Saturday, May 2, 2015

Bits and Pieces

     You viewers may recall that Davi Mondt Lowman, BHS-67, showed remorse recently about the fact that there seems to be limited interest in the 150th year of the Boone Community's existence.
     Michael Sundall, BHS-68, has now chimed in with, "I remember the 100-year community celebration in 1965. There were various events throughout the city. Does anyone remember the headliner acts or events that took place? I do remember a bit of the stage show at the Boone County Fairgrounds, which featured a recollection of significant events in Boone's history."
     The now much older Kornerman remembers 1965 as a busy year. As I recall, the celebration was a grand and glorious event with lots of participation in a variety of special events. There was lots of facial hair showing those days, on the gentlemen of course. Doris Krug Simmons, BHS-52, was selected as the Queen of the event and, believe it, the Kornerman worked hard preparing lots of stories, mainly sports remembrances, for the big BNR centennial edition. By the way, there are still some of those editions fact, even at garage sales on occasion.
     Speaking of that 1965 "special" edition of the BNR, Mark Tompkins, BHS-60, recently sent me a portion of that page that told about Betty Mae Harris coming to Boone and opening her famous dance studio in October of 1929.
     A much more recent edition of the BNR, in the last week or so, was historically interesting. The 25/50 etc. look back at Boone events mentioned that J.C. Penny's store, a long standing member of the business community, closed in 1990 and that Belluci's Pizza, another veteran of our business community, was open for business starting with a grand opening in 1965. There's that '65 year again.
     Then too, as you viewers all know by now, our last bowling alley, the Imperial Lanes, is closing and of interest, was the fact that on this very day, Saturday, May 2, as a grand finale, the longtime owners of the establishment, the Ken Lett family, is hosting a "goodbye" with bowling available at the long-ago price of $1. In addition, Shirley, the late Ken Lett's widow, and the Lett girls, Julie Kay, BHS-79, Jennifer, BHS-80, and Joanne, BHS-81, were to be on hand to do some "remembering" with friends and relatives.
     Some more of "this n' that."
     (1) Ann Reed wrote to say that the selection of everyone's friend, Marc Westberg, BHS-91, as the 2015 Pufferbilly Parade grand marshal was a "great choice."
     (2) The Kornerman, by chance, recently saw J. Peterson, BHS-56, that tough rebounder, and we had a short but great visit. He seems to be doing well and it was great to see him. And, it was nice to hear from Patty Harris, BHS-79, this week. She lives in the Des Moines Metro area.
     (3) Many thanks to Michael Goodwin, BHS-63, who lives in Aurora, CO.  We had missed hearing from him for a time and very much appreciated the fact that he still "looks in" and is very appreciative.
     (4) Noticed recently that Todd Linden, BHS-80, had received a nice honor. He is the President and CEO of Grinnell Medical Center and will be awarded the American Hospital Association 2015 Board of Trustees Award. That is presented to individuals who have made substantial and noteworthy contributions to the work of the AHA. Great honor Todd! Todd's parents are Chuck and Judy Linden and during their time in Boone, Chuck was the CEO of the Boone County Hospital.
     (5) The Kornerman received a copy of a famous story written by the late Norval Gragg. It's too lengthy to copy completely but it tells of his business start in Benkelman, NE with a salary of $50 per month. In one instance, he and wife, Lucile, needed groceries but were a few days short of payday. They did have a saved $2 bill that would be used if they were unable to obtain credit from the grocer. Things did work out, they received the credit and had always continued to keep a $2 bill on hand as a token of their "good  luck." Norval wrote, "our good luck has continued all these 50 years and we want to share our good luck with you. Carry it with you always and you'll never be broke" So, a $2 bill is included with the story. That's it! Knowing Norval, I'm sure that, through his years, there were many copies of that story and many $2 bills that were sent to numerous individuals. Norval and Lucile have been gone for quite some time and there is no acknowledgement from whomever sent the copy of the story and the bill to the Kornerman. So, all we can do is accept and thank whoever is responsible.
     Boone Area Deaths: Tom Reed, 76, Boone, BHS-56............Bob Smith, 70, Boone............Marlene Trulin  O'Bryan,79, Indiana. BHS-54. parents were John and Eddith Trulin. Was a teacher and church volunteer..............Mary Ruth Jagerson, 90, Madrid. Luther High grad. For 56 years she assisted her husband, Harold, on their Sunny View Farm. Boone area survivors include daughters, Shona Ringgenberg and Vicki Carlson, both of Madrid.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......

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