Saturday, August 30, 2014

Lots of Activity

     The Board of Supervisors has held the first public hearing on the Redeker Furniture request. One attendee who lives in the area of the proposed project was worried about how the traffic situation would be affected in that area. The Board approved a move to the second hearing which will be held on Wednesday. If a third hearing is needed, it would be held on September 10.
     We mentioned in an earlier edition that Walter-Schroeder Funeral Home had been sold. The new owner is Aaron Schroeder and the firm will now be called, simply, Schroeder Funeral Home, not to be confused with Schroeder Memorial Chapel. Aaron Schroeder comes from Jefferson and is not related to the Boone Schroeder's. Aaron Schroeder also owns Slininger-Rossow Funeral Home in Jefferson.
     The proposed three-day Farm Progress Show just east of town came to an abrupt halt on the third day (Thursday) due to heavy rain and lightning. It is estimated that some 150,000 people from all over the U.S., as well as international guests, normally attend with many flying into the Boone airport.
     Now, thousands more "outsiders" will be pouring in this week for the Grand National Races which always draws drivers and fans from California, New York and Texas as well as the midwest states.
     And, finally, it is Pufferbilly time and that will be held from next Thursday to Sunday.
     A busy time in our little "burg."
     Quite some time ago, the Iowa boy, former Des Moines Register columnist Chuck Offenburger, sent me a copy of  a book he had written titled, "Gary Thompson, All American." It's all about the former Roland/Iowa State basketball standout of the 1950's. I've just started reading it and right away, in chapter seven, is some material that definitely caught my eye.
     Gary's romance with his wife, Janet, began at a popular Ames institution, Skateland, a roller skating establishment. Gary was from Roland and his wife grew up in Huxley. They got acquainted at Skateland and spent many, many hours the same time......believe it or not. As time passed, their devotion grew.
     But, there's more local interest to the story. Talking about Skateland, Offenburger wrote, "they installed an organ and hired Noni Mylenbusch of Boone as their fulltime organist, having her play whenever the rink was open for public skating."
     Floyd Penkhus, the Skateland owner, was quoted as saying, "that was kind of unusual then, for a skating rink to have it's own organist. Noni was just great. She could play almost anything, everything from things like 'Chattanooga Choo-Choo' to World War II two-step stuff to whatever songs were popular at the moment." Offenburger added, "Her husband Don Mylenbusch was also an organist who played around the area. After his death years later, Noni married again...........she's Noni Decker now and lives in West Branson, Missouri."
     We tipped our viewers off about the fact that Jamie Kelley was about to announce an upcoming Boone appearance. We have more details now. He will have a show at the Boone High auditorium on November 15 and the show will also feature the Keith Sisters, Hillary and Holly from Branson, and, of course, the Heart and Soul Band. Fan Club members can get the best seats, right up front, but there is a limited number at $30. All other seating is first come-first serve at $20 in advance or $25 at the door. Ticket sales to the general public will start the week of September 11th. 515-432-4332.
     Quickies: That annual Iowa By the Sea Picnic that was held in California on the pier next to the Battleship Iowa drew 215 attendees, ages from two to 97. It was the 114th annual event and plans are being made for another event next year.
     In reply to our recent mention of school enrollment figures in Iowa, John Kueck sent some interesting info from Minnesota High Schools. They have some schools with many, many more students that in any of our Iowa schools. He also sent a copy of their pre-season high school all-state teams. Lots of giant sized young men.
     Boone Area Deaths: Margaret Smith, 95, Boone. BSH-36. Taught in various parochial elementary schools. Eventually lived in Madrid before moving to the Eastern Star Home in Boone. Boone area survivors include a sister, Rose, a sister-in-law, Mary Smith, and a niece Donna Johnson all of Boone. .............Arnold (Smoke) Brogden, 86, Boone. BHS-46. Worked as a Boone firefighter from 1951-84. Boone area survivors include a son Dan............Dahrl Wright, 95, Boone. BHS grad. Worked for Fort Dodge Des Moines and Southern Railway and the Iowa DOT. Boone area survivors include a brother Bill of Story City and a sister-in-law, Pat Smith of Boone...........James Lukawski, 73, Boone. Worked for ISU security and the Boone Sheriff's Department. Boone area survivors include his wife, Bertha, and brother Ray of Boone...........Char Wilkening, 68, Boone. Worked at the Boone County Hospital from 1970 to 2011. Boone area survivors include her husband, Larry, daughters Julie Wilber and Jenifer Thilges and her mother, Charlotte Laughlin all of Boone.............Ben Parsons, 52, Boone.
     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 710 Aldrich, Boone, Iowa 50036-4703. Phone number is 515-432-1530. To email your stories/memories/comments.........


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