Friday, May 17, 2024


     Old friend Vern Modeland, BHS-50, has some strong feelings about his Boone High School education and I'm sure the comments he makes have held true all these years right up to the present time.

     Vern wrote, "I look back at launching of an exceptional career for me that was built on the exceptional education we all got through the Boone Public School System which, as I moved on and around, I believe....especially today....knew of no equal. Thanks to all those teachers who put up with us. Get out your old class yearbooks, BHS grads of those days, and savor what they gave us."

     Amen Vern.

     In reviewing the most recent blog about my KWBG days, Vern added that he remembers what he considered a "talk" show even back in the early 1950's. He says it was hosted by Ray Malmberg and he thought the show was called, "Coca Cola Comes Calling" or something like that.


     Time for some more calendar marking.

     Can't believe its almost time for the Boone Municipal Band concerts to begin.

     The first concert is in a couple weeks......Wednesday, May 29, at 7:30 p.m.

     The first five concerts are all on Wednesday nights at 7:30 p.m......June 5, 12, 19 and 26.

     Thursday, July 4th is the annual patriotic concert at 7:30, followed by the city fireworks.

     Then, there is a Wednesday concert on July  10 and on Saturday, July 13, is the annual Iowa Municipal Band Festival (nine bands) performing from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. with the Boone band playing at 6 p.m..

     The final concert is Wednesday, July 17, at 7:30 p.m.. 

     The band and the Ericson Public Library are combining forces. Library representatives will be present at the Wednesday concerts and attendees can sign up for a free library card that evening. The concert June 19 has been designated a kids concert in conjunction with the library and the children's storybook charactor "Zoom Squirrel" will visit the band's final concert on July 17.


     They've been gone awhile but the Saggau family, Bernie, Lois, Becky, Dave and Jeff, lived in Boone for a number of years. The kids were all BHS graduates.

     Bernie, of course, was the long time Executive Secretary of the Iowa Boys High School Athletic Association here.

     Jeff was killed in a tragic auto mishap years ago and Lois passed a few years back but Bernie is 96 on Saturday, May 18, and is recovering from replacement of an aorta heart valve. His address is 2503 Marlette Street, Sarasota, FL 34231.


     Worldwide Korner headquarters are located at 928 South Jackson, Boone, Iowa 50036-4932. Phone number is 515-432-1530. Leave a message. To email your stories/memories/comments/death notices......

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