Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Yup, We've Still Got a Chance

     The good old U.S.A., land of the free and home of the brave, but, let's be honest, things have been just a bit shaky in recent years, the old spirit, seemingly lacking a bit. Lots of infighting over a mantra of wide and diverse subjects, some trivial but others important, very important. Some doubt about the future?? Ya, probably more than we want to admit. Somehow, things have just seemed different, more negative than positive.
     But then, at least in our little acre of the world, a glean of hope. It occurred Sunday afternoon, October 11, 2015, when hundreds of Boone area citizens turned out to salute well over 100 Boone County veterans who then left yesterday (Tuesday) for Washington, D.C. to personally view the war memorials as part of a Boone County Freedom Flight.
     U.S. flags? Large and small they were everywhere, including a huge one "a mile high" at the top of a Boone fire unit. There was a motorcycle escort. Seemed like 500, someone said they counted 91.
     Proud husbands, wives, kids, relatives and other just as proud citizenry shouted and clapped their approval as the "old guard" departed their busses to attend a send-off program. It was a sight to be remembered and it forced the old Kornerman to admit, "ya, there was more than a tear that leaped forth, even without a try."
     Why this emotion? Probably because in at least these few moments, on this one day, at least one man, without urging, expressed the thought in his own way that......."hey, despite some hiccups, we, this country of ours, really isn't that far off track. Our citizens won't allow it. When push comes to shove, we're still Americans, we're still proud and we are willing to step forward today just like those vets of yesterday did.
     Yup, we, our nation, still has a chance for restoring the greatness these vets and many more like them across this country fought and died to defend.
     Our recent mention of the class of 1958's 75th birthday reunion in Branson reminded Andy Anderson, BHS-62, of an event that's held annually in Southern California.
     He wrote, "for the past few years, a small number of the 176 BHS class of '62 meet for a gala event in Southern California. Typically, it will be in the Oceanside, CA. area. We have had attendees from Chicago and some wintering in Arizona. If any of your readers know of anyone living in that area or wintering there, I'd like to inform them of the good time we'll have on February 17, 2016 commencing at 10 a.m..Maybe we'd allow some '61 or '63 grads to join as well. Thanks for all you do Mo. Your blog reminds me that I came from a good town named Boone."
     Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, tells us he recently read that when the movie, "Back to the Future" was made several years ago, a prediction was made, within, that the Chicago Cubs would win the World Series in 2015.
     It could happen. Those Cubbies are still alive.
     Boone Connected Deaths: Lyle Gustafson, 65, rural Ogden. BHS-68. Owned and operated Gustafson Trucking. Boone area survivors include his wife, Jeannette of Ogden, son Jeremy of Huxley and his mother, Eileen of Boone............Marilyn Shearer, 76, Huxley. Boone area survivor is her son, Curt Shearer of Boone..........Donna Hill-Snipes, 81, Norwalk. Boone area survivor is a sister, Shirley Ross of Boone...........Shirley Fowler, 95, West Des Moines. She taught archery at Camp Hantesa...........Mary Taylor, 87, Boone. Born in Boone. Parents were Frank and Bess Judge. Was a cosmetologist but spent most of her life as a housewife.
      Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......    


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