Saturday, May 5, 2018


     The always helpful John Kueck, BHS-61, comes through again.
     Knowing we are at the low end of material for coming editions, John has posed this question for possible use. "As a sportscaster, sports writer and sports fan, which are/were your favorite sports to broadcast, write about or simply watch?"
     The Kornerman's reply might be boring but with little else Korner news brewing, why not?
     I don't know, I've just always loved the big three of football, basketball and baseball, probably because I participated in all three and, at an early age, my dad, a former coach, promoted a great interest in sports.
     Late in life, I've enjoyed golf more, even though I gave the game up, personally, after getting son Chris involved in youth golf. I religiously follow any tournament that Iowan Zach Johnson is involved in. His success story is so inspiring. Not able to make his high school golf team, Zach has gone on to become one of the 11 top money earners in the history of the sport.
    P.S. You young dads, keep this in mind. Even though golf was not my "thing," I'm extremely happy I got Chris involved.........he continues to enjoy participating in it as an adult. It was worth my effort.
     Zach's story holds true for Nick Collison and NBA basketball. I must admit, I'm not a great NBA fan on a daily basis. Too much brawn and not enough finesse for my taste. Still, because of Nick's numerous Boone area connections, I've also been interested in following Nick's career with Seattle and Oklahoma City.
     Actually, if any Iowan or any athlete with an Iowa connection is a participant on the national pro scene, I enjoy following their activity. A good example right now is Pella native Kyle Korver who actually played his college basketball out-of-state at Creighton. He has performed extremely well for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the NBA in the current playoffs and that makes me happy and proud to be a fellow Iowan.
     I've never really got into hockey or soccer.
     Of the big three, I'd probably have to say that major league baseball is my favorite, followed closely by college and high school basketball and college football. Once again, I have a sporatic interest in the NBA and NFL IF an Iowa native, or someone with Iowa connections, is involved.
     In my radio days, I thoroughly enjoyed broadcasting high school sports because I happened to have the lucky opportunity to share in some of the Toreador teams, both boys and girls, brightest days, mainly in the 60's. Its no coincidence that some of Boone High's greatest athletes were involved in those very successful days. Believe me, when teams are successful, radio descriptions or written compositions of their play come much, much easier.
     Nothing was better, in those days, than broadcasting an exciting and mostly successful ballgame on KWBG, coming right after the game to the Boone News office to put the contest result in writing for the next day's paper while also consuming a delicious Tic Toc pizza from next door. Lots of late nights but what a life that was!!
     Pam Claussen of Marshalltown sent an interesting tidbit. She described her grandmother as a newspaper clipper and enclosed an article she clipped from the "Sixty Years Ago" column from the Ogden Reporter of February 12, 1893.
    Here goes, "the Lincoln House, which burned last week, was about the first large building in Boone and was built by the Northwestern road in 1867. All along the line of the Northwestern, at convenient intervals for the stopping of trains for meals, such buildings were put up. The Lincoln House probably cost $15,000 or more. The first landlord was Henry B. Minier."
     Thanks Pam.
     Am I the only one? Does anyone else notice or care about the incorrect spellings of words, usually on those "rolling news items" at the bottom of the TV screen. However, I've seen them above that line as well. In fact, they usually stick out like a sore thumb. Its not just local either........even on the major networks I've noticed words misspelled. I guess I just expect "better" than that and maybe I'm the only person on earth that this bothers.
     From Vern Modeland, BHS-50, "there is a song, "Everything Old is New Again." And, your latest at the keyboard reminds me of how true that is. As a journalist turned marketing communicator, turned whatever, I'm so reminded of just how, through the years, I have read the news release like Fareway now ascribes to. It usually signifies a new advertising agency, new corporate organization or something similar. I recall, with a laugh, how I sat in at Springfield, MO. one year many back to sit through a presentation of a state-wide bank's newest advertising agency. They revealed, with much secrecy and fanfare, (an oxymoron?) how a big local bank was going to introduce itself as re-invented, with a fancy name that it turned out no one could pronounce. At least no one in the media, who were given the "secret" right after the board meeting. When will entities note in the records that changing the logo or uniform doesn't improve anything. Just spends money that could go into recalling how, "everything old is new again." Or, as a very talented ad agency artist liked to say, "$80 worth of art and $8,000 worth of rationale.""
     I guess I'll go with Audible in the Derby.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Mark Stone, 61, Boone. Died in an accident. BHS-75. He established Stone Electric in 1980 and expanded with the addition of Stone Rentals and Stone Storage. His parents were Calvin and Ruth Stone. Calvin is deceased. Boone area survivors include his wife, Julia, his mother, a daughter and three sons including Jake Gibbons of Madrid. Also surviving are two brothers and a sister including Matt Stone and his dad's wife, Maggie Stone, both of Boone.........Ben Young Jr., 86, Mesa, AZ........Gary Carlson, 73, Jewell. Gary and Louise Eckhart were married at Trinity Lutheran in Boone in 1976. He farmed, worked as a driver for Winnebago and retired from ISU in 2004. He was involved in the Boone Speedway. Boone area survivors include his wife,  Louise, of Jewell, a brother, his mother-in-law, June Eckhart, and his father-in-law, Larry Eckhart, both of Boone. A sister-in-law also survives........Todd Craven,  47, Boone. Gary and Kathleen Craven were/are his parents. Todd worked for Adidas in Cedar Rapids. Boone area survivors include his dad, Gary, and Gary's wife, Janet, of Boone. Also surviving are his mother, Kathleen, two brothers and three sisters........Jack Long,81, Madrid. Worked at Firestone for 40 years. Five children, two girls and three boys, and a sister survive........Bob Nadler, 51, Madrid. His wife, Laura, three brothers and a sister survive.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT.......


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