Saturday, December 17, 2016

Improved Service??

     NEWS FLASH: Aside from the one-day-a-week (Thursday) news publication, the "new" Boone News Republican promised a free Wednesday shopper that, supposedly, is hand delivered to everybody's door. Jo likes the shopper because it leans toward the weekend grocery store ads. However, in the Kelley's case, home delivery is a hit-or-miss proposition. It was missed again this week. In other such times, the Kornerman could pick up a copy at one of the grocery stores or a convenience store. This time, three separate attempts at that failed. So, I called and was  told, "we don't supply them in the racks at stores around town anymore. However, you can pick one up at our office." Just thought you  locals would like to know. I guess this is part of that "improved service" we were assured of, as stated by the letter subscribers received when the switch to a one-day newspaper was disclosed.
     The Kornerman loves reading/hearing ideas from visionaries about the possibility of future industrial changes in this country.
     For example, it is pointed out that what has happened to Kodak will, no doubt, be happening to a lot of other industries in the next 10 years. In 1998, Kodak had 170,000 employees and sold 85-percent of all photo paper worldwide. But, within just a few years, their business model disappeared and Kodak went bankrupt. Paper film disappeared and digital cameras were invented and have improved.
     The article further states that software will disrupt most traditional industries in the next 5-10 years. Basic legal advice can now be obtained in seconds with great accuracy meaning there will be 90-percent less lawyers in the future, with only specialists remaining....... By 2030, computers will become more intelligent than humans........ In 2018, the first self-driving cars will appear publicly and around 2020, the complete auto industry will start to be disrupted. You won't want to own a car. You call a car via phone, it picks you up and takes you to your destination. Kids will never get a driver's license and never own a car......... As a result, cities will change. Ninety percent fewer cars will be needed. Thus, fewer parking places will be needed and there will be less vehicle accidents. Without accidents, insurance companies will suffer. Electric cars are forecast to become mainstream by 2020. Less noise will be noticed......... Electricity will become incredibly cheap and clean. Last year, more solar energy was installed worldwide than fossil fuels. Cheap electricity will result in cheap and abundant water.......A medical device is being developed that works with your phone for analysis that will quickly identify nearly any disease......... Politicians beware! By 2020, there will be apps that can tell by our facial expressions if we are lying........ By 2020, 70-percent of all humans will own a smartphone.
     Who are we to think such things can't happen. Just think of the many changes that have already occurred in our lifetime.
     Mark Tompkins, BHS-60, liked the Kornerman's mention of breaking a bike in two those many years ago. He wrote, "it reminded me of a guy biking back to England from the far eastern reaches of Russia - Magadan. I rode a little over 3,000 miles last year but Magadan to London is over 4,600 miles and he wandered through Korea, Japan, Southeast Asia. So, the guy has just come down a long mountainside in Nepal and started up the long hill ahead when his bike breaks in half. Along comes a native, throws the man and his broken bike in the back of an ancient truck and takes him a few miles to a guy with a welding machine, the only one around for 500 miles or so. Serendipity. Oh, he started the ride at 40 below zero and camped in that weather for days. I trust when your bike broke, you were warmer in McHose Park. Keep up the good work. Appreciated and needed."
     Many of you remember former Boone resident Mary McCoy. She lived in Boone until 2009 and was a longtime member of the First United Methodist Church here. Her children, Mike, BHS-69; Marsha, BHS-64; and Roger, BHS-61, are hosting a 100th birthday party January 1st at her residence in the Denver area. Please......all you viewers who remember Mary, send her a card..........Mary McCoy, Life Care Center of Littleton, room 218, 1500 W. Mineral Avenue, Littleton, CO 80120.
     Sorry to hear of the death of Tim Buff, 80, in Rogersville, MO. Tim spent some summers in Boone in the late 50's, early 60's as a terrific fast pitch softball pitcher for some of those championship teams Everett Long managed. He was 6-5 and very intimidating, standing on that pitcher's mound. Prior to coming to Boone, he had already been named the International Softball League's Most Valuable Player two times in the early 50's. He was known as a fiery competitor and one of the most dominant fast pitch softball pitchers this nation has ever produced. A son and daughter survive.
     BOONE CONNECTED DEATHS: Don'e Mae Payne, 98, Boone. Boone area survivor is a son,  Stephen of Ogden........Allen Schultz, Algona. Boone area survivor is his father-in-law, Robert Moritz, of Boone........Dell Kelley,  90, Springfield, MO. Served several churches in Iowa. Burial will be in  Boone.......Judy Thuney, 76, Boone. Worked at Woolworth's and Sandler Built Homes in Boone and later with her husband in the operation of Vern Thuney Trucking. Boone area survivor is a daughter, Camella Elsner, of Ogden.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/SUPPORT.......


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