Tribune news staff for many years, including lengthy reporting assignments from London and Moscow, among other locales.
Tom Peterson, BHS-67, wants me to expand the Kornerman's work. He wrote, "I'd think that coaches/parents/citizens of Boone and surrounding areas should be encouraged to send you sports and other local news results electronically for Korner publication. Put a front page ad in the BNR telling of your new adventure in publication."
On the other hand, Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, thinks the Kornerman does enough the way its been. He wrote, "in reading about the BNR and you "taking up the slack," it could be done by taking advertisers. But, this is a hobby for you and the work involved would put you on a deadline. I'm certain there are readers/contributors who would enjoy being a part of KK. Unfortunately, it seems like work to me and at my age, and yours, who wants to have to meet a deadline?"
Something I guess we old folks do at this time in our lives is sort things we haven't looked at for ???. The Kornerman has been going through some photos that have been in a box for who knows how long. All kinds of pictures of relatives and, unfortunately, it seems a majority of them are no longer with us.
Steve Roeder, BHS-64, of the Kansas City area, is one of my cousins and, when sorting, the Kornerman found some nice pictures of Steve, his wife, Jan, and his mother so I sent them to him. I did the same for various other relatives who are still among the living.
That provided lots of memories for Steve pertaining to some Erickson family reunions that, at one time, were quite a big event. Steve wrote, "I remember there would be many attendees at the McHose Park shelter house. Lots of food and big crocks of iced tea and lemonade. Relatives came from as far away as Seattle and Minnesota and Des Moines, of course. I remember most of the men still wore suits, ties and hats to that kind of an affair. My mom, Josephine Erickson Roeder, was the historian and would give reports about what had happened in the family in the past year and how many had attended the previous years reunion. Perhaps you can encourage some other viewers memories of family reunions when we were kids. Thanks again for the pictures and I hope you continue to keep us all informed about what is going on in Boone."
Boone Connected Deaths: Vicky McDevitt, 70, Boone. Worked in the dietary department of the Boone County Hospital for over 36 years. Boone area survivors include her husband, Keith, son Brian, and daughter, Kristin Matthews, all of Boone..........Virginia Ruth Carlson, 96, Florida. Born in Boone and spent her early life on a farm within the city limits of Boone. Attended Boone Bible College. Was married to Wayne Carlson in Boone in 1944 at the Evangelical Free Church where her father, Albin Mathson, was choir director and her mother, Edith Peterson Mathson, played the piano and organ. Eventually, Virginia was a pastor's wife, following her husband at various churches in Iowa and in 1980, to Pompano Beach, FL. No Boone area survivors..........Linda Kay Brown, 69, Ogden. Formerly of Boone. Boone area survivors include a daughter, Robin Brown, and a brother, Jim Flockhart...........Connie Younger, 77, rural Madrid. Was an educator and a carpenter in Missouri. In 1976 came to Iowa State University to serve for 21 years as Chief Flight Instructor and transportation pilot. In1990, he launched Cy Aviation and managed the Boone Municipal Airport until his retirement in 1997. He was a 35 year member of the Boone Municipal Band and also managed the Boone Big Band. Boone area survivors include his wife, Lisa, and son Keith, both of Boone.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
BNR Reaction
Lots of reaction to the Kornerman's comments on the almost demise of the Boone News Republican. Too much for one edition so........keep watching........future editions.
Marty Dannatt, BHS-68, wrote, "I remember trying to get on as a BNR paperboy and that was nearly impossible because that was the best job, at the time, for young boys in Boone. These guys had more money than anyone in town. I followed Denny DeLance around his downtown route because he said he may quit and R.P. Brown (BNR circulation director) would hire me if I knew the route. The papers would come out and the carriers would all get on a big table and fold them for their bags before starting the delivery. Denny never quit and I was never a paperboy for the BNR. I remember Bill Wiebe, Lonny Tracy and many more had their routes. I wonder how many Korner viewers were part of that group?"
Bernie Lewiston wrote, "I certainly agree that the BNR's move to one day a week is not good. They say the news will be available online every day, but to us old timers, that's not the same as holding printed copy in hand. I have a computer, smart phone, and all of that stuff, but I don't really care for reading newspapers via those devices. My experience is that about the time I really into a story, it goes away, and I have to bring it back up. It gets very frustrating. Another irritation is when you do get a printed copy, you, many times, have to log on to a web site to get the full story. I guess that's the way things are going to be."
Vern Modeland, BHS-50, wrote, "I'm glad you feel a responsibility, as do any real journalists, to continue the fight to bring expansive and objective news articles and events to the hometown public. You can see where the people who have the real estate and printing presses are coming from. No profit, no publish. So, keep on keeping on and let us, who appreciate it so much, help where and how we can. That would be mostly by hitting that address line at the bottom of each weekend and mid-week issue and contribute something."
Davi Mondt Lowman, BHS-67, wrote, "my goodness but I hate to see the printed word go, whether its in the form of newspapers, books, or cursive writing. I believe we will not see a better outcome. For several years, my parents saved the BNR for me to gather up on my frequent trips from Minnesota to Boone. They did this for the 23 years I lived in Minnesota. And mother has continued to save them since we moved back. A glaring reality presented itself through the form of observation. It was clear the BNR was declining, not only in the quality of paper used to print on, but on the continuing focus on all things Boone. The glaring reality first appeared in the advertisement section, it seemed 98-percent of the ads concerned Ames businesses. And, not that I don't enjoy sports, but the overwhelming section devoted to area high school sports got bigger and bigger. What became smaller and smaller was the news about people and events happening in Boone. Please keep writing twice a week! And please encourage more Boone people to email you directly with news."
The Kornerman attended the monthly "microphonies" meeting at the Tavern in West Des Moines a week or so ago. Sat next to John Pascuzzi, the guy who gives movie reviews every so often on channel 8. That provided some very interesting conversation. He's quite a guy. Oh yes, Larry Cotler was on the other side of me. He is the play-by-play announcer for Drake men's basketball and also has a sports talk show on one of the Des Moines stations. I hadn't seen him since my old IHSAA working days.
No recent deaths to report this time.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support......
Marty Dannatt, BHS-68, wrote, "I remember trying to get on as a BNR paperboy and that was nearly impossible because that was the best job, at the time, for young boys in Boone. These guys had more money than anyone in town. I followed Denny DeLance around his downtown route because he said he may quit and R.P. Brown (BNR circulation director) would hire me if I knew the route. The papers would come out and the carriers would all get on a big table and fold them for their bags before starting the delivery. Denny never quit and I was never a paperboy for the BNR. I remember Bill Wiebe, Lonny Tracy and many more had their routes. I wonder how many Korner viewers were part of that group?"
Bernie Lewiston wrote, "I certainly agree that the BNR's move to one day a week is not good. They say the news will be available online every day, but to us old timers, that's not the same as holding printed copy in hand. I have a computer, smart phone, and all of that stuff, but I don't really care for reading newspapers via those devices. My experience is that about the time I really into a story, it goes away, and I have to bring it back up. It gets very frustrating. Another irritation is when you do get a printed copy, you, many times, have to log on to a web site to get the full story. I guess that's the way things are going to be."
Vern Modeland, BHS-50, wrote, "I'm glad you feel a responsibility, as do any real journalists, to continue the fight to bring expansive and objective news articles and events to the hometown public. You can see where the people who have the real estate and printing presses are coming from. No profit, no publish. So, keep on keeping on and let us, who appreciate it so much, help where and how we can. That would be mostly by hitting that address line at the bottom of each weekend and mid-week issue and contribute something."
Davi Mondt Lowman, BHS-67, wrote, "my goodness but I hate to see the printed word go, whether its in the form of newspapers, books, or cursive writing. I believe we will not see a better outcome. For several years, my parents saved the BNR for me to gather up on my frequent trips from Minnesota to Boone. They did this for the 23 years I lived in Minnesota. And mother has continued to save them since we moved back. A glaring reality presented itself through the form of observation. It was clear the BNR was declining, not only in the quality of paper used to print on, but on the continuing focus on all things Boone. The glaring reality first appeared in the advertisement section, it seemed 98-percent of the ads concerned Ames businesses. And, not that I don't enjoy sports, but the overwhelming section devoted to area high school sports got bigger and bigger. What became smaller and smaller was the news about people and events happening in Boone. Please keep writing twice a week! And please encourage more Boone people to email you directly with news."
The Kornerman attended the monthly "microphonies" meeting at the Tavern in West Des Moines a week or so ago. Sat next to John Pascuzzi, the guy who gives movie reviews every so often on channel 8. That provided some very interesting conversation. He's quite a guy. Oh yes, Larry Cotler was on the other side of me. He is the play-by-play announcer for Drake men's basketball and also has a sports talk show on one of the Des Moines stations. I hadn't seen him since my old IHSAA working days.
No recent deaths to report this time.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support......
Saturday, August 6, 2016
What Now?
Now that the Boone News Republican will be printed just once per week, on Thursday, can the Korner do anything to "take up the slack" for those faithful BNR subscribers who lose their Tuesday and Saturday editions? I mean, heck, we're hear twice a week.......twice as much as the BNR will be.
Then too, a first thought posed by many is, "how are we going to secure death/funeral information?" Yes, the funeral homes, who have faced obstacles even with the three times a week publication, are now curtailed even further. Deaths could occur and even funerals could be held before any mention of either in the BNR.
Well, one thing the Kornerman will say is that for quite some time, we, twice a week, have provided more local death information than anyone.........and we've been proud of that.
I suppose, maybe, we could, in each edition, include at least a few headlines of what's going on around town.
Its a new ballgame insofar as news distribution in the community is concerned. As they say, "that's progress" or is it? There's no question that more folks have and are going to the digital process for their "print?" news. However, there are some generations, especially of us older folks, who, for various reasons, can't or won't succumb to this "new thing."
The Kornerman has spouted off about this change enough now. Maybe we've even "overblown" the consequences. It would be nice to hear a little conversation about all of it from you Korner viewers. What are your thoughts?
The Korner has now received some clarification regarding the date of the Iowa By the Sea Picnic.
It will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on August 13 close by the Iowa battleship in southern California.
Regarding the recent mention of the hymns, "Precious Lord, Take My Hand" and "Peace in the Valley" Lou Oxenford, BHS-45, wrote, "thanks for the corrections on the hymns. I read every one of your Wednesday and Saturday articles and miss them when you don't get much to write about. But, I'm sure we all understand that you must get tired sometimes too. We all hope you can keep it up and we do appreciate all that work you do to make us happy."
Boone Connected Deaths: Lois Peterson, 90, Stratford. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Trudy Peterson of Stratford.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support......
Then too, a first thought posed by many is, "how are we going to secure death/funeral information?" Yes, the funeral homes, who have faced obstacles even with the three times a week publication, are now curtailed even further. Deaths could occur and even funerals could be held before any mention of either in the BNR.
Well, one thing the Kornerman will say is that for quite some time, we, twice a week, have provided more local death information than anyone.........and we've been proud of that.
I suppose, maybe, we could, in each edition, include at least a few headlines of what's going on around town.
Its a new ballgame insofar as news distribution in the community is concerned. As they say, "that's progress" or is it? There's no question that more folks have and are going to the digital process for their "print?" news. However, there are some generations, especially of us older folks, who, for various reasons, can't or won't succumb to this "new thing."
The Kornerman has spouted off about this change enough now. Maybe we've even "overblown" the consequences. It would be nice to hear a little conversation about all of it from you Korner viewers. What are your thoughts?
The Korner has now received some clarification regarding the date of the Iowa By the Sea Picnic.
It will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on August 13 close by the Iowa battleship in southern California.
Regarding the recent mention of the hymns, "Precious Lord, Take My Hand" and "Peace in the Valley" Lou Oxenford, BHS-45, wrote, "thanks for the corrections on the hymns. I read every one of your Wednesday and Saturday articles and miss them when you don't get much to write about. But, I'm sure we all understand that you must get tired sometimes too. We all hope you can keep it up and we do appreciate all that work you do to make us happy."
Boone Connected Deaths: Lois Peterson, 90, Stratford. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Trudy Peterson of Stratford.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support......
Wednesday, August 3, 2016
Thanks For the Long History but No Thanks For..........
The Boone News Republican has announced that as of August 30, 2016, editions will no longer be printed on Tuesdays or Saturdays. After that date, an edition will be printed once-weekly, each Thursday. In simplest terms, the Boone community now has a weekly newspaper rather than a three-times per week, like most recently, or a it was for so many years........starting in the late 1800's.
Amid my tears, I'm trying to decide what further to say. A once daily BNR, of course, dates way back, way beyond any of our lifetimes. The Kornerman feels so grateful to the Garvey's, Mary and Harold, and the Shaub's, Bob and Jeannine, for the BNR job opportunities given to me, first, from my early years, then, to even a few of my later ones. I guess, a total of about 17 years, which may not seem like much. Those years, however, were enough to instill in me a bundle of great experience in so many ways and, perhaps, even more importantly, a great pride in knowing I was a small portion of such a historical part of the Boone community's history. I guess that's why I find it so hard to yield in this matter.
Look, I am, by no means, a technological or sociological wizard, but at 81 years of age, I'm not a complete dunce either. I do get it!! Times have changed and all that whoop-de-do. I do understand the changing landscape. What bothers me is that, in my opinion, this eventuality has come without a proper fight. Non-resident owners who took charge several years ago, have never had a real "feel" for the community and made little or no effort to gain or build on that "feel." Again, in my opinion, that outside influence has overshadowed any sincere efforts to bolster any local survival effort. Instead of trying to slow down the BNR's demise, bad, real bad decisions actually increased the rapid rate of destruction.
Yes, I fully understand consumer support for the BNR has decreased but, perhaps with better decisions, that may not have least so quickly. In my mind, rather than blaming the rowers, its the coxswain, those who steer and coordinate the boat, that should shoulder the major criticism.
Its always been known as the BOONE News Republican but in too many recent times, the Boone part has been ignored or, at least, not given the full attention it deserved. Outside governing eyes and thoughts have, instead, drifted too far away from our town and now we're seeing the ultimate result.
Bill Wallace, BHS-70, wrote, "I hope your saw the Cubs game-winning safety squeeze the other night. Extra innings, winning run on third and one away. A pitcher is pinch-hitting for another pitcher as the Cubs have used all there other bench players. Two strikes on the hitter and the safety squeeze is called by Manager Joe Maddon and executed to perfection! It made me think of you in your Babe Ruth coaching days. In my Babe Ruth days, two managers called a lot of squeeze plays, you and Mel Murken. Mel used the suicide squeeze and you used the safety squeeze, as I recall. I appreciate your work, Kornerman." The Kornerman replies, "that was quite a game, lots of great action and the right team won. I was glad I saw it all."
Boone Connected Deaths: Fred Kokemiller, 78, Madrid/Boone. Farmed with his father-in-law in southern Boone County. Boone area survivors include his wife, Shirley, and son, Greg, both of Madrid and son, Kelley, of Boone.........Bernie Landals, 85, Boone. Pilot Mound HS-50. Worked for George Rolfes Company and Mid States Steel. Boone area survivors include a daughter, Lori Stoneburner, and Bernie's former wife, Jacque Marshall, both of Boone and a sister, Phyliss Leaverton of Urbandale........Roger Brown, 62, Carroll, formerly of Boone.........Jean Peterson, 71, Boone. United HS-63. Worked over 40 years for Boone State Bank and Trust. Boone area survivors include her husband, Gordon, of Boone and son, Brad, of Ankeny...........Harold Harrison II, 55, Boone. United HS-79. Worked on small engines in Ames and did some service work for Walmart. Boone area survivors include his fraternal twin brother, Harvey, and sister, Via Beth Harrison, both of Boone............Woodrow Myers, 98, Boone. BHS-35. Farmed, drove a cab in Boone and worked at Iowa State University..........Lloyd Ryan, 87, Arkansas. Formerly of Waterloo. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Lynne Greiner, of Boone.......Allen Porter, 98, Dayton. Dayton HS-36. In 1937, Allen and two friends got started what eventually became the famous Dayton Rodeo........Ray Kauffman, 64, Harcourt. Boxholm HS-70. Was an Iowa National Guardsman out of Boone. Farmed in the Harcourt area for 39 years. Boone area survivors include his wife, Laurie, of Harcourt, a daughter, Megan Christie of Ogden and a brother, Tom, of Boxholm.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support......
Amid my tears, I'm trying to decide what further to say. A once daily BNR, of course, dates way back, way beyond any of our lifetimes. The Kornerman feels so grateful to the Garvey's, Mary and Harold, and the Shaub's, Bob and Jeannine, for the BNR job opportunities given to me, first, from my early years, then, to even a few of my later ones. I guess, a total of about 17 years, which may not seem like much. Those years, however, were enough to instill in me a bundle of great experience in so many ways and, perhaps, even more importantly, a great pride in knowing I was a small portion of such a historical part of the Boone community's history. I guess that's why I find it so hard to yield in this matter.
Look, I am, by no means, a technological or sociological wizard, but at 81 years of age, I'm not a complete dunce either. I do get it!! Times have changed and all that whoop-de-do. I do understand the changing landscape. What bothers me is that, in my opinion, this eventuality has come without a proper fight. Non-resident owners who took charge several years ago, have never had a real "feel" for the community and made little or no effort to gain or build on that "feel." Again, in my opinion, that outside influence has overshadowed any sincere efforts to bolster any local survival effort. Instead of trying to slow down the BNR's demise, bad, real bad decisions actually increased the rapid rate of destruction.
Yes, I fully understand consumer support for the BNR has decreased but, perhaps with better decisions, that may not have least so quickly. In my mind, rather than blaming the rowers, its the coxswain, those who steer and coordinate the boat, that should shoulder the major criticism.
Its always been known as the BOONE News Republican but in too many recent times, the Boone part has been ignored or, at least, not given the full attention it deserved. Outside governing eyes and thoughts have, instead, drifted too far away from our town and now we're seeing the ultimate result.
Bill Wallace, BHS-70, wrote, "I hope your saw the Cubs game-winning safety squeeze the other night. Extra innings, winning run on third and one away. A pitcher is pinch-hitting for another pitcher as the Cubs have used all there other bench players. Two strikes on the hitter and the safety squeeze is called by Manager Joe Maddon and executed to perfection! It made me think of you in your Babe Ruth coaching days. In my Babe Ruth days, two managers called a lot of squeeze plays, you and Mel Murken. Mel used the suicide squeeze and you used the safety squeeze, as I recall. I appreciate your work, Kornerman." The Kornerman replies, "that was quite a game, lots of great action and the right team won. I was glad I saw it all."
Boone Connected Deaths: Fred Kokemiller, 78, Madrid/Boone. Farmed with his father-in-law in southern Boone County. Boone area survivors include his wife, Shirley, and son, Greg, both of Madrid and son, Kelley, of Boone.........Bernie Landals, 85, Boone. Pilot Mound HS-50. Worked for George Rolfes Company and Mid States Steel. Boone area survivors include a daughter, Lori Stoneburner, and Bernie's former wife, Jacque Marshall, both of Boone and a sister, Phyliss Leaverton of Urbandale........Roger Brown, 62, Carroll, formerly of Boone.........Jean Peterson, 71, Boone. United HS-63. Worked over 40 years for Boone State Bank and Trust. Boone area survivors include her husband, Gordon, of Boone and son, Brad, of Ankeny...........Harold Harrison II, 55, Boone. United HS-79. Worked on small engines in Ames and did some service work for Walmart. Boone area survivors include his fraternal twin brother, Harvey, and sister, Via Beth Harrison, both of Boone............Woodrow Myers, 98, Boone. BHS-35. Farmed, drove a cab in Boone and worked at Iowa State University..........Lloyd Ryan, 87, Arkansas. Formerly of Waterloo. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Lynne Greiner, of Boone.......Allen Porter, 98, Dayton. Dayton HS-36. In 1937, Allen and two friends got started what eventually became the famous Dayton Rodeo........Ray Kauffman, 64, Harcourt. Boxholm HS-70. Was an Iowa National Guardsman out of Boone. Farmed in the Harcourt area for 39 years. Boone area survivors include his wife, Laurie, of Harcourt, a daughter, Megan Christie of Ogden and a brother, Tom, of Boxholm.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support......
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