Saturday, January 30, 2021


     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Darwin Dennis Shafer, 88, Jeffersonton, VA. His parents were Darwin and Catherine Shafer. Survivors include two sons and one daughter. His wife, Patricia Jean Thompson Shafer, BHS-53, and his sister, Mary Lou Shafer Whitmer, BHS-45, preceded him in death.........Dr. Allan Redeker, 96, California. BHS-42. He was the brother of late Boone businessman Stanley Redeker.........Daniel Williams, 72, Boone. Formerly of Okoboji where he lived for 39 years. Born in Boone. Married Peggy Rhodes of Woodward in 1974. Army vet. Worked for the Iowa Department of Human Services as an administrator in the child support recovery unit. Survivors include his wife, Peggy, of Boone, a son, Barry Williams, of Ames, his mother, Elaine Hubby and sisters, Nancy Van Cannon and Debby Runge, all of Boone. Survivors also include his mother-in-law, Martha McDowell, of Woodward, a sister-in-law and a brother-in-law........James Jones, 75, Granger. Survivors include his sister, Sherry Shearer, of Madrid.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. Leave a message. To email your stories/memories/comments.....

Friday, January 29, 2021


     Darwin Dennis Shafer, 88, Jeffersonton, VA. Born in Boone.


     James Jones, 75, Granger. Survivors include a sister, Sherry Shearer, of Madrid.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021


     Dr. Allan Redeker, 96, California. BHS-42. Brother of late Boone businessman Stanley Redeker.


     The Kornerman believes its time to put this "Dors" thing to rest.  Everyone seems hunkered down on their individual feeling and there appears to be nothing to gain by advancing the discussion.

      A generational divide seems evident with we "old folks" not being as excited about it as the newer group is and that's each his own.

      Actually, this subject is a very small "blip" on a much larger screen that seems to multiply from one very serious national/international subject to another. It even was wondered by some why this would even be a considered debate while others said "it created more action than ever seen on a facebook page." So, perhaps, it did provide a "middle of the road" avenue to  a "lighter" subject for the tenuous times we are facing.

     In the long run, nothing will change.

     As I expressed, I, personally, don't care for its use and other alumni responded in a similar fashion. However, in a phone call, BHS Athletic Director Brett Collins indicated to me the competing "kids" do seem to "like" the nickname and, in fact, in the coming spring and summer seasons, there will be some new uniforms with "Dors" prominently displayed.

     So, let's get on to something the Kornerman hopes we all can and SHOULD agree on........the building of a much needed new elementary school, replacing Lincoln and Page schools. Getting the coming bond issue positively passed should be the community's number one priority now.

    Property for the school has been purchased and the $23-million dollar Bond Referendum will be voted on by patrons on March 2, 2021.

    Regarding this project, its time to thank current and previous Boone Community School Boards and administrations for their outstanding long range planning. The result is that there will be no increase in school tax asking to complete this addition. What's not to like about that?

   Approval of the bond issue would result in an estimated completion of the project by late 2023.
     Tony Crandell, BHS-59, wrote, "the Korner listed the passing of Duilio Mordini of Madrid. At KWBG in 1962, right after we moved the station to the Keeler Street location, I had the Sunday afternoon shift and the programing consisted mainly of public service and album music. Duilio would come to the studio, occasionally, with his accordion and give a 20-minute concert. He was an accomplished accordionist and an excellent musician. He was always eager to come and was very professional. Because it was just music, with no announcing, listeners would call and ask, "What was the title of that album?"'
     Lester Ross, BHS-67, laments the loss of our local paper. He wrote, "I think its sad that there was not even one obituary in today's issue of the Boone News Republican. It it were not for your blog, thank you, you would think we did not have a COVID virus around Boone County. The BNR has no local office or contact that I know of. That's my vent for the day."
     EDITOR'S NOTE: Actually, there wasn't much Boone news of any kind available.
    I think this is well worth a little promotion. Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, has a blog, MJHawkeye, from his Dublin, OH home. A recent offering was headlined, "This Screams Boone Iowa." It talks a lot about his work history during his high school/college days....much of it railroad work in Boone. The Kornerman thinks local railroaders, especially, will find the blog interesting. On the web, look up MJHawkeye or
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Daniel Williams, 72, Boone........Donald Lee Ott, 75, Boone/Boxholm.........Mark Frette, 100, Story City. Born in rural Boone........Larry Leo Davis, 82, Stratford. In the early 90's, he and his wife purchased an acreage on the edge of Stratford where they lived until 2016 when they moved into town.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. Leave a message. To email your stories/memories/comments.....





Monday, January 25, 2021


     Larry Davis, 82, Stratford.

     Merle Frette, 100, Story City. Born in rural Boone.

Saturday, January 23, 2021


     Daniel Williams, 72, Boone.


     Dang it, I didn't win the "big one" so I'm still here, twice a week, trying to survive the COVID threat. 

     My oh my, the Kornerman opened up the proverbial "can of worms" with that Wednesday rant on the "Dors".

     The opinion rendered was my own.....minus any outside influence.......and completely engineered by a Des Moines Register photo that showed some of my beloved Toreador basketball players wearing uniforms with "Dors" emblazoned boldly on the front. After a moment of disbelief, all I could wonder was, "what is that" and "why?"

     In a very quick study, not featuring any thoroughness at all, I have determined this is probably a fairly recent development and I don't want to suggest that its widespread.Thankfully, Boone and Toreadors are still prominently displayed on most various uniforms and in publication materials.

    I did note in a 2016 yearbook, the word was used in the baseball section and I have been aware that there is an award, the "Dors" award, given to outstanding faculty members. I didn't have access to the more recent yearbooks for further study.

     I had no idea what to expect in response to the rant but have been completely overwhelmed with opinions from various alumni. Its very obvious they're not on board with this "slang" and very much favor its demise with attention always given to the more historic Toreadors and/or, of course, simply Boone.

    Here goes with some of the comments received:

    Dr. Alan Munson: One of my classmates sent a note that the Toreadors were now "Dors." I hope this is some sort of hideous joke. Tell me its not true.

    Julie Berg: Should be Toreadors. What is a "Dors?"

    Christi and John Winter: More cancel culture. We're proud Toreadors. Always and forever.

    Linda and John Moffitt: How stupid and embarrassing.

    Marty Dannatt: I'll always be a proud Toreador.

    Mike Sundall: What's wrong with the Toreadors? Was that offensive and to who?

    Dede Mondt: I've hated that "Dors" thing. Its not only against a beautiful tradition, its just dumb.

    Larry Kelley: We are Toreadors through and through. Tradition stands on this one. You don't change the heritage of that name.

    Mike Loehrer: I thought the "Dors" was a rock group of the 60's led by Jim Morrison.

    Tom Tays: The "Dors" thing would do best to lose all traction. Our unique to Iowa name should be capitalized on.

    Lester Ross: Our school colors are red and green, not red and white or green and white. I've understood the junior high athletes aren't Matadors anymore either.

    Martha Hilsabeck: I've seen signs etc. around town with "Dors" on them and wondered why. Same with changing our colors.

    Jack Mustapha: I'm with you (Mo) but you're more polite than I am. "Doesn't cut it" NO.

    Davi Mondt Lowman: I wrote a letter once stating my anger with people attempting to change/stop a BHS tradition. This "Dors" thing needs to stop. I played basketball as a Toreador and I'm very proud of that and I love being a school with a standout name. There are Tigers and Wolves etc. but we are the ONLY Toreadors.

    Dick Sapp: While likely an unintended result, the decision on this uniform name conveyed a clear lack of appreciation for the history of the true nickname and what it means to so many. "Dors" is an insult to the long history of Boone athletes and fans who have supported this unique name for so many decades.

    Tom Peterson: I've had so many people, through the years, hearing I was from Boone, just knowing we were the Toreadors. I also noticed the Toreador mascot was changed so it looks like the Pillsbury Doughboy. We had strong leaders "back in the day" and I can't believe such a change would have lived for a second around them.

    Barb Fosdick: We're proud Toreadors now and always have been.

    Nelson Tompkins: Toreador name change? What's up?

    I, the Kornerman, have sent a copy of the initial blog on this subject to the current President of the Boone Community School Board and suggested he may want to pass a copy on to all the members of the board as well as administration members. Just so they know there has been concern about this.

    I also invited him to view the responses that are appearing in today's blog.
     EDITOR'S NOTE: I've been very careful with my wording on this subject. I never implied that Boone or the Toreadors names were being CHANGED to "Dors". I simply stated that, in some ways, "Dors" was being inserted more often into discussion. As I wrote in the blog, Boone and Toreadors is still prominently mentioned on uniforms etc. and I'm not, at all, aware of any permanent nickname change.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Bill McCall, 84, Ames. BHS-54. Navy vet. Married Carolyn Longhenry in Boone in 1956. Earned an Electrical Engineering degree from ISU in 1962. Worked for Honeywell in Illinois for six years, the Iowa DOT for 24 years, Lockheed for one year, ISU for seven years and retired in 2001. Survivors include his wife and five sons...........Mary Morris Gildea, 93, Boone. BHS-46. Married George Morris in 1946 and the couple moved to Cedar Rapids, where Mary worked for Collins Radio. Moving back to Boone, Mary worked for the city in both the water and police departments. After the death of George, she married Harold Gildea and joined him in farm work. Survivors include two step-sons, a step-daughter and a sister, Betty Gates of Boone.........Don Lee Ott, 75, Boone/Boxholm........Donald Meadows, 62, Boone. BHS-77. Worked for Walters, at Gates and for both Boucher and Tony Franklin Masonry. Survivors include three brothers and two sisters.......... Howard Rose, 82, Des Moines. Born in Boone.
     Worldwide korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. Leave a message. To email your stories/memories/comments.....




Wednesday, January 20, 2021


     Mary Morris Gildea, 93, Boone. BHS-46.

     Donald Lee Ott, Boone/Boxholm.


     Buckle up. The Kornerman is ready to vent.

     I've been sick for a few days now. COVID19? Not really. Let me explain.

     On the internet, I was perusing some Des Moines Register sports offerings. Much to my surprise, there in large lettering, was a promise of 22....that's 22 photos of Boone vs Carlisle high school basketball activity.

     Further investigation revealed the excellent photos, which would seem very praiseworthy. After all, the times our community has ever had that much Register publicity is very limited.

     But, as Lee Corso, former Indiana University football coach and now a panelist on TV's Football Game Day program, likes to suggest, "Not So Fast."

     Further examination of the photos shows the Boone boys in nice uniforms BUT adorned in huge letters with "Dors." What a sudden kick in the gut......a queasy feeling.

    Look, I'm not that naive. In recent times, on occasion, I've noticed that "term" mentioned. Heavens, there's even some kind of school faculty award named the Dors award. But my question is WHY? What has happened to Toreadors?

    Did our school board hold a midnight meeting to embrace this change? Did a superintendent think this idea would brighten up his agenda? Please.....don't tell me.......this was a Booster Club idea. I'm thinking, in a vote by some unknown group, maybe there were two contenders for this "new" thing and Dors had a handful more votes than Tors. Ridiculous!

    Ironically, a few days later, in the Sunday edition of the Register, there was a similar nice action picture taken during the girls Boone/Carlisle game and I noted that the girls uniforms had a very nice BOONE on its front. By the way, congratulations to both teams.....boys and girls, both winners.

    For any who  may be unfamiliar, it was actually a Boone/Marshalltown basketball game followup newspaper article in the Marshalltown Times Republican in the 1930's that resulted in Boone's Toreador nickname. The writer was so impressed with Boone's play, he suggested it was, as if, the Toreadors were bullfighter choreographed. That was quite a compliment from, normally, an opposing force.

    Yes, admittedly, the term Toreadors is unique, the lone such team nickname in Iowa and isn't that neat? Uniqueness is something to pride, to build on, not to destroy. Think.....Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad changing its name to Tooterville.

    Sure, change is certain and it can be good, bad or uncertain, but tradition is solid, is proven, is established and long lasting. Its been earned over a period of time.

    So there you have my take. I was a Toreador athlete and there's been no better Toreador supporter since my family arrived in this beautiful community in the late 1940's.

    Once a true Toreador, always a Toreador. To me, Dors.....whatever that means....... just doesn't "cut it."

     Please tell me why I'm wrong about this and/or why I should care.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Duilio Mordini, 73, Madrid. MHS-65. Drake-69. Married Cheryl Ahlquist in 1970. The couple lived in the Zookspur/Madrid area. He was a teacher, a well known musician as the leader of the Duilio Mordini Four, worked in insurance, owned and operated DuMor Music store in Johnston where he taught piano lessons and in retirement, he worked at the Madrid Market. Survivors include his wife, two sons and a brother..........Donald Vernon Meadows, 62, Boone. BHS-77.........Kathryn "Kay" Swanson Hill, 90, Ankeny. Was born in Boone..........John "Jack" Byrnes, 90, Waukee. Survivors include a sister, Helen Jacobson, of Boone.........David Kelley, 64, Stratford. Stratford HS-75. Earned a degree from Indian Hills Community College. Worked at Naden, the Webster City school system and the Hamilton County Court House. Survivors include a sister and a brother, Steve Kelley, of Stratford.........Charlotte Wagner, 80, Des Moines. Formerly of Madrid. MHS. Survivors include a brother, Frank Milani Jr., of Madrid.........Donald Phipps, 93, Madrid. Attended school in Boone County. Marine vet. Married Marlys Westgate in 1958. Sold and drove trucks. A son and daughter survive.........David Hindahl, 64, West Des Moines. Survivors include a cousin, Ann Volkers, of Stratford.........Ramona Maile, 91, Stratford. Lehigh HS-46. Earned a degree from a Fort Dodge Business College. Married K.C. Mitchell Jr. in 1949 and the couple divorced. Married Vernon Maile in 1969 and the couple lived in Lehigh. A daughter and four siblings survive.
     Worldwide korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. Leave a message. To email your stories/memories/comments.....




Tuesday, January 19, 2021


     Donald Vernon Meadows, 62, Boone. BHS-77.

Monday, January 18, 2021


     Donald Phipps, 93, Madrid. Attended school in Boone County.

Sunday, January 17, 2021


     David Kelley, 64, Stratford.


     Kathryn "Kay" Swanson Hill, 90, Ankeny. Born in Boone.

     John "Jack" Byrnes, 90, Waukee. Survivors include his sister, Helen Jacobson, of Boone.

     David Hindal, 64, West Des Moines. Survivors include a cousin, Ann Volkers, of Stratford.

Saturday, January 16, 2021


     Ramona Maile, 91, Stratford. Formerly of Lehigh.

Friday, January 15, 2021


     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Janice "Bobbie" Hoffman McCaskey, 82, Boone. Attended BHS. Worked at Haddy Egg Company. Married John Gail McCaskey in 1958 and he passed away in 1984. Worked as a housekeeper at Ledges Manor, Westhaven and the Eastern Star. Survivors include a daughter, Janet Johnson, of Ames, two grandsons, Kirby and Kelby, of Boone and a sister.........Larry Gibson, 81, Boone. Army vet. Married Carolyn Johnston in 1959. He owned two Mr. Donut franchises, worked in sales for Campbell's, Nestle and Northwestern Bell Telephone. Worked for Fairchild Communications until 2015. Then worked as a valet for the Boone County Hospital. Among other places, the couple lived in Fraser and Boone. Survivors include his wife, a son, daughter and two sisters..........Joan Ann Duncan Webb, 86, Grand Junction. Born in Boone. BHS-51. BJC-53. Married James Webb in 1953. The couple lived on a farm east of Boone until moving to Grand Junction in 1960. Joan started government work in 1984, for the Iowa Department of Revenue and Finance and then for the DOT. She retired in 1995. Moved to Clear Lake, near a daughter, in 2020. Survivors include two sons, a daughter and a sister, Francese Meneough of Boone........Gary Downey, 72, Urbandale. Survivors include a sister, Gwen  Bennett, of Madrid..........Charlotte Wagner, 80, Des Moines. A Madrid High School graduate.........Betsy Rankin, 55, Madrid.
     Worldwide korner  headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. Leave a message. To email your stories/memories/comments....


     Gary Downey, 72, Urbandale. Survivor is a sister, Gwen Bennett, of Madrid.

Thursday, January 14, 2021


     Larry Gibson, 81, Boone. Worked Fairchild Comm./valet at Boone County Hospital.


     Charlotte Wagner, 80, Des Moines. Formerly of Madrid. MHS.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021


     Betsy Rankin, 55, Madrid.


     In a recent email, Larry Lindmark, BHS-63, talked about magazine subscriptions and Boone. He wrote, "twice, during the month of December, I sent a magazine subscription to a post office box number in Boone. For years, Boone has been a central clearing house for magazine subscriptions. I always feel a sense of pride and/or nostalgia when a return postcard is addressed to Boone, Iowa. My renewals to Smithsonian and Baseball Digest went through Boone, thus, enabling me hours of reading enjoyment in 2021. I wonder what kind of volume the business produces for the Boone post office? How many jobs does this provide to the Boone area? These subscriptions give Boone a national prominence. What do subscribers think when they see a return address of Boone, Iowa?"
     On a baseball trip in 2017, Larry realized he was close to Boone, North Carolina and that prompted some thoughts. He had always understood there were only two Boone' Iowa and in North Carolina. Under further investigation, he found that there are nine states with a Boone County and four Booneville's but yes, just the two Boone's. He concluded, "a person would think that the Boone family and extended relatives would have had a few more towns named after them."
     Michael Loehrer, BHS-64, wrote of his admiration for Bob Fisher, BHS-46, who passed away recently. Mike wrote, "he was really a great gentleman. Many years ago, he helped me immensely when I was seeking job opportunities."
     Mike added, "I read an article this past week that, although shocking, is understandable. Listed were 10 communities or areas in the country where they were giving $10,000 bounties for people to move to their area. One of these was Northwest Arkansas, a beautiful area with many lakes and golf courses. What surprised me is that Newton, Iowa was also listed."
     EDITOR'S NOTE: Viewers have, no doubt, noticed how our Boone Connected Deaths segment seems to grow and grow. As a result, you may have realized that not ALL survivors are listed. Due to space limitations and other considerations, we have been following a practice of listing only those survivors who reside in our immediate Boone area. Keep in mind also, that sometimes we aren't provided much pertinent material to pass on. We can only use what is available to us.
     By the way, I am going to say this, without hesitation. I'm darn proud of the fact that, twice a week, we, the Korner, provides, far and away, more and much quicker local death information than anyone else. The great St. Louis Cardinal pitcher of years ago once said, "it ain't bragging if you did it" and I believe that. So there.
     And, as long as I'm musing, despite the fact that the internet Korner (it was also part of the Boone News for quite some time) is nearing its 11th birthday, I think its still a "secret" to many. So, you "regular's" may have friends and relatives who are unaware of our death notice publications. Might be a good idea to inform them of what's available, at no cost, at this site.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Marcella Zanker Conlin, 91, Boone. Resident of Eastern Star the last 13 years. Born in Boone. BHS-47. A homemaker, she married Ellery "Curly" Conlin in 1948. Survivors include a daughter, Renee Scheibley, and a son, Bruce Conlin, both of Boone.  A grandson,  Sean Conlin, of Boone also survives as do a brother and granddaughter.........Carol Jennings, 63, Boone. BHS-75. Earned an accounting degree from DMACC. Worked as a custodian at the Boone County Hospital, managed local restaurants and was a caregiver for her significant other, Jeff Bills, who died in 2014. Survivors include her step-mother, two sons, including Chris Page of Boone, a step-daughter, Jenny Glauner of Boone, four brothers and four sisters........Audrienne Swedlund, 94. A resident of the Eastern Star since 2019. BHS-42. Earned a teaching degree from Drake University in 1945 and taught briefly in Ames. Married Weldon Swedlund in 1945. They farmed and had a working hog buying operation, as well as working the Central Iowa Stockyards until the mid-80's. She was active with the Stratford Courier newspaper, handling Weldon's weekly column and helping him write a book. Survivors include a daughter, two sons and a sister-in-law............Vicki Elaine Hinman Miller, 73, Boone. Married Charles Miller in 1980. Worked at the Woodward State Hospital, earned an RN, worked at Quinns, Stratford Telemarketing, Access Direct in Ames and the Boone Work Activity Center. A daughter, two sons, her mother, two sisters and a brother survive.........Isobel Attey Myers, 93, Boone. BHS-46. Worked as a secretary until her marriage to Roland Myers in 1950. Survivors include a son and two daughters, including Kathy Housman of Ames..........Janice Dutton Rardin, 70, Boone. BHS-68. Earned an RN at DMACC. Worked at several area retirement homes, including Cedars of Madrid from which she retired in 2013. Survivors include a son, Shane England, of Boone, two brothers, a sister and a sister-in-law........Jeffrey Lass, 61, Pilot Mound. Grand HS-78. Married Sally Schwarte in 1997. Survivors include his wife and a son, Scott Koppit, both of Pilot Mound and two daughters, including Tracy Alvarez of Ames.........Erling Larson, 89, Boone. Stratford HS-48. Marine vet. Married Carolyn Curvin in 1954. Farmed briefly but then worked for the DOT for 39 years. Survivors include two sons and two daughters, including Jay Larson and Lori Hopkins both of Boone. A sister and a sister-in-law, Dianna Sutton, also survive........Audrey Mathiason, Story City. Married Robert Mathiason in 1944 at St. Paul's Lutheran Church. She supervised the hot lunch program at Roland-Story school for 32 years. A daughter, Krisha Stoll of Boone, survives. Burial in St. Paul's cemetery..........Susan Johnson, 72, Dayton. Fort Dodge HS-66 and earned an LPN at Iowa Central Community College. Married Richard Johnson in 1968. Was an LPN in Fort Dodge and Dayton, worked at Buckley and Busch in Dayton and at Gates Rubber in Boone. Survivors include two sons, including Matt Johnson of Stratford. A daughter, sister and brother also survive...........Joan Duncan Webb, 86, Grand Junction. BHS-51.........Edith Billyard, 70, Des Moines. A survivor is a nephew, Seth Billyard, of Boone. 
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. Leave a message. To email your stories/memories/comments......

Tuesday, January 12, 2021


     Marcella Zanker Conlin, 91, Boone. BHS-47.


     Gilbert Marten, 95, Ames. Former Boone resident who was a piano technician in the Boone/Ames area.

Monday, January 11, 2021


     Carol Jennings, 63, Boone.

Sunday, January 10, 2021


     Edith Billyard, 70, Des Moines. Survivors include a nephew, Seth Billyard, of Boone.


     Joan Ann Duncan Webb, 86, Grand Junction. BHS-51.


     Audrienne Swedlund, 94, Boone. BHS-42.

     Jeffrey Lass, 61, Pilot Mound. Grand HS-78.

Saturday, January 9, 2021


     Susan Johnson, 72, Dayton. Fort Dodge HS-66.  Worked many jobs, including at Gates Rubber in Boone.


     Audrey Norma Mathiason, 93. Born in Boone County. Daughter Krisha Stoll of Boone survives.


     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Isobel Myers, 93, Boone........Janice Dutton Rardin, 70, Boone. BHS-68.........Erling Larson, 89, Boone.........R. Melvin Hanson, 90, Sun Lakes, AZ. Formerly of Boone. Well known Boone businessman and one of the early backers of the Boone and Scenic Valley Railroad. Survivors include Boone residents Nicki and Tim Mullins, David Hanson and Joreen Hanson Boehm. Also surviving are Kirk and Ross Hanson of Sun Lakes.........Helen Jean Swenson Frazier, 94, Norwalk. Formerly of Boone.Earned a degree in physical education from the University of Iowa and a Masters from the University of Colorado. Taught in Sioux City and Boone, 1949-52, before moving to Des Moines. There, she taught at East and Lincoln high schools and totaled 37 years of service prior to retirement. She married Sherman Richardson in 1957 and he passed away in 1965. She married Howard Frazier in 1969 and he died. Survivors include a daughter, sister-in-law, nephews and a niece..........Constance "Connie" Dennis, 78, Boone. She had been living in Webster City since 2016. Oskaloosa HS and earned a degree from William Penn in Oskaloosa. She was a biology teacher and owned and managed farms. Married Roger Dennis, BHS-61, in 1965 and he passed away in 1990. Survivors include a daughter, a grandchild, Austin Carlson, of Boone, two brothers and a sister-in-law........Sharyl Kirby, 85, Stratford. Formerly of Boone. Oelwein HS-53. Married Daniel Kirby in 1959 and they divorced. Moved to Boone in 1964 and Sharyl worked several years for the Chicago, Northwestern Railroad until retirement. Survivors include a daughter, Mandy Peterson, and a son, Matthew Kirby, both of Boone, a son, Cal Kirby of Ogden, two other sons and two brothers..........Laura Anderson Palmieri, 95, Carbondale, Il. Formerly of Madrid. Born in Madrid. Was a District Manager for Field Enterprises, which was the umbrella company for World Book Encyclopedia. A nephew survives. 
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. Leave a message. To email your stories/memories/comments....

Friday, January 8, 2021


     Janice Dutton Rardin, 70, Boone. BHS-68

Thursday, January 7, 2021


     Erling Larson, 89, Boone

     Laura Palmieri, 95, Carbondale, IL. Formerly of Madrid


     Helen Jean Swenson Frazier, 94, Norwalk. Was a P.E. instructor at BHS, 1949-52


     R. Melvin Hanson, 90, Sun Lakes, AZ. Formerly of Boone. BHS-48.


     Sharyl Kirby, 85, Stratford. Formerly of Boone.


     Constance "Connie" Dennis, 78, Webster City. Formerly of Boone.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021



     Regarding the "flagging" on houses of various illnesses the occupants were dealing with, John Kueck, BHS-61, wrote, "I  remember those signs well and the way they changed colors from the sun, making them like art pieces with faded colors of different shades......unless that was an illusion from my fever. I begged my mother to save them because of that characteristic. They eventually disappeared when my fascination wore off." You may remember that Tom Canfield, BHS-53, surmised earlier that he thought a green sign signaled mumps, chicken pox a yellow sign and measles a red sign.
     Jerry Manriquez, BHS-57, sent me a copy of a famous West Boone song. Actually, we had received a copy of that song quite some time ago and, if I recall correctly, we printed the entire lyrics in one of our earlier Korner editions.
     Jerry said that he had received the copy from John Sparks, who had served as President of the Boone Society of Southern California. Jerry also mentioned that Arnold Tuttle, BHS-48,  had actually performed the song at the society's gathering. 
     Good to hear again from Mike Harris, BHS-66, an all-state Toreador quarterback and baseball player. Mike who lives in Iowa City, was kind enough, along with a couple hundred others, to attend my Mo Kelley Day a couple years ago. 
     He wrote regards to recent mention from Larry Lindmark, BHS-63, about Augustana College and the Augies football coach Bob Reade. Mike wrote, "Larry's connection with Coach Reade piqued my interest. I think Coach Reade was probably the best football coach to ever walk the planet. He had 60-plus undefeated streaks at both the high school and collegiate levels, including consecutive national championships at Augustana. His first job out of college was as an assistant to my father, Merle, at Maquoketa High School before we moved to Boone. Coaches Merle and Bob remained lifelong friends, getting together every year for decades until Merle's death. BTW: Maquoketa was undefeated the last year that Merle and Bob coached together. Two pretty good coaches."
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Vicki Elaine Miller, 73, Boone........Shirley Mae Spencer Anderson, 85, Edina, MN. Married Jacob Anderson in 1954. Survivors include her husband of Edina and three sons, including Michael Anderson of Boone and his wife, Katrina "Kat".........Jay Dean Laube, 63, Perry. Formerly of Boone. Survivors include his wife, Amy, a brother, niece and nephew..........Lois Martin Henry, 86, Boone. Worked at Heinrich Envelope and enjoyed bingo at the American Legion cabin. Survivors include a son, Gary Lehman, a daughter Peggy Galivan and two sisters, Joyce Craun and Edna Miller, all of Boone..........Joseph "Tony" Butler, 66, Madrid. Married Vyla Hill in 2007. The couple moved to Clearwater, FL in 2004 but then returned to Iowa. Survivors include his wife, Vyla, of Madrid and two step-sons, Randy and Wesley Roberts, of Boone.........Richard Bolton, 86, Ankeny. Madrid HS-52............Shirley Bills Glover, 63, Boone. Married Ken Low in 1974 but they divorced. Married Virgil Glover Jr. in 1987 but they separated. She was a homemaker and worked for Home Care Aid Lutheran Health Services of Des Moines until her illness. Survivors include a son, a sister, Pat Elsberry, of Boone, a brother and a sister-in-law, Carol Jennings of Boone.........Ruth Whitehurst, 90, Adel. Born in Boone County.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. Leave a message. To email your stories/memories/comments....

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


     Vicki Elaine Miller, 73, Boone.


     Shirley Mae Spencer Anderson, 85, Edina, MN. Formerly of Boone.

Monday, January 4, 2021


     Joseph Butler, 66, Madrid.

     Jay Dean Laube, 63, Perry. Formerly of Boone.


     Lois Martin Henry, 86, Boone. Worked at Heinrich's. Several Boone survivors.

Sunday, January 3, 2021


     Shirley Bills Glover, 63, Boone. Has Boone survivors.

     Richard Bolton, 86, Ankeny. Madrid HS-52

     Ruth Whitehurst, 90, Adel. Born in Boone County.

Saturday, January 2, 2021


     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Paul Joseph Prim Jr., 72, Stratford. Born in Boone. Stratford school. Was a truck driver and worked at Winnebago in Forest City. Survivors include two brothers, William of Stratford and Nicholas of Boone, and a sister, Barbara Prim of Boone.........Paul O'Neal, 78, Des Moines. Founder-owner of J.L.Miller Construction. Marine vet. Survivors include his wife, Bonnie Wilke, BHS-67, three children and three step-children........Karen Walker Hernandez, 71, Loveland, CO. Born in Boone. BHS-67. Survivors include her husband and two sons.........Robert "Bob" Fisher, 91, Boone. Born in Boone. BHS-46. After high school, attended Kemper Military Academy and then graduated from Northwestern University. Army vet. Married Frances "Francy" Gordon in 1951 and in 1953, came back to Boone to work with his dad at Fisher's Shoe Store. Retired in 1992 after 39 years in that store. After retirement, remained very active in community affairs. Among many other things, he was a founding father of the Central Iowa Expo and Executive Director of the Boone County Economic Growth Development Corporation. Survivors include three sons and a brother..........Donald Erb, 94, Boone. Born in Cooper, IA. In 1929, the family moved to a farm southeast of Ogden. OHS-44. Army vet. Married  Helen Hedblom in 1948. While also farming, worked 39 years at Firestone. Survivors include a sister, brother, four sons and two daughters all of the Boone area and a foster son.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. Leave a message. To email your stories/memories/comments.....