Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fun Memories

     Area business news: The Korner's Ames informant tells us that the popular restaurant, Crackerbarrel, is slated for a location east of Ames proper near the new location of Deery Brothers and that Popeye's Chicken will replace the area formerly occupied by Long John Silver's. That's across the street north of Village Inn in downtown Ames.
     Pat Ahlstrom and Jim Harken have saved the Korner from an absence this day.
     Pat wrote from Colorado, "I just caught up with a number of the Korner man's fabulous blogs and am inspired by the good memories of the elevator in the Citizen's Bank. I recall a nice person operating it for my mother and me on our way to Dr. Longworth's office. If you were brave for your shot or stitches you got a certificate for an ice cream cone at the drug store/soda counter across the street. What drug store was that....Keck's maybe? (Miller Drug?). The Y? I loved the Y. Carl Saubert was the Director when I spent many days there in that concrete gym and at the well worn ping pong table. Barry Wills was a young man who worked there and gave us good guidance. Junior High Grid and High School Grid were boy/girl social events. I don't remember trouble of any kind, just kids having alcohol and we never even heard of drugs. Baseball brother Mike played the first year of Little League which I'm nearly certain was 1955. Dale Ray was his coach on the Elks Club Cardinals. Then, I played 1956-58 on the Lions Club Cubs and after that, the Kiwanis Tigers in the Babe Ruth league. With Mo Kelley as all-star coach, we finished second at the state championship tournament held in the former minor league park in Sioux City. Then, I played high school ball under Bill Sapp three years, plus American Legion ball, followed by stints with the Boone Falcons so called semi-pro team. There were a lot of good players in the 50's and 60's out of Boone. We were very competitive playing against larger schools and towns."
     Jim wrote, "I've been thinking a lot about Boone. This morning, I had a little memory bring a smile to my face. There is the company called CDS Global that has an office in the Boone business park just south of Highway 30 south of where Moffitt's Ford is located. Part of their global business is being the service company for magazine subscriptions across the country. One day when I was working at the Arizona Game and Fish Department, I heard the woman who oversaw the department magazine subscriptions telling someone on the phone that they needed to send their information to CDS in Boone, Iowa, 50036. Of course, hearing Boone and the zip code, my ears perked right up. I jumped out of my chair and ran to the other cubicle asking why our magazine was sending someone to Boone, Iowa? It turned out that CDS was the service company that managed the subscriptions for Arizona Wildlife Views, the department's official magazine. We all had a good laugh when I told them Boone was my hometown! They thought that was pretty cool and later I helped some folks that had questions about subscriptions and was able to give them the Boone info as well. Pretty cool that a company in my hometown was helping people from all over the country and around the world!"
     Jim added, "I also had a buddy who recently sent me a photo message on my phone of a Fareway truck on the interstate somewhere between Phoenix, Ariz. and Los Angeles, Calif. He was on his way back to Phoenix and there had been an accident on the freeway tying up traffic. Traffic was backed up so much so that people were out of their cars and walking around. He said he was about two cars behind a Fareway truck. When he saw Boone, Iowa on the mud flaps, he thought of me and took a photo.He didn't have a chance to speak to the driver, but he had a good smile thinking about ol' jimbo back in Iowa."
     Will be have any more "fun" or other kind of memories for a Saturday edition or will be draw a blank again??
     Boone Area Deaths: Laberta Paslay, 89, Topeka, KS. and formerly of Boone. Her late husband was a Boone pastor............Donna Kluckman, 92, San Antonio, TX. and formerly of Boone.................
Betty Ruth Hoyt Benson, 90, Ames and formerly of Boone. BHS-42. Served as a secretary for the Iowa DOT and for WOI radio/television.............Lois Walters, 84, Lakewood, CO. and formerly of  Boone. Pilot Mound High grad. Worked at Bourns, ISU and Bryant School food service. Boone area survivors include her daughter, Charisse Cook of Boone and her brother, James Phipps of Pilot Mound.............H. Marian Carter, 100, Boone. Worked at Bourns. Boone area survivors include a daughter, Marcia Godfrey of Boone..........Phyliss McCormick, 77, Des Moines. Formerly of Boone.........Leona Clark, 85, Boone........Margaret Gauger, 90, Boone..............Anna Swanson, 88, Boone
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/ support.........    

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