Friday, July 11, 2014

True or False?

     The Kornerman is sitting on a huge rumor involving an important part of our business community. Sorry, right now I'm not for hire on this one. It's strictly a rumor and we have nothing more we dare say at this time. It would be very big if it turns out truthful. Keep in touch.
     The Boone County Fair is right around the corner......not this Korner.....but the corner. Our old radio mate, Larry Kelley, no relation, had much to do with improvements at the local fair until a year or two ago. He is still a big fan of the event and very much wants it to succeed, to reach it's full potential. But, admittedly, the carnival situation has bothered him.
     Larry wrote, "I read somewhere that the local fair has paid out as much as $30,000 for a carnival. During the five years I was involved, the most that was paid out was $7,000. I'm not sure why that larger figure would even be given out but I know many of us were not thrilled last year when they just brought in blowup "rides" and no real carnival. They have a smaller carnival coming this year. They should never NOT have a good carnival at the fair as that is what people expect and that is what completes the making of any fair."
     Larry added that he understands an audience was told it takes $25,000 to bring in a carnival, "knowing full well it cost $7,000 in 2012 and nothing for the blow up stuff last year." He also said Ogden Fun Days had a carnival for $4,000.
    In a personal note, he concluded, "We need to discuss the old radio days more. How I miss it!"
    Yes, those radio days were an important and good part of the Kornerman's life and for $85 a week in the late 50's to early 60's, I gained some good experience and had lots of fun.
     An update on Larry's son, Jamie: Jamie performed at the reunion of the Ogden High School class of 1959 recently and was a great hit. He sang lots of songs of that era plus a few of his "originals" but there was dancing and everyone seemed very appreciative. It was intended to be an hour performance but another 20 minutes or so was tacked on and Larry said, "those folks were so respectful and kind and really seemed to enjoy the music and Jamie."
     Speaking of 1959, well I think it might have actually been 1958 that Bob Musser was a BHS grad. The Kornerman was sorting through some material recently and came across this interesting item. Bob, who graduated from Grinnell College in 1962, was an outstanding basketball and tennis player for the of the basketball team his senior season. He earned an M.S. from the M.I.T. Sloan School of Management in 1964 and then spent two years in Nigeria on the MIT Fellows in Africa program where he worked on financial affairs. He joined Mobil and served as Chief Information Officer for five years. He retired in 1996 after nine years as controller of Mobil Corp.
     Bob was elected to the Grinnell College Board of Trustees in 1995 and was named a Life Trustee in 2007.
     Oh yes, the Kornerman recalls those Musser boys, Bob and brothers John, Chuck and Dick, and their athletic exploits at BHS. They were all great Toreador athletes, especially on the basketball floor.
     Boone Area Deaths: Betty May VanGorden, 85, Guthrie Center, formerly of Boone...........Laurel (Pat) Landals, 87, Ogden...........Donald Johnson, 74, rural Stratford. Stratford Hi-59. Farmer and Fareway truck driver. Boone area survivors include son Tracy Johnson and grandchildren of Boone...
Michele Brown, 60. BHS-grad. Dancing was a passion and she also earned an RN degree. Boone area survivor is a son James Wilhite of Ames.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments....

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