Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Changes, Maybe and Yes

     Remember the "hint" in the last edition of a rumor involving an important part of our business community? The Kornerman still does not feel comfortable providing much additional information  on this rumor, except to say the project seems to positively be edging forward.
     Along that same business line, we can tell you that the popular Tic Toc restaurant is changing hands. And, on Friday and Saturday nights of this week, a special tribute will be paid to outgoing owner-operator Christine Thompson Bolton. As part of the festivities the band "Homegrown" will play Friday night and the Bill Martin Group will provide music on Saturday night starting at 5:30 p.m..
     For those of you who graduated from Boone schools and immediately fled our "Heaven on Earth," only to return sporadically, if at all, the Kornerman wants to provide some information you might find astonishing.
     We've mentioned before about school enrollments and how Waukee has already reached large community status while "little"  Dallas Center-Grimes will soon be there. Talk has already begun about Waukee needing a second high school and about DCG continuing a monumental growth.
     Then, there's Ankeny. That community is completing it's first, or is it the second year of having two high schools? Anyway, there was a big story in the Des Moines Register the other day about the growth of this "suburb" of Big D. We won't go into great detail but absorb this........in the 2000 census year, Ankeny had a population of 27,117 (remember when it was 10,000?). The current estimated population is 49,080 AND, down the line a bit, it is estimated that Ankeny will become a community of 90,000 residents. Unbelieveable!
     In the Korner recently we mentioned that at BHS there once was a Radio Production Club. That was in the early 1950's and the Kornerman is still surprised I wasn't involved. I guess I turned to radio a year or so later.......like in 1953.
     Anyway, Ross Baird was the club sponsor and the club did a weekly show on KWBG. There were four shows all told. One show told the townspeople what was happening at school and what some of the various organizations were doing. Another was a "High School Hit Parade," a collection of the favorite songs, singers, and orchestra's of BHS as recorded on national polls. Another was, "Night Thoughts," a series of mystery dramas, each one presented complete with one show and another featured literary pieces.
     Some of these names of club members may "ring a bell." The club officers elected were Gretchen Caldwell, President; Andrea Dorman, Vice President, and JoAnn Morris, Secretary. Additional club members were Marilyn Brunner, Jeslyn Pearson, Betty Rose, Everett Hickman, Tom Sandell, Jo Betty Stemmerman, Bob Hammond, Wilma Knox, Leta Winans, Jo Ann Peters, Shirley Davis, Jo Ann Quantz, Donna Alexander, Nancy Jo Smith, Harriett Swank, Norma Trulin, Connie Spurgeon, Dean Canakes, Bob Carpenter, Jean Becker, Dorothy Goldsworth, Joan Logsdon, Lelia Davidson and Dick Longworth.
     Liz Reiss wrote," A reminder that Janet Musser played girls basketball - didn't she? I'm pretty sure I remember her on the court. Several years ago, I enjoyed sitting with Dick Musser at some of my nephew's basketball games in Minnesota.......that's brother John Hinz son. Ah, good old Boone...."
   The Kornerman says that's true about Janet. In the last edition we had mentioned the fact all the Musser boys were such good athletes, especially good basketball players. The Kornerman didn't mention that Janet played and I should have.
     Noticed in the Register Sunday that Bill and Phyliss Enquist were married in Boone in 1949 and are celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary. In the Kornerman's mind,  this is a "tweener." I remember the Enquist name but few real details are emerging. For some reason, I connect that name with a restaurant or is that way off? Then too, I remember a Joanie Enquist who was more my age, a sister, maybe, of Bill's?
     Boone Area Deaths: George Busch, 82, Boone. East Greene High-49. Lived south of Beaver for 14 years and moved to Boone in 1965. Grain farmer. Boone area survivors include his wife, Madilyn,
daughter Lori Burma, sons Tracy, Joe and Marty all of Boone, his brother Ray and sister Clara Clark both of Ogden...........Darrell Madden, 79, Boone. Attended Boone schools. Owned and operated a trucking business until retiring in 1997. Boone area survivors include his wife, Phyliss, son Mike and daughter Susan Nelson and a sister Karen Michel all of Boone.............Donald (Buddy) Lass Jr., Pilot Mound, 67. Pilot High until entering service. Was a carpenter until retirement. Boone area survivors include his mother Sarah Lass of Madrid and brother Jeff of Pilot Mound...........Robert Hasbrook, 72, Minnesota............Oliver (Muggs) Palmer, 73, Ames. BHS grad. Lived in Boone 32 years. Worked for DOT for 20 plus years.......... Betty Mae Van Gorden, 85, Guthrie Center, formerly of Boone. Born in Boone and attended Boone schools. With her husband, operated Gorvano's Pizza House in Des Moines for eight years. Boone area survivor is her sister, Jolene Wisecup of Ogden.
     Editor's Note: Didn't the Van Gorden's, for a short time, have a pizza place in Boone which was Boone's first.......even before the Manriquez pizza? I think the Korner has been down this road before. 
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email stories/memories/comments......



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