Friday, September 5, 2014

Back to our Original Purpose

     Oh yes, the Kornerman knows that there are many bloggers who use their forum for a personal discussion of whatever comes to mind.
     Although, on occasion, viewers of the Korner have suggested that the Kornerman should provide such personal comment/opinion on a regular basis, that has never been our intent. As we have mentioned before, our goal was to have complete "outside" participation with the Kornerman simply being the column organizer. You send, we receive and prepare for distribution. That's it, except an occasion or two when we might add some material to what you have submitted.
     With limited participation this week, the Kornerman saw an opportunity to do what some had suggested. So, without any outside help, and rather than simply closing things down, we pilfered some material from Chuck Offenburger's book on Gary Thompson and wrote about Skateland and a Boone connection and followed that up with some thoughts on elevators in Boone at the time when they were guided by elevator operators.
      The Kornerman really thought those two items "fit," the Korner demographics very well. They were prominent when a majority of our viewers would have possibly been affected by them and folks would surely have some great memories to share. It didn't happen. None. Zero. Zilch. Not a single reply. One of the few times when the Korner has been completely shut out.
     So, the experiment is over and, with our viewers help, we go back to our original purpose. Hopefully, our little slump can be blamed on the busyness associated with the Labor Day weekend and the quickly changing weather from summer to fall and all the things that entails. Locally, of course, it's been a busy time with the Farm Progress Show, followed by the Grand National Racing program and the Pufferbilly celebration.
     All of those "excuses" are or will soon be over so it's back to where we belong. We'll look forward to your stories/memories/comments in the coming weeks?/months?/years? or how ever long you are willing to hang with us or the Kornerman, himself, is able to hang on.
     P.S. We heard this week that some 900 race cars came to Boone for those championship races and every U.S. state........that's every state except, it was either Idaho or Utah, has at least one car in the competition. Amazing.

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