Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Added Information

     In recent editions the Kornerman has kind of been "dancing around" the Imperial Lanes situation but with the help of some viewers, we can make a more solid claim that the establishment has been sold.
     Former resident Janelle Givens Henry wrote, "my mother lives in the house next to the Imperial parking lot. Westhaven has bought the Imperial Lanes. They also own the house next to my mother and have tried in the past to buy my mother's house. They now surround her but she is not selling (yet). I appreciate your blog. I live in the Twin Cities and get to Boone every couple of months to see my mom. Your blog fills me in on things which I appreciate. Moving to Virginia in a couple of months so will really appreciate it even more when that occurs. Some day I hope to move back to Boone for good. I do love that town. In my soul, it has always been home to me."
     John Kueck added this from the Boone, Iowa Facebook site, "E-Free/Westhaven has informed the city of plans to expand services to include land currently containing the bowling alley on West Mamie. The administration of Westhaven continues to formalize their plans for the site. What we know at this point is that the bowling alley will be razed and new development will occur. The bowling alley was a landmark in Boone. It is sad to see an important part of the community cease to exist. Unfortunately, there were no buyers willing to purchase the bowling alley to continue it's use. The owners had the property for sale for two years prior to it's sale. The city would be excited to work with a developer or business owner to see a new bowling alley constructed in Boone."
     Editor's note: Thanks much to Janelle and John for acting as Korner correspondents and adding information to this story.
     Mike Loehrer had some memories of Imperial Lanes. He wrote, "as a young kid, I bowled a lot with my buddy, Dick Musser. I think Jim Zabel's "Let's Go Bowling" show got things going. When Imperial opened and the owner was, I think, a Mr. Ward (Paul), he brought in the pro bowler, Ray Bluth, to throw the first ball and put on an exhibition. Bluth was one of the stars of the PBA tour. This got me thinking about other similar sporting events held in Boone. Dick and I saw the Harlem Globetrotters play in the BHS gym, 1955 or 56. Wrestling was big in the late 50's. I recall it was popular on early television. The event was held at the fairgrounds and among those wrestlers in attendance were Sky High Lee, Pat O'Connor and the most popular of all, Verne Gagne. I wonder what other national celebrities have found their way to Boone in the days of yesteryear. Maybe your viewers recall some."
     Editor's note: I don't believe the Globetrotters Mike referred to that visited Boone were the "original" crew. Abe Saperstein was the gentleman that started the Globetrotter empire back in 1927 and they have traveled the world in all those years since. Also, through the years, there have been various "satellite-type" Globetrotter teams (better many than just one$$$). In Iowa, Bobby Grund was well known for organizing a Globetrotter unit and the Kornerman thinks it was his team that played here in the late 50's. They featured a "big" least he was big in comparison to other players in that time......and his name was Johnson......Bombo Johnson if I recall right.
     Regarding visits by celebrities, I quickly recall visits by film star McDonald Carey during my high school days and in more recent times, Alan Thicke was in town. Maybe, with more time, I can think of others.......or maybe you viewers can.Then, there's Bob Hope of course.
     We have some additional Mineral Ridge info to offer.
     Nice to hear again from Jan Murken Love who wrote, "yes, Mineral Ridge is the Ridgeport you mentioned in your last blog. It is about six miles north of Boone. I grew up on the corner south of Ridgeport and 1/2 mile east....does that sound like a farm person talking or what? Even in my "younger" age it was mostly referred to as Ridgeport. I believe Mineral Ridge was from it's early days of settlement. It was comprised of a one-room school house, Methodist Church, Baptist Church, cemetery, general store/locker and blacksmith shop. I think the entry gate to the cemetery reads, "Mineral Ridge Cemetery." There was also a hotel there in the early days and may have been part of the general store area. My grandfather, Arthur Stotts, was a lifelong resident of Mineral Ridge and entertained us kids with stories of stage coach stops at the hotel and holdups of those stage coaches. All but the blacksmith shop and hotel are still standing and the Methodist Church was converted into a home by my cousin's son. The year I finished sixth grade was the last year that school was open. It must have been 1957 and there were only 11 of us in grades kindergarten through sixth. What a change to go from that school to seventh grade in Boone with six grades in one building and several hundred attending. Mo, thanks for the memories and help keeping these little bergs known and how important they once were to people's livelihood."
     We have even more info from Karen on this subject but again, we are out of space this time. We'll get to that in the next edition.
     The CEO of the Korner Language Police, Vern Modeland, wrote, "I read that "Dick Shenary scolds, "a good speechwriter will steer clear of cliches."" He adds, "that's a cliche itself, isn't it? Steering clear that is."
     Boone Area Deaths: Keith Wells, 90, Boone. Formerly of Blue Earth, MN. Boone area survivor is a son, Jeff Wells of Boone.........Irene Simonson, 90, formerly of Boone and Madrid............Elizabeth Lundberg, 90, Panora. Formerly of Boone. BHS-43. Worked as a secretary for the Army Air Corps and Boone County Abstract. Was assistant manager of the Boone Credit Bureau. Boone area survivors include her son, Tom, of Madrid and Michael of Pilot Mound............Dr. Joseph Borgen, Belle Vista, AK. Well known in Boone as CEO of Des Moines Area Community College for 30 years. Boone area survivor is son, Dan Ivis, of Boone..........Dott May Johnson, 87, Madrid. Moved from Story City to Madrid in 1986. Boone area survivor is a son, Michael, of Madrid..........Jean Quick, 91, Boone. Formerly of Des Moines.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments/support.......

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