The Kornerman believes its time to put this "Dors" thing to rest. Everyone seems hunkered down on their individual feeling and there appears to be nothing to gain by advancing the discussion.
A generational divide seems evident with we "old folks" not being as excited about it as the newer group is and that's each his own.
Actually, this subject is a very small "blip" on a much larger screen that seems to multiply from one very serious national/international subject to another. It even was wondered by some why this would even be a considered debate while others said "it created more action than ever seen on a facebook page." So, perhaps, it did provide a "middle of the road" avenue to a "lighter" subject for the tenuous times we are facing.
In the long run, nothing will change.
As I expressed, I, personally, don't care for its use and other alumni responded in a similar fashion. However, in a phone call, BHS Athletic Director Brett Collins indicated to me the competing "kids" do seem to "like" the nickname and, in fact, in the coming spring and summer seasons, there will be some new uniforms with "Dors" prominently displayed.
So, let's get on to something the Kornerman hopes we all can and SHOULD agree on........the building of a much needed new elementary school, replacing Lincoln and Page schools. Getting the coming bond issue positively passed should be the community's number one priority now.
Property for the school has been purchased and the $23-million dollar Bond Referendum will be voted on by patrons on March 2, 2021.
Regarding this project, its time to thank current and previous Boone Community School Boards and administrations for their outstanding long range planning. The result is that there will be no increase in school tax asking to complete this addition. What's not to like about that?
Approval of the bond issue would result in an estimated completion of the project by late 2023.
Tony Crandell, BHS-59, wrote, "the Korner listed the passing of Duilio Mordini of Madrid. At KWBG in 1962, right after we moved the station to the Keeler Street location, I had the Sunday afternoon shift and the programing consisted mainly of public service and album music. Duilio would come to the studio, occasionally, with his accordion and give a 20-minute concert. He was an accomplished accordionist and an excellent musician. He was always eager to come and was very professional. Because it was just music, with no announcing, listeners would call and ask, "What was the title of that album?"'
Lester Ross, BHS-67, laments the loss of our local paper. He wrote, "I think its sad that there was not even one obituary in today's issue of the Boone News Republican. It it were not for your blog, thank you, you would think we did not have a COVID virus around Boone County. The BNR has no local office or contact that I know of. That's my vent for the day."
EDITOR'S NOTE: Actually, there wasn't much Boone news of any kind available.
I think this is well worth a little promotion. Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, has a blog, MJHawkeye, from his Dublin, OH home. A recent offering was headlined, "This Screams Boone Iowa." It talks a lot about his work history during his high school/college days....much of it railroad work in Boone. The Kornerman thinks local railroaders, especially, will find the blog interesting. On the web, look up MJHawkeye or
BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Daniel Williams, 72, Boone........Donald Lee Ott, 75, Boone/Boxholm.........Mark Frette, 100, Story City. Born in rural Boone........Larry Leo Davis, 82, Stratford. In the early 90's, he and his wife purchased an acreage on the edge of Stratford where they lived until 2016 when they moved into town.
Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. Leave a message. To email your stories/memories/comments.....
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