Wednesday, January 7, 2015

More Skating Pond Tales

     Larry Lindmark's recollection of his days at the McHose Park skating pond, which we highlighted in the last edition, sparked some similar memories from other Korner viewers.
     Ron Hopkins, from the state of Washington, wrote, "I always enjoy the references to the McHose Park skating pond because I had so many good times there in the late 50's. I was interested in Larry's statistics because I would have guessed the season was a bit longer and a bit later, basically January and February. I am so glad you keep plugging away with the Korner."
     John Kueck added, "my love for skating began when my parents took me to the Des Moines Veterans Auditorium for the Ice Capades show. After seeing that show, I wanted to skate and dreamed of going on the ice and skating like those performers. After much begging, I received skates on my birthday, which is December 7th. Like Larry mentioned, the rink often opened later in December and I had to anxiously wait for the ice to be ready. To my parents amazement, I skated without falling the very first time. It was the one sport where I was a natural. I couldn't turn initially so I skated from snow bank to snow bank as my spot points. I have read that some prisoners of war practiced golf in their minds to pass the time and make their imprisonment more bearable. After release, some of them could actually golf better from the the hours or practice in their minds. Similarly, I think my passion and dreaming about ice skating gave me the confidence to skate on the first try. I also remember the season being cut short by people dumping their used engine oil into storm sewers and the oil making its way into the pond, ruining the ice. That was a great disappointment. I spent almost every hour I could at the rink, thanks to great parents who drove me to and from there. I often was on the ice before it was cleared of snow and open. I had a good relationship with Roy Coffman from hours of skating so he'd let me be on the ice while he was clearing the snow."
     Regarding the reference to Larry Lindmark, Dave Oppedahl wrote, "Larry lives in Red Wing, MN and a former Booneite, John Goeppinger, is an MD there. He is the doctor of some friends of ours. His parents were Dave and Gladys Goeppinger. Some of Larry's family members were mentioned but one not mentioned was Larry's cousin, Tim Orr, who is Iowa's top National Guard Commander now. Tim's mother and Larry's mother are sisters. I know Larry was a Lutheran Pastor but I'm wondering if he still is or is retired by now?"
     P.S. The Kornerman noted that the Oppedahl's, Jan and Dave, are in the midst of celebrating 50 wonderful years together. Congrats.
     We've mentioned former Booneite John Buntsma, BHS-70, a time or two in the Korner recently. Mike Howard wrote, "I knew John. He attended Franklin Elementary with me and was also a teammate on the BHS swim team. He swam the breast stroke. I would say he had a meekness in him that many others do not have. A smart guy. Probably a good politician because he never seemed to cause trouble and was kind to all."
     A former Orange City newspaper editor, John is a Democratic candidate for a seat in the Iowa House of Representatives in a special vacancy election being held to replace a member who recently passed away.
     Along that same line, you may remember we mentioned in the Korner some time back about former Boone resident Bob Eschliman being in a tussle with his former bosses. Bob was the Editor of the Newton Daily News but was recently terminated. His work at the News, itself,  apparently had nothing to do with his dismissal. However, in a personal blog, Bob apparently made some of his own views available on a controversial subject. The News learned of that and used it as a basis for his termination, saying that, somehow, the perception was that he was, as a representative of the News, speaking for the News?
     The Kornerman happened to hear Bob on WHO radio the other day being interviewed about his situation. It seems he and a partner, in a new venture,  will now be attempting to start some type of statewide publication. Maybe we'll hear more about this sometime in the future.
     Thanks to Mike Loehrer who sent me a copy of, "You know you're an Iowan if." I believe that's a Jeff Foxworthy interpretation of our state and citizens.
     Also, thanks to Laverne Anderson who sent a Bill O'Reilly inspired citizenship quiz which he indicated citizens should be required to pass to have the privilege of voting.
     Boone Area Deaths: Geraldine "Jerry" Naeve, 94, Nashua. Born in Fraser. Madrid HS-38. Taught school in Ogden and Ridgeport, 1938-41.............Wilbur Benson, 91, Madrid. Attended Luther and Madrid schools. Firestone employee. Boone area survivors include his wife, Virginia, and son, Wayne, of Madrid, son Richard and daughter, Roxana Ellison of Luther...........Clark Coats, 95, Stratford. Stanhope grad. Farmer. Boone survivor is son Randy..........Margaret Gould, 88, Boone. Former resident of Sibley/Spencer area. Boone area survivors include sons, Dan and Doug, of Boone..........Norma Oliver, 94, Boone...........Thomas Hougland, 90, Florida............Ramona Huff, 79, Boone. Worked over 20 years for Penny's in Boone. Boone area survivors include her husband, Lyle, son, Tim, and daughters, Patricia Roll and Debi Huff, all of Boone..........Jennalee Sturtz, 45, Boone. Lived on a farm until 1984 when she moved to the Woodward State Hospital. Boone area survivors include a sister, Marie Mackie of Boone, and her uncle, Dayle Heldt of Ogden...........Craig Staebler, 58, Boone. Gilbert grad-74. Longtime employee of Iowa State University. Boone area survivors include his wife, April, son Andrew Richards, daughters Jessica Brogden and Ann Barrow, his father, August "Bud" Staebler and brother-in-law, Clarence Crotts all of Boone and sister Kathy Bice of Woodward.............Norene Graham, 53, Boone. BHS-79. Was a Certified Nurse's Assistant. Boone area survivors include husband Ron, daughter Danielle King, brothers Tom and Jeff Tilley and sister, Sue Tolan all of Boone, sister Karen Richey and aunt Arlys Westrum both of Stratford............Stanley Anderson, 70, Boone. Worked in the construction industry. Boone area survivors include his wife, Linda, sons Brian and Brad, step-daughters Sheri Nordholm and Michelle Reiff all of Boone...........
Dorothy Croft, 87, Madrid. Homemaker and nurse's aid. Boone area survivors include her husband, Phil of Madrid and daughter, Barb Jeffress of Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.........

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