Wednesday, December 4, 2019


     Starting with the bad news. Yes, its time to admit, it is necessary for the Kornerman to lean more and more on a cane. I held out a long time but returning symptoms of a bout with polio/spinal meningitis 70 years ago, plus more recent broken hip and knee replacement surgeries, finally forced the required decision. And, what the heck!! This drama is nothing, nothing, compared to negative health stories I hear about and see, via other folks, on a daily basis. I still feel blessed over and over again that I can do what I can do.......and, even better now, with a cane by my side.
     How about the good news? In the short time I've "caned," I've changed my perspective about the tenor of, at least, a portion of our population. Sure, there are lots of "bad apples" out there but I've come to understand not nearly as many as I may have anticipated earlier.
     This experience has sparked me to the realization we have lots of very good people on this planet, worldwide, in the good old USA, in Iowa and right here in Boone County Iowa as well.
     I know, Boone Iowa is a very small microcosm of a gargantuan world but, on an almost daily basis recently, good deeds I've been offered have provided me with a personal "awakening" about people's goodness, specificially, those here, close to home.
     My benefactors have come in various sizes and ages, some are known friends but many others were strangers. Some have been dressed to a "T" and others have shown the wear and tear of less than an easy life but so many friendly greetings, offers of aid at doorways, nasty curbs and various other obstacles have brought a smile to an 84-year old face. Truthfully, many wouldn't have even been necessary but "they," apparently, felt there might a need and followed up with an unsolicited and genuine offer of aid.
     Its been enlightening, encouraging etc. etc. etc.
     Just let me say it again, I've rediscovered that there are still lots of very good, caring people "out there."
     No particular reason for this.....and I, the Kornerman, can't remember what it came from. I simply like it.
     "If you put effort in and you don't get the desired result, people may think you lose.....but  you don't. Your glory is delayed, it is not denied. You decide when its over, and if you don't get it in your lifetime, the kids you raise, the neighbors who see you.....will be inspired by you and you can revel in  their success."
     John, BHS-64, and Linda Hinz, BHS-67, are this year's "early birds." Christmas card number one has been received......and is much appreciated.
     Mike Loehrer, BHS-64, has some comments on recent Korner talk. He wrote, "I went to BJC, spring semester, of my frosh year, in '65. Surprisingly, one of my favorite college subjects ever was taught by Bill Ryan and it was botany. Who would have thought a guy who only pounded basketballs and threw baseballs would find flowers that interesting?"
     On another subject, he was talking about all the upcoming football bowl games...."I remember when Parsons College (Fairfield) played in the Mineral Bowl game. The name Nate Craddock comes to mind," Mike remembered.
     The Kornerman says, "Oh yes, Parsons College had a nice run in Fairfield and I remember that Dr. Millard Roberts was the President and  main "pusher" of that institution, which closed in 1973. During that time, I also recall that Dr. Roberts came to Boone as the main speaker at some community event, perhaps the annual chamber meeting. Craddock reminds me of a good football player who was originally a Des Moines North high product."
     BOONE CONNECTED  DEATHS: Edwin Barker, 91, Iowa City. Simpson, Iowa State Teachers college. Spent 27 years in the education field starting at Stanhope for two years. He was the Boone Junior Senior high Principal from the summer of 1964 to December of 1967 when he moved to Iowa City to become the Principal of a brand new Iowa City West High School, which opened in 1968. Survivors include his wife, Ethel, two sons and two daughters..........Jean Richard Ahrens, 89, Stratford.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments......

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