Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Have a Great New Year's Holiday(s)...NYEve and NYDay

     With the Rose Bowl game, Stanford vs Iowa, coming and the UOI basketball team celebrating a win over number one ranked and previously unbeaten Michigan State, our state is engulfed in Hawkeye Fever as well as New Year's fever.
     The result? Everyone's busy, busy. So, we'll bide our time also.
     We'll check in on Saturday and then really get ready to burst forward to 2016 the following Wednesday.
     Be safe and enjoy.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

A Neat Story to Start the New Year (almost)

     The Kornerman absolutely loves this. It's one reason, above all others, to keep this party alive, being a connecting source.
     Here's the story:
     Last Wednesday at 8:30 a.m., I released our most recent blog to the internet. At 11 a.m. that morning, I received a phone call from Bill Olson, BHS-62, in Blairsville, GA telling me he had read the Korner and had already contacted Michael Morgan, BHS-77, in Kearney, NE to make arrangements for receipt of his (Bill's) late father's birth certificate information. Can it get any better than that?
     You may recall that in the last Wednesday edition we had mentioned hearing from Michael who was wondering if the Korner had any contact with the Errol Olson family. It seems while perusing some material his grandmother, Arlene Hopkins, had accumulated, he found a bill from Boone's Eleanor Moore hospital dated August 30, 1918. The bill had been sent to Albert Olsen for delivery of a baby, Errol Olsen.
     Michael could have easily overlooked that, even trashed it. Instead, he contacted the Korner with an "outside" hope a mention might draw an Olsen family members attention and it did. Michael wrote, "I'm not sure why my grandmother would have this, but I would love to pass it on to an Olson family member." Bill Olson, meantime, took a look at the Korner and was stunned to read a mention of his family.
     The Kornerman assumes the material will soon be on it's way from Nebraska to Georgia and both parties will be happy they "connected" via the Korner.
     The Kornerman had mentioned that I had recalled an Errol Olson who was connected, somehow, with the National Guard here. Bill told me, "yes, my dad was a guardsman in Boone and Des Moines and, unfortunately, he passed away at age 53  in 1972." Bill's grandfather, Albert Olson, had an upholstering shop in north Boone.
     P.S. I know.........someone is going to mention the Olsen and the Olson........and I have no answer for that. All I know is that a pair of our viewers have connected in a very positive way to the happiness of each.
     Can't ask for more than that.
     The Kornerman appreciated the very nice holiday greeting from Kathleen Wheelock and regardless of how long you've been away, you can't take the Iowa out of a true Iowan. Yes, he's been in Southern California for years but Max Moore, BHS-46, sent me a self-picture of him proudly wearing a Hawkeye sweatshirt. He's looking forward to the big Iowa-Stanford game next weekend.
     Had a nice holiday newsletter from former Booneites the Lindmark's, Larry, BHS-63, and wife Kristen. Larry, of course, grew up in fact, right here in the very house I'm sitting in on Aldrich Avenue. Kristen spent a few years here as the Youth Pastor at Augustana Lutheran church.
     Larry's quite the traveler, particularly when it involves sports activity. The newsletter mentions that Kristen joined him on one of his major league baseball bus trips.........eight west coast ball parks, 11 games in 13 days. That's livin' the life of Reilly......or Larry Lindmark.
     I suppose I've mentioned this before......but I did that type of thing many years ago.....went from Boone to Minneapolis, to Chicago (Cubs), to Milwaukee, back to Chicago (White Sox), to St. Louis, to Kansas City and back to Boone. I guess that was six different parks in a week's time.
     The Lindmark's live in Red Wing, MN..
     Along with his Christmas greeting, Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, included the news that their class members who get together annually for friendship and golf are planning a meeting in June in the Omaha area. Mike wrote, "Mike Nyman is the organizer. We're planning on a golf outing at an Army base near Omaha and we expect 15 guys to be there. It should be great fun, especially since we've all turned 70 this year or in 2016. If you mention this in the Korner, make sure you shame Jude Rolfes and John Hendricks, both Texans, into showing up for our gathering. We have wonderful memories of our Toreador coaches, Merle Harris, Larry Parr, Ralph Carroll, Noel Jones, Bill Sapp, Hal Lyness, Larry Blaker, Jim Ranglos and others. We were very fortunate, looking back, we did have so many sports accomplishments."
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.........

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


     Time for the Kornerman and entire crew (? ) to wish all you folks in Kornerland a very Merry Christmas and holiday season. We are so appreciative of you folks who take a few minutes a couple times a week to pay us a visit. And, of course, we're doubly appreciative of those of you who keep in touch via email, telephone or letters with your stories and memories that are the backbone of what we attempt to do. We never know what the future holds but as long as we keep hearing from you and we're still available, personally, we'll try to keep this lovefest moving forward.
     One of the Korner's many purposes is to attempt to find some answers. We had a pair of those instances this week.
     Minnesota guy John Kueck BHS-61, has a grandson who is a swimmer. In fact, he holds two of his school's current records. John was wondering if the Kornerman had access to BHS swim records so a comparison could be possible.
     The old Kornerman kept track of BHS records like that for many years right up until 1970 when I went to real work at the Iowa High School Athletic Association. I had records marks starting in 1890 as well as baseball, basketball, track etc. for all those years. In fact, I still have a smattering of some of those records in my basement.
     The bad news is that it all ended in 1970 so I'm afraid I can't provide John with much help. I assume he could contact the school, itself, and some kind person there could relay the current records to him.
     Then too, I heard from Michael Morgan, BHS-77. Michael indicated that in some of his grandparents (Arlene Hopkins) files he found a bill dated August 30, 1918. The bill was sent to Albert Olsen for delivery of a baby, Errol Olsen, at the Eleanor Moore hospital in Boone.
     Michael wrote, "I'm  not sure why my grandmother had this but I would love to give it to an Olsen family member. Did you know if you had contact with any of those family members?"
     The Kornerman replied that I would mention this in the Korner to see if any of our viewers could provide any help. I did also mention that my memory tells me there was an Errol Olsen in town at one time and that he was involved with the National Guard here.
     Michael then replied to my reply saying, "thanks, it is the man who was involved in the National Guard and his son was named Errol as well."
     We oldsters, of course, know that the Eleanor Moore hospital was the forerunner to our current Boone County Hospital.
     Michael has been the City Manager at Kearney, NE for the past 11 years.
     Anybody going from Boonetown to Denver knows that Kearney is the halfway mark to the Rockies. The Kornerman and wife Jo have stopped there many times for meals or to stay overnight.
     Enjoyed a note from the Register's former Iowa Boy, Chuck Offenburger, who wrote, "I continue to enjoy hanging out on "Kelley's Korner" from time to time, catching up on what the Kornerman is up to. Loved  your vignette the other day about how you've now come back to Christmas carols. All the best to you this holiday season."
     Also received holiday best wishes from Karen Anderson and Al Dannatt, BHS-66, who wrote from Houston, "I always get homesick this time of year. Have a very Merry Christmas and keep up the good work. Makes me proud to be an Indian." He was referring to the fact that he once played catcher on the Kornerman's Babe Ruth baseball team.......the Indians.
     Lou Oxenford sent a nice holiday ecard and I really enjoyed the Kelley's Christmas card which included a picture of Larry, BHS-64, and Toni. They looked like a pair of loving teenagers. Very nice.
     Then too, we got a first hand report from Roger Dutton, BHS-63, himself. He wrote, "I hope you and your lovely wife are enjoying the Christmas holiday season. I'm recovering from my third aorta surgery. Two more and I am done. By then, I will be a bionic ex-Toreador." Proud grandpa Roger included a video of his granddaughter singing in church. She also plays the piano. Talented like her grandpa.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Cheryl Miller, 69, BHS-64. Boone area survivors include her husband, Ed, and son Ken both of Boone...........Naomi Peterson, 85, Boone, formerly of Stratford. Boone area survivors include her husband Delbert of Boone and daughter, Gaylene, of Stratford............Thomas (Ed) McCoy, 91, Boxholm. Luther High-43. Farmed in the Boxholm area until retirement in 1985. Boone area survivors include his wife, Ilene, of Boxholm, son Kevin of Ogden and daughter, Loraine Clark of Beaver.........Sherri Dennis Benning, 45, Mason City. Services held in Boone. Boone area survivor is her mother, Connie Dennis of Boone..........Joseph Williams Sr., 58, Ogden. Boone area survivors include his wife, Linda, and son Jon both of Ogden, son Joey of Boone and daughter Amy Block, his mother, Viola Williams, and his sisters, Marcy Pennington and Ruby Wildt, all of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support......

Saturday, December 19, 2015

Bits and Pieces

     (1) Received a very nice holiday greeting, including an e-card, from Ogden buddy Tom Kiefer who wrote, "I hope you folks have a great Christmas and thanks for being a good friend." (2) Speaking of Ogden, Gary Paulsen informed that early next week there will be a meeting in Ogden of old friends that get together, on occasion, to recall the great days of the Boxholm Swede softball team and various other Boxholm/Pilot Mound area memories. The Kornerman has attended that meeting and it was great fun recalling those days past. (3) Max Moore, BHS-46, sent a list of all the various and many Hawkeye events that are being planned for the Southern California area in the coming weeks.......tailgates, a visit to the battleship Iowa etc. etc.. In case you've forgotten, Iowa plays Stanford in the New Year's Day Rose Bowl game in Pasadena. (4) Barb Fosdick, BHS-67, sent some more pictures of the recent Boone County Freedom Flight. (5) Tom Peterson, BHS-67, informed that Roger Dutton, BHS-63, recently passed another of his many surgeries very successfully but still, another one is scheduled. Peterson also remembered, "when our high school coaches wouldn't let us skate because they feared we would risk ankle or leg injuries." He included an old WHO-TV, channel 13, report by Andy Fales regarding the Boone skating pond. It had to do with the pond being ready for play but nobody showing up. Now this was several years ago and if we hadn't been reminded of that, we would know it was an old story anyway because lots of snow is shown surrounding the camera shots of the pond. That's something that isn't evident (snow) in the current pond area. By the way, the Kornerman understands there will be no ice skating at the pond this year due to various problems. In fact, word is that the problems are so significant, any future skating action may take place at a new venue.......across the road southwest in the Gutteridge area of the park. (6) Thanks so much to John, BHS-64, and Linda Hinz of Tonka Bay, MN for their Christmas greeting. Also enjoyed the info regarding their life, which includes downsizing, and the many activities and successes of their "kids." Thanks so much to John and Linda for their very positive words about the Korner and their great support of the project.
     Full disclosure. The Kornerman is happy to report that it's been a long time coming but I am again enjoying holiday music. I've even caught myself whistling or even singing along with some of the tunes we hear so often on our radios/tv's these days.
     I guarantee there are many so-called "disk jockey's" today who can't wait for the holidays to be over. Been there, done that. Sorry, but when you start playing nothing but holiday songs over and over the many hours from Thanksgiving to even beyond Christmas,  it gets very tedious. You're locked in, it's your job and you can't get away from it. I know, I did that for many years and after thousands of "I saw mommy kissin'" and even the traditional Christmas songs I was "worn away" from any possibility of enjoying that music. The good news is, "I'm back. The holiday sounds?, they're all great again."
     Boone Connected Deaths: Bill McGrane, Chicago. He was the son of Bert and Veronica McGrane, both deceased. Bert McGrane was known as one of the greatest sports writers in the nation during his time at the Des Moines Register. Son Bill started at the Register, moved to the Minneapolis Tribune and eventally made a name for himself as a member of the Minnesota Vikings organization and then the Chicago Bears organization of the NFL. Boone area survivor is a sister, Betsy Haberer of Boone...........Paul Howe, 85,  Boone. A farmer. Boone area survivors include his wife, Mary, daughter Marcia Beaman and daughter-in-law, Mary Howe all of Boone..........Cheryl Miller, 69, Boone...........Martha Larson, 84, Des Moines, formerly of Boone. Was a secretary for her late husband Dick's insurance agency. Owned Country Gallery in Ames for a time. Boone area survivor is a son, Brad, of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Boone Connected Deaths

     Boone Connected Deaths: Bonnie Snyder, 86, Adel. Raised quarter horses and Pekinese hogs while farming south of Ogden prior to moving to Colorado in 1965...........Angela (Angel) Wirtz, 60, Boone. Boone survivors include her husband, Jerry, and sons, Shaun and Jake, all of Boone..............
Kenny Batt, 75, Fraser. Clarion H.S.. Operated Batt's Lawn Service. Boone area survivors include Julia Edson, son Aaron Batt and daughter Rebecca Batt all of Fraser............Tom Myers, 79, Ogden. Parents were Archie and Elizabeth Myers. BHS, Boone Junior College and ISU graduate. Was a city meter reader, worked in Des Moines for a time and at Percival of Boone. Numerous cousins survive...........Jim (Tiny) Evans, 62, Boone. Boone area survivor is his wife, Margie Bahr Evans of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.........

Saturday, December 12, 2015

Boone Connected Deaths

     Boone Connected Deaths:  Ruth Jones, 99, Perry, formerly of Dana. Was a teacher at Boxholm and Pilot Mound, among other places, prior to her retirement in 1981...........Jim Donovan, 82, Boone. BHS-51. Truck driver for Fareway almost 40 years. Boone area survivors include his wife, Karen, and son, Daniel, both of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner heardquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.........

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Many Thanks

     Many thanks to you Korner viewers who answered our call for 90th birthday wishes for Rose Hall. Rose called this week to thank us for the birthday mention and she said she was "overwhelmed" with the response from friends and many former students.
     A big thank you also to one of our Virginia friends, Rick Houser, BHS-63, who sent a Christmas greeting, "think of you and the home town. Keep the blog going for as long as you can."
     Despite the fact he's many miles away, he's one of his old home town's greatest supporters and, of course, he's a great Korner supporter as well.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Corwyn Klein, 72, Iowa Falls. Boone area survivor is a sister, Coleen Good of Pilot Mound........Lois Reed, 88, Boone.........Retta Soderstrum, 90, What Cheer. Taught school in Madrid and Boone. Also worked at a flower shop and bakery in Madrid. Boone area survivor is a brother Vern of rural Boone.........Maxine Silvey, 83, Stratford. Parents were Harvey and Pearl Hoshaw. Stratford High grad. Worked for the U.S. Postal Service from 1977-96. Boone area survivors include a son, Rex of Dayton and a sister, Carolyn Isles of Stratford..........Ken Patterson, 92, Covina CA. BHS-41. Born and raised in Boone. An engineer. His wife, Francis Susie Clarke, BHS-42, the daughter of a Baptist minister, was also a former Boone resident. She is also deceased. There are no Boone area survivors.
     Word has also been received of the death of Dick Solheim, Denver area, a former Boone resident. BHS-65. Wife Lynn survives.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.........

Saturday, December 5, 2015


     Saw United Community grad (about '57 I think) Ken Zanker this week. Unfortunately, he was in town to attend his brother Vernon's funeral. We talked about the old American Legion baseball days, the mid-50's. Ken has been a good Korner supporter and we thank him for that.
     Kit Curran, BHS-79, has been Des Moines Metro prominent. The Kornerman has seen her interviewed on TV a time or two recently. She's been hired as executive director for the Salisbury House Foundation.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Shirley Schultz Mallas, 77, Corning. Ogden High grad. Her parents were Elton and Esther Schultz, both deceased. Artistic and loved history. Survivors include her husband, Kenny, a former Boone resident and BHS-51, a son, Jeffery of Ogden, brother Donald Schultz of Ogden and brother-in-law Dale Larson of Boone..........John Mentzer, Churdan. Boone area survivor is a son, Jerry Mentzer of Boone...........Dean (Bud) Sturtz, 89, Ogden. OHS-45. Parents were Clarence and Florence Sturtz, both deceased. Boone area survivors are his wife, Viola, and a son, Rick, both of Ogden.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support......

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

It's Official......Christmas Season is Here

     Yes, the Korner has received it's first Christmas greeting of the year and the author is John Kueck. Included was an electronic greeting that featured his family members. Very interesting viewing and it poses the question, "are Christmas cards (you know, the paper kind) becoming a product of the past?"
     Hallmark, of course, says, "no" but.......
     John also included, for my viewing, something he gets a kick out of every year. Patrick Reusse, a Twin Cities sports writer and radio host, has an annual "Turkey of the Year" column and John thought the Kornerman might enjoy some Minneapolis sports humor. We did. The good news is that the Kornerman couldn't see any sign of any Iowans being listed.
     Thanks John.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Shirley Schultz Mallas, 78, Corning. Formerly of Ogden. OHS-56. Survivors include her husband, Kenny, a former Boone resident............Vidonne Sherri Tsamis, 66, Iowa City. Former Boone resident.  Attended Boone schools but graduated from Marshalltown High School. Her parents were former Boone residents Don and Vicky Riemenschneider, both deceased...........Bill Henderson, 85, Des Moines. Served at one time as Ogden High School band director.........Jennie Ervine, 94, Polk City. Grew up in Madrid and MHS grad. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Catherine Skalicky of Madrid..........Ivan Nelson, 94, Missouri. Jordan High-38. Parents were Lloyd and Ethel Nelson. Worked at John Deere in Ankeny and a manufacturing company in Osceola. Boone area survivor is a sister, Beatrice Babbitt of Boone........Gary Moody, BHS-65. Worked as a designer in Colorado and Oregon. Parents were James and Lois Moody, both deceased...........Jeannette Gustafson, 66, rural Ogden. BHS-67. Parents were Steve and Doris Banford, both deceased. Was a beautician. Her husband, Lyle, died in October. Boone area survivors include son Jeremy of Huxley, mother-in-law Eileen Gustafson of Boone and sister-in-law Debi Banford of Boone..........Vernon Zanker, 79, Boone. Jordan High-54. Parents were Ralph and Martha Zanker, both deceased. Farmed for many years, then drove grain trucks, read meters for Midland Power and was a salesman for Garst. Boone area survivors include his wife, Jane, of Boone, daughter Debra Shafer of Ames and sister Carol Forster of Boone............Dr. Marion Parks, 94, Boone. BHS-39. Optometrist. Boone area survivors include his wife, Muriel, and daughters Susie Keraus and Barbi Davis all of Boone...........Jacueline Momper, 85, Indiana. Born and raised in Boone County. Grand Junction High-48. Teacher. Parents were Adeline and Evert Anderson of Stratford, both deceased. No Boone area survivors.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Boone Connected Deaths

     Boone Connected Deaths: John Myers, 79, Arizona. Boone area survivor is a son, Matthew Myers of Boone............John Bob Burt, 87, Ogden. OHS-46. Worked for Northern Natural Gas for 40 years. Boone area survivors include his wife, Betty, of Ogden, son John of Pilot Mound and daughter, Pat Peterson of Dayton..........Roger Zunkel, 77, Ogden. OHS. He and his wife, Jo, farmed near Ogden. Boone area survivors include his wife, Jo, of Ogden, and sons, Steve and David Van Pelt, both of Ogden..........Maxine Silvey, 83, Boone. Formerly of Stratford............Harriett Thede, 94, Boone. Worked several years for the Iowa Department of Transportation as a financial secretary. Was a well known gospel singer and music songwriter. Boone area survivors include her sons, William of Boone and Jerry of Ogden..........Ron McNeil, 87, Boone. BHS-46. Worked for the U.S. Postal Service for 40 years. Raised Black Lab Retrievers. Boone area survivor is his wife, Marjorie, of Boone.........Roger Hartung, 86, Des Moines. Active at the Des Moines Y Camp near Boone. Started attending the Y camp as a child and later, took his family to the camp. Served on the Des Moines Y camp board for many years.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........   

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving

     The Korner would like to think not, but this may be a "once in a lifetime" so enjoy it. Especially you proud out-of-towners, get out that Hawkeye, Cyclone, Panther garb and display it proudly for all to see.
     Son Chris who lives in Overland Park, KS says that there are probably an equal number of Hawkeye and Cyclone flags that fly in that area, especially when things are going great like they are now. Daughter Jody is searching her closet to retrieve some Hawkeye shirts to display in the Parker, CO. area.
     We've never seen anything like it.......Iowa football undefeated and among the top three or four rated teams in the country. Then too, the Iowa State men's basketball team rated among the four or five top teams in the nation and both the ISU and Iowa women's teams also rated in the top 25 in the nation.
      The Panthers? All the Northern Iowa men's basketball team did was defeat the nation's number one rated team, North Carolina, the other day.
      What a magnificent run for all of those Iowa based athletic teams. It's a great time to be a Hawkeye, a Cyclone or a Panther or all three like the Kornerman and many others are.
     There's been a three-part story in the Des Moines Register in recent days about the 1985 crash of an Iowa State University plane that was returning to Iowa from Milwaukee. The plane, carrying some coaches and runners who had just finished second in the NCAA cross country championships, went down in a Des Moines neighborhood, killing the occupants of that plane, two coaches, a trainer and three runners.
     Two other planes returned the remainder of the party safely and one of those runners who survived was Tami Colby Prescott, BHS-85, who was a freshman member of that team. In the Register story Tami is quoted quite often in recalling that terrible event. She finished 32nd, individually, in the NCAA meet after winning numerous honors as a Toreador runner during her high school days.
     Congratulations to Jason Blomgren, BHS-92, who has been recognized with the Four Under Forty award by the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors-Iowa. Each year, NAIFA-Iowa selects four well-rounded professionals who excel in their field while giving back to the industry and their community.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Roger Zunkel, Ogden, 77...........Everett Derry, 99, Bayard. Two of his surviving sons are Michael Derry of Boone and Lanny Derry of Woodward.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.........


Saturday, November 21, 2015

Boone Connected Deaths

     Boone Connected Deaths: Richard Ross, 75, Boone. Came to Boone in 2000. Owned Heritage Transport until his retirement in 2014. Boone area survivor is his wife, Shirley............Charles Denton, 48, Salem, WI. Was a military veteran, then a Deputy Sheriff and Federal Officer. His wife, Virginia Gina Mowrer, survives. Boone area survivors include his mother-in-law Betty Mowrer, his aunt Pearl Cole and uncle Don Cole..........Carol Dodge, 76, Ankeny, formerly of Boone. Moved to Boone in 1975 when her husband, Jim, became manager of Arnold Motors in Boone. Boone area survivors include her son, Mark Dodge and his wife, Pam, the former Pam Creasman of Ankeny, both formerly Boone residents...........Lois Brown, 87, Johnston. Previously lived in the Boone and Grand Junction areas.........Jerry Free, 70, Des Moines. Raised by foster parents, Joe and Dorothy Boresi of Madrid..........Donald Huntley Sr., 81, Ogden. Worked at Osmundson's Manufacturing of Perry for 25 years, then as a truck driver, operator of a small ice cream shop in Ogden, at CDS and at the Boone County 4-H camp. Was a musician. Boone area survivors include his wife, Dee, daughters, Debbi Huffman and Destine Peterson, and sons, Donald Jr., David and Darren all of Ogden.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.........

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Mark Your Calendar

     Boone's own Jamie Kelley is booking a special fundraising concert for April 23, 2016. It will be held at the Boone High School auditorium and will be another of several local fundraisers that Jamie has organized.
     General admission will be $20 with a limited number of reserved seats and a special bonus for those who buy those tickets.
     Complete plans will be announced in the near future.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Donald Carhill, Ogden............Brent Hein, 44, Boone. BHS-89. A  Boone resident his entire life. Worked at Fareway warehouse. Boone area survivors include his brother, Lance, niece Hailey Hagge, grandmother Delores Hein and uncle David Hein all of Boone...........Zachary Monthei, 27, Slater. South Hamilton grad. Worked at Camp Dodge as a technician. His wife, Krista, of Slater survives as well as his grandparents, Sheryle and Ronald Lester of Ogden............Doris Hagge, 86, Cedar Falls. Formerly of Boone and Ogden. Perry HS-46. She and her husband, Gene, farmed near Ogden. Doris was office manager and personal secretary to Dr. Thomas Kane for 25 years and worked at several secretarial positions, including at Boone State Bank. Boone area survivor is a sister, Eleanor Alex of Grand Junction.............Lillian Lind, 91, Boone. Born in Ogden. Attended BHS. She and her husband, Maynard, lived in Pilot Mound until 1958 when they moved to Boone. She worked at Bourns in Ames. Boone area survivors include her husband, Maynard, daughters Dianne Eppert and Lori Wildeman, brothers Gary and Duane Anderson and sister, Helen "Peg" Bielfelt all of Boone.........Jerry Pepper, Boone..........Verlaine Spurgeon, 81, Boxholm. Boone area survivors include daughters Pam Wingfield of Boone and Lori Spurgeon of Boxholm.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Another BHS Success Story

     Congratulations to Delbert Hank Harris, BHS-61, CEO of Harrisvaccines of Ames. That firm is selling itself to Merck & Company for the purpose of general expansion of both as a partnership. In 2014, Harrisvaccines became the first company to ever receive approval for a vaccine to help protect piglets from the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus that killed millions of pigs in more than 30 states including Iowa, the country's largest pork producer.
     Harrisvaccines also will be supplying the U.S. Department of Agriculture with a vaccine to help prevent poultry from getting the bird flu virus that was evident in Iowa and 14 other states this year.
     Thanks to Barb Fosdick, BHS-63, for sending the Korner some pictures taken during the October 24 reunion of that famous Boone High School marching band of 1963 that appeared in the Rose Bowl parade.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Charles Jones, 88, Ames. Born and grew up in Ogden. Became a longtime educator. Taught for a time in Boxholm and later, served on the United Community School Board.........Bobby Ugolini, 56, Madrid. Born in Boone.........John Gannon, 92, Emmetsburg. Was a longtime educator. Served as Superintendent of Schools at both Pilot Mound and South Hamilton in this area. Was a 10-year member of the Iowa High School Athletic Association Board of Control based in Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Many Thanks to all Veterans

    Boone Connected Deaths:  James McCasland, 59, Slater. Boone area survivors include a sister, Evelyn Lewiston of Ogden..........Sarah Lass, 92, Boone, formerly of Pilot Mound. Pilot High-39. Sarah and her husband, Donald Sr., farmed in the Pilot Mound and Dayton areas. Boone area survivors include a son, Jeff, of Pilot Mound and a grandson, William Myers of Boone................... Fenner Stevenson, 71, Boone. After moving to Boone, worked for the Boone Shopping News and as Director of the Boone Chamber of Commerce. In 1996, became General Manager of the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad. Was also a Boone City Council member and a big booster of the city of Boone and surrounding area. Boone area survivors include his wife, Evie, a son, Travis, and a daughter, Jennifer Stevenson all of Boone.........Ivan Burkheimer, 91, Madrid. Owned several businesses and was a commercial real estate agent. Boone area survivors include a son, Gary, of Madrid and a sister-in-law, Marilyn Burkheimer of Ames, formerly of Boone.

Saturday, November 7, 2015

Thanks Ross

     In response to a post last week from Larry Lindmark, BHS-63, regarding the KWBG jingle of the 1960's, Ross Hanson, BHS-74,  wrote, "Hi Mo, I saw the post about KWBG. The call letters were Keep Watching Boone Grow and I remember what the phone prefix of 432 stood for, GE2-#### as for General Eisenhower.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Larry Brown, 79, Boone. Moved to Boone in 1960. Was self-employed as a refrigeration, air conditioning and heating specialist. Also worked for Fareway, 1984-92. Boone area survivors include son Craig of Boone, daughter Barb Weigel of Nevada, daughter-in-law Kelli Brown of Boone and Coleen Brown of Boone...........Sara Lass, 92, Boone. Formerly of Pilot Mound.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

KWBG Memories

     Larry Lindmark, BHS-63, wrote, "in the early 60's, KWBG had a promotional jingle that went like this, "K-W-B-G has fun, that's why we're number one." It seems there was a second line and then it concluded with,"K-W-B-G." Do you remember more words to the jingle and how many years it might have been used? Also, there was a morning quiz question sponsored by Linderblood Bottling Co.. The quiz winner received a six pack of Coke. It was always fun to see if the winner was someone we knew. Any idea how many years the quiz question was used?"
     Larry, you've got the Kornerman stumped on the jingle. Don't remember that at all and I was working there at the time.........$85 big ones a week........just back from my Army  time. I do, of course, remember Quiz Biz. I  hosted that many times.
     WOI-TV, West Des Moines, spent many hours, with their cameras rolling, following the Boone County Freedom Flight activities. Now, we understand they have put an entire program together and will be airing it on their 10 p.m. news on November 9 and 10 with a similar showing on the "Good Morning" show from 5 to 7 a.m. on November 10 and 11.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Larry Brown, 79, Boone..........Mike Frazier, 67, Ogden. BHS-66. Truck driver and national guardsman. Boone area survivors are his wife, Lucretia Chiles Frazier, and daughter, Samantha, both of Ogden and his mother, Doris of Boone..........Bobby Buckley, 51, Dayton. Military veteran. Boone area survivor is a sister, Brenda Nitsch of Ogden..........Jean Nelson, 86, Boone. She and her late husband, Frank, formed a well traveled military family until eventually settling in rural Boone. In 1999, Jean moved to Boone. Boone area survivors include sons, Chris of Des Moines, Kim and Kirk of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Have a Safe Halloween Holiday

     Boone Connected Deaths: Jean Nelson, 86, Boone..........Barb Caruth, 77, Boone. Was a bus driver for the Boone schools for 44 years. Boone area survivors include a son Vernon of Stratford, a daughter, Tamra Fitzgerald, and brother, Jim Ryan, both of Boone, sister Lucille Anderson of Madrid, brother-in-law Cleo Carroll of Boone and sister-in-law Doris Caruth of Stratford...........Tim Lindgren, 66, Ogden. OHS-68. Son of Walter and Vera Lindgren. Was employed by the Ogden schools as a custodian. Boone area survivors include a son, Eric, grandson Henry Wagner and his mother, Vera, all of Boone, his sister Rita Wheeler and sister-in-law Bev Lindgren both of Ogden.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Boone Connected Deaths

     Boone Connected Deaths: Douglas Williams, 68, Clear Lake. Served as Gilbert Superintendent of Schools and for four years, was a shared Superintendent of Gilbert/United Community. Later, was Vice President for Business Services for Des Moines Area Community College..........Noreen Perkins, 80, Des Moines. She was a sister of former Boone resident, the late Marge Folvag. Marge and her husband, Harold, who is also deceased, were Boone residents for quite some time..........Lori Tassin, 44, Des Moines. Among the survivors is a brother, Tony Foley, of Boone.........Kay Annear, 83, Boone. BHS-50. Her parents were Joseph and Audley Fritch. Kay worked at Quinns for over 50 years. Boone area survivors include a sister Mary Jo Woodard, a niece, Deborah Jensen and a nephew, Joseph Kramer, all of Boone..........William Bill Thomas, 78, Boone. Moved to Boone in 1971. Bill worked for the Iowa State University Ames Laboratory until retiring in 1999. Boone area survivors include his wife, Patricia of Boone and a son, Michael of Huxley.
     Former BHS teacher/coach Rose Hall will be celebrating her 90th birthday Saturday. Former students/friends, some from many miles away, are urged to contact her with birthday greetings. Her address is 232 South Boone Street, Boone, Iowa 50036.

Saturday, October 24, 2015

A Great Honor, Serving Vietnam Vets

     The Kornerman remembers. Loren Frazier, BHS-58, reminded me of a family name I hadn't heard in quite some time.......Kost.
     Loren had received a note from his BHS classmate, John Kost, regarding his, John's, experiences in helping Vietnam vets and received permission to pass that info on to the Kornerman.
     John wrote, "I'm sorry to hear of Dick Hamilton's death. We grew up together, went to school at Page elementary and then BHS. I was just thinking about the fun times we had growing up in Boone. We did grow up in the best time, which cannot be repeated by another generation. We were so lucky."
     John went on, "We, in Story County, have organized a Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 1102. I have the honor of being elected Chapter President and work with Viet veterans and families throughout Story County. We meet the fourth Thursday of every month at the Ames Public Library, 1830 hours (6:30 p.m.). What a great honor and I am humbled to work with VV and veterans. Also, I was honored to be elected to President of Vietnam Veterans of America, Iowa State Council, which is headquartered at the U.S. Federal building in Des Moines. I served in the U.S. Navy from 1962-68, stationed out of Long Beach, CA. The ship I was assigned to was the USS Ashtabula, AO-51, refueling ships and providing supplies to the Pacific fleet. We operated off the coast of the Gulf of Tonkin. I made three deployments to Vietnam, 1963, 1964 and 1965. I am very honored to have served those years and I'm very proud to be a Vietnam Veteran."
      Loren wrote, "I want to thank John for his service in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam era. I also want to thank him for the service he is performing now for the Vietnam Veterans and all other vets. His email address"
     I, the Kornerman, remember the Kost family. In addition to John, there was a brother, Harold (Dune) Kost, BHS-52, and a daughter, Jean Kost, BHS-54. Never did hear any explanation for the nickname Dune. If memory serves me, the Kost dad was also Harold and it seems to me he was a painter. Mrs. Kost, a sweet lady, gave piano lessons didn't she?
     Vern Modeland, BHS-50, had an addition to the recent mention we made of Tom Grasso's, BHS-60, work connection with various celebrities. From down in Ozark country, Vern wrote, "enjoyed your blog today. It brought admiration and memories of some of those "names" I, and I'm sure, Dick Longworth, BHS-53, can recall having had various levels of contact with through our career years. But, to keep it all where it belongs, I recall the thoughts of the late Paul Henning, creator of the "Beverly Hillbillies," "Green Acres," and "Petticoat Junction" at their TV peak. Perhaps, because of his successful career, he became a friend and booster of Silver Dollar City, the Branson, MO. theme park during the 1970's. That led to some trips for me to Filmways Studios in Beverly Hills, CA., escorting some of Silver Dollar City's loveable characters for cameo parts, and details for the "Hillbillies" filming of five shows at Silver Dollar City. During one of those visits, while Paul, as most creative writers are wont to do, was still writing the ending of a show already filming in the studio a few yards away, I had to use his "facilities." I found its walls, ceiling and "most anywhere else they could be put," were full of black-framed awards from, and for, about anything you could imagine and from anywhere you could imagine. When I later asked about those awards and their location, he replied "it helped keep it all in perspective.""
     Outside construction time will soon be slowing down but not yet. The former Lynn's Lounge site, the northwest corner of Tenth and Story, and the former Imperial Lanes site, on West Mamie Eisenhower, have "come down." They've been demolished.
     The brand new and huge Redeker Furniture store, a few miles from downtown Boone, east and a bit south of  the former location, is now open.
     The former location of Redeker's apparently has been sold and there is a RUMOR that some of the building may eventually be occupied by Des Moines Area Community College.
     No official word on the old Tic Toc/Calmer Company restaurant building but there have been some hints by city officials that  some interest has been shown in a  possible reopening.
     The Kornerman very much appreciated a kind note from John Kueck, BHS-61, who wrote from Minneapolis, "as ever, I enjoy Kelley's Korner so much. Thanks for keeping us all "in touch.""
     Wow! What a neat thank you card. Very colorful and it includes pictures of John and his wife and a couple inspirational "sayings,"........."how beautiful a day can be when kindness touches it" and a repeat of a Shakespeare "saying," "we can no other answer make, but thanks and thanks."
     The Kornerman knows that many Korner viewers were taught/touched by former Dayton/Boone High School teacher/coach Rose Hall. Rose will celebrate a big "O" next Saturday, October 31. I know she would love to hear from friends and former students who may be many miles away from her Boone home these days. Her address is.........232 South Boone Street, Boone, Iowa 50036.
     Rose will be 90 years young.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Shirley Tomlinson, 82, Boone. Born in Boone and attended Boone schools. Worked in nursing in Des Moines and California. Boone area survivors include sisters Pamela Jones and Mary Ann Walters, both of Boone...........Avenelle Olson, 88, Boone. Born in Ogden. OHS-44. Attended AIB in Des Moines. Worked at Percivals in Boone and for 30 years as a secretary at Augustana Lutheran Church. Retired in 1994. Boone area survivors include daughters Maureen Stoneburner and Janelle Hilsabeck both of Boone, brothers Raynold Johnson of Woodward and Daryl Johnson of Ogden and sister-in-law Jean Johnson of Boone..........Dan Miller, 64, Hermosa, S.D. OHS-69. Parents were Albert and Doris Miller of Ogden..........Viola Gustafson, 103, Boone. Grew up and lived in Ogden. Boone area survivors include sons, Doug and Steve Gustafson, both of Boone..........Pat Snow, 64, Boone. Lived in several Iowa communities before moving to Boone. Was a beautician who operated Golden Shears Salon at the First Evangelical Church Home until retirement in 2008. Boone survivor is her husband Tom.........Rendall Franklin, 47, Boone/Stratford. Worked at Ledges Manor as a CNA. Boone survivors are her mother, Julee Willits, and sister, Amanda Ristvedt.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support..........


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Let's Talk About Talent

     Let's talk about talent.
     Especially when the talent has a pretty close connection to "home," Boonetown.
     Thomas V. Grasso, BHS-60, has already had a tremendous Hollywood/Nashville type career and Maggie Baugh, a granddaughter of Jayne Clark Baugh, BHS-58, appears to be enroute to an outstanding career in music, especially country style.
     (1) Larry Kelley, BHS-63, who the Kornerman is naming CEO of the Korner's Entertainment Division, wrote, "how does a Boone boy get to work with hundreds of Hollywood and Nashville TV, film and recording stars? For Thomas Grasso, it all started when he got the opportunity to hold cue cards for entertainers like Bob Hope and Judy Garland. That, eventually, led to a long career of producing and directing nearly 300 TV specials and shows. A little digging on the internet will show parts of many of these shows. In them, viewers will find that Thomas worked with such actors, actresses, comedians and singers as June Allyson, Pearl Bailey, Tony Bennett, Les Brown, Howard Cosell, Fats Domino, Tennessee Ernie Ford, Merle Haggard, David Letterman, Brenda Lee, Liberace, Rich Little, Marilyn May, Rick Nelson, Roy Rogers, Mickey Rooney, Kay Starr, Mel Torme, Woody Herman and others."
     The Kornerman was especially drawn to a list of awards and honors Thomas has received through the years. He was honored as Director of Showtime's highest rated show of 1981, "Liberace in Las Vegas;" he received a 1981 Letter of Merit from PBS for "That Great American Gospel Sound' which was the 16th highest rated show and the highest per minute fundraiser in the history of PBS and a Letter of Merit from PBS for producing and writing the only two variety specials to air for six years in a row, "That Great American Gospel Sound" and "The Christmas Songs." Closer to his home state of Iowa, Thomas was honored by the Iowa Broadcaster's Association and also received a Governor's Award for producing the best variety program,"Memories of a Bicentennial" and the Iowa Arts Council has honored him for the best variety series the, "Bix Beiderbeck Jazz Series."
     Larry sent me a lengthy list of shows Thomas has been an important part of. Just to give you an idea, television specials such as the NBA Awards Show, Miss Universe, Miss USA and Miss Teen USA shows, those latter three where he was in charge of production for Paramount Studios, and also the Rick Nelson and Fats Domino "Live in Concert" production. Then, too, there were television series such as "Divorce Court," and "An Evening at the Improv," and, yes, even commercials for many nationally known firms.
     Obviously, there was more than "cue cards" involved in Tom's success. He earned a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Nevada at Las Vegas and followed up with a Master's in Theatre/Film from the same school. That was after attending a business college, Pasadena City College and the Community College of Southern Nevada where he earned various other degrees.
     (2) Jayne and C.L. Baugh's granddaughter, Maggie Baugh, is still a high school student but has already had her talents recognized by several well known country musicians. She's already played fiddle onstage with such country icons as Neal McCoy and the Charlie Daniels Band. She opened a show in South Florida for Ashley Monroe of Pistol Annie's, Cole Swindell, Josh Dorr, Radio Romance, Montgomery Gentry, John Anderson, Cowboy Troy and the Old Southern Moonshine Revival. Proud grandmother Jayne says, "she amazes us with her song writing as well as her singing and the instruments she is playing. We are going on a Country Cruise where she is featured. Her teachers are letting her out of school because the cruise features songwriters/future songwriter's classes."
     Korner viewers can read/hear more about this amazing young lady at this web site.......
music@maggiebaugh, or just
     Boone Connected Deaths: Viola Gustafson, 103, Boone.........Robert (Buck) Williams, 61, Des Moines. Born in Boone. Son of George and Betty Clark Williams...........Dick Hamilton, 75, Frisco, TX, formerly of Boone. BHS-58. Spent his entire working career in banking in Texas after graduating from TCU. Boone area survivor is a sister-in-law, Rosalie Harrison of Boone. Dick was born in Jefferson. His parents were Avis and William Hamilton. In Boone, Dick's dad owned and operated Hamilton Hardware..........Beverly Garner Worm, 75, Pueblo, CO. Formerly of Boone, IA. and Boone, CO. BHS-58. Born in Boone, Beverly was a glee club singer, dancer, creative cook, world traveler, teacher and artist..........Mary Pat Portwood, 91, Harlan, formerly of Boone. Moved from Clear Lake to Boone in 1964. Pat worked at FS Farm Service, Boone State Bank, the ASCS office and at Iowa State University. She retired in 2002 and she and her husband, Les, moved back to Harlan that same year.


Saturday, October 17, 2015

"On Scene" Freedom Flight Reports

     Regarding the recent Boone County Freedom Flight, the Korner has a pair of "on scene" reports. One from Rick Houser, BHS-63, and another from Janelle Givens Henry, BHS-70. Rick lives in Fairfax, VA. and Janelle lives in Quinton, VA..
     You Korner viewers may recall that in a recent edition we reported that Rick had a great idea. Through the Korner, he encouraged Booneites who reside in the Washington, D.C. area to make an effort, if possible, to be at the D.C. war memorial site to meet, greet and honor the Boone County veterans when they arrived there. At least two former Boone residents, Rick and Janelle, did exactly that.
     Rick explained, "I know there are many former Boone area residents "out here" who follow the Korner and when learning about the Freedom Flight, I'm hopeful some will be able to be on hand."
     Rick said, "I was there and happy to see some familiar faces. The weather was outstanding and everyone seemed to be in good spirits. The party got to see all the various memorials, they were well fed and the entire day was very inspirational. It was something very special to see coach Chuck Lovin and his son-in-law, Marty Dannatt, BHS-68, have the honor of placing a wreath on the grave of the unknown soldier. Everything was just very special."
     Janelle wrote, "after reading the Korner on Monday, I looked at my work schedule and had Tuesday off. I called the BNR and connected with Georgia Hubby Robertson, BHS-72, and told her I could meet the Boone group in D.C. and help out. Rick Houser's suggestion was wonderful. He is a former neighbor of my family but I hadn't seen him in many years. I got to see Rick, along with others I knew, some my father, Bob Givens, BHS-38, knew and others that knew either my brothers Paul, BHS-65, Steve, BHS-67, or both. There was a family there from New Jersey surprising their uncle."
     Janelle added, "I got to spend the day helping out our veterans from WWII, Korea and Viet Nam. Many people viewing the sites came up to them and thanked them for their service. Some of our veterans were hearing that praise for the first time. We started in D.C. at the WWII Memorial. We then went to Arlington Cemetery to see the changing of the guard at the Tomb of the Unknowns. We went past the Pentagon on our way to the Air Force Memorial. Then it was off to see the Navy Memorial, the Lincoln Memorial, the Korean Memorial and the Viet Nam Memorial. At this point, I had to leave but I believe the tour then went to the Iwo Jima Memorial before heading to the airport."
     Janelle concluded, "I was exhausted but would do it again in a heartbeat and I told Georgia I would. I am so thankful I read your blog. If I had not read Rick's suggestion, I would have missed a wonderful opportunity to, in a small way, help and honor those veterans. So, thank you for writing your blog, thanks to Rick for his suggestion and thanks to those who organized this flight and, of course, many thanks to all our veterans."
     Editor's note: The Georgia Robertson referred to, along with her husband, Rick, BHS-71,were among the many great volunteers who organized the Freedom Flight from the very beginning and had all those smallest of details worked out perfectly. There were numerous other committee members who contributed their time and effort also..........Don Batt and Dick Thul to name a couple. The Korner salutes them for the great job they did.
     At times, the Kornerman has heard, "Pufferbilly is on it's last legs" or "Maybe it's time to end the Pufferbilly celebration."
     A letter received this week from Dick Musser, BHS-64, refutes any such notion. At least in one case, Musser's, the event brings lots of former residents "home" where they have an excellent chance for some visiting with old friends and reminiscing about "old times."
    Admittedly, this is just one sample but we know there are other BHS/BSH classes that actually schedule their reunions at Pufferbilly time.
     Dick wrote, "Mo, I had hoped to see you over Pufferbilly Days but time seems to move too quickly. As Al Dannatt recently said in the Korner, "it was great to see so many old friends." For me, it was talking with some of brother Chuck's, BHS-57, friends.......Larry Land, Jay Peterson, Ray Gragg and others. I tried hooking up with Larry Lindmark, BHS-63, in Red Wing, MN thanks to your blog but he was away in Cincinnati at the All-Star baseball game. I always enjoy reading the Korner, hearing about old friends and learning about other Booneites."
     In the last edition Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, reminded us that in the old movie, "Back to the Future" it was predicted that the Chicago Cubs would win the World Series in 2015.
     Loren Frazier, BHS-58, adds, "my wife Pat is a cubbies fan to the extent that her email address is, and we have a grandson working and living in Kansas City, and enjoying the exploits of the Royals, so we will have an interesting time in our household should the two teams end up challenging each other. Pat is keeping close tabs on both teams. Thanks for passing on in the Korner the information about our class of '58 birthday party in Branson. I know that quite a few people have enjoyed reading about it."
     Boone Connected Deaths: Shirley Tomlinson, 82, Boone..........Mary "Pat" Portwood, 91, Harlan but formerly of Boone.........Doris Ryan, 94, Boone. Formerly of Chariton. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Connie McDowell, and Connie's husband, Marshall, of Boone.........Arvid Huffman, 94, Boone. Born in Boone. After military service moved back to Boone. Was married here and employed by Iowa Electric Light and Power from 1949-84. Boone area survivors include a son, Steve, of Boone and former son-in-law, Loren Tungesvik.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........


Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Yup, We've Still Got a Chance

     The good old U.S.A., land of the free and home of the brave, but, let's be honest, things have been just a bit shaky in recent years, the old spirit, seemingly lacking a bit. Lots of infighting over a mantra of wide and diverse subjects, some trivial but others important, very important. Some doubt about the future?? Ya, probably more than we want to admit. Somehow, things have just seemed different, more negative than positive.
     But then, at least in our little acre of the world, a glean of hope. It occurred Sunday afternoon, October 11, 2015, when hundreds of Boone area citizens turned out to salute well over 100 Boone County veterans who then left yesterday (Tuesday) for Washington, D.C. to personally view the war memorials as part of a Boone County Freedom Flight.
     U.S. flags? Large and small they were everywhere, including a huge one "a mile high" at the top of a Boone fire unit. There was a motorcycle escort. Seemed like 500, someone said they counted 91.
     Proud husbands, wives, kids, relatives and other just as proud citizenry shouted and clapped their approval as the "old guard" departed their busses to attend a send-off program. It was a sight to be remembered and it forced the old Kornerman to admit, "ya, there was more than a tear that leaped forth, even without a try."
     Why this emotion? Probably because in at least these few moments, on this one day, at least one man, without urging, expressed the thought in his own way that......."hey, despite some hiccups, we, this country of ours, really isn't that far off track. Our citizens won't allow it. When push comes to shove, we're still Americans, we're still proud and we are willing to step forward today just like those vets of yesterday did.
     Yup, we, our nation, still has a chance for restoring the greatness these vets and many more like them across this country fought and died to defend.
     Our recent mention of the class of 1958's 75th birthday reunion in Branson reminded Andy Anderson, BHS-62, of an event that's held annually in Southern California.
     He wrote, "for the past few years, a small number of the 176 BHS class of '62 meet for a gala event in Southern California. Typically, it will be in the Oceanside, CA. area. We have had attendees from Chicago and some wintering in Arizona. If any of your readers know of anyone living in that area or wintering there, I'd like to inform them of the good time we'll have on February 17, 2016 commencing at 10 a.m..Maybe we'd allow some '61 or '63 grads to join as well. Thanks for all you do Mo. Your blog reminds me that I came from a good town named Boone."
     Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, tells us he recently read that when the movie, "Back to the Future" was made several years ago, a prediction was made, within, that the Chicago Cubs would win the World Series in 2015.
     It could happen. Those Cubbies are still alive.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Lyle Gustafson, 65, rural Ogden. BHS-68. Owned and operated Gustafson Trucking. Boone area survivors include his wife, Jeannette of Ogden, son Jeremy of Huxley and his mother, Eileen of Boone............Marilyn Shearer, 76, Huxley. Boone area survivor is her son, Curt Shearer of Boone..........Donna Hill-Snipes, 81, Norwalk. Boone area survivor is a sister, Shirley Ross of Boone...........Shirley Fowler, 95, West Des Moines. She taught archery at Camp Hantesa...........Mary Taylor, 87, Boone. Born in Boone. Parents were Frank and Bess Judge. Was a cosmetologist but spent most of her life as a housewife.
      Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......    


Saturday, October 10, 2015

A Great Idea

     Yes, past experience has proven that the Korner does have some viewers from the Maryland, Virginia, Washington D.C. area and our buddy Rick Houser, BHS-63. who lives in Fairfax, VA. called  this week with a great idea for the rest of you folks out in that D.C. area.
     As you may or may not know, Boonetown and surrounding area will be sending over 200 of our finest war veterans your way, to Washington D.C., this coming Tuesday, October 13, on a Boone County Freedom Flight so those heroes can view all the various D.C. war memorials.
     Rick said, "here's a great opportunity for former Booneites from this (the D.C.) area to meet and greet them there that day. I'm sure the veterans would be surprised and thrilled that folks from their hometown, now living here in the east, would take time to honor them in this way. Some of them, no doubt, would be acquaintances."
     Thanks for the wonderful idea Rick.
     Mike Sundall, BHS-68, of Cedar Rapids emailed this week with some good memories of a recent trip home to Boonetown.
     He wrote, "I've just made two visits in the last couple of weeks. The first was to attend Mary Wittmer's funeral service. It was really good to see you and chat with Mark, BHS-68, and Mike Wittmer, BHS-65, and fellow classmates from the class of 1968, Kent Gragg, Dale Gisvold and Erik Miles. Lots of baseball stories about Jimmy Archer Field and Memorial Park for Babe Ruth and high school ball. There was also nostalgic talk with Nikki Kokinakis Wittmer, BHS-65, about the Coney Island restaurant that her family owned. Wonderful memories of the malts, coneys and chili at the Coney Island. My wife Lynn and I came to Boone for the Moorman family reunion, which was attended by 104 Moorman's from all over the Midwest. Vern Moorman, BHS-47, the elder Moorman at 85, and his nine brothers and sisters, were all in attendance. Lots of fond memories of growing up in Boone, Iowa. I also had an opportunity to play golf at the Don Williams course, which I hadn't played since 1967. Always enjoy your blog."
     Congratulations to a young Boone lady who has broken a BHS diving and pool record. Kennedey Bass, a member of the Toreador swim/dive team, recorded a score of 276.15 in her six-dive effort to surpass all previous Boone High efforts in that event. Kennedey is a correct spelling by the way.
      The Kornerman had mentioned in a previous edition that a group of BHS grads, who were in the midst of attaining their 75th birthday, class of 1958, were planning a reunion September 23-24 in Branson. Loren Frazier kept us up to date on that venture and now that it has been completed, he has sent a "final report."
      Loren wrote, "in attendance were13 classmates, nine spouses and one financee, a total of 23. There were several others who had planned to attend but were forced to cancel due to health issues and in one case, a family death. Most of the group actually came in on the 22nd and quite a few went to a dinner show or dined in small groups that evening. Most of the group  then met for dinner on the 23rd and again on the 24th. Several of the group stayed at a Holiday Inn Express while others stayed at condos or time shares. The Holiday was very gracious. Those living elsewhere were allowed to join us for breakfast and they even opened up the pool area for the entire group. Several shows and events were attended over the two days and, of course, there was some shopping and lots of visiting. Everyone seemed to have a great time and there was discussion about a future mini-reunion."
       Boone Connected Deaths: Richard Hilsabeck, 81, Romoland, CA. Born in Boone. Attended country schools, then Luther and Jordan. Was a career Marine. Boone survivors include his brothers, Virgil and John Hilsabeck, sisters-in-law, Barbara and Margaret Hilsabeck and nieces and nephews...........Clarence Dixon, 87, Boone. BHS-46. Army vet. Operated Dixon Body Shop for over 40 years. His wife, Marjorie, is a Boone area survivor. Yes, Clarence was a brother of Wilda Dixon and an uncle of Jon Weston, both of whom had recently passed away and were mentioned in recent editions..........Gertrude Dorene Capps Knowles, 98, Northfield, MN.. From 1960 on, Gertrude and her husband, Arlo, lived in several Iowa communities including Boone..........Lyle Gustafson, 65, rural Ogden.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.........

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Surprise! Surprise!

     What a week! The unpredictable ebb and flow of the Korner. Notes from Illesheim, Germany and Memphis, TN. and wonderful, surprise calls from two Des Moines Metro friends PLUS a box of chocolates.
      Alright, one by one. Wendall Condon, BHS-75, wrote from Germany, "just wanted to say a big thanks for your blog. It is nice to see all the familiar names and the stories everyone has of old Boone. Please know you make a huge difference. Please, never stop! Also, thanks for the update on my dad, Vern, BHS-49. I know he has your blog on his "favorites.""
     From Memphis, Doug Miller, BHS-71, wrote, "good to see you guys a couple weeks ago. It's always fun to come back "home"to see and do things that bring back good memories of the past and to see how things have changed. Thanks for helping us keep up with all the latest news and, most importantly, thanks for being great neighbors to Arnie Ahrens. He enjoys seeing and talking to you guys and said he may have to go on a diet with all the yummy cookies he receives from Jo."
     The Kornerman had a great phone visit with Vicki Weston Colby. Vicki, who lived in Boone with her parents, Jack, BHS-49, and Punky Weston, BHS-48, her sister Carla and brother Jon, until the early 60's, has been a long time resident of the Metro. She called to thank the Korner for mentioning her mom and brother's recent passing. Her dad, Jack, had also passed some time ago. We had mentioned in a recent Korner that Jon, about eight years old at the time, served as our bat boy on the 1962 Boone Babe Ruth All Star team that was so successful, including a trip to the Ruth World Series in New Jersey. The Weston family members were great supporters of that team, following it all the way to New Jersey. Marty Dannatt, BHS-68, had started this connection by sending our Korner mention of Jon's death right to the guest book at McLaren's Chapel in Des Moines when Jon died. Marty and Vicki had been classmates at Lincoln Elementary in Boone. Vicki replied her thanks to Marty for sending her the Korner comments and then she called the Kornerman personally this week to thank us for doing that. Vicki said she is an art photographer and has a family of six children. By the way, sister Carla passed away 10 years ago via a stroke.
     Also enjoyed a phone visit from Toni Aldrich Sly, BHS-64. The Kornerman remembers Toni from when she spent lots of time, way back when, at the old Bon Appetite restaurant when her mom, Jane Aldrich, was in charge of the BA. The Kornerman should add that the Bon Appetite was one of the "in"places for all of us "kids" in those days so yes, we spent lots of time there too. Anyway, Toni, who lives in the Metro area, wanted to reminisce a bit and added that she intends to come to an upcoming class reunion and she has some Boone memorabilia she wants to share. She indicated she could probably sell some of the items on ebay but would rather "pass them on."
     Finally, this Kornerman found a box of Whitman's Sampler at his front door. A note was included, "thanks for helping get Al McCoy in the Iowa Hall of Pride. You do a great deal for Boone and I thank you for all you do." It was from former BHS teacher/coach Chuck Lovin who, yes, was a geography teacher of mine at BHS.
    The date for the Boone County Veterans Freedom Flight, October 13, is fast approaching and the Kornerman is afraid he's dropped the ball on one connecting item. Family members of those going on the flight have been urged to send letters of appreciation to those passengers so they can have another "mail call" while on this journey. The problem is they were hoping to receive the notes by October 2. I'm sorry I overlooked that earlier date......I was thinking more of the 13th. Maybe.....maybe a few such letters could still be sent and accepted? Boone County Freedom Flight, Box 311, Boone, Iowa 50036.
     Bits and Pieces: (1) Mark Tompkins, BHS-60, wrote, "KRNT has had some big changes over the years, but abandoning a proven market to be the "new kid on the block" in a tough sports market sector may not show brilliance. Nonetheless, you may be able to get KRNT-FM on your previously cursed computer. Likewise, if you google, "Big Band Radio" and "Rock n' Roll Radio" you will find several sites that play the music you"
     (2) John Kueck, BHS-61, advises that when you google Kelley's Korner you get numerous possibilities. However, most of them are Kelly's Korner and they are located all over this planet. Funny how one letter of the alphabet can make such a difference. Oh yes, there is one Kelley's Korner and it's located in Boone Iowa.
     (3) Kathleen Wheelock wrote, "so glad you're back. Missed you on Wednesday. Love your blog. Read it all the time and forward it to some former Booneites. Believe me, you are really appreciated by us all."
     (4) In a recent Korner we passed on a new address for Willy and Barbara Mondt, provided by the Mondt's. However, Barb tells us she sent the wrong zip code. It should be.....91010.
     (5) We have a complete rundown on the fun time the class of 1958 had in Branson while celebrating their 75th birthdays recently and we will be providing that info in the next edition of the Korner.
     (6) The walls are comin' down.......even more so. Picture the northwest corner of 10th and Story. The most recent occupant in that area, and for many years, was Lynn's Lounge. Unfortunately, a north wall of the building did come down some time ago and now, the entire remainder of the building is being purposely brought to earth. Along that same line, the former Imperial Bowling Lanes on West Mamie Eisenhower is also about to fall, in the same manner.
     (7) The brand new Redeker's Furniture is now officially open at it's new location, east and a bit south of Boone on highway 17.......the road that goes toward Luther and Madrid. It's a huge and great looking building and a grand opening will probably be forthcoming. What about the former location on South Story you may ask? No official announcement yet but word is that it has been sold.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Janet Baker, 73, Ames. Boone survivor is a daughter, Tracy Bloomquist............Selma Gau, 90, Ames. Formerly of Waukee and Boone. She retired from the Boone County Auditor's office after several years of work there. Boone survivors are sons, Michael and Douglas Peterson.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........


Saturday, October 3, 2015

Slow Learners

     C'mon, admit it, you  missed us.
     The Kornerman and Jo were extremely sorry that we were unable to produce a Wednesday edition. For almost two full days, we alternated, attempting to overcome a computer problem that wouldn't allow us to write this blog. In hindsight, with our tinkering, we probably made things much worse than they actually were.
     After lengthy, futile attempts, we finally called in our Korner Technological CEO Thomas Peterson and, in what seemed like no time at all, he had diagnosed and cured the problem. That was Thursday. So, here we are........back at it.
     The best case scenario would have been to quickly understand there was a problem that we would not be able to solve on our own (that's almost anything) and immediately call Mr. Pete.
     Lesson learned. Computer problem. Don't dabble. Let it stand as is. Contact someone knowledgeable for a solution.
     The Kornerman is sorry to report we've had an avalanche of disappointing business news lately. The Tic Toc/Calmer Company has closed out, Curves has closed and the Grows, Fred and Jackie, at Eckstein Jewelry, report they will end business sometime later this year. They are in the midst of an out-of-business sale.
     A pair of sources have told the Korner that the classes of 1952, who were planning a reunion this very weekend, have cancelled those plans. Calmer Company was scheduled to host events all three days and, on such short notice of inavailability of a site, it apparently seemed impossible to re-schedule.
     A sign of the times.......I guess.
     The Kornerman has been a listener/supporter of the great music on KRNT, Des Moines, 1350 AM for a long time. It's OUR kind of music (50's, 60's, 70's) and the ONLY option I'm aware of for that kind of music. Recently, it was learned that that AM channel will now become a full time sports operation and the great music will be switched to FM 104.5, which is not available in the Boone area on any radio I have.
     It was heartening to learn, via my coffee visits, that several others have also relied on 1350 for their music and we are all very disappointed. The Kornerman immediately wrote a letter of disappointment to the KRNT administration and quickly received a nice reply but, of course, with no word than anything will change.
     Just doesn't seem right......our ONLY access to that music is gone and it's replaced by another sports station which will compete with four or five similar stations in the metro area.
     Classmate Tom Canfield, BHS-53, sent me a copy of a story/picture that recently appeared in a University of Northern Iowa publication.
     It was in tribute to someone who was termed an "impactful alumni." The story was about Sonia Scholl Wilson, BHS-48, who's dad, Konrad, was a well respected BHS orchestra director in the late 40's, early 50's.
     She was born in Ohio and in 1946, was the concert mistress for the very first Iowa All-State Orchestra. Then in 1947, she was named co-concert mistress. Sonia received a BA in Music Education from UNI in 1952 and was married in Boone to Robert Wilson that same year. Sonia taught music at Toledo and Alexander, took a 12-year absence to raise her three sons, came back to teach at Belmond in 1969 and eventually retired in 1992. She passed away in Iowa City, December 2, 2013.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Pat Anderson, Greenfield, 69. Boone survivor is a sister, Susie Benshoof............David Lynch, 68, Des Moines. Born in Boone. Parents were George and Pearl Lynch.........Aves Kapfer, 100, Boone.............Mildred Brown, 94, Boone. She and her husband, Richard, moved to Boone in 1958. A homemaker, Boone area survivors include son Mark Brown, daughter Gloria Jay and daughter-in-law Pam Brown all of Boone.........Kurt Wilhelm, 45, Davenport.
BHS-88. Worked at Percival in Perry and at a bank in Davenport.....................Edward Nelson, 65, Boxholm. Grand Community-69. Farmed in the Boxholm and Rembrandt areas and worked in construction in Ohio. Boone area survivor is a brother, Bob Nelson of Boxholm...........Dorance Wilchek, 86, Boone. Don and his wife, Daloris, moved to Boone from California in 1989. Was an electrical and mechanical worker and a woodworker known for his homemade Christmas decorations. A Boone area survivor is his wife, Daloris............Allen Henning, 82, Boone. A farmer, truck driver, operated a salvage yard near Ogden and was a maintenance man in Ames prior to retirement. Boone area survivors include sons Rodney Walker and James Hall of Boone and Kris Henning of Ogden and a daughter, Nancy Baker of Boone...........Betty Bimbi, 84, Clive. Born in Boone. Her parents were Newton and Pearl Zerr...........Gail Klonglan, 67, Madrid. MHS-grad.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.........

Saturday, September 26, 2015

I Know Why

     It just came to me, the Kornerman. The reason we hit these lulls (lack of input) every now and then. It's the cost. We're charging too much for this service. The Kornerman is, of course, being disgustingly facetious.
     Actually, many blogs do have a subscription fee.......something we've never considered and won't. On the other hand, we do contend there's nothing more enjoyable than doing a good job (?) at something and being rewarded for it. That's American free enterprise at it's best.
     This leads to something I've wanted to do for a long tribute to one specific viewer. No name will be disclosed but they know who I'm referring too. This one person has, ever since we began five years ago, faithfully sent a $5 donation every single month. In many months, especially in the last year or so, it's been the only such recognition we've received. I can't help but smile in appreciation about the 20th of each month when that envelope appears. We are so thankful for that support and loyalty to our cause and just maybe it was that little nudge that gave the old Kornerman an extra incentive to move forward, despite these occasional lulls.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Joyce Lass, 78, Ogden. She and her husband, Don Lass, farmed in the Ogden area until moving to Ogden in the mid-80's. A son, Gary, of Ogden survives..........Eugene Absher, 89, Boone. Worked for the U.S. Postal Service in Boone in the early 1950's. Moved to California and continued to work for the postal serice. Later, he and his wife, Helen Gildea Absher, moved to Missouri. Boone area survivors include his sister-in-law, Lois Riker, and brother-in-law, Harold Gildea, both of Boone...........Clyde (Pete) Miller, 81, Waterloo. Was a truck driver. Services are being held in Boone today (Sat) with burial in Moingona.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........


Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Some Early Lessons

     After hearing it from Richard himself, the Kornerman repeated it and you, our faithful and fearless audience, were, no doubt, still skeptical.
     Here's the story. Classmate Richard Longworth, BHS-53, wrote, "you mentioned in the Korner that I had mentioned that I thought my high school years of covering sports and the city hall beat for the Boone News Republican were a better education than the Northwestern University journalism school work that came after. This may sound like a huge stretch, but I swear it's true. Two examples. I covered high school track meets, which meant listing, in detail, the results of all the races, including each heat, who placed where, and their times. One day, I got an angry call from a prominent citizen complaining that I had reported his son placing fourth in the third heat, when he'd actually placed third. Obviously, the kid hadn't come close to winning the race. But, it was a big deal to this father. I learned that day that a good reporter gets the details right, sweats the small stuff, or he'll hear about it the next day, especially in a small town where everybody knows his phone number. Journalism schools, like Northwestern, are theoretical. Newspapers are real."
     A second example from Richard, "one night big Pete Peterson, the Chief of Police, ticketed me for speeding. I went to city hall the next day to get the list of overnight arrests, a daily feature of the BNR, and there was my name among the malefactors. Since I was writing the story, I decided to leave myself out of it. Harlan Weeks, the BNR editor, caught me and gave me a loud and public lecture on journalistic ethics that has stuck with me more than any professorial finger-wagging. Sure, the News Republican was a job. But it was also an education."
     Oh yes Richard. The Kornerman says, "been there, done that."
     Here's an eye-opener. Each year, Beloit College releases it's "mind-set list" to help faculty and administration understand what a new class of freshmen have experienced and not experienced. The college class of 2019 is composed, primarily, of students who were born in 1997. It's pointed out that among those who have never been alive during those students lifetime are Princess Diana, Jacques Cousteau and Mother Teresa among others.
     My, how time does fly.
     Also, since these students have been on this planet, none have ever licked a postage stamp, the Lion King has always been on Broadway, Splenda has always been a sweet option in the U.S., Google has always been there, Email has become the new "formal" communication and if you say, "around the turn of the century," they may ask you, "which one?"
     Again, the Kornerman says, "my, how time does fly."
     Thanks to Tom Peterson, BHS-67, for providing this bit of interesting info.
     Seems there have always been Peppers in this area........Peppers family members that is and, a few weeks ago, I heard from one, Betty Pepper Barnard of Ames. Her dad is Ray Pepper and her mother, born and raised as Ollie, was a well known cook in the area at places like the Boone Elks and the Bon Appetite. Betty said, "she cooked a meal for Eisenhower (former President Dwight D.) in 1952."
     Betty's mother passed away about four years ago and she, Betty, had remembered that the Kornerman had mentioned her mother and that "Eisenhower meal" in one of his Korners and she was very interested in recapturing that "memory."
     The Kornerman, of course, was anxious to help and scanned back issues of the internet Korner, starting with edition one, dated March 6, 2010. No luck.
     The only thing we could suggest was that, perhaps, that mention was actually made prior to the internet Korner and was part of the Korner which had appeared in the BNR those many years ago. Those issues of the BNR Korner always appeared in the Saturday edition, which would eliminate, somewhat, a part of the tedious process, of researching. Also, it is assumed the newspaper, itself, or the Ericson Library would have back issues of the BNR available for scrutiny.
     Unfortunately, the Kornerman was not able to provide specifics but we were able to give some hints toward a possible solution.
     The Kornerman has lost his bat boy. Noticed in the Register the death of Jon Weston, who served as the bat boy for the 1962 Boone Babe Ruth All Star baseball team I managed. That team defeated Fort Dodge in the district meet, Ottumwa and Des Moines in the state meet, St. Joe, MO and the Kansas state champs in the regional and competed in the Ruth World Series in Bridgeton, NJ.
     Jon, 61, was the son of Punky and Jack Weston, both BHS-48, and spent his early years in Boone prior to moving with his family to the Des Moines metro area. Sadly, as we had reported in a recent Korner,  Jon's mom had just passed away a few weeks earlier.
     Other Boone Connected Deaths: Margaret Niemier, 80, Madrid. MHS-52. Madrid survivors include her son, Kurt Niemier, and a daughter, Susan Burton.........Anne Anderson, 69, Boone. BHS-64. Parents were James and Mary Seiler. Married Steven Anderson in Boone and after his death, she returned to Boone in 1999. Owned a dog grooming business. Boone area survivor is a son, Eric Anderson of Boone.........Frank Mitchels, 74, Boone. Born in Boone and married in Boone. Was a maintenance technician at ISU prior to retirement. Boone area survivors include his wife, Sheryl Elvert Mitchels, sons Larry, Matthew and Brandon and daughter Laura Myers all of Boone, son Bill of Ogden and son Rich of Rippey.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........

Saturday, September 19, 2015

We Found Caleb Humphrey

     A few issues back, we had mentioned that classmate Richard Longworth, BHS-53, sent the Korner a New York Times article written in Boone, Iowa. That was different. Seeing a story in the world's most prestigious newspaper and Boone, Iowa in big letters looking back at us. It seemed, at this particular time, something politically had to be involved.
     The story was about presidential candidate Bernie Sanders visit here and what really furthered our interest was mention of a Caleb Humphrey, who was given great top paragraph adulation for his over and above support of Sanders. The Korner immediately wondered, "is this guy a Booneite, someone from the area or simply a Sanders tag-along from somewhere else?"
     It took a network, but we have the answer. Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, via some research, told us there were Caleb Humphrey's in Madrid and Eldora. Loren Frazier, BHS-58, thought there may also be a Caleb in Griswold and even suggested the Caleb's in Madrid and Eldora may be the same individual. Loren's real guess was that it was somebody "from the outside." Wrong!
     The twists and turns continued. Next up, the Korner received an email from Carol Humphrey of Eldora, the Kornerman's birth site. We find that Carol is the mother of Caleb who, yes, does live in Madrid. Caleb has a son, Elias, and Carol tells us that the pair came to Boone regularly last winter so Elias could participate in infant swimming at a Boone pool.
     Carol had received word of all this via a friend from St. Anthony who called to tell them she (the friend) had received the New York Times clipping from a Pennsylvania friend, Ellis Castle, the wife of Dr. David Castle, now deceased, who had, 31 years ago, given a sermon about Caleb and Joshua of the Old Testament. About that time, the Humphrey's named their infant child, Caleb, because, "Caleb and Joshua were willing to face giants." She added, "Caleb has always had a persevering spirit and a bold determination to make a difference, even when it means being different."
     The Times story, of course, had mentioned that Caleb, on his own, had made over 2,000 calls on Sanders behalf.
     A bit complicated but fini.........finally.
     The Kornerman was delighted to hear from former BNR co-worker, Mary Catlett, this week and it's always especially pleasurable when you learn a friend is doing so well.........and Mary is exhibiting her talents in many ways.
     Initially, Mary was wondering if there had ever been a female editor of the Boone News and the Kornerman's recollection was that  Rosemary Westphalen was editor at one time. Anyway, Mary said the Schaub's, former BNR publishers, had given her an old L.C. Smith manual typewriter that was about to be "tossed." They indicated it had belonged to the first female editor of the newspaper.
    Now living in the Des Moines metro area, Mary is licensed to sell life and health insurance via American Enterprise Group. She lauds the company she's working for, "it's growing and hiring with good pay and a commission" and she even invites anyone who may be interested to send her a resume that she would gladly pass on........mary
     In her spare time, Mary has twice been President of her condo association and is President/Chair of the Urbandale Community Theatre.
     She concluded, "I'm so glad to see you are still blogging and ecouraging everyone to share memories with good fellowship."
     That gritty pair, Bill, BHS-53, and Barbara Mondt, who have battled some health issues in the last year are, hopefully, seeing better days ahead. They've moved from their longtime home in San Diego to a retirement community. Here's the address........Willie and Barb, 1763 Royal Oaks Drive North, Unit F-111, Bradbury, CA 921010. Email is
     Celebrations, yes!! We know the Boone Sacred Heart class of 1960 and the BHS class of 1950 are having reunions this weekend in Boonetown. Then too, this coming week is the week the classes of 1958 are celebrating their 75th birthdays in Branson. That's Wednesday and Thursday, the 23rd and 24th. Looking ahead, the classes of 1952 will be meeting here, October 2-4.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Berniece Anderson, 90, Boone.........Frank Mitchels,74, Boone...............
Anne Anderson, 69, Boone........Stanley Valentine, 84, Madrid, formerly of Boone. Worked for Qwest. Survivors include his wife, Shirley, stepson Bill Lehman of Boone and stepdaughter, Pam Schmidt of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support......


Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Things Calm Down in Boonetown

     America's Racin' Vacation is over and another edition of Pufferfilly Days has ended so things in Boonetown have quickly fallen much quieter. The week's weather was absolutely fantastic/beautiful and for that, we can be very thankful.
     Pufferbilly? Sure, there are a few failings on occasion but it's still a nice event and, after all these years, it does still rein in many former Booneites who use it as a great excuse for returning to their old home haunts.
     For example, Al Dannatt, BHS-66, wrote, "Mo, so good to see you last weekend. I've got to tell you, I had the best time I've had in years. I met up with old friends to include: Jack Rusnak, Toby Anderson, Dick Musser, Rick Houser, Ted Hora, Larry Knight, Bill Martin, Tom Matt, Dave Pestotnik, all of the Duffy boys - Dick, Mike, Tom, Big Steve, Steve Fagan, Jack Teagarden, Craig Bjorkgren, Danny McDevitt, Marty Rinehart, Marty Dannatt, Larry Land, Danny McMullan, Lonnie Tracy, Mike Bennett, Tim Meyers, Lynn Belluci, Ida Jo Cleveland, you and my old friend Donald Trump and Chuck Lovin (who chipped in for a two on #7). The weather was great, the parade was great, lots of beer. Life is good."
     Jeff Pigott wrote, "I  was in Boone last week to play golf, followed by a trip to Belluci's for pizza before heading back to West Des Moines. I noted a flyer for Pufferbilly Days which said the tone capsule from 1965 was to be opened. While I don't recall the day it was buried, I was there, sitting on top of the stone marker under which the capsule was to be placed. My grandpa, Ralph Kirk, the head of Quinn's, was there as I believe Quinn's had constructed that time capsule. I'm eager to hear your report on the capsule contents."
     The Kornerman says, "Carolyn Kirk, BHS-57, is Jeff's mom. I understand Ted Bergloff had much to do with the construction of the time capsule. It was located near the new Boone High School in the former Blair Park area and was recently dug up. As part of the Pufferbilly opening night ceremony, the capsule was opened. There were some 400 items in the capsule including a proclamation signed by all the centennial celebration committee members, a bouquet of flowers given to the centennial queen, a high-heeled shoe from Fisher's, an old license plate, several envelopes that were to be given to descendants of some of those present at the celebration. Some of the items are on display in downtown windows but for additional information pertaining to all the various items in the capsule, the Boone County Historical Society's website should be"
    The Super National auto races were as popular as ever with massive crowds every night of the week. Over 800 race cars were involved and their drivers and crews came from all over this country. We noted some from Oregon, California, Texas, North Carolina, New Mexico, New York as well as all the midwestern states. That week, with the races plus Pufferbilly our little community at least doubled in population if not more.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Marilyn Smith, 56, Randall. Boone survivor is a brother Charles Smith..........Connie Deaton, 67, Dexter. Parents were Harold Holbrook and Laura Cromwell. Attended Boone schools. Drove bus for Ogden schools. Boone survivor is a daughter, Dawn Toms...........Victoria LaFountain, 62, Boone. Boone survivor is a brother, Robert Neuendorf........Dr. Jerry Larsen, 84, Winterset. Boone area survivor is a son, David Larsen of Ogden..........Barbara Van Voorhis, 72, Ames. Boone survivor is a son, Terry Van Voorhis...........Wilma Hoffman, 92, Ogden. Born in Peoples Township, farmed with her husband, Lawrence, south of Ogden. The couple moved to Ogden and operated Hoffman DX............Keith (Skeeter) Norlin, 87, Dayton. Born in Boxholm and attended Boxholm schools. Worked at the elevator and for the city..........Geraldine Jordan, 86, Boone. Worked as a Registered Nurse at nursing homes in Boone and Story City. Helped her husband, Bernard, on the farm. They moved to Boone in retirement in 1995. Boone area survivor is a sister-in-law, Catherine Huffman of Boone...........Janel Zanker, 54, Kansas. Formerly of Boone. Her parents were Gerald and Carol Zanker.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Let's Take the Day Off

     It's Pufferbilly a couple hours the Kornerman will go to the parade and then downtown for awhile after........
     Iowa vs ISU football is later in the afternoon and then the Cubs play at Philly after that.
     I'm going to take the day off......thank you.

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Added Information

     Last edition, the Kornerman highlighted a New York Times story following/covering presidential candidate Bernie Sanders recent visit to Boonetown. There it was, right in the midst of the so-called nation's number one newspaper, a story written in our town and with Boone identity.
     The story mentioned the dedication given to the Sanders campaign by a Caleb Humphrey.........period. No mention was made of Humphrey's residence so there could be wild guesses in that regard.......Boone guy, area guy or even a political "plant" from who knows where. We were intrigued with wonderment as was Mike Loehrer, BHS-64.
     Mike got busy, viewed Iowa white pages and responded that he could find two Caleb Humphrey's in in Madrid and one in Eldora. Your reporter scanned a telephone book and yes, there is a Caleb Humphrey listed in Madrid. So, I guess we're assuming..........
     By the way, it was classmate Richard Longworth, BHS-53, who sent us a copy of the Times article and that's what got this discussion started.
     P.S. One other note: Boone wasn't mentioned but on last Sunday's edition of Meet the Press on television, noted presidential historian, Doris Kearns Goodwin, briefly referred to that New York Times story. Humphrey had been quoted in the story, "I haven't felt anything like this in the three years I have been out of the Army. I feel a part of something" and Ms. Goodwin mentioned that quote and clearly had read and recalled that Times story that had originated right here in Boonetown.
     P.S. 1: The Kornerman can't recall any previous offerings that deal with politics. We try to avoid them. But, since this had a local flavor, we couldn't let it pass. The Korner certainly doesn't endorse Mr. Sanders or any of the other numerous presidential candidates.
     Speaking of Richard, our BHS class of '53 had our monthly meeting just last night (Tuesday) and Robert Hammond had been cleaning out a desk and came across a BNR 2003 story about Longworth's retirement from his longtime Chicago Tribune position. Guess what? The story was written by a former Boone News Republican newsman, Mo Kelley.
     I scanned the story and it brought back some good in particular. Richard, who has had a most distinguished career with many important and longtime assignments overseas, is a graduate of the prestigious Northwestern School of Journalism. But, he related something to the effect that he had learned more in his four years "hands-on" and varied experiences at the BNR than he did while attending the Northwestern School of Journalism."
     Yes, I know that sounds like a "huge stretch" but Richard insisted it was his true feeling.
     He started working at the BNR as a high schooler and was involved in all facets, from sports writing to the city beat.
     Gary Hessel, BHS-50, wrote in reference to Kathleen Wheelock's remembrance of the Rialto Theatre. Gary wrote, "her comments bring back memories of my being on a tall ladder changing the lettering on the marquee. I was probably a freshman in about 1946. My "friends" enjoyed taunting me while up on the ladder. I'm looking forward to being in Boone the weekend of the 19th for my 65th class reunion."
     Former KWBG co-worker Larry Kelley, BHS-64, discovered a group called the "Microphonies" held monthly meetings in Des Moines. He recently attended one of those meetings which brings together former area media members for some reminiscing and probably a few "tall tales" about their work in radio-TV.
     Larry wrote, "met several people who either used to work in radio in the "old days" that you and I remember so fondly. A couple are still either in radio sales or advertising connected to radio in Des Moines."
     Another former KWBG co-worker, Mark Campbell, BHS-67, was there as well as some names that may be familiar to some Korner viewers..........former KIOA personality Peter McClain, John Pascuzzi, who gives those movie reviews on channel eight television in Des Moines, Tony Powers, Larry Cotlar and others.
     Larry closed with, "the luncheon lasted about two hours and about 20 people were there, many former KSO and KIOA announcers. It was just, great meeting them and renewing old memories."
     The Kornerman says, "I did attend a similar meeting a few years back and included were several well known newspaper guys as well as radio personalities. Former KRNT announcer Ford Roberts was the host and familiar newspaper fellows like Jim Flansburg and Gene Raffensberger were on hand as I remember."
     Boone Connected Deaths: Mary Weston Shaffer, 85, West Des Moines. BHS-48. Born in Boone. Parents were Tillie and Clarence Dixon. She and husband, Jack Weston, and three children, Vicki, Carla and John, lived in Boone until the early 60's. Worked as a travel agent. Boone area survivor is a brother, Clarence Dixon of Boone..........Mary Wittmer, 90, Boone. BHS-43. Parents were Carl and Lillian Bjorkman. Worked as a telephone operator and at the Boone News Republican. Boone area survivor is a son, Mike, of Ames.............Victoria LaFountain, 62.............Sheryl Porter, 71, Boone. Parents were Chantz and Alberta Davidson. Worked at Pamida. Boone area survivors include her husband, Albert, sons, Randy and Kevin, daughter, Becky Brauch, brother Ron Davidson and sister-in-laws Linda Hasstedt and Lydia Jackson all of Boone and sister-in-law Liz Staples of Story City.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........