Wednesday, May 16, 2018


     Ah! The sheer power of the Korner.
     Michael Sundall, BHS-68, wrote, "After Lynn and I read the Kelley's Korner on Saturday, May 12, with regard to Boyd's Dairy and the Candy Kitchen in Wilton, Iowa, we decided to take a road trip to Wilton from Cedar Rapids to "check it out." We took the Iowa back roads over to Wilton and found the Candy Kitchen. The new owner was most delightful and was so enthusiastic when I shared Kelley's Korner with him.  And, yes, he has been in contact with those you mentioned (LaVerne Anderson) in your blog to help him get his ice cream maker operational. He spent a good half-hour talking with us."
     Mike added, "we next drove over to Kalona and went to the Stringtown Grocery Store. While standing in the candy section, two ladies next to me were commenting on the Candy Kitchen in Wilton and were wondering if it was ever going to reopen. Of course, to their pleasure, I was able to fill them in about the new owner's plans. All because of Kelley's Korner. What a great Iowa afternoon."
     We heard from my old KWBG partner, Mark Campbell, BHS-67, recently. He has moved to Nashville, TN and, in reply, the Kornerman asked him if he had submitted any country songs for consideration. He replied, "I'm very nearly tone deaf. Our neighbor writes songs and two were actually recorded. Another neighbor was seamstress for some stars......Porter Wagoner, Bill Anderson and others. Also, for the keyboardist for the Steve Miller rock band. So, Mo, its up to you to put the pen to paper to come up with some tunes."
     On the subject of music, I always think of another former KWBG partner, Larry Kelley, BHS-64, and son, Jamie, BHS-98. Larry wrote, "Mark Campbell sent me info on Ken Kilmer, one-time KWBG owner, who died in 1991 at the age of 72 in Utah. His wife passed away in 2007. Sad that they are gone. I really liked working for Ken. Probably the best boss I ever had in my life. Do you remember what year he sold the station (I don't). He asked me once if I wanted to become a partner in the station. He was probably thinking I'd buy him out in time and take it over. I missed my chance didn't I?"
     Continuing with a music theme......
     Many of the Kornerman's spare moments are spent listening to music
     A current favorite is, "I just can't imagine" by Ivan Parker and it seems, Jennifer Nettles is making a big, big movement forward. She is the lead singer for the Sugarland group but seems to be getting lots of solo opportunities and is terrific. I pulled up the Lincoln Center awards program of several years ago honoring Neil Diamond  and she sang one of Neil's big hits, "Hello" that night and it was great.
     The Kornerman decided to investigate some local circulation figures.
     As of 2016, the Boone News Republican showed circulation of 1,577 and readership of 3,154. For the Madrid Register it was 1,138 and 2,292 and for the Ogden Reporter it was 953 and 11,886.
     Circulation means that's how many folks are buying the paper and readership mean's several people are reading each paid subscription. Example: someone buys the paper and several people end up reading it.
     I can't explain that 11,886 readership for the Ogden Reporter.
     John Kueck, BHS-61, says, "Iowa is great but, in this way, Minnesota reins."
     He's talking about a recent study that shows men live longer in minneyhaha than anywhere else in the country. Minnesota women are fourth in that category and, overall, the two genders combined are fourth best with an anticipated live span of 80.8 years. Hawaii, California and Connecticut rank 1-2-3.
     Here's the skinny: Minnesota men have a lifespan of 78.7 years and the ladies have a lifespan of 82.9.
     By the way, the state of Mississippi is at the bottom of the list. Folks there have a lifespan of 74.7 years.
     Here's something learned from a study of cows, bulls and elephants. It is impossible to reduce weight by eating green grass, salads and doing lots of walking.
     BOONE AREA DEATHS: Beatrice Phipps, 85, Ogden.........Larry Madden, 80, Boone. BHS-56. Served in the National Guard. Worked 17 years for Boone Construction and 20 years for the Boone schools. Also worked at McMillan Oil in Des Moines, Quinn's, Town Talk Skelly, J.C. Penny, Rock Co. and after retirement in 2001, drove buses for the Boone schools and HIRTA. Was a Boone County Fair Board member for 16 years. Boone area survivors include his wife, Diane, daughter, Kim Ohge, and sons, Jim and Jon Madden, all of Boone. Also surviving is a daughter, Barbra Peterson of Dayton and a brother, Leonard Madden Jr. of Boone.........Anita Lamm, OHS-73, passed away recently in Pennsylvania...........Minnie Harper, 47, Boone. Worked at various convenience stores. Boone area survivor is her husband, Larry Harper, of Boone.........Phyliss Jane Markey, 83, Colo. BHS-53. Passed away May 6, services were May 15 in Colo. Burial will be in Linwood Park Cemetery in Boone. Phyliss was married to Gerald Wirth.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT......


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