Friday, July 25, 2014

A Bit About Open Burning

     The "open burning" issue is settled? At least, by a 4-2 vote, the Boone City Council has made their decision  that continues a city ordinance that allows residents to burn leaves  on their property at designated times in the spring and fall.
      There had been open dialogue on this item over several weeks with various citizens asking for relief from the burning, citing negative health effects as a reason to discontinue allowance of the ordinance.
     Amy Heyn offered an opinion this week. She wrote, "For Kelley's Korner? Or, maybe I need to send to the BNR. Just wondering with the recent debate on burning.......I just heard the mosquito spraying truck go by my house at 11:15 p.m.. What is the difference between spraying for mosquitos (man made chemicals) vs burning yard waste (natural)?"
     Good to hear from Colorado's Pat Ahlstrom who noticed our recent note about the BHS Radio Club of the early 1950's. Most of those students involved were mentioned, including the Kornerman's classmate Dick Longworth, BHS-53.
     Pat wrote, "That name, Longworth, caught my eye since his dad, Dr. Wallace Longworth, was my family doctor. He was in practice with Dr. Ralph Wicks and later, Dr. Wayne Rouse as I recall. Dr. Longworth and his wife, Helen, were gracious people who hired me to do work around their house and yard which helped me pay for college. Bud Fisher and his wife, very sorry her name escapes me right now, also hired me so I could save some money for the University of Iowa. Anyway, back to the Longworth's son Dick. He graduated from Northwestern University (as did that great Boone citizen, Bob Fisher) and had a distinguished career in international journalism as Richard C. Longworth. I'm sure you, and many of your Korner readers, recall seeing him on world news reports and his byline on national news stories. I'll bet his Radio Club and other BHS experiences had a little bit to do with his chosen and excellent career. I looked him up on Wikipedia to read of his many accomplishments. Another one of Boone's great people."
     The Kornerman says, "yes, Dr. Longworth was the Kelley's family doctor as well and, through his medical wisdom and skill, he pulled me and many others, successfully, through the polio/spinal meningitis era of the late 40's when that was a real scourge on our society, particularly our young society of that time. And yes, all of our '53 mates are very aware and proud of the younger Longworth's many accomplishments."
     You Iowa Korner viewers may have, through the Des Moines Register, read about Bob Eschliman. He was the Editor of the Newton Daily News and was fired from that position because it was felt he wrote some things too religiously discriminatory. He had published those views in a personal blog read mainly by friends and relatives but, regardless, the newspaper felt his words, in no way, reflected it's opinion and thus, was harmful to it's reputation.  Eschliman, in turn, has now filed a complaint with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission claiming he was fired due to his religious beliefs. Eschliman is a Boone native.
     Word from Max Moore in California tells us that the deadline for registration for the Iowa By the Sea Picnic has been extended to July 30.
     That picnic will be held August 2 on the pier in front of the Battleship Iowa in Los Angeles Harbor. For more information
     Boone Area Deaths: Howard McCarty, 89, Perry. Worked at one time for E.H. Felton Grain Company in Boone............Nancy Ann Smith, 80, Des Moines. Stratford High-52.............Elsie Gayer, 99, Madrid. She and her husband owned Gayer Pharmacy in Madrid for 28 years prior to their
retirement...........Steven Reetz, 51, Boone. Attended Boone schools. Worked in Ames for Danfoss Sauer as a process technician and CNC machinist. Boone area survivors include son Dan and brother Greg both of Boone.........Christine Russell, 50, Boone. Worked for Principal Financial. Boone area survivors include her husband, Randy and mother-in-law Mary Russell both of Boone.....................
Darlene Rosenhauer, 85, Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......


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