Dang it, I didn't win the "big one" so I'm still here, twice a week, trying to survive the COVID threat.
My oh my, the Kornerman opened up the proverbial "can of worms" with that Wednesday rant on the "Dors".
The opinion rendered was my own.....minus any outside influence.......and completely engineered by a Des Moines Register photo that showed some of my beloved Toreador basketball players wearing uniforms with "Dors" emblazoned boldly on the front. After a moment of disbelief, all I could wonder was, "what is that" and "why?"
In a very quick study, not featuring any thoroughness at all, I have determined this is probably a fairly recent development and I don't want to suggest that its widespread.Thankfully, Boone and Toreadors are still prominently displayed on most various uniforms and in publication materials.
I did note in a 2016 yearbook, the word was used in the baseball section and I have been aware that there is an award, the "Dors" award, given to outstanding faculty members. I didn't have access to the more recent yearbooks for further study.
I had no idea what to expect in response to the rant but have been completely overwhelmed with opinions from various alumni. Its very obvious they're not on board with this "slang" and very much favor its demise with attention always given to the more historic Toreadors and/or, of course, simply Boone.
Here goes with some of the comments received:
Dr. Alan Munson: One of my classmates sent a note that the Toreadors were now "Dors." I hope this is some sort of hideous joke. Tell me its not true.
Julie Berg: Should be Toreadors. What is a "Dors?"
Christi and John Winter: More cancel culture. We're proud Toreadors. Always and forever.
Linda and John Moffitt: How stupid and embarrassing.
Marty Dannatt: I'll always be a proud Toreador.
Mike Sundall: What's wrong with the Toreadors? Was that offensive and to who?
Dede Mondt: I've hated that "Dors" thing. Its not only against a beautiful tradition, its just dumb.
Larry Kelley: We are Toreadors through and through. Tradition stands on this one. You don't change the heritage of that name.
Mike Loehrer: I thought the "Dors" was a rock group of the 60's led by Jim Morrison.
Tom Tays: The "Dors" thing would do best to lose all traction. Our unique to Iowa name should be capitalized on.
Lester Ross: Our school colors are red and green, not red and white or green and white. I've understood the junior high athletes aren't Matadors anymore either.
Martha Hilsabeck: I've seen signs etc. around town with "Dors" on them and wondered why. Same with changing our colors.
Jack Mustapha: I'm with you (Mo) but you're more polite than I am. "Doesn't cut it" NO.
Davi Mondt Lowman: I wrote a letter once stating my anger with people attempting to change/stop a BHS tradition. This "Dors" thing needs to stop. I played basketball as a Toreador and I'm very proud of that and I love being a school with a standout name. There are Tigers and Wolves etc. but we are the ONLY Toreadors.
Dick Sapp: While likely an unintended result, the decision on this uniform name conveyed a clear lack of appreciation for the history of the true nickname and what it means to so many. "Dors" is an insult to the long history of Boone athletes and fans who have supported this unique name for so many decades.
Tom Peterson: I've had so many people, through the years, hearing I was from Boone, just knowing we were the Toreadors. I also noticed the Toreador mascot was changed so it looks like the Pillsbury Doughboy. We had strong leaders "back in the day" and I can't believe such a change would have lived for a second around them.
Barb Fosdick: We're proud Toreadors now and always have been.
Nelson Tompkins: Toreador name change? What's up?
I, the Kornerman, have sent a copy of the initial blog on this subject to the current President of the Boone Community School Board and suggested he may want to pass a copy on to all the members of the board as well as administration members. Just so they know there has been concern about this.
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