Saturday, September 26, 2015

I Know Why

     It just came to me, the Kornerman. The reason we hit these lulls (lack of input) every now and then. It's the cost. We're charging too much for this service. The Kornerman is, of course, being disgustingly facetious.
     Actually, many blogs do have a subscription fee.......something we've never considered and won't. On the other hand, we do contend there's nothing more enjoyable than doing a good job (?) at something and being rewarded for it. That's American free enterprise at it's best.
     This leads to something I've wanted to do for a long tribute to one specific viewer. No name will be disclosed but they know who I'm referring too. This one person has, ever since we began five years ago, faithfully sent a $5 donation every single month. In many months, especially in the last year or so, it's been the only such recognition we've received. I can't help but smile in appreciation about the 20th of each month when that envelope appears. We are so thankful for that support and loyalty to our cause and just maybe it was that little nudge that gave the old Kornerman an extra incentive to move forward, despite these occasional lulls.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Joyce Lass, 78, Ogden. She and her husband, Don Lass, farmed in the Ogden area until moving to Ogden in the mid-80's. A son, Gary, of Ogden survives..........Eugene Absher, 89, Boone. Worked for the U.S. Postal Service in Boone in the early 1950's. Moved to California and continued to work for the postal serice. Later, he and his wife, Helen Gildea Absher, moved to Missouri. Boone area survivors include his sister-in-law, Lois Riker, and brother-in-law, Harold Gildea, both of Boone...........Clyde (Pete) Miller, 81, Waterloo. Was a truck driver. Services are being held in Boone today (Sat) with burial in Moingona.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support........


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